資源簡介 (共26張PPT)We Regret to Inform You...Unit 2-understanding ideasThe Catcher in the RyeTheWuthering Heights麥田守望者EMILY BRONTECatcherJK.R○XWNCin the RyeHarty PotterANDOPHER'S----J.D.SalingerThey are written by J.D.Salinger,J.K.Rowlingand Emily.Bronte respectively.How much do you know aboutJ.D.Salingerthe three writers Emily BronteJ.K.RowlingS5195J.D.Salinger (1919-2010)was anAmerican writer known for hiswidely-read novel The Catcher in theRye.J.D.SalingerSalinger led a very private life formore than a half-century.Hepublished his final original work in1965 and had not been interviewedsince 1980.She is a British novelist,screenwriter andWIZARDINGfilm producer,best known as the author of theWORLDHarry Potter fantasy series.The books have gained worldwide attention,TURN 1won multiple awards,and sold more than 400million copies.They have become the best-selling book series in history and been thebasis for a series of films which is the secondhighest-grossing film series in history. 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫