資源簡介 閱讀下面短文,根據所給情節進行續寫,使之構成一個完整的故事。 Because of my limp (跛行) since childhood, I never thought about running a marathon. However, when my head teacher said last Friday that a campus marathon was coming up, I really wanted to take part. Considering my physical condition, I started to feel afraid of signing up. When my friend Eric learned of my situation, he volunteered to be my running partner, determined to help me reach the finish line. Our training journey was challenging yet satisfying. We spent countless hours running together, starting with short distances and slowly increasing our running distance. Eric’s encouragement and patience were important in keeping me active. One autumn morning, we set out for our first long training run. With each step, I felt the weight of my leg, but Eric encouraged me to push through. “Keep going and you’ve got this!” Eric’s voice rang through the air. As the weeks passed, I noticed great improvements in my distance and speed. Eric celebrated each small victory I made and I was gradually getting the confidence and courage to take part in the marathon. On race day, we stood among a large group of runners. Nervous, I looked at Eric, who gave me a comforting smile. When everything was ready, we set off. The first few miles were hard. My limp became more noticeable, and doubts came into my mind. But Eric’s presence was a great source of encouragement. He cheered me on, reminding me of our months of preparation. As we neared the end of the marathon, I could see the finish line in sight. But then, just meters away from the finish line, I fell. Pain went through my leg, and at that time, I thought about giving up. “We’re almost there! Don’t give up!” Eric, running beside me, shouted loudly. 注意:1. 續寫詞數應為150左右;2. 請按如下格式在相應位置作答。 He helped me up. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I hugged (擁抱) Eric close and felt truly thankful. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________一、文章大意因童年跛行,“我” 本不敢參加校園馬拉松,但在朋友埃里克的鼓勵和幫助下,“我” 決定挑戰自我。經過艱苦的訓練,“我” 在比賽中逐漸獲得信心,然而在接近終點時摔倒,埃里克鼓勵 “我” 繼續前行,故事將圍繞 “我” 是否能在埃里克的幫助下完成比賽以及這次經歷對 “我” 的意義展開續寫,展現了友誼、堅持和自我突破的力量。二、故事山分析開端:學校將舉辦校園馬拉松,因自身跛行,“我” 雖想參加但心生畏懼,此為故事起點,交代了背景和 “我” 的內心矛盾,引發讀者對 “我” 后續行動的好奇。發展:埃里克主動成為 “我” 的跑步伙伴,開啟訓練之旅,過程充滿挑戰但也有進步,突出了埃里克的重要性以及 “我” 為比賽所做的努力,為后續比賽情節做鋪墊,同時展現兩人友誼的加深。高潮:比賽中臨近終點時 “我” 摔倒,內心產生放棄的念頭,將故事緊張氛圍推至頂點,使讀者揪心,急切想知道 “我” 和埃里克的抉擇,是故事的關鍵轉折點。低谷:摔倒后的疼痛和放棄的想法讓 “我” 陷入困境,情緒低落,與之前逐漸建立的信心形成對比,進一步烘托出此刻面臨的艱難抉擇和內心掙扎。結局(續寫前):埃里克大聲鼓勵 “我” 不要放棄,為續寫留下懸念,讀者期待看到兩人如何應對這一突發狀況,以及最終是否能成功沖過終點,故事在此處充滿了不確定性和可能性。三、伏筆及續寫中的回應伏筆:“因為我從小跛行,我從未想過要跑馬拉松。”回應:續寫中可描述盡管 “我” 身體有缺陷,但在埃里克的幫助下,突破了自己的心理和身體極限,最終完成比賽,強調這次經歷對 “我” 人生態度的改變,讓 “我” 不再因身體的不足而自我設限,體現堅持和友誼帶來的巨大力量,使 “我” 從一個自卑、不敢嘗試的人轉變為有勇氣面對困難的人。伏筆:“埃里克的鼓勵和耐心對我保持積極的狀態至關重要。”回應:在后續情節中,當 “我” 摔倒想要放棄時,埃里克的鼓勵更加堅定有力,他不僅用言語激勵,還給予身體上的支撐,如攙扶 “我” 走向終點,突出埃里克在整個過程中的關鍵作用,展現真摯友誼在困難時刻的支撐力量,進一步深化兩人之間的情誼,同時也呼應前文埃里克對 “我” 的重要性,使故事發展更加連貫自然。伏筆:“隨著幾周過去,我注意到自己在距離和速度上都有了很大的進步。埃里克為我的每一個小勝利歡呼。”回應:續寫時可以提到這些進步讓 “我” 在摔倒后雖有放棄的念頭,但內心深處仍有一絲不甘和對之前努力的珍視,而埃里克的鼓勵使這一絲不甘轉化為繼續前進的動力,體現之前的訓練成果對 “我” 心理的影響,以及友誼如何在關鍵時刻激發 “我” 的斗志,將之前的鋪墊與高潮情節緊密相連,展現 “我” 的內心成長和轉變過程。伏筆:“比賽當天,我們站在一大群跑步者中間。我很緊張,看著埃里克,他給了我一個安慰的微笑。”回應:后續可描述在 “我” 摔倒后,埃里克的微笑再次浮現在腦海,給予 “我” 溫暖和力量,讓 “我” 回想起他一直以來的陪伴和支持,從而堅定了完成比賽的決心,通過回憶這一細節,強化埃里克對 “我” 的精神鼓舞,使情感表達更加細膩深刻,同時也增強了故事的感染力和連貫性。伏筆:“當我們接近馬拉松終點時,我能看到終點線就在眼前。但就在離終點線幾米遠的地方,我摔倒了。”回應:續寫段落重點圍繞摔倒后的情況展開,詳細描述 “我” 從摔倒的痛苦、絕望到在埃里克的鼓勵下重新站起來的過程,突出 “我” 克服身體和心理雙重困難的艱難,以及埃里克不離不棄的陪伴,最終成功沖過終點,與前文即將到達終點的期待形成對比,增強故事的戲劇性和張力,完整呈現整個比賽過程中的起伏波折和情感變化。四、續寫要點第一段要點:詳細描述埃里克扶起 “我” 后的場景,包括他的動作、表情和言語,以及 “我” 的心理活動和身體反應。接著講述兩人如何一步步艱難地走向終點,如埃里克如何分擔 “我” 的重量,“我” 如何克服疼痛堅持前行,周圍觀眾的反應等,展現兩人在困境中的堅持和友誼的力量。示例:He helped me up. His eyes were filled with determination and unwavering support. "Come on, we're so close. I won't let you give up now," he said firmly. With his arm around my shoulder, he took most of my weight. I winced in pain with every step, but seeing the finish line just ahead and feeling Eric's strength beside me, I gritted my teeth and pushed forward. The crowd's cheers grew louder, and their encouragement seemed to give me an extra boost. Slowly but surely, we made our way towards the finish line, each step a testament to our friendship and perseverance.第二段要點:描述 “我” 擁抱埃里克時的心情,包括對他的感激、對這次經歷的深刻感受以及這次經歷對自己的意義和價值。可以提及這次馬拉松比賽不僅是身體上的挑戰,更是心靈上的成長,強調友誼和堅持的重要性,使故事的主題得到升華,給讀者留下深刻的印象。示例:I hugged Eric close and felt truly thankful. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized what we had just accomplished. This was more than just a marathon; it was a journey of self-discovery and the power of friendship. Eric's belief in me had transformed my self-doubt into unshakable confidence. "Thank you, Eric. You made this possible. I'll never forget this," I murmured. This experience taught me that with a true friend by your side and the will to persevere, nothing is impossible. It was a moment that would be etched in my heart forever, a reminder of the strength that lies within us and the beauty of unwavering friendship.五、情感線起初,“我” 因身體殘疾對參加馬拉松感到自卑和恐懼;在埃里克的陪伴下訓練,逐漸獲得信心和勇氣,對埃里克充滿感激和依賴;比賽中臨近終點摔倒時,陷入痛苦和絕望,產生放棄的念頭;埃里克的鼓勵讓 “我” 重燃斗志,在走向終點的過程中,從痛苦掙扎到堅定堅持;最終沖過終點,“我” 對埃里克充滿深深的感激和感動,同時也為自己的突破而自豪,這條情感線細膩地展現了 “我” 在整個過程中的心理變化,使讀者能夠深刻感受到 “我” 的成長以及友誼的珍貴。六、故事線學校將舉辦校園馬拉松,因跛行,“我” 想參加卻又害怕報名。埃里克主動做 “我” 的跑步伙伴,兩人開始艱苦的訓練,“我” 在訓練中逐漸進步,信心增強。比賽當天,“我” 和埃里克站在起跑線上,“我” 很緊張,埃里克給予安慰。比賽中,“我” 的跛行愈發明顯,臨近終點時摔倒,疼痛襲來,想要放棄。埃里克鼓勵 “我”,扶起 “我”,兩人相互扶持著走向終點。最終沖過終點,“我” 擁抱埃里克,表達感激,這次經歷讓 “我” 深刻體會到友誼和堅持的力量,實現自我突破和成長。七、主旨升華句"True friendship is not just about being there in good times, but also about lending a helping hand and a strong voice of encouragement when the road gets tough, guiding us to overcome our limitations and reach for the impossible."(真正的友誼不僅僅是在順境中相伴,更是在道路艱難時伸出援手,給予堅定的鼓勵,引導我們克服自身局限,追求不可能之事。)"In the marathon of life, it is not the speed or the absence of obstacles that defines us, but the courage to keep going and the friends who hold our hands through the falls, for they are the ones who turn our stumbles into steps towards victory."(在人生的馬拉松中,定義我們的不是速度或有無障礙,而是繼續前行的勇氣以及在跌倒時握住我們手的朋友,因為他們將我們的跌倒轉化為走向勝利的腳步。)"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and with the support of a true friend, even the most difficult steps can lead to the most glorious finish lines, teaching us that perseverance and friendship are the keys to unlocking our hidden potential."(千里之行始于足下,在真正朋友的支持下,即使是最艱難的步伐也能通向最輝煌的終點線,這讓我們明白堅持和友誼是開啟我們隱藏潛力的鑰匙。)"Our physical limitations are but a test of our spirit, and when we find a friend who believes in us more than we believe in ourselves, we discover that the power of friendship can break through any barrier and help us achieve what we once thought was beyond our reach."(我們的身體局限只是對我們精神的考驗,當我們找到一個比我們自己更相信我們的朋友時,我們會發現友誼的力量可以突破任何障礙,幫助我們實現曾經認為遙不可及的目標。)"A marathon is not just a race of endurance; it is a story of the human spirit's triumph over adversity, written with the ink of sweat and the pen of friendship, teaching us that no matter how many times we fall, as long as we have the support of a friend, we can always rise and cross the finish line of life's challenges."(馬拉松不僅僅是一場耐力賽;它是一個人類精神戰勝逆境的故事,用汗水作墨,友誼作筆書寫而成,教導我們無論跌倒多少次,只要有朋友的支持,我們總能站起來,跨越人生挑戰的終點線。)八、寫作示范第一篇He helped me up. His face was flushed with exertion, but his grip on my arm was firm. "We've come too far to stop now," he gasped. I nodded, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my leg. With his support, I managed to put one foot in front of the other. The crowd around us seemed to sense our determination and their cheers grew deafening. Every step was a struggle, but Eric's presence beside me was a constant reminder of our shared goal. As we inched closer to the finish line, I could see the pride in Eric's eyes, and that gave me the strength to keep going.I hugged Eric close and felt truly thankful. My body was exhausted, but my heart was full. This experience had been more than a race; it had been a journey of self-belief and friendship. Eric had been my rock, my inspiration. Through his unwavering support, I had not only crossed the physical finish line but also the mental one that had held me back for so long. "Thank you, Eric. You've changed my life," I whispered. This marathon had taught me that with determination and a true friend, any obstacle could be overcome, and that was a lesson I would carry with me for the rest of my life.第二篇He helped me up. His voice was steady as he said, "I'm with you, all the way." I looked into his eyes and saw the trust he had in me. With a heave, he got me back on my feet. I leaned on him heavily, my leg screaming in pain, but my will stronger. We started moving again, slowly but surely. The other runners passed us, but their respect was palpable. As we neared the finish line, the sun seemed to shine brighter, as if celebrating our victory. Eric's words of encouragement never stopped, and I drew strength from them.I hugged Eric close and felt truly thankful. In his embrace, I found not only comfort but also a newfound sense of self-worth. This marathon had been a test of my physical and mental strength, and I had passed it, thanks to Eric. The journey had shown me that friendship could conquer even the greatest of fears. "You are my hero, Eric," I said, my voice choked with emotion. This was a moment I would cherish forever, a moment that proved that with the right person by your side, you could achieve the impossible and that the power of friendship was truly limitless. 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫