
廣東省廣州市天河區2025屆高三上學期綜合測試(一) 英語試題:讀后續寫--觀鳥挑戰賽中的抉擇與成長 講義素材

  1. 二一教育資源

廣東省廣州市天河區2025屆高三上學期綜合測試(一) 英語試題:讀后續寫--觀鳥挑戰賽中的抉擇與成長 講義素材


Calvin’s day camp teacher, Autumn, passed out a sheet of paper with pictures and descriptions of different birds and a small pair of binoculars) (雙筒望遠鏡) to each camper. He announced, “We’re going to do a one-week challenge called ‘Big Week’, where you try to identify birds and mark them on the paper. Whoever identifies the most birds wins.”
Another challenge Ever since camp started, Gladys had beaten Calvin at everything. If he won this one, maybe he’d finally show Gladys that she wasn’t unbeatable. “How will you know if I really saw…” Calvin scanned the list. “… a glossy ibis ” “I won’t,” Autumn said. “A Big Week is based on honesty.”
The next day at the preserve, when they hid behind some brush, Gladys spotted a great egret! “That was my gift to you,” Gladys whisper-shouted with an I’m-going-to-win-this tone. “Like I would’ve missed that giant bird,” Calvin protested. Suddenly, birds exploded above Calvin’s head. Thunk! He fell down onto his back. Gladys rushed toward him, helped him up and advised, “Here’s a tip: try being OUIET.”
That evening, a large bird landed on Calvin’s neighbor’s tree. Calvin focused the binoculars. The bird had a bright red eye, a thick straight bill, a white throat and breast, and—oh, wow—long, thin, white feathers on the back of its head. “A black-crowned night heron!” he whispered excitedly. He was completely absorbed in his observation.
As the week went by, competition became fierce. Calvin had to win this contest. But chance seemed so slim! Then he remembered that he had found a feather that Autumn thought belonged to a Cooper’s hawk close enough. He marked it, plus a few extra birds. What was the difference He had seen them in the past, or he would see them eventually. He swallowed (吞咽) hard. No one will know the truth.
On the last day of Big Week, Autumn waved Gladys’s checklist in the air. “Twenty-six is the number to beat. Anybody else ”
注意:1. 續寫詞數應為150左右;
2. 請按如下格式在答題卡的相應位置作答。
Reviewing the 29 birds marked on his list, Calvin felt his face heated up.
Autumn awarded Gladys a Big Week T-shirt.
在卡爾文參加的日間夏令營中,老師奧森發起了為期一周的 “觀鳥大挑戰”,誰識別出的鳥類最多就能獲勝。卡爾文因之前總是輸給格拉迪斯而渴望在這次挑戰中取勝,隨著比賽的進行,競爭愈發激烈,卡爾文為了贏開始不誠實,在最后一天看到格拉迪斯的成績后,內心產生了掙扎,故事將圍繞卡爾文是否會坦白以及此事對他和格拉迪斯關系的影響展開,突出誠實與友誼的主題。
開端:老師奧森宣布 “觀鳥大挑戰”,介紹規則并發放觀鳥資料和望遠鏡,引出故事核心事件,激發卡爾文的求勝心,同時也為后續情節發展奠定基礎,引發讀者對比賽過程和結果的好奇。
低谷:卡爾文在回顧自己標記的 29 只鳥時,因不誠實行為而感到愧疚和不安,情緒陷入低谷,這種內心的痛苦與之前渴望獲勝的急切形成鮮明對比,更加凸顯出誠實的重要性以及他此時內心的矛盾,為后續的坦白情節營造了緊張壓抑的氛圍。
結局(續寫前):奧森宣布格拉迪斯的 26 只鳥是目前的最高記錄,詢問是否有人超過,卡爾文的內心正進行著激烈的斗爭,故事在此處留下懸念,讀者急切想知道卡爾文會做出怎樣的決定,為續寫提供了明確的方向和強烈的期待感。
回應:在后續情節中,當卡爾文坦白自己的不誠實行為時,老師奧森可以借此強調誠實的重要性,并給予卡爾文一個小的懲罰或教育,如讓他在大家面前分享這次經歷和學到的教訓,使卡爾文更加深刻地理解誠實的價值,同時也向其他孩子傳遞這一重要品質,強化了故事的教育意義,呼應了前文對 “誠實” 這一主題的鋪墊。
回應:續寫時可以詳細描述卡爾文坦白時內心的掙扎和最終的決定過程,他可能會想到如果不誠實贏得比賽,即使得到了 T 恤也不會真正開心,而且會失去他人的信任。通過內心的對話和回憶比賽過程中的點滴,他最終選擇面對自己的錯誤,突出他在道德困境中的成長和對誠實的回歸,與之前的不誠實行為形成對比,使故事的情節發展更加合理且富有深度。
示例:Reviewing the 29 birds marked on his list, Calvin felt his face heated up. His heart pounded in his chest as he thought about the dishonesty of his actions. Images of the week's bird-watching flashed through his mind - the excitement of spotting new species, the thrill of the competition, but also the guilt that had been gnawing at him. He remembered Autumn's words about honesty and realized that winning this way would be hollow. With a deep breath and a determined look, he stood up, his legs trembling slightly. "I... I need to tell you something," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't see all of these birds. I marked some that I wasn't sure about. I'm sorry."
示例:Autumn awarded Gladys a Big Week T-shirt. Gladys took it with a big smile, but then her eyes met Calvin's. She was surprised to see the remorse in his eyes. After Autumn explained what had happened, Gladys walked over to Calvin. "Hey," she said softly. "It was brave of you to admit that. We all make mistakes." Calvin looked up, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Autumn nodded in agreement. "Honesty is what matters most in this challenge," she said. "Calvin, you've learned an important lesson, and that's worth more than any prize." From that day on, Calvin and Gladys became closer. They went on bird-watching trips together, sharing tips and tricks, and the competition that once divided them now brought them closer as friends, united by their love for birds and the newfound respect for honesty.
老師奧森發起 “觀鳥大挑戰”,卡爾文渴望借此戰勝格拉迪斯。
"Honesty is the true prize in any competition, for it enriches our character and paves the way for genuine relationships and personal growth."(誠實是任何比賽中真正的獎品,因為它豐富了我們的品格,并為真正的人際關系和個人成長鋪平了道路。)
"In the pursuit of victory, it is easy to lose sight of what truly matters; but when we choose honesty, we find that the journey of self-discovery and friendship is far more rewarding."(在追求勝利的過程中,我們很容易忽視真正重要的東西;但當我們選擇誠實時,我們會發現自我發現和友誼的旅程更加有意義。)
"True success lies not in the number of victories we accumulate, but in the integrity we uphold and the values we cherish, for they are the building blocks of a meaningful life."(真正的成功不在于我們積累的勝利數量,而在于我們堅持的正直和珍惜的價值觀,因為它們是有意義生活的基石。)
"A single act of honesty can transform a moment of shame into a turning point of growth, leading us to embrace the beauty of friendship and the joy of being true to ourselves."(一個誠實的舉動可以將羞恥的時刻轉變為成長的轉折點,引領我們擁抱友誼的美好和做真實自己的快樂。)
"When we let go of the desire for false triumph and embrace honesty, we open the door to a world of trust, kindness, and the purest form of enjoyment in life's simple pleasures."(當我們放下對虛假勝利的渴望并擁抱誠實時,我們就打開了一扇通往信任、善良和生活簡單樂趣中最純粹享受的世界的大門。)
Reviewing the 29 birds marked on his list, Calvin felt his face heated up. His palms were sweaty as he clutched the checklist, the numbers seeming to mock him. He thought of the times he had genuinely spotted a bird, the rush of excitement, and how it had all been tainted by his dishonesty. The image of Gladys's eager face, always one step ahead in the competition, flashed before his eyes. But then he remembered the look of trust Autumn had when she handed out the binoculars. With a shuddering breath, he walked towards Autumn, his legs feeling like lead. "I... I cheated," he stammered, his voice barely audible. "I added some birds I wasn't sure about."
Autumn awarded Gladys a Big Week T-shirt. Gladys's eyes sparkled with pride as she received it. But when she saw Calvin's dejected figure, her expression softened. Autumn explained what had happened, and Gladys walked over to Calvin. "Hey, we all get carried away sometimes," she said gently. "At least you had the guts to own up to it." Calvin looked at her, surprised. From that moment, a bond formed between them. They started going on bird-watching trips together, not as competitors, but as friends. Calvin learned that winning wasn't everything; it was the honesty and the friendships forged along the way that truly mattered.
Reviewing the 29 birds marked on his list, Calvin felt his face heated up. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. The desire to win warred with the guilt of his dishonesty. He thought about how much he had enjoyed the actual process of bird-watching, the beauty of the creatures he had seen. But now, the false marks on his list seemed to overshadow it all. He glanced at Gladys, who was looking at Autumn expectantly. Taking a deep breath, he mustered the courage to speak. "Autumn," he said, his voice shaking. "I marked some birds I didn't really see. I'm sorry."
Autumn awarded Gladys a Big Week T-shirt. Gladys took it with a grin, but her attention was quickly drawn to Calvin. After Autumn commended Calvin for his honesty, Gladys walked up to him. "You know," she said, "I respect you for coming clean. Let's forget about the competition and just focus on the birds." Calvin nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. In the days that followed, Calvin and Gladys became inseparable. They explored different bird habitats, sharing their knowledge and love for the hobby. Calvin realized that in losing the chance to win, he had gained something far more valuable - a true friend and a newfound respect for honesty.
Reviewing the 29 birds marked on his list, Calvin felt his face heated up. He was about to win! But he also felt a knot in his stomach. He knew he had cheated. At the thought of Gladys’s words and Autumn’s trust in him, he stood up and announced, “I didn’t see three of these birds.” Then he crossed out the Cooper’s hawk and two other birds from his checklist. “Why did you do that ” Autumn asked. “Because I didn’t see them,” Calvin said. “But I will.”
Autumn awarded Gladys a Big Week T-shirt. She beamed with pride as she accepted it. Calvin congratulated her sincerely. “You deserved it,” he said. “Thanks,” Gladys said. “And good job too. You were honest.” “Yeah, I guess I was,” Calvin said, feeling proud of himself. As they walked back to camp, Calvin spotted a bird that seemed familiar. “A Cooper’s hawk!” he exclaimed. “No way!” Gladys said. “Yes,” Calvin said, marking it on his checklist, “Now we have seen it.”




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