資源簡介 (共23張PPT)外研版必修三,Unit 3,The world of science, P38,Using Language本節課內容結構1,E2+E3語法部分:介紹了在未來的80年3D技術將給生活帶來的變化。2,E4+E5詞匯部分:介紹不同領域的著名科學家及其成就,幫助大家了解科技領域中的相關職業。3,E7+E8聽說部分:介紹了一名中學生為阿爾茨海默病病人發明的神奇襪子,鼓勵學生關注日常生活,努力成為小發明家。內 容 分 析:通過真實語境下的綜合訓練,能夠加深對單元主題的理解,提高綜合語言運用能力。學習目標:1,了解現在完成時被動語態的用法,并能運用到真實語境中。2,學習和運用描述科學領域不同職業名稱的詞匯。3,了解一項發明背后的故事,對親自創造科技小發明產生興趣。P38-39Present Perfect Passive(完成時的被動語態)Part 1:教學提示一般來說,主動語態和被動語態的選用應根據具體的情況而定。下面幾種情況一般用被動語態。1)不知道或沒有必要說明動作的執行者是誰。例如: Such books have been written for children . (兒童編寫這類圖書了。)2)強調動作的承受者,而不強調動作的執行者。例如: All these products have been tested .(這些產品都經過測試了。)3)動作的執行者很模糊。例如:The letter has been opened .(這封信被人拆開了。)4)有時為了禮貌的需要,避免說出動作的執行者。例如: They have been told many times not to make noises .(已經有人多次跟他們說別那么大聲了。)E1:課文原句展示: Now look for sentences with the present perfect passive in the reading passage.1.para.1,L4, The New Age of...has just been published.2.para.3,L1,yet I guess you have been asked about the title of ...3.para.6,L5, important advances have been made in medicine...4.para.8,L2,New inventions like 3D printers have been used...5.para.9,L1,I've also been told that you're an inventor yourself.6.para.14,L2, Nothing like this has been invented yet and...underline and read themExercise 2 :Rewrite the underlined parts using the present perfect passive.(參考答案)1.Many things in our lives _____________________________ .2. 3D- printed hamburgers ___________________to customers in some restaurants in London . 3. But perhaps the most significant success that _____________________ to date is in medicine . 4. Human body parts , including a beating heart , __________________with 3D printing technology . 5. A new 3D- printed shell _________________to a turtle injured in a forest fire !have already been affectedhave been servedhas been achievedhave been madehas been givenExercise 3 :Imagine you are Dr Moore. Look at the pictures and tell the police about the damage and loss to your lab. Use the present perfect passive where appropriate.(參考答案)1. The lock on the door has been broken .2. The window has been broken . 3. My two laptops have been stolen .4. Beakers and test tubes have been destroyed . 5. The book case has been opened , and some files have been taken away while others have been thrown everywhere . 6. The robot has been damaged .My lab has beenbroken into! My...燒杯試管手提電腦Carees in scienceP39-40Part 2:Different careers: Can you read them physicistmathematicianchemistastronomergeographerbiologistbakereditorstatisticianlibrariancolumnistlinguistExercise 4: What do you know about these careers 1. A physicist is a person who does research connected with _________ or who studies physics . 2. A mathematician is a person who is trained in the study of ____________________________. 3. A chemist is a person who does research connected with _________ or who studies __________ .physicsnumbers and calculations chemistrychemistryExercise 4:4. An astronomer is a scientist who studies _________ ,_________, and other ________________5. A geographer is a person who studies____________ or is an expert in it . 6. A biologist is a person who studies or works in the field of ________.the stars planetsnatural objects in space . geographybiologyTipsLearning to learnWords about different careers in science can beformed by adding -er, -ist, or -ian at the end ofthe words about subjects,eg biology--biologist.參考答案1 astronomer 2 biologist 3 geographer 4 physicist 5 chemist 6 mathematicians Exercise 5:元朝郭守敬達爾文北魏酈道元居里夫人陳景潤知識補充:郭守敬:元代天文學家、數學家、水利科學家、地理學家、儀器制造家。許多人都知道郭守敬在天文方面貢獻卓著,卻不知其實他在中國水利發展史上,也留下光輝的一頁,并被稱為“京杭大運河之父”。主要貢獻在水利、儀象和歷算三個領域。制定《授時歷》,造天文測量儀器等。知識補充:酈道元:北魏著名地理學家、文學家,我國游記文學的開創者。他仕途坎坷,多次被下放和調任。基于需要和對地理的濃厚興趣,罷官期間,他開始了著書之路。他長期進行實地考察,尋訪歷史古跡,觀察水流地勢,走尋探訪各地的物產民俗、風土人情、歷史興衰和神話傳說。經過認真研究分析、大量引進歷史文獻,傾盡畢生心血,《水經注》得以現世。在地理方面,這本書被稱為中國古代最系統、最全面的綜合性地理著作。酈道元以他對自然山水的熱愛、淵博的知識、精彩的語言,生動形象的描寫了祖國大好河山的壯麗,《水經注》流芳萬世。自三峽七百里中,兩岸連山,略無闕處。重巖疊嶂,隱天蔽日,自非亭午夜分,不見曦月。至于夏水襄陵,沿溯阻絕。或王命急宣,有時朝發白帝,暮到江陵,其間千二百里,雖乘奔御風,不以疾也。 春冬之時,則素湍綠潭,回清倒影,絕巘多生怪柏,懸泉瀑布,飛漱其間,清榮峻茂,良多趣味。每至晴初霜旦,林寒澗肅,常有高猿長嘯,屬引凄異,空谷傳響,哀轉久絕。故漁者歌曰:“巴東三峽巫峽長,猿鳴三聲淚沾裳。”(巘,讀音同眼,山的意思)Invention storiesP41Part 3:Did you know Alzheimer ' s disease is a brain disorder that causes problems with memory , thinking and behaviour.The majority of people with Alzheimer ' s are 65 and above. It is recognised as the most common mental disease among older people, and the number of sufferers is growing. Currently , there ' s no cure for Alzheimer ' s, but scientists are researching ways to improve the quality of life for people living with the disease . (阿爾茨海默,老年癡呆癥)onverssationE7:Listen to the conversation and numberthe picturesin the correct order參考答案:c, b, d, a, eE8:Listen again andcomplete the notes.1.a pair of socks designed for people with2. a student fromNew York3. His grandfather4. A warning5. gets out of bed5. gets out of bed4. A warningThank you ! 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫