資源簡介 (共30張PPT)Mian Yang Si ChuanWhat do you know about Li Bai Who Where When what Learning ObjectivesLanguage Skill: SpeakingTalk about Li Bai's experiences of life.Learning StrategyMake a primary comment on Libai.1Cultural AwarenessTry to read some poems of LiBai in English.23Read the whole book1.When was Libai born 2.When did Libai die P1-2 Li Bai’s birth1. Li Bai was also given the name_________.2. Some people believed that Li Bai was a _____.“Taibai” meant “Venus”(金星)in ancient China.“Taibai”godA legendLegend says that before Li Bai was born, his mother dreamt that Venus fell into her arms.P 3-4 Making Iron into a Needle1. Was LiBai a hard-working student when he was young 2. In the end, Li Bai started to work hard. Why No, he wasn’t.He often skipped school.P 3-4 Making Iron into a NeedleCause and Effectdidn’t like schoolHe often skipped school.make a large piece of iron into a needlenot very hard-workingunderstood the importance of ___________She must work hard every day.started to work hard at schoolP 3-4 Making Iron into a Needle3. How could she get the needle (Role- play with your partner)We must work hard every day!What can we learn from Li Bai 不虛度光陰 每天努力一天的時間給勤勉的人帶來智慧和力量,給懶散的人只留下悔恨。我相信我沒有偷過半個小時的懶黑發不知勤學早,白首方悔讀書遲盛年不重來,一日難再晨一寸光陰一寸金人在青春 花在盛夏P5-6 A Young Swordsman1.When he was young, what did he learn learned from ________a ____swordsmanfight for_______his fathergreatthe countryHe learned ________________.If we are strong, China will be strong.What can we learn from Li Bai 愛祖國少年強則國強Love China人生自古誰無死 留取丹心照汗青先天下之憂而憂 后天下之樂而樂天下興亡 匹夫有責少年志則國志愿得此身長報國 何須生人玉門關少年雄于地球則國雄于地球When he was 24 years old, he left home.Where did he go He traveled around China with his sword.Who did he meet What poems did he write P7-14 Li Bai’s poems and friendsFill in the task sheet.Li Bai had a friend named Meng Haoran .He was _____ years older than him.They both love ______and ______.In Li Bai’s 40s, he met another famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, ________.Du Fu wrote___________ poems of him.Li Bai and his friendsLi Bai and his poemsLi Bai loved ______, especially big ______ and ________.He wrote a lot of poems about them.He also wrote a lot of poems about the _____. The poems are loved by ___________________________.read ten thousand books.What can we learn from Li Bai 行萬里路 讀萬卷書Travel ten thousand miles,P15-16 Last YearsAlthough Li Bai wanted to __________ the country, he ________________________________.servewas sent to a remote placeAlways believe in yourself.What can we learn from Li Bai 天生我才必有用P17-18 Li Bai’s DeathA storyOne night, Li Bai was drinking on a boat on a river. He saw the moon in the river, and he jumped into the water.A legendLegend says that he became a large bird and flew away.Work hard every day!Love China!Read more books!Believe in yourself!少年強則國強讀書破萬卷 下筆如有神讀萬卷書 行萬里路少年志則國志天生我才必有用少年不努力 老大徒傷悲一寸光陰一寸金人在青春 花在盛夏Read what you love until you love to read國家興亡 匹夫有責The more you read the faster you will be少年口吃的高適對自己說:“莫愁前路無知己,天下誰人不識君”少年灑脫的李白對自己說:“大鵬一日同風起,扶搖直上九萬里”What do you want to say to yourself IfyouwanttoknowLi Baiwhat Who Where When Mian YangHomework1.Dubbing show了解更多李白的詩,配音。2.Project: 組內美化修改“旅游手冊”并為小組的手 冊繪制封皮。read ten thousand books.Travel ten thousand miles, 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫