
重慶市2025屆高三上學期高考第零次診斷性質量檢測英語試題:讀后續寫--在馬拉松中綻放的友情之花 講義素材

  1. 二一教育資源

重慶市2025屆高三上學期高考第零次診斷性質量檢測英語試題:讀后續寫--在馬拉松中綻放的友情之花 講義素材


Because of my limp (跛行) since childhood, I never thought about running a marathon. However, when my head teacher said last Friday that a campus marathon was coming up, I really wanted to take part. Considering my physical condition, I started to feel afraid of signing up.
When my friend Eric learned of my situation, he volunteered to be my running partner, determined to help me reach the finish line.
Our training journey was challenging yet satisfying. We spent countless hours running together, starting with short distances and slowly increasing our running distance. Eric’s encouragement and patience were important in keeping me active.
One autumn morning, we set out for our first long training run. With each step, I felt the weight of my leg, but Eric encouraged me to push through. “Keep going and you’ve got this!” Eric’s voice rang through the air. As the weeks passed, I noticed great improvements in my distance and speed. Eric celebrated each small victory I made and I was gradually getting the confidence and courage to take part in the marathon.
On race day, we stood among a large group of runners. Nervous, I looked at Eric, who gave me a comforting smile. When everything was ready, we set off.
The first few miles were hard. My limp became more noticeable, and doubts came into my mind. But Eric’s presence was a great source of encouragement. He cheered me on, reminding me of our months of preparation.
As we neared the end of the marathon, I could see the finish line in sight. But then, just meters away from the finish line, I fell. Pain went through my leg, and at that time, I thought about giving up.
“We’re almost there! Don’t give up!” Eric, running beside me, shouted loudly.
注意:1. 續寫詞數應為150左右;
2. 請按如下格式在相應位置作答。
Paragraph 1: He helped me up.
Paragraph 2: I hugged (擁抱) Eric close and felt truly thankful.
本文講述了因童年跛行而從未想過參加馬拉松的 “我”,在班主任提到校園馬拉松后,在朋友埃里克的鼓勵和幫助下,克服內心恐懼參加訓練,并在比賽中努力堅持,最終在埃里克的陪伴下即將到達終點卻意外摔倒,而后又在埃里克的鼓勵下艱難跨過終點線的故事,展現了友情的力量和堅持的意義。
開場:介紹 “我” 因跛行對參加馬拉松既渴望又害怕的矛盾心理,為故事發展埋下伏筆,引出埃里克的出現。
發展:埃里克主動成為 “我” 的跑步伙伴,兩人開始艱苦的訓練過程,隨著訓練的推進,“我” 的能力逐漸提升,信心也不斷增強,這部分詳細描述了訓練的場景和 “我” 的心理變化,為比賽做鋪墊。
高潮:比賽中,“我” 在接近終點時摔倒,疼痛和放棄的念頭襲來,埃里克的大聲鼓勵成為關鍵轉折點。
結局:在埃里克的攙扶下,“我” 跨過終點線,兩人相擁,體現了故事的圓滿結局和情感的升華。
伏筆:“Considering my physical condition, I started to feel afraid of signing up.”
回應:在比賽中,尤其是摔倒后,“我” 再次因為身體狀況產生放棄的念頭,與前文害怕報名相呼應,突出了 “我” 面對困難時內心的掙扎。
伏筆:“Eric’s encouragement and patience were important in keeping me active.”
回應:在接近終點摔倒時,埃里克的鼓勵 “‘We’re almost there! Don’t give up!’ Eric, running beside me, shouted loudly.” 再次體現了他的鼓勵對 “我” 的重要性,正是因為他一直以來的鼓勵,“我” 才有了繼續前進的動力。
伏筆:“As the weeks passed, I noticed great improvements in my distance and speed. Eric celebrated each small victory I made and I was gradually getting the confidence and courage to take part in the marathon.”
回應:雖然摔倒,但 “我” 最終在埃里克的幫助下完成比賽,這是之前訓練成果和積累的信心的延續,如果沒有之前的進步和信心,“我” 可能很難在摔倒后重新站起來走向終點。
伏筆:“When my friend Eric learned of my situation, he volunteered to be my running partner, determined to help me reach the finish line.”
回應:在比賽中,埃里克始終陪伴在 “我” 身邊,尤其是在摔倒后,他毫不猶豫地扶起 “我”,幫助 “我” 走向終點,兌現了他最初要幫助 “我” 的承諾,體現了他的堅定和友誼的真摯。
伏筆:“On race day, we stood among a large group of runners. Nervous, I looked at Eric, who gave me a comforting smile.”
回應:摔倒后,埃里克的鼓勵和行動再次給 “我” 安慰,與之前的微笑相呼應,表明埃里克一直是 “我” 的精神支柱,讓 “我” 在困難時刻感受到溫暖和力量。
Eric 的行動:詳細描述埃里克扶起 “我” 后的動作,比如他如何用力支撐著 “我” 的身體,眼神中透露出堅定和鼓勵,還可以寫他一邊扶著 “我”,一邊和 “我” 說話,給予 “我” 精神上的支持。
“我” 的反應:寫出 “我” 在埃里克的攙扶下,內心的掙扎逐漸消失,重新燃起斗志,開始努力配合埃里克的步伐,一步一步向終點挪動,盡管疼痛依舊,但 “我” 的眼神變得堅定。
擁抱的細節:描繪 “我” 擁抱埃里克時的動作和心情,比如 “我” 緊緊地抱住他,淚水止不住地流,身體因激動而微微顫抖,感受到他的溫暖和力量。
感恩的表達:通過 “我” 的內心獨白或者對埃里克說的話,深刻表達對埃里克的感激之情,以及這次經歷對 “我” 的重要意義,如讓 “我” 重新認識了自己和友誼的價值。
文章起始于 “我” 對參加馬拉松的渴望與因自身殘疾而產生的恐懼交織的復雜情感。在埃里克的陪伴下,訓練過程中逐漸產生自信與勇氣,情感變得積極向上。比賽時,前期是緊張但又有埃里克在旁的安心,摔倒后則陷入痛苦與絕望,而埃里克的鼓勵又讓 “我” 重拾希望,最終完成比賽時是激動、感恩與對友誼深刻認知的情感爆發,這條情感線貫穿始終,推動著故事發展,也深刻地展現了人物內心的成長與變化。
因為童年跛行,“我” 雖渴望但不敢報名校園馬拉松。
埃里克得知后,主動成為 “我” 的跑步伙伴,開啟訓練之旅。
經過長時間訓練,“我” 的跑步能力和信心都有很大提升。
比賽當天,“我” 和埃里克一起出發,前期艱難但堅持著。
臨近終點時 “我” 摔倒,疼痛襲來,心生放棄念頭。
埃里克鼓勵 “我”,最終攙扶著 “我” 跨過終點線,兩人相擁。
True friendship is not just about being there in good times, but also about holding on tight when the going gets tough.(真正的友誼不僅是在順境中相伴,更是在艱難時刻緊緊相依。)
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and with determination and a helping hand, even the impossible becomes possible.(千里之行始于足下,有了決心和援手,即使是不可能的事也能變為可能。)
In the face of difficulties, it is not our physical strength but the strength of our spirit and the support of our friends that carry us through.(面對困難時,支撐我們走過的不是身體的力量,而是精神的力量和朋友的支持。)
The finish line is not just the end of a race; it is the symbol of our victory over self-doubt and the power of perseverance.(終點線不僅僅是一場比賽的結束,它是我們戰勝自我懷疑和堅持力量的象征。)
Sometimes, the greatest achievement is not in winning, but in having the courage to start and the perseverance to finish, especially with a friend by our side.(有時候,最大的成就不在于獲勝,而在于有勇氣開始并堅持到底,尤其是有朋友在身邊的時候。)
Paragraph 1
He helped me up, his grip firm and unyielding. With one arm around my waist and the other holding my arm, he hoisted me to my feet. His eyes, filled with determination, bored into mine. "We're so close. You can't give up now," he said, his voice raspy from the exertion of running. I gritted my teeth, nodded, and leaned on him heavily. Together, we took a tentative step forward, the pain in my leg shooting up, but I pushed it aside. The crowd's roar seemed to grow louder, spurring us on.
Paragraph 2
I hugged Eric close and felt truly thankful. His body was warm and solid against mine, and I could feel his heart pounding as fast as mine. "Thank you," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. "You believed in me when I didn't believe in myself." Tears streamed down my face, mingling with the sweat. This moment was not just about crossing the finish line; it was about the unbreakable bond of friendship we had formed. Eric had shown me that with support and determination, I could overcome any obstacle.
Paragraph 1
He helped me up, his face flushed but his expression resolute. He adjusted his hold on me, making sure I was steady. "Come on, buddy. We've trained too hard for this. Just a little more," he coaxed. I winced as I put weight on my injured leg, but the sight of the finish line and Eric's unwavering presence gave me the will to endure. Step by agonizing step, we inched closer, the cheers of the spectators fueling our determination.
Paragraph 2
I hugged Eric close and felt truly thankful. The embrace was filled with all the gratitude and relief that words could not express. I was overcome with a sense of awe at what we had accomplished. This marathon had become a metaphor for our friendship and the power of perseverance. Eric had been my crutch, both literally and figuratively, and I knew that this experience would stay with me forever. Our journey had taught me that no matter how difficult the path, with a true friend by your side, anything is achievable.
Paragraph 1
He helped me up, his hands steady and strong beneath my arms. His eyes locked onto mine, filled with a fierce determination that seemed to will me forward. "Ignore the pain. We're going to finish this together," he growled. With his support, I managed to put one foot in front of the other, each step sending a jolt of agony through my leg. But Eric's voice, constantly urging me on, drowned out the pain. The crowd's cheers grew deafening as we slowly made our way towards the finish line.
Paragraph 2
I hugged Eric close and felt truly thankful. My body shook with a mixture of exhaustion and elation. "I couldn't have done it without you," I sobbed into his shoulder. He held me tighter, his own breath ragged. In that moment, I realized that this marathon was more than a physical feat; it was a testament to the power of friendship and the strength of the human spirit. Eric had given me the gift of believing in myself, and I knew that our bond would endure long after the cheers had faded.




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