
外研版(2019)選擇性必修一Unit3 Faster, higher, stronger Developing ideas 課件(共55張PPT)

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外研版(2019)選擇性必修一Unit3 Faster, higher, stronger Developing ideas 課件(共55張PPT)


Unit 3
Faster, higher, stronger
Developing ideas
Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
1. What are the key differences between team sports and individual sports
Lead in

One player competes against other player.
Every player needs to trust and depend on others, to help and work together to reach a common goal.
Team sports requires no less than two players on each side.
Players find satisfaction pushing themselves to achieve personal goals.
2. Can you think of any famous sports teams Why are they so well-known
American Men’s Basketball Team
Chinese Table Tennis Team
Chinese Women's Volleyball Team
What do you think is the most famous sports team in China
The Return of the Champions
What’s the genre/type of this passage
A. Practical writing
B. Argumentation
C. Feature Story
D. Exposition
It is (in newspapers, on television, etc.) a special article or programme about people stories.
A feature story
To get the reader’s interest.
To provide detailed information.
To summarise, to quote, or to give a surprise ending.
Match the paragraphs with the corresponding descriptions.
Para. 1
Para. 2
Para. 3
Para. 4
Para. 5
Para. 6
The last point of the final in Rio.
History of the team.
Group stage/Preliminaries in Rio.
New journey of the team.
Knockout stage in Rio.
Keys to victory.
The Return of the Champions
What event is mainly talked about in this passage
Review the champion-winning moment.
Suppose you are the spectators.
Get ready for an interview from CCTV.
How are you feeling now
What is the live atmosphere like
The atmosphere here at Rio de Janeiro is electric!
If you describe the atmosphere of a place or event as electric, you mean that people are in a state of great excitement.
The atmosphere was electric only because of the last point they won.
wonderful performance
close teamwork
the difficult process
never-give-up spirits
How does the author start the passage
The author starts the passage by describing an event as if it is happening in the present.
“The atmosphere here at Rio de Janeiro is electric! If China wins this point, they will walk out of the stadium with an Olympic gold medal. Zhang Changning serves. Over the net, Popovic dives for the ball. She only just reaches it… and it’s sent straight back to her by the Chinese spiker Hui Ruoqi. Popovic can’t get the ball this time… and that’s it! It’s over! It’s gold for China! Look how the crowd had gone wild. You can see the joy and pride on the faces of the Chinese players embracing, with tears of happiness in their eyes… It’s a dream come true for China! The Chinese women’s volleyball team is Olympic champion once again!”
It engages the readers and helps set the right atmosphere for the remainder of the writing.
Part 1-Para. 1
Part 2-Para. 2-5
Read paragraph 2 and find out:
What events are mentioned
The significance of victory in Rio.
The 1984 Los Angeles Olympics
The 2004 Athens Olympics
The 2016 Rio Olympics
Significance: Winning gold in Rio paints the most vivid portrait of the team’s competitive spirit.
Part 2-Para. 2-5
Read paragraph 3-5 and find out:
What difficulties did the team meet
How did the team react to the challenges
What are the reasons for the victory
Difficulties: was assigned to the” group of death”, where it faced strong opponents; as the 4th team in the quarter-finals; just 2 wins in preliminary matches; Hui Ruoqi just had heart surgery less than 5 months previously.
showing all of its fighting spirit (para 3);
were not going to give up; gave their all to the fight (para 4);
showing perseverance, a strong will and the steeliest nerves (para 5)
2. How did the team react to the challenges
3. What are the reasons for the victory
fighting spirit alone was not enough…
Strong team spirit also contributed greatly to their success.
Cooperation between team members is essential. (para5)
Zhu Ting
…also identified team spirit as the special ingredient in the team’s success.
Part 3-Para. 6
In Langping’s opinion, what the team will do after the victory
They need to start from zero to prepare for new challenges ahead.
The Return of the Champions
Apart from gold medal, what did the Chinese women’s volleyball team return with
Deeper understanding of the title
They returned with more than gold medal. They returned as models for us to learn from —perseverance, strong team spirit and cooperation.
Believe in the meaning of effort and persistence.
Fight for the last second.
Never give up, and you will win!
Read the sentences and decide if they are facts(F) or opinions(O).
1 The Chinese women’s volleyball team won a three-set victory in the final of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. _____
2 Facing several strong competitors in Rio, the Chinese women’s volleyball team eventually won in the final. _____
3 Fighting spirit alone was not enough for victory. _____
4 Strong team spirit is more important than the skills of individual players._____
5 Zhu Ting was voted Most Valuable Player at the Rio Olympics._____
1 How does the author start the passage What effect does it achieve
The author starts the passage by describing an event as if it is happening in the present.
It engages the readers and helps set the right atmosphere for the remainder of the writing.
2 What do you think of the opinion that a team needs to start from zero after winning a gold medal
Starting from zero can help even a winning team prepare for new challenges by being creative and thinking of new competitive strategies.
3 What achievements by other Chinese sports teams have made the greatest impression on you Give an example of their sporting spirit.
Team spirit
Steely nerves
Hard work
4 What kind of sporting spirit does each of the reading passages in this unit reflect Talk about their similarities and differences.
Similarity: Both the two passages reflect that hard work and perseverance contribute to success.
Differences: Stephen Curry also showed self-belief. Despite what many people including his teammates and coaches thought, he never gave up. As for the Chinese women’s volleyball team, their strong team spirit was the key to their victory.
Discuss the questions below.
What spirit does the Chinese women’s volleyball team show in the passage
What else do you think has contributed to their success
What are the examples that support your ideas
Work in groups
Complete the mind map with your ideas and the examples to support them.
Work in groups
Fighting spirit
Cooperation between team members allow individuals to demonstrate their own skills.
Facing strong opponents, the team never gave up.
After the team was assigned to the group of death, every single member gave their all to fight.
Give a talk to the class.
Language points
“The atmosphere here at Rio de Janeiro is electric! 這里是里約熱內盧,現場氣氛緊張而熱烈!
1)electric電的,用電的,帶電的,(本身帶電);充滿刺激的; 令人激動的
electric generator 發電機
2)electrical 與電有關的,電氣科學的(本身不帶電)
electrical work電工活
Electrical book. 電學方面的書
electronic equipment電子設備
Language points
If China wins this point, they will walk out of the stadium with an Olympic gold medal. 如果中國隊拿下這一分,她們將贏得這枚奧運金牌。
point n. 觀點;要點;小數點;尖端;意義;目標;分數;
come to the point 開門見山; 直接說要點
on the point of+doing 即將
come to point 扼要地說
get point 明白
keep to point 扣住主題,抓住要點
no point 沒有理由,毫無意義,沒有必要
point at (把…)對準,指向aim sth at;
point out 指出;
Language points
Zhang Changning serves. 張常寧發球。
Serve 為…服務,提供,發球
Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m.
We must serve the people heart and soul.
The waiter is serving another customer.
Language points
Look how the crowd has gone wild. You can see the joy and pride on the faces of the Chinese fans. 看,觀眾沸騰了,中國球迷的臉上洋溢著喜悅和驕傲。
go wild 狂怒; 狂熱
go wild with joy 欣喜若狂
on the faces of 在…..的臉上
on the face of 從...字面上看, 按照字面的意義
in the face of 在…面前,面臨著;不管,不顧
Language points
there we see the Chinese players embracing, with tears of happiness in their eyes... 我們看到中國隊的隊員們眼含幸福的熱淚,相擁在一起
embrace v. 擁抱;包含;包圍 n. 擁抱
She held out her arms to embrace the little girl.
Many subjects are embraced in an encyclopedia.
Language points
But winning gold in Rio paints the most vivid portrait of the team’s competitive spirit. 但是,對于女排的拼搏精神最生動的寫照,卻是這次在里約的奪冠之路。
Compete (with) 和…競爭
Competitive adj adj. 競爭的;有競爭力的;勝過或超過他人的
Competition n 競爭; 比賽
Competitor n競爭者
Language points
In Rio, the Chinese women’s volleyball team needed all of its fighting spirit after it was assigned to the “group of death”, where it faced several strong opponents in the group stage matches. 在里約奧運會上,中國女排被分配到了“死亡之組”,因此她們必須拼盡全力,對抗小組賽中遇到的強大對手。
assign(常用于被動語態)指派、派往 ,分派(工作)、布置(作業)
assign v.分配,分派;布置(作業、任務等);指定,指派
assign sb.sth.=assign sth.to sb.分配某人某物
assign sb.to do sth.派某人做某事
assignment n.分配的任務
Occasionally,I would read a novel that was assigned,but I didn’t enjoy this type of reading. 偶爾,我會讀一本指定的書,但是我不喜歡這種類型的閱讀。
High school teachers should assign homework no more than twice a week.中學老師給學生留作業每周不超過兩次。
Language points
Their perseverance paid off with an epic comeback against the defending champion Brazil in the quarter-finals. 在四分之一決賽對抗衛冕冠軍巴西隊時,中國隊的頑強毅力得到了回報,她們驚人地贏得了東山再起的機會。
句子的主句是Their perseverance paid off 。
with an epic comeback against…在句子中作伴隨狀語。
“the defending champion” (n.) the champion who currently holds the title 衛冕冠軍
pay off表示“得到回報”時,是不及物動詞短語,無被動語態,且一般用表示事物的名詞作主語;表示“償清”時,是及物動詞短語,用人作主語,有被動語態。
Our plan certainly paid off;it was a good idea.
Ten years later,they paid off all the debts.
Language points
but fighting spirit alone was not enough to guarantee victory. Strong team spirit also contributed greatly to their success. 但是僅憑拼搏精神遠不足以鎖定勝局。強大的團隊精神也是中國女排成功的一大因素。
contribute sth to...把某物捐獻給……;向……投稿
contribute to有助于;導致;投稿
contribution n.捐獻;貢獻;促成;投稿
make a contribution/contributions to對……做出貢獻
Everyone is willing to contribute food and clothes to the homeless people. 每個人都愿意為無家可歸的人捐獻食物和衣服。
Everyone should make contributions to protecting the environment. 每個人都應當為保護環境做貢獻。
Language points
Zhu Ting, named Most Valuable Player at the Rio Olympics, also identified this as the special ingredient in the team’s success 里約奧運會“最有價值球員”獎項得主朱婷,也認為這是團隊獲勝的訣竅:
named Most Valuable Player at the Rio Olympics” 過去分詞作定語,相當于定語從句who was named Most Valuable Player at the Rio Olympics的化簡。
identify sth as sth 認出/認定……是……
The policeman identified him as the thief. 警察認出他是小偷。
She identified him as her attacker. 她認出他就是那個攻擊她的人
Language points
Lang is only too aware that as soon as a team steps off the victory podium, they need to start from zero to prepare for new challenges ahead. In this way, the team begins its journey to the next Olympics. 郎平很清楚,只要走下了領獎臺,她們這支隊伍就得重新出發,嚴陣以待,迎接新的挑戰。中國女排的下一段奧運旅程就這樣開始了。
句中as soon as 意為“一/剛……就……”,引導時間狀語從句。
(3)the moment/minute/second/instant+從句
(5)no sooner...than...
Writing about a sporting moment
4× 100-metre relay
Read the passage and answer the questions.
What event is described
When and where did the event took place
What did the author see
What did the author hear
How did the author feel
The final of the 4× 100-metre relay.
It took place at the school playground last Saturday.
(Before) All the audience stood up when the runners set off...
(During) The runners strained to run as fast as they could, while trying not to drop their batons at the change.
(After) Li Chong crossed the finish line first.
Cheering and shouting.
He thought his lungs would burst.
It was so wonderful to be part of this sporting moment
and enjoy its speed and passion.
general introduction
what the autor saw and heard
how the author felt
Read for structure.
General introduction
what, when, where...
what you saw and heard
how you felt
Genre: narrative writing(what, when,where,how...)
Tense: Simple past tense
Transition words (and expressions)
General introduction
how the author felt
What the autor saw and heard
It develops in order of time.
last Saturday
before: before the race
during: when to the runners set off
after: The race was all over in just one minute.
It was so wonderful
Useful expressions
It was so wonderful to be part of this sporting moment and enjoy its speed and passion.
When the runners set off, everyone went wild.
It was an extraordinary experience and something I will never forget.
It was like being hit by a huge wave of excitement.
Everyone was on their feet, cheering.
I was also caught up in the excitement, and cheered so hard that I thought my lungs would burst.
Useful expressions
General introduction
What you saw and heard
How you felt
Simple past tense
Narrative writing
Apply what we've learnt!
I once run the first leg of 4x100-metre relay at our annual sports tournament, which was exciting and unforgetable. When I stood on the starting line, waiting for the starting gun, I was very nervous. Then the gun sounded and I almost had blocked out everything else.
Only when I passed the baton to the second runner did I hear the wild cheering and shouting. The whole race was over in just an instant. The crowd rose to their feet and their cheering became even louder. It turned out that our team had won the race. And the four of us hugged each other tightly and couldn’t hold back our tears. I felt really happy.
Work in groups
Read the two points of view about winning and take sides.
Presenting ideas
Think of arguments to support your point of view and make notes.
Point of view: _________________________________________________
Arguments: _________________________________________________
Supporting examples: _____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
In sports, winning is everything
All the mental and physical preparation is aimed at winning
Desire to win can improve your strength physically and mentally.
US soccer player Mia Hamm is a good example.
Winning means you are doing better than you've ever done before
Presenting ideas
While we are competing in sports, winning is very important, and actually winning really is everything.
First of all, all the mental and physical preparation is aimed at achieving one simple objective: beating your opponent by scoring more points. We often train for sports by having this goal in mind and to be very frank, nobody has an aim to lose. In fact, other than winning being an achievement to the whole team, it is a goal that boost our metal and physical strength.
In addition, winning is encouragement, with which we will play harder and try to be the best we can be. To leave the field with no regrets is important and sportsmanship is about doing our best in the game.We definitely do not want to say, “We should have tried harder" after losing our games.
Hence, I feel that winning is everything in terms of improving ourselves.
Prepare for a debate. Consider the following:
the roles and responsibilities, for each member of your group
your arguments, opening and summary
the opposing arguments you might face and how you can respond to them
useful words, expressions and structures
Team up with a group with the opposite point of view and hold the debate.
Review the language points.
Write another sporting moment and share with your friends.




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