
高中英語 外研版(2019)必修一 Unit 3 Family matters Starting out 課件(共28張PPT,內嵌視頻)

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高中英語 外研版(2019)必修一 Unit 3 Family matters Starting out 課件(共28張PPT,內嵌視頻)


Starting out & Understanding ideas
Unit 3 Family matters
Have you ever seen some films or comics about family
△Starting out
Watch the video and answer the questions.
1 What is the video mainly about
2 How do you feel about the family
◇ Starting out
Look and answer:
What do you already know about the families Which family do you relate to most
Give your reasons.
1. What can you see in the picture
2. What is the relationship among the three men
3. What are their feelings according to their facial expressions
4. What may happen to them
I can see three men.
They are father and son, grandfather and grandson.
They feel angry, sad, upset...
father and son
grandfather and grandson
father and son
Look and Answer
1. What is the genre of this passage
A.poetry B. play C. novel
2. What does a play contain
___ _____ ________ _____
(The living room. Friday night. A table and two chairs at front centre. Grandfather and Father,seated at the table, are playing chess.)
When and where did the story happen
It happend on Friday night in the living room.
While-reading: Read and Answer
1. Why did the boy come to his father
A. He intended to have a talk with him.
B. He planned to drop out of university.
C. He wanted to play with grandfather.
D. He aimed to find some help from his father.
2. What did the son told the father
A. He wanted to go to university.
B. He wanted to have a career in music.
C. He would become a lawyer.
D. He would listen to the father's advice.
3. What was father’s reaction to the boy’s idea about the future
A. Happy. B. Surprised. C. Angry. D. Calm.
Story begins
Story develops
While-reading: Explore the plot Read lines 1-10
Characters wants dislikes reason
The son wants to focus on his band and has a career in music
Father wants his son to go to univeristy and be a lawer
Because he thinks lawyers help people and are respected by others
He is not interested in law,but in music.
How did they solve the conflict
Story climaxes
While-reading: Explore the plot Read lines 11-21
1. What did father want to be when he was young
A. An engineer B. A professional football player C. A musician D. A lawyer
2. Why did grandfather mention father’s own experience
A. To show his worry about father’s growth
B. To make father embarrassed in front of his son.
C. To tell son that father used to have similar experience.
D. To suggest father to give his son freedom to find his own talent.
Turningpoint appears
Story ends
The grandfather advised his grandson to _____________
and __________ at the same time.
go to university
play music
While-reading: Explore the plot Read lines 22-33
1. Grandfather and Father, seated at the table, are playing chess.
2. son enters room
3. nervously approaching the table
4. raising his voice in surprise
5. looking at Father
6. ignoring Grandfather’s words
7. stepping between Father and Son and raising his voice
8. laughing
9. turning to son
10. with a sigh
Actions can show the characters’ personalities, feelings and emotions, thus giving people a better understanding of the plot.
Find out the actions in the play.
While-reading: Explore the actions
The similarity between the father and the son includes ( )
A. They both stand in their own shoes about the son's career.
B. They both make their career choice according to their interests.
C.They both take the grandfather's advice.
D. All of the above.
Like Father Like Son
Choose another proper title of the play and give your reasons.
1. The Secret to a Happy Family
2. A Generation Gap
3. A Dream Job
4. Grandfather's Advice
5. My career, My choice
While-reading: Explore the title
a table and two chairs
focus on his band
have a career in music
go to university
be a lawyer
are respected by others
play music
have two options for his future
Post-reading: Summary
Do you ask your parents for advice Tick the things you would like to ask your parents about for advice on Page 34.
If you were in a similar situation to the son, what would you do
tell my parents my goal and my advantages.
listen to my parents’ advice carefully, and think carefully.
talk to my parents sincerely,put myself in my parents’ shoes.
Post-reading: Think and Share
No family is perfect.
We argue, we fight.
We even stop talking to each other at times. But in the end, family is family…
The love will always be there.
Language points
It has a plot, settings, characters and actions.
(1)We focused on digging into the characters we were going to play. ( )
(2)She is the same with her sister in appearance but not in character. ( )
(3)The whole character of the school has changed. ( )
(4)Each character should be written carefully. ( )
Language points
nervously approaching the table
approach       n. 方法; 途徑
approach to ……的方法
*The passage serves as an approach to the studio.
【即學活用】 用approach的適當形式填空
(1)After a long and tiring journey, we were finally ___________ ____ __________.
經過了又長又累人的旅途后, 我們最后終于靠近了目的地。
(2) His approach __ _______ ____ _______ is to draw a list of pros and cons.
approaching our destination
to making any decision
Language points
You know you can always turn to your dad for a chat.
(1)have a chat with 和某人聊天
(2)chat with 和某人聊天
【即學活用】 用chat的適當形式填空
(1)They _______about the good old days at school for a while.
(2)He’s been on the computer all morning, ________with his friends.
(3)I often _____ __ ____ ____ my friends on the telephone.
have a chat with
Language points
I want to focus on my band and have a career in music when I leave school.
focus on        集中于; 聚焦于
focus one’s attention on 集中注意力 = concentrate on
focus n. 焦點; 中心點
【即學活用】 語法填空
(1)Each exercise focuses ___ a different grammar point.
(2)I know you’re tired, but try _______(focus).
(3)Now I wish to focus my attention on _______ (help) others.
to focus
Language points
You just assume I want to be a lawyer, but that’s only because you are a lawyer.
It is assumed that. . .     據認為
That’s because. . . 意為“那是因為”, 后接原因
That’s why. . . 意為“那是為什么……”,后接結果
(1) ______ _______ the price of raw materials has gone up.
(2) ______ ____ we like doing business with you.
That’s because
That’s why
Language points
Lawyers help people and are respected by others.
respect       v/n. 尊敬; 尊重; 問候; 敬意
have respect for sb. 尊重某人
with respect 恕我直言
【即學活用】 語法填空
(1)He is highly _________for his novels and plays.
(2)You must have respect ___the feelings of others.
(3)He often refers to his teachers ____respect.
(4) _____respect, I hardly think that’s the point.
恕我直言, 我認為這不是重點。
Language points
ignoring Grandfather’s words
ignorant adj. 無知的; 愚昧的
be ignorant of 對……無知
ignorance n. 無知; 愚昧
【即學活用】 用ignore的適當形式填空
(1)Many people are worryingly ________of the facts about global warming.
(2)There is so much _________about mental illness.
(3)Ear pain of any kind must never __________.
be ignored
Language points
Yes, and you have found the career that suits your talents.
suit n. 一套衣服 suit. . . to 使……適合
suitable adj. 適合的 be suitable for 適合
(1)Choose a computer ______(suit) your particular needs.
(2) I don’t have anything _______ (suit) to wear for the party.
(3) This area is most suitable ___growing wheat.
suit 多指符合需要、口味、性格條件等。尤其用來指衣著的式樣、顏色、設計等適合
fit 指大小、形狀等適合
match “相配, 配得上”, 指在品質、顏色、設計等方面相當或相配
to suit
Language points
Of course I am, but I have different talents.
talent n. 天賦, 才能; 有才能的人 talented adj. 有天賦的 talent show 才藝表演
show a talent for 展示出……的天賦 have a talent/gift for 有……天分
① My sister has a talent ___drawing.
②I believe my father is a _______man.
(2)She really ___ __ _____ ___ learning different languages.
has a talent for
Language points
If you go to university and play music at the same time, you will have two options for your future.
option n. 選擇; 可選擇的東西
have no choice/option but to do 別無選擇只得做
optional adj. 可選擇的; 選修的
【即學活用】 語法填空
(1)She had no option but ________(admit) the truth.
(2)We have some ________ (option) subjects in the university.
(3)The only two _______(option) were to lower the Chicago River or raise the city.
to admit
Choose one of the scenes and act it out.
Tips for you:
Three students in a group
Prepare the necessary props,such as chess, beard...
Act out with emotion, listen to the audio if necessary.




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