資源簡介 閱讀下面材料,根據其內容和所給段落開頭語續寫兩段,使之構成一篇完整的短文。“The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs (拖拽) and pushes and leads you to the next level.” These words were spoken by legendary newsreader Dan Rather and they sounded very true for me.From the time when my poems were published in the junior-high-school yearbook, I wanted to write and become a published writer Our high school began with the tenth grade. I joined the newspaper staff as a sophomore (高二學生) among a sea of experienced seniors. Our journalism advisor was Gene Genisauski, or Mr. G, as he was affectionately known by his students. As a teacher, Mr. G had an extraordinary gift for reaching his students. He commanded the respect that all teachers earn and certainly deserve. At the same time, he was always approachable and related to his students in such a way that it felt as though we were speaking with a trusted friend rather than someone who determined our grades. Most importantly, Mr. G possessed both the ability and the desire to breathe belief into students who may have not believed in themselves-including me.In what I had believed to be highly questionable wisdom, Mr. G appointed me editorial editor. Sophomores were simply not granted that level of responsibility or ability; In fact, sophomores were not even supposed to be on the newspaper staff at all. And I was surrounded by those who were more capable than me-the student-body president, the captain of the basketball team.However, Mr. G never once cared about my standing as a sophomore, nor did he compare me to the rest of the student staff. Instead, he focused on raw talent that I had not yet seen and courage that I had not yet discoveredWhen the criticism and teasing (嘲笑) from other staff members finally became too much, I did what any self-respecting fifteen-year-old would do: I attempted to give up my editor position.注意:1. 續寫詞數應為150左右;2. 請按如下格式在答題卡的相應位置作答。As Mr. Rather stated, Mr. G began to tug and push me.____________________________________________________________________________These encouraging words of Mr. G gave me renewed confidence.____________________________________________________________________________一、文章大意受到丹 拉瑟關于老師重要性話語的觸動,“我” 回憶起高中時在寫作道路上受老師吉恩 吉尼斯奧夫斯基(Mr. G)影響的經歷。“我” 從初中起就渴望成為出版作家,高中時加入校報,身為高二學生的 “我” 被 Mr. G 任命為編輯,這一決定引來了他人的質疑和嘲笑,“我” 不堪壓力想放棄,而 Mr. G 對 “我” 的信任和鼓勵成為故事轉折點,續寫將圍繞 “我” 如何在 Mr. G 的影響下重新振作并成長展開,突出老師對學生成長的關鍵作用和深遠影響。二、故事山分析開端:引用丹 拉瑟的話引出主題,回憶高中時 “我” 加入校報,Mr. G 任命 “我” 為編輯這一事件,交代故事背景和起因,引發讀者對 “我” 后續在校報工作情況的好奇。發展:描述 “我” 作為高二學生擔任編輯引發他人質疑和嘲笑,這一情節為 “我” 想放棄職位做鋪墊,同時也凸顯出 “我” 面臨的困境,使故事產生波折和矛盾沖突,推動情節發展。高潮:“我” 不堪壓力決定放棄編輯職位,這是故事的關鍵轉折點,將矛盾沖突推至頂點,讀者急切想知道 “我” 是否真的放棄以及 Mr. G 會如何應對,使故事充滿懸念。低谷:“我” 因他人的態度而陷入自我懷疑和沮喪,信心受挫,這一情感低谷為后續 Mr. G 的鼓勵和 “我” 的轉變做了強烈的對比和鋪墊,進一步烘托出 Mr. G 的重要性以及 “我” 成長的不易。結局(續寫前):“我” 去找 Mr. G 提出放棄,故事在此處留下懸念,吸引讀者期待看到 Mr. G 的反應以及 “我” 的最終選擇,為續寫提供了明確的方向和起點。三、伏筆及續寫中的回應伏筆:“從我的詩在初中年鑒上發表起,我就想寫作并成為一名出版作家。”回應:續寫中可以提到 “我” 在 Mr. G 的鼓勵下,重新燃起對寫作的熱情,并更加努力地朝著出版作家的目標前進。例如,“我” 開始積極向各類文學雜志投稿,參加寫作比賽,在這個過程中不斷提升自己的寫作水平,最終實現了自己的夢想,出版了自己的作品,以此呼應開頭 “我” 對寫作的渴望,展現 “我” 在經歷挫折后在寫作道路上的成長和突破,突出 Mr. G 的鼓勵對 “我” 人生方向的重要影響。伏筆:“Mr. G 有一種非凡的能力,能觸動他的學生。他贏得并理應得到所有老師應得的尊重,同時又總是平易近人,讓我們感覺像是在和一位可信賴的朋友交談,而不是那個決定我們成績的人。”回應:在后續情節中,當 “我” 遇到困難和挫折時,Mr. G 像朋友一樣傾聽 “我” 的煩惱,給予 “我” 真誠的建議和鼓勵,讓 “我” 感受到他的關懷和信任不僅僅局限于師生關系,更像是朋友間的支持。這種朋友般的關系使 “我” 更愿意聽從他的教導,努力克服困難,進一步體現 Mr. G 獨特的教育方式和人格魅力對 “我” 的積極影響,深化他在 “我” 成長過程中的重要地位。伏筆:“Mr. G 任命我為編輯,而高二學生通常不會被賦予這樣的責任和能力,事實上,高二學生根本不應該在校報工作。”回應:續寫時可以描述 “我” 在 Mr. G 的鼓勵下,努力證明自己的能力,不僅成功勝任編輯工作,還帶領校報團隊取得了優異的成績,改變了大家對高二學生擔任編輯這一職位的看法。比如,“我” 組織了一系列有影響力的專題報道,提高了校報的知名度和發行量,讓同學們看到了高二學生也能承擔起重要責任,為校報的發展做出貢獻,從而呼應前文對 “我” 擔任編輯這一爭議性事件,突出 “我” 在 Mr. G 的支持下實現的自我價值和成長蛻變。伏筆:“當其他工作人員的批評和嘲笑最終讓我不堪重負時,我試圖放棄我的編輯職位。”回應:后續可以詳細描寫 Mr. G 如何幫助 “我” 應對這些批評和嘲笑,引導 “我” 將這些負面聲音轉化為前進的動力。例如,Mr. G 分享自己年輕時類似的經歷,告訴 “我” 成功往往伴隨著質疑,關鍵是要相信自己的能力和價值。在他的引導下,“我” 學會了堅強面對困難,不再被他人的意見左右,而是專注于提升自己的能力,通過實際行動讓那些曾經嘲笑我的人刮目相看,體現 “我” 在心態和能力上的雙重成長,同時也完成了從想要放棄到重新振作的情節轉變。伏筆:“他專注于我尚未發現的天賦和尚未發掘的勇氣。”回應:在續寫段落中,可以具體描述在 Mr. G 的鼓勵下,“我” 逐漸發現自己在寫作和領導方面的天賦和潛力。比如,“我” 發現自己能夠敏銳地捕捉到校園生活中的熱點話題,并以獨特的視角進行報道,吸引了讀者的關注;在組織校報團隊的過程中,展現出了出色的領導才能,帶領團隊成員高效地完成各項任務。通過這些具體事例,突出 Mr. G 的眼光獨到以及他的鼓勵對 “我” 挖掘自身潛力的重要作用,使故事的發展更加合理且富有邏輯性,展現 “我” 在成長過程中的自我認知和突破。四、續寫要點第一段要點:描述 Mr. G 對 “我” 的鼓勵和引導,包括他的具體話語、表情和動作,展現他對 “我” 的信任和期望。同時,敘述 “我” 在他的開導下內心的觸動和思考,開始重新審視自己的能力和價值,逐漸打消放棄的念頭,決定勇敢面對挑戰,為下文 “我” 的轉變和成長做鋪墊。示例:As Mr. Rather stated, Mr. G began to tug and push me. He looked me straight in the eye and said, "I know it's tough, but you're not a quitter. I see the potential in you, and I won't let you give up on yourself. You have a voice, and it's time to make it heard." His words were like a warm fire on a cold night, melting away my doubts. I saw the determination in his eyes and realized that he truly believed in me. I thought about all the reasons I had joined the newspaper in the first place and how much I loved writing. Maybe, just maybe, I could do this.第二段要點:講述 “我” 在重新獲得信心后的具體行動和成長表現,如更加努力地學習寫作技巧、積極與團隊成員溝通協作、主動承擔更多責任等。描述 “我” 在這個過程中取得的成績和進步,以及周圍人對 “我” 態度的轉變,突出 “我” 在 Mr. G 的影響下實現了自我突破和成長,同時也表達對 Mr. G 的感激之情,升華文章主旨。示例:These encouraging words of Mr. G gave me renewed confidence. I threw myself into my work, spending hours poring over writing guides and analyzing great articles. I reached out to my fellow staff members, asking for their input and sharing my ideas with them. Slowly, the team began to work more cohesively, and our newspaper improved. With each issue, I grew more confident in my abilities. The once-critical voices turned into words of praise, and I knew it was all because of Mr. G. He had not only saved my position but also transformed me into a more determined and capable person. I would always be grateful for his unwavering belief in me.五、情感線起初,“我” 對寫作充滿熱情和向往,渴望成為出版作家;加入校報被任命為編輯后,因他人的質疑和嘲笑而感到困惑、自卑和沮喪,甚至想要放棄;在 Mr. G 的鼓勵下,“我” 內心受到觸動,重新燃起希望和信心;之后通過努力取得成績,“我” 變得自信、堅定,對 Mr. G 充滿感激,這條情感線細膩地展現了 “我” 在成長過程中的心理變化,使讀者能夠深刻感受到 “我” 的內心世界以及 Mr. G 對 “我” 的重要影響。六、故事線受丹 拉瑟話語觸動,“我” 回憶高中時加入校報被 Mr. G 任命為編輯一事。作為高二學生擔任編輯引發他人質疑和嘲笑,“我” 不堪壓力決定放棄。Mr. G 找 “我” 談話,鼓勵 “我” 不要放棄,相信 “我” 的潛力。“我” 在 Mr. G 的開導下重新審視自己,決定繼續擔任編輯并努力提升自己。“我” 通過努力學習和積極溝通協作,帶領校報團隊取得成績,獲得他人認可。“我” 實現自我突破和成長,對 Mr. G 心懷感激,深刻體會到老師的信任和鼓勵對學生成長的重要性。七、主旨升華句"A teacher's belief in a student is like a spark that can ignite a wildfire of potential, leading them to discover the strength and courage they never knew they had."(老師對學生的信任就像一顆火花,能點燃潛力的熊熊烈火,引領他們發現自己從未知曉的力量和勇氣。)"In the face of doubt and ridicule, the unwavering support of a teacher becomes the lighthouse that guides a student through the stormy seas of self-doubt, towards the shores of self-confidence and achievement."(在懷疑和嘲笑面前,老師堅定不移的支持就像燈塔,引領學生穿越自我懷疑的洶涌波濤,抵達自信和成就的彼岸。)"True education lies not only in the imparting of knowledge but also in the nurturing of a student's spirit, instilling in them the belief that they are capable of achieving the extraordinary, as Mr. G did for me."(真正的教育不僅在于傳授知識,還在于培育學生的精神,像 Mr. G 對我所做的那樣,向他們灌輸相信自己能夠成就非凡的信念。)"A single act of faith from a teacher can rewrite a student's story, turning a chapter of self-doubt into a saga of triumph and self-discovery, forever changing the course of their life."(老師的一次信任之舉可以改寫學生的故事,將自我懷疑的篇章變成勝利和自我發現的傳奇,永遠改變他們的人生軌跡。)"The power of a teacher's belief is like the sun's rays, breaking through the clouds of a student's insecurities and illuminating the path to their true potential, allowing them to blossom and thrive in ways they could never have imagined."(老師的信任之力就像陽光,穿透學生不安全感的云層,照亮通往他們真正潛力的道路,讓他們以從未想象過的方式綻放和茁壯成長。)八、寫作示范第一篇As Mr. Rather stated, Mr. G began to tug and push me. He leaned forward in his chair, his eyes locked onto mine. "You think those seniors are better than you They may have experience, but you have something they don't - a fresh perspective. I chose you because I saw the fire in your eyes when you talked about writing. Don't let a little criticism extinguish that flame." His voice was firm but filled with kindness. I felt a lump in my throat as I realized how much he had invested in me. I nodded, determined to prove myself.These encouraging words of Mr. G gave me renewed confidence. I dove headfirst into my editorial duties. I spent evenings in the library, researching new story ideas and perfecting my writing style. I reached out to the other staff members, swallowing my pride and asking for their help. Slowly, they began to see my dedication and offered their support. Our newspaper started to gain recognition for its unique content. With each issue, I grew more confident and capable. Looking back, I knew that without Mr. G's belief in me, I would have given up on my dream. His words and actions had set me on a path of self-discovery and growth that I would cherish forever.第二篇As Mr. Rather stated, Mr. G began to tug and push me. He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and said, "I understand your fear, but running away won't solve anything. You are here because you have talent, and it's my job to help you see it. I won't let you down, and you can't let yourself down either." His words were like a gentle breeze, calming my troubled heart. I remembered all the times he had praised my writing in class and realized that he had been building me up all along.These encouraging words of Mr. G gave me renewed confidence. I started to attend writing workshops and read books on journalism. I took risks with my writing, trying new styles and topics. The other staff members began to respect my efforts and soon, we were working together as a team. Our newspaper won an award that year, and I knew that I had played a significant part in its success. Mr. G's belief in me had been the catalyst for my transformation. I learned that with the right support and belief, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our dreams.【答案】范文As Mr. Rather stated, Mr. G began to tug and push me. He turned down my resignation to my face. He insisted and encouraged. He breathed that belief into me when I had little confidence in me. Mr. G then said to me. “You are not less talented. You are not less capable. You are younger. That’s all. So, you don’t get to quit. You don’t get to give up. You’re going to show them what you’ve got instead.”These encouraging words of Mr. G gave me renewed confidence. Although still facing a lot of criticism and teasing, I was encouraged to stand up for myself, find my voice and make myself heard. I made progress step by step. Hard time finally passed and my work was finally recognized. After graduation, Mr. G’s encouragement continued pushing me to work hard and I finally realized my childhood dream of becoming a successful published writer. It is Mr. G’s wise advice to a fifteen-year-old trying to find her way that pushed me to pursue dreams to this day. 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫