資源簡介 描寫悲傷I was seized with sadness.我傷心欲絕。2. A flash of grief came upon me.一陣悲傷襲身而來。3. Tears rolled down her cheeks.淚水從她的臉頰滑落。4. Charles was overcome with grief. Charles悲痛欲絕。5. He looked mournful, even near to tears.他看起來很悲傷,幾乎要流淚了。6. I left quickly, not wanting to break downin front of the children.我趕快離開了,因為我不想在孩子們面前大哭。7. Cecil came round later, crying his eyes out, asking me to forgive him.Cecil隨后來了,哭得很傷心,請求我原諒他。8. His face was cast a cloud of gloomafter he heard this news.聽到這個消息后,他臉上蒙上了一層陰云。9. He nagged and complained, and reduced Louise to tears.他嘮嘮叨叨,不停地抱怨,使Louise不禁流淚。10. Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and begged me to help her. Jane眼里含著淚水打轉,懇求我?guī)蛶退?br/>11.Informed of the bad news , she was seized by a burst of sadness andsank onto the chair .被告知這個壞,她悲慟欲絕,倒在椅上,哭得死去活來。 用上述畫橫線部分翻譯下列句子: 1.我被深深的悲傷所籠罩,感覺心都要碎了。2.一陣無法抑制的悲傷突然涌上我的心頭,使我喘不過氣來。3.大顆大顆的淚水從她的臉頰滾落,怎么也止不住。查爾斯被巨大的悲傷淹沒,仿佛陷入了無盡的黑暗。5.他看起來極其悲傷,眼中蓄滿了淚水,仿佛下一秒就要決堤。6.我迅速且悄無聲息地離開,不想在孩子們面前情緒崩潰。7.塞西爾稍后趕來,哭得肝腸寸斷,苦苦哀求我原諒他。8.聽到這個消息后,他的臉上立刻蒙上了一層厚厚的陰霾,仿佛失去了所有希望。9.他不停地哭訴和抱怨,那悲傷的情緒讓路易絲也忍不住淚流滿面。10.簡淚眼汪汪地轉向我,眼中滿是絕望,哀求我?guī)蛶退?br/>11.得知這個壞消息后,她被一陣強烈的悲傷擊中,癱倒在椅子上,哭得撕心裂肺。答案:1.I was deeply seized with sadness, feeling as if my heart was breaking.2.A sudden and uncontrollable flash of grief came upon me, leaving me breathless.3.Large tears rolled down her cheeks, unable to be stopped.4.Charles was overwhelmed by tremendous grief, as if he had fallen into endless darkness.5.He looked extremely mournful, with his eyes filled with tears, as if they would burst out any second.6.I left quickly and quietly, not wanting to break down emotionally in front of the children.7.Cecil came round later, crying his heart out and begging me to forgive him.8.After hearing this news, his face was immediately cast with a thick cloud of gloom, as if he had lost all hope.9.He wept and complained incessantly, and his sorrowful emotions made Louise cry too.10.Jane turned to me with tear - filled eyes, full of despair, begging me to help her.11.After being informed of the bad news, she was hit by a strong burst of sadness, collapsed onto the chair, and cried her heart out.描寫悲傷2She was numb with grief as she watched him go. Inside coach, she cried the bitterest tears of her life.她看著他離去,悲傷得失去知覺。馬車內,她流下了一生中最傷心的淚。13.She held the letter, her hands shaking/shivering and her eyes showing deep sorrow of being totally forgotten.她拿著信,雙手顫抖,眼晴流露出被完全遺忘的深深悲傷。14.He shook his head miserably/ sadly,tearspouring/running/streaming/rolling down his cheeks/face他難過地搖搖頭,潸然淚下。15. Her heart ached.She was seized by a burst of sadness and couldn’t help crying/sobbing bitterly她心好痛,她悲傷得忍不住哭泣。16. His last word went like a bullet to her heart. She burst into tears and ran out of the room.他最后一句話太扎心了。她突然哭了起來,跑出了房間。17. As he looked at Katherine,great sorrow/ sadness clouded his eyes.他看著凱瑟琳,滿眼憂傷。18. I felt like I were floating in an ocean of sadness, and words could not express my sorrow.我感覺正漂浮在悲傷的海洋里。言語無法表達我的哀傷。19. He felt as if a knife were cutting his heart.他覺得心如刀割。20.A wave of sadness welled up inside her. Tears were beginning to gather in her eyes.一陣悲傷涌上她的心頭。她眼里涌上淚水。21. When he heard the news of his friends accident,a frown stood on his face and his face clouded over.當他聽說他的朋友出了事故時,他眉頭緊鎖滿臉愁容。22.Grief/Sadness/ Sorrow came in waves. He sank onto the chair ,crying his eyes out .悲傷如潮水一般涌來。他倒在椅子上,悲痛欲絕。用畫橫線部分完成下列句子翻譯。12.在失去了她心愛的寵物后,她悲傷得失去了知覺,對周圍的一切都毫無感覺。13.這位老婦人坐在養(yǎng)老院的角落,她的眼睛流露出被徹底遺忘的深深悲傷。14.當他聽到祖父去世的消息時,他難過地搖搖頭,眼淚順著臉頰流了下來。15.讀著已故前男友的來信,她心痛不已。她被一陣悲傷攫住,忍不住痛哭起來。16.遺書上的話像一顆子彈擊中了她的心。她突然哭了起來,跑出房間,沉浸在悲痛之中。17.當他看著妻子曾經坐過的空座位時,滿眼憂傷。18.在失去她最好的朋友后,她的思緒在悲傷的海洋中飄蕩,無法找到一個能將她拉回正常生活海岸的錨。19.當他聽到母親去世的消息時,他感到胸口一陣劇痛,仿佛一把刀在割他的心。20.當舞臺上的大幕最終落下,劇院空無一人時,一股悲傷在她內心涌起。這是她數(shù)月來全身心投入的戲劇的最后一場演出。21.當他聽到自己項目失敗的令人失望的消息時,他皺起了眉頭,臉色陰沉下來。22.在她的家在火災中被毀后,悲痛如浪潮般不斷涌來。當她想到所有珍貴的財產和無數(shù)的回憶都已被摧毀時,她就會淚流滿面。答案:After losing her beloved pet, she was numb with grief and couldn't feel anything around her.12.Standing at the grave, she held the flower, her hands shaking and her eyes showing deep sorrow of being forever parted from her dear friend.13.The old woman sat in the corner of the nursing home, her eyes showing deep sorrow of being totally forgotten.14.When he heard the news of his grandfather's death, he shook his head miserably, tears pouring down his cheeks.Reading the letter from her ex-boyfriend who passed away, her heart ached. She was seized by a burst of grief and couldn't help crying bitterly.The words on the suicide note went like a bullet to her heart. She burst into tears and ran out of the room, overcome with grief.17.As he looked at the empty seat where his wife used to sit, great sorrow clouded his eyes.18.After the loss of her best friend, her thoughts were floating in an ocean of sadness, unable to find an anchor to pull her back to the shores of normalcy.19.When he heard the news of his mother's passing, he felt an intense pain in his chest, as if a knife were cutting his heart.20.As the final curtain fell on the stage and the theater emptied, a wave of sadness welled up inside her. This was the last performance of the play she had poured her heart and soul into for months.21.When he heard the disappointing news about his failed project, a frown stood on his face and his face clouded over.22.Following the loss of her family home in the fire, sorrow came in waves. She would break down in tears when she thought about all the precious possessions and countless memories that had been destroyed. 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫