資源簡介 (共13張PPT)英語(滬教版)2024-2025學年七年級上冊Lesson 51. What do you know about the World Heritage Sites Do you know the names of these places 2. What are they famous for 3. Do you want to visit the places Where are they Is there anything special about them 4. What do you know about World Heritage Sites in Asia Answer the questions with the information from the introduction.1.Why do people protect World Heritage Sites 2. What will tourists see in the Mogao Caves 3. What makes the Taj Mahal different from other buildings Introduce one of the World Heritage Sites in China to your classmates.1. Choose your favourite site.2. Share it in your group.3. Introduce it to your class with some pictures.(Try to use the following words and phrase: become influence scene in memory of reflection )Look, listen and learnLook at the pictures shown by your classmates and try to guess their locations.Listen to your classmates’ introduction and take notes.Group discussionAre all these sites well-protected Are there any problems they are facing now What should we do to protect them Self-assessment評價內容 1. 我能了解世界遺產保護區的相關知識。 1 2 3 4 52. 我能了解莫高窟和泰姬陵的基本情況。 1 2 3 4 53. 我能懂得保護世界遺產的重要性,以及作為游客要注意的地方。 1 2 3 4 5Homework基礎作業1. 完成課本p.95上的練習。2. 任選莫高窟或泰姬陵,制作一個海報進行介紹。拓展作業小組合作制作一個小視頻,介紹一處你們小組最感興趣的世界遺產保護區。感謝觀看thank you 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫