資源簡介 FileIO XtraVersion 1.0.2 - 18apr97 CHFileIO Xtra for Macromedia Director 6.0=======================================FileIO provides a set of methods allowing users of Macromedia Director 6.0 toprogrammatically access files using the Lingo scripting language.Using FileIO============If automatic opening is desired, place a copy of the FileIO Xtra for your platforminto Application Xtra's folder. If automatic opening is not desired, the Xtra can beplaced anywhere and opened using Lingo's 'openXLib' command. This applies toprojector's as well, the Xtra must be placed in an Xtra's folder in the same folderas the projector.Each instance of FileIO can reference a single open file. If multiple files are tobe opened simultaneously, a new instance of FileIO is required for each opened file.A single instance can be used to open multiple files, as long as the file is closedbefore a new file is opened. To create a new instance, use the new() method, definedbelow. To dispose of an instance, set the instance variable to 0. All methods thatread from or write to the file must be called after the file has been opened usingthe openFile() method. If a new file is to be opened using the same instance, thefile must be closed using closeFile(). Files can be opened in three different modes:Read, Write and Read/Write. When writing to a file, the contents of the file afterthe current position are overwritten.Example Lingoset myFile = new(xtra "fileio") -- Create an instance of FileIOset fileName = displayOpen(myFile) -- Display Open Dialog and return the fileNameopenFile(myFile, fileName, 1) -- Open the fileset theFile = readFile(myFile) -- Read the file and return a string to LingocloseFile(myFile) -- Close the fileset myFile = 0 -- Dispose of the instanceIn this example, we created a new instance and stored it in the variable myFile.Next, the displayOpen() method is used to display an open dialog to allow a file tobe chosen. The file is returned as a fully-qualified path string to Lingo. The fileis then opened in read only mode, the contents of the file are read, and the file isclosed. Lastly, the instance is disposed of.Known Problems==============The createFile() method does not support relative filenames, or the Lingo '@'operator in pathnames. This will be fixed in a later version.The displaySave() method does not directly inform Lingo whether a user isreplacing an existing file. The workaround is to attempt to create the file usingcreateFile() and check the error code for a "File Already Exists" error.History=======18apr97 (v1.0.2)Fixed parenting problem with displaySave() and displayOpen() methods.Added support for Authorware.27may96 (v1.0.1)Added support for double-byte character sets.Added version() method to report FileIO Xtra version information.Added getOSDir() to return a full path to the Windows Directory/System Folder.15mar96 (v1.0.0 Beta)First public release.Method Reference================The first line of each definition contains the method name, a list of parameters andthier value types. The internal name of the FileIO Xtra is "fileio". This name isused whenever referencing the xtra using the form 'xtra "fileio"'.Note that while Director and projector's can use net-based files by supplying a URLfor a filename, the FileIO Xtra cannot. It is limited to accessesing files availablevia filesystems mounted on the local system.New methods will appear at the bottom of this list.---mMessageList( xtra reference )Returns a list of methods and parameters, as well as a brief explanation of each.---new( xtra reference )This is called to create a new instance of FileIO. The Xtra can be referenced by nameor number. It returns an instance variable used to reference the instance.---fileName( instance )Returns the fileName string of the current open file. The file must be open use thismethod.---status( instance )Returns the error code returned by the last method called. The value is returned asan integer.---error( instance, int error )Returns a readable error string. A numeric error code is passed in as thesecond argument. The errors returned can be any of the following:"OK""Memory allocation failure""File directory full""Volume full""Volume not found""I/O Error""Bad file name""File not open""Too many files open""File not found""No such drive""No disk in drive""Directory not found""Instance has an open file""File already exists""File is opened read-only""File is opened write-only""Unknown error"---setFilterMask( instance, string mask )Sets the filter mask used by calls to displayOpen() and displaySave(). The filtermask determines what files to show when displaying an Open or Save dialog. The secondparameter is a string representing the filter mask to set. On Windows, this is acomma seperated string of file types and associated extensions (e.g. "AllFiles,*.*,Text Files,*.TXT"), and a string of types on the Macintosh (e.g."TEXTPICT"). On Windows, the filter mask string is limited to 256 characters. On theMacintosh, you are limited to four four-character types. When a new instance ofFileIO is created, the filter masks defaults to all files. To reset the filter mask todisplay all files after it has been set, just pass in an empty string (e.g.setFilterMask(me, "")).---openFile( instance, string fileName, int openMode )Opens the named file. This call must be used before any read/write operations cantake place. The filename can be either a fully-qualified path and filename, or arelative filename. The Lingo '@' pathname operator is supported. The openModeparameter specifies whether to open the file in Read, Write or ReadWrite mode. ValidFlags are: 0 Read/Write, 1 Read, 2 Write.---closeFile( instance )Closes a file that has been previously opened using the openFile() method.---displayOpen( instance )Displays a platform specific Open dialog allowing a user to specify a file. Returns afully-qualified path and fileName to Lingo. The setFilterMask() method can be used tocontrol what file types are displayed in the dialog.---displaySave( instance, string title, string defaultFileName )Displays a platform specific Save dialog allowing a user to specify a file. Returns afully-qualified path and fileName to Lingo. The setFilterMask() method can be used tocontrol what file types are displayed in the dialog. The string and defaultFileNameparameters allow you to specifiy a default filename to be displayed, as well as titletext for the save dialog.---createFile( instance, string fileName )Creates a file. The fileName must be either a fileName to be created in the currentdirectory, or a fully-qualified path and fileName. The Lingo '@' pathname operatorand relative paths are not supported. After creating the new file, the file must beopened before it can be written to.---setPosition( instance, position )Sets the file position of the current open file. The file must be open to use thismethod.---getPosition( instance )Gets the file position of the current open file. Returned as an integer. The filemust be open to use this method.---getLength( instance )Gets the length of the currently opened file. Returned as an integer. The file mustbe open use this method. The value returned is the length of the file in bytes.---writeChar( instance, string theChar )Writes a single character to the file at the current position. The file must be openin write or read/write mode to use this method.---writeString( instance, string theString )Writes a string to the file at the current position. The file must be open in writeor read/write mode to use this method.---readChar( instance )Reads the character (either single or double-byte) at the current position and thenincrements the position. The character is returned to Lingo as a string. The file mustbe open in read or read/write mode to use this method.---readLine( instance )Reads from the current position up to and including the next CR, increments theposition, and returns the string to Lingo. The file must be open in read orread/write mode to use this method.---readFile( instance )Reads from the current position to the end of the file and returns the file to Lingoas a string. The file must be open in read or read/write mode to use this method.---readWord( instance )Reads the next word starting at the current position. The file must be open in reador read/write mode to use this method.---readToken( instance, string skipChar, string breakChar )Reads the next 'token' starting at the current position. Characters matching theskipChar parameter are "skipped" and the file is read until breakChar is encountered.The file must be open in read or read/write mode to use this method. This method willread double-byte tokens as long as the skip and break are single-byte characters. Itwill not detect double-byte skip or break characters.---getFinderInfo( instance )Returns the Type and Creator of the current file as a string. This method doesnothing when used under Windows. The file must be open to use this method.---setFinderInfo( instance, string typeAndCreator )Sets the Type and Creator of the current file. The string takes the form of a spaceseperated set of TYPE and CREATOR codes (e.g. "TEXT TTXT"). This method does nothingwhen used under Windows. The file must be open to use this method.---delete( instance )Deletes the currently opened file. The file must be open use this method.---version( xtraRef )Returns FileIO version and build information. Useful when filingbug reports, determining installed version while authoring, etc. No practical use beyond this.---getOSDir( )Global method that returns the full path to either the Windows directory, or the System Folderdepending on which OS is currently being used. Does not require a child instance orXtra reference to call.---ACTIVEX XTRA 1.0==================Copyright 1997 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Theinformation in this file may not be copied, photocopied,reproduced, translated, or converted to any printed, electronicor machine-readable form in whole or in part without priorwritten approval of Macromedia, Inc.Macromedia, Inc.600 Townsend St.San Francisco, CA 94103==================IMPORTANT NOTE:When using the ActiveXControlQuery() function you should note thatit checks for the existence of a particular ClassID. If that IDis found, the function will return an affirmative response regardlessof the version of the installed control. This leaves open thepossibility that an older version of a control can coincidentally befound on the target machine and produce unpredictable results. Forthis reason you should always force an install of your intendedcontrols unless you are certain that all machines on which your piecewill run would never have older versions of your controls alreadyinstalled. 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 當前文檔不提供在線查看服務,請下載使用! 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫