資源簡介 閱讀下面材料,根據其內容和所給段落開頭語續寫兩段,使之構成一篇完整的短文。One spring, I was hired as groundskeeper at a Country Inn, a famous bed-and-breakfast located in Washington state. The grand house is in a beautiful place. Many famous people have visited and even had their own rooms there. The owners, Philip and Cecelia, have done a perfect job for the house. However, the gardens were very overgrown. Worse yet, there was another problem: a very persistent doe (母鹿). Every day when I came to work, there was new evidence of the deer’s big appetite. I tried many preventives: spray, human hair, soap, you name it-but none of those things had effect. Often when I was weeding, I’d look over and there she’d be, munching some tasty pieces. Worst of all, she feasted on the roses, in which Cecelia took great pride. I became so frustrated that I named her “Dinner”— and wanted to serve her on plates. One morning, I was on my hands and knees pulling out vines and bushes when I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. There was Dinner, not five feet away, munching a large leaf and staring at me. I felt a connection with this animal. We did have something in common-we were both mothers. I got the crazy idea of communicating with her and it seemed she wanted the same thing. What’s up I asked in my head. I’m here because I feel safe, was the gentle reply I felt I heard. I have my fawns (幼鹿) bedded down nearby, and there is plenty to eat. When the twins are older after summer, I will move them deeper into the forest. I understand that, I assured her. People come here too, from far away. I guess they’ll be interested to see you. I promise that nobody will harm you or your children. I don’t mind sharing the vegetation but Cecelia loves roses, too. She is very upset when they are all eaten. A loud crash broke the magic. Our eyes met again briefly before she leaped off across the driveway, disappearing into the forest. Has I really communicated with the deer 注意:1. 續寫詞數應為 150 左右;2. 請按如下格式在答題卡的相應位置作答。Paragraph 1:I went into the kitchen where Cecelia was preparing the evening meal.Paragraph 2:Every day, I enjoyed watching Dinner with the twins and my presence never bothered them. 文章大意:作者受雇于一家鄉村旅館擔任園丁,旅館花園雖美但雜草叢生,且有一只貪吃的母鹿 “Dinner” 常來破壞,尤其愛吃塞西莉亞引以為傲的玫瑰,作者嘗試多種方法驅趕均無效。一次勞作時,作者與母鹿 “Dinner” 四目相對,奇妙地產生了心靈感應般的交流,得知它因這里安全且食物充足帶著幼鹿棲息于此,還承諾會在幼鹿長大后離開。之后作者將此事告知塞西莉亞,旅館主人也展現出了理解與包容的態度,故事后續圍繞著人和鹿如何和諧共處展開。故事山分析:開端:作者受雇于鄉村旅館,負責打理花園,卻遭遇母鹿頻繁破壞花園的問題,尤其是對玫瑰造成極大損害。發展:作者嘗試多種方法驅趕母鹿均失敗,在一次勞作中與母鹿 “Dinner” 意外 “交流”,了解到它的情況。高潮:作者向旅館主人塞西莉亞講述與母鹿交流的經歷,主人的反應出乎意料,沒有生氣而是選擇理解和包容,決定與鹿群和諧共處。結局:人和鹿在花園里和諧相處,母鹿帶著幼鹿自在生活,還成為旅館獨特一景,客人也欣然接受這一畫面。伏筆及續寫中的回應:伏筆:花園非常雜亂且有母鹿破壞問題,為后續作者與母鹿的接觸以及關于花園處理方式的轉變埋下伏筆。回應:在續寫中,主人和作者決定對花園部分區域放任不管,以滿足母鹿的生存需求,從而解決了花園雜亂和母鹿生存空間的矛盾。伏筆:作者嘗試多種方法驅趕母鹿均失敗,暗示母鹿不會輕易離開,為后續雙方 “交流” 并達成和解做鋪墊。回應:作者與母鹿的交流中了解到它的想法,從而不再試圖驅趕,而是選擇共存,母鹿也繼續留在花園附近。伏筆:作者作為園丁對母鹿的破壞感到無奈,甚至給它取名 “Dinner”,這種情緒的積累為后面態度的轉變提供反差。回應:通過與母鹿的交流,作者理解了它的處境,從厭惡轉變為保護,后續每天觀察母鹿一家也體現出這種情感的變化。伏筆:作者提到母鹿感覺在這里安全且有食物,暗示這里的環境適合母鹿生存,這為后續人和鹿能和諧共處提供基礎。回應:主人得知后決定讓自然發展,保留部分花園區域,正是基于母鹿對環境的依賴,使得雙方能夠和諧相處。伏筆:母鹿在作者勞作時離他很近且不害怕,預示著雙方有可能建立某種特殊的聯系,為后續的心靈交流做準備。回應:在續寫中,作者每天觀察母鹿一家,它們也不害怕作者的存在,進一步強化了這種和諧共處的關系,體現出之前伏筆的延續和發展。續寫要點(兩段):第一段:情節發展:作者告知塞西莉亞與母鹿的交流后,兩人決定在花園規劃出一塊區域供母鹿和幼鹿棲息、覓食,同時設置一些簡單的防護措施,避免它們過度破壞其他區域,尤其是玫瑰叢。人物互動:塞西莉亞和作者一起討論具體的規劃方案,考慮如何既滿足母鹿的需求,又能保護花園的整體美觀和其他花卉的生長,兩人的關系因共同的決定而更加融洽。第二段:情節推進:隨著時間推移,母鹿和幼鹿在花園的生活成為旅館一道獨特的風景線,吸引了更多客人。作者也逐漸與母鹿一家建立起深厚的情感,每天都會觀察它們的生活習性,甚至在適當的時候為它們提供一些額外的食物和水。結局呈現:在一個溫暖的夏日傍晚,母鹿帶著已經長大一些的幼鹿在花園邊緣向作者張望,似乎在表達感謝,然后緩緩走進森林深處,作者望著它們離去的背影,心中感慨萬千,旅館花園也在人與自然的和諧共生中繼續散發著獨特的魅力。情感線(150 字):作者最初對母鹿 “Dinner” 充滿厭惡和無奈,因為它頻繁破壞花園,尤其是吃掉塞西莉亞心愛的玫瑰。然而,在一次意外的 “交流” 后,作者開始理解母鹿的行為,情感發生轉變,從排斥變為接納和保護。這種情感的變化也影響了塞西莉亞,兩人共同決定與母鹿和諧共處,隨著時間推移,作者對母鹿一家產生了深厚的感情,最終在母鹿離開時,心中滿是感慨與不舍,完成了從厭惡到喜愛再到離別的情感歷程。故事線(6 條):作者受雇打理鄉村旅館花園,遇到母鹿破壞花園問題。作者嘗試多種方法驅趕母鹿無果,內心沮喪。作者與母鹿意外 “交流”,了解其情況和需求。作者告知塞西莉亞后,兩人決定與母鹿和諧共處,規劃花園區域。母鹿和幼鹿在花園生活,成為旅館獨特景觀,吸引客人。母鹿在幼鹿長大后離開,作者感慨萬千,花園繼續保持和諧之美。主旨升華句(5 句英文):In this small corner of the world, we witnessed the beauty of coexistence between humans and nature, where understanding and tolerance bridged the gap between different species.(在世界的這個小角落,我們見證了人與自然和諧共處的美好,在那里理解和寬容彌合了不同物種之間的鴻溝。)The story of the deer and the inn teaches us that when we open our hearts to nature, we not only gain a deeper connection with the environment but also discover the kindness and compassion within ourselves.(鹿與旅館的故事告訴我們,當我們向自然敞開心扉時,我們不僅與環境建立了更深層次的聯系,也發現了自己內心的善良與同情。)Through this encounter, we realized that every living being has its place and purpose on this earth, and by respecting and sharing, we can create a harmonious and beautiful world for all.(通過這次相遇,我們意識到每個生物在這個地球上都有其位置和目的,通過尊重和分享,我們可以為所有人創造一個和諧美好的世界。)The harmony between the deer family and the inn is a testament to the power of acceptance and the magic that unfolds when we choose to live in harmony with nature rather than against it.(鹿群與旅館之間的和諧是接受力量的證明,也是當我們選擇與自然和諧共處而非對抗時所展現出的魔力的見證。)This tale of the garden and the deer shows us that in the embrace of nature's rhythm, we find the true meaning of life and the value of every creature that shares this planet with us.(這個花園與鹿的故事向我們展示了,在順應自然節奏的懷抱中,我們找到了生命的真正意義以及與我們共享這個星球的每一個生物的價值。)寫作示范一:Paragraph 1:I went into the kitchen where Cecelia was preparing the evening meal. With a bit of trepidation, I recounted my strange conversation with Dinner. Cecelia's hands paused in mid-air as she listened intently. To my relief, instead of being angry, she smiled softly and said, "Perhaps we've been too hasty in trying to drive her away. Let's see if we can find a balance." We spent the evening discussing how to designate a part of the garden for the deer family while protecting the roses. We decided to plant some extra greens in a secluded corner and put up a small fence around the rose bushes.Paragraph 2:Every day, I enjoyed watching Dinner with the twins and my presence never bothered them. As the days passed, the fawns grew bolder, sometimes even playfully chasing each other around the garden. The guests at the inn were enchanted by the sight, and many took pictures from a respectful distance. One sunny afternoon, as I was watering the plants, Dinner walked up to me and nuzzled my hand gently, as if to show her gratitude. When autumn came, and the leaves started to turn, Dinner led her now larger fawns to the edge of the forest. She looked back at me one last time before disappearing into the woods. The garden remained a place of beauty and harmony, a testament to the possibility of peaceful coexistence between humans and nature.寫作示范二:Paragraph 1:I went into the kitchen where Cecelia was preparing the evening meal. I took a deep breath and told her about my encounter with Dinner. Cecelia's eyes widened in surprise, but then a look of understanding dawned on her face. "Maybe it's a sign that we should be more accepting," she murmured. We then hatched a plan to create a deer-friendly zone in the garden, with a small water source and some native plants that the deer could enjoy without harming the rest of the flora. We also made sure to leave a clear path for them to come and go freely.Paragraph 2:Every day, I enjoyed watching Dinner with the twins and my presence never bothered them. The fawns grew quickly, and their antics brought much joy to the inn. The guests were delighted to witness this unique bond between humans and wildlife. As the season changed, Dinner's visits became less frequent. One chilly morning, I saw her leading her fawns away from the garden. I felt a pang of sadness but also a sense of fulfillment. The garden had become a haven not only for the plants but also for the deer, teaching us all the value of sharing our space with nature. It was a reminder that when we show kindness and respect, nature rewards us with its own kind of magic.參考答案I went into the kitchen where Cecelia was preparing the evening meal. “I just had a meeting of the minds with Dinner in the driveway,” I told her. “Maybe we can look at this problem in another way. The guests can see roses anywhere. But having wildlife might really add to the charm of the place. Cecelia thought about it and liked the idea. For the next few months, Dinner brought her twins into the yard. While she grazed, the siblings ran around the lawn, just like small children. She even seemed to pose so that guests could take pictures.I enjoyed watching Dinner with the twins and my presence never bothered them. The fawns were curious. They would stare at me through the bushes and jump around. Dinner’s parenting skills were excellent. I was touched by the gentleness and affection she showed her charges. As summer wound down, Dinner and her children visited less and less. she was taking them farther into the forest. Finally, they left for good. So maybe there is a way to live in harmony with these peaceful creatures. Consider who was here first and think what we’ve done to them, not just what they’ve done to us. 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫