

  1. 二一教育資源



開頭段: 問候對方(朋友間)或自我介紹(陌生人間),
中間段: 陳述要點
結尾段: 表達愿望
開頭段 開頭段 版本一(寫給不熟悉的人): I’m Li Hua, a senior 1/2/3 student from Xinhua school. I’m very glad/sorry to hear/ know/learn that... So I will...(表明目的) 我是李華,一名來自新華學校的高一/高二/高三學生。聽說/知道/了解到...我很高興/遺憾。所以我將... 版本二(寫給熟悉的人): How is everything going recently Hearing/Knowing/Learning that... , I’m very glad/sorry. Therefore,I’m writing this letter to ...(表明目的) 你最近還好嗎?聽說/知道/了解到...我很高興/遺憾。因此,我寫這封信來... 不同信件表明目的的句式如下: 1.shen 1.申請信 I’m writing this letter to apply to be a/an... 我寫這封信申請成為一名......。 I’m writing this letter to apply for the position. 我寫這封信申請得到這個職位。 2.建議信 I’m writing this letter to give you some advice /suggestions. 我寫這封信給你一些建議。 介紹信、推薦信 I’m writing this letter to introduce /recommend it to you.我寫這封信向你介紹/推薦它。 I’m writing this letter to give you a brief introduction. 我寫這封信向你簡要地介 紹它。 4.告知信 I’m writing this letter to tell you about it. 我寫這封信告訴你有關它的一些事情。 I’m writing this letter to inform you of it. 我寫這封信告訴你有關它的一些事情 5.咨詢信 I’m writing this letter to ask for some information about it. 我寫這封信咨詢有關它的一些信息。 6.邀請信 I’m writing this letter to invite you to come to the exhibition. 我寫這封信邀請你來看這個展覽。 7.求助信 I’m writing this letter to ask for / seek your help. 我寫這封信尋求你的幫助。 8.祝賀信 I’m writing this letter to congratulate you on winning the prize. 我寫這封信祝賀你獲獎。 9.感謝信 I’m writing this letter to thank you for your help/understanding. 我寫這封信來謝謝你的幫助/理解 I’m writing this letter to express my sincere thanks for your help. 我寫這封信對你的幫助表達我的真誠的感激。 10.道歉信 I’m writing this letter to say sorry / express my sincere apologies / apologize to you for not being able to go to the bookstore with you at the appointed time. 我寫這封信向你表達我真誠的歉意,因為我不能按約定時間和你一起去書店了。 11.慰問信 I’m writing this letter to express / show my heartfelt concern for you. 我寫這封信表達我對你的真切的關心/擔憂。 12.投訴信 I’m writing this letter to complain about the phone I bought last week. 我寫這封信投訴我上周買的手機。
中間段 中間段 過渡語: Fir 1. Firstly, ... Secondly, ... Thirdly, ... Last but not least, ... 第一, ...... 第二,...... 第三,...... 最后但并非不重要,...... 2.To begin with/First of all, ... Besides, ... What’s more/In addition, ... Finally, ...... 首先, ......其次,......而且/另外, ...... (適用于提建議,介紹情況,咨詢情況,投訴產品等) 二、高頻句式: 1.引出看法 As we all know, ... 眾所周知, ...... / As you know, ... 如你所知, ...... It is well known that... 眾所周知,...... It is common knowledge that... 眾所周知,...... In my opinion / From my point of view/ As far as I am concerned, ...在我看來, ...... As is known to all, reading can broaden our horizons and enrich our knowledge. 眾所周知,閱讀能開闊我們的視野、豐富我們的知識。 It is common knowledge that everything has two sides.眾所周知,事物都有兩面性。 -ving作主語 Helping others brings me great pleasure. 幫助他人給我帶來了極大的快樂。 Listening to music is my favorite hobby. 聽音樂是我的最大愛好。 Staying up is harmful to our health. 熬夜對我們的健康有害。 Doing sports is good for our health. 做運動對我們的身體健康有好處。 Reading widely helps us learn new things and expand our knowledge. 廣泛地閱讀幫助我們學習新東西擴展我們的知識面。 3.It is +adj./ n. + for sb. to do sth. 做某事對某人來說...... It is important for us to keep healthy. 保持健康對我們來說很重要。 It is necessary for us to learn English well. 學好英語對我們老來說是有必要的。 It is a good idea for us to travel to the north. 到處旅行對我們來說是個好主意。 4.非限制性定語從句: I come from a small village, which is very beautiful. 我來自一個小村莊,它很漂亮。 We should exercise regularly, which can bring us a lot of benefits. 我們應該定期鍛煉,這能給我們帶來許多好處。 I always help others, which brings me great fun. 我總是幫助別人,這給我帶來極大的快樂。 He is always late, which makes his teacher very angry. 他總是遲到,這使他的老師非常生氣。 5.not only...but also... “不僅......而且......” He is not only my friend but also my teacher. 他不僅是我的朋友,還是我的老師。 Reading not only brings us lots of knowledge, but also it makes us wiser. 閱讀不僅給我們帶來大量的知識而且也讓我們更加明智。
結尾段 申請信 I’m looking forward to being accepted. 我期待著被錄用/被接受。 I would appreciate it if you could give me this opportunity. 如果你能給我這個機會我將不勝感激。 建議信 I hope you will find my suggestions helpful.我希望你會認為我的建議是有幫助的。 介紹信、推薦信 I hope you will find my introduction/recommendation helpful. 我希望你會認為我的介紹/推薦是有幫助的。 告知信 I hope you will find this information useful.我希望你會認為這些信息有用的。 咨詢信 I’m looking forward to hearing from you.我期待著收到你的來信。 邀請信 We are looking forward to your coming.我們期待著你的到來。 We sincerely hope you can attend it.我們真誠地希望您能參加。 求助信 I would be very grateful if you could lend me a hand. 如果您能幫助我,我將非常感激。 祝賀信 Please accept my sincere congratulations. Looking forward to your good news again. 請接受我真誠的祝賀。期待你再次傳來好消息。 感謝信 Please accept my sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart. 請接受我發自內心的感謝。 Again, thank you for your generous help. 再次感謝你的慷慨相助。 道歉信 I hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situations. 我希望你能接受我的道歉,理解我的處境。 慰問信 I hope you will find my encouragement helpful. If there is anything I can do for you, do let me know. 我希望你會認為我的鼓勵是有用的。如果有什么事是我能為你做的,請務必讓我知道。 投訴信 Thank you for your consideration. Looking forward to your earliest reply and action. 感謝你的考慮。期待你盡早回復和行動。
1. 成長型主題升華:
When looking back on the experience, I realized that as long as we made every effort to overcome all the difficulties, we will definitely achieve success finally. 當回顧這段經歷時,我意識到只要我們盡一切努力克服所有的困難,我們最終必定能取得成功。
When looking back on the experience, I realized it was kindness and love that could make a big difference.當回顧這次段經歷時,我意識到善良和愛可以帶來很大的不同。
3. 脫險型主題升華:
When looking back on the experience, I realized that it was courage and calmness that could overcome whatever difficulties come in the way. 當回顧這段經歷時,我意識到只有勇敢和冷靜才能戰勝前進路上的任何困難。
joy/delight/happiness n.快樂;喜悅 pleased/delighted/cheerful adj.高興的;愉快的
dance/ jump with joy 高興得跳起舞來/跳起來 be wild with delight /joy 欣喜若狂
be full of happiness 充滿開心/幸福 wear a smile 面帶微笑
I could hardly contain my joy and danced into the house.
At the sight of such a lovely rabbit, tracks. I was wild with joy and followed its tracks.
He walked towards me, wearing a smile.
tear n.淚水 sadness n.悲傷
weep v.& n.哭泣 sob v.&n.抽噎;啜泣;嗚咽
blue adj.憂郁的 sorrowful/depressed adj.悲傷的/沮喪的
burst into tears 突然哭起來 be immersed in sorrow 沉浸在悲痛之中
drown one's sorrows 借酒澆愁 an ocean of sadness 悲傷的海洋
a ripple of sadness wells up inside sb.某人心中涌起一陣悲傷
When he know his grandpa has passed away, a ripple of sadness welled up inside him.
Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned his sorrows.
I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.
shyness n.害羞 a bit shy 有點害羞
embarrassed adj.尷尬的 awkward adj.令人尷尬的;使人難堪的
ashamed adj.羞愧的,羞恥的 in shame 羞愧地
to one's shame 令某人感到羞愧的是 in embarrassment 尷尬地
hide/disguise/mask one’s embarrassment 掩飾某人的尷尬
1) 她窘得雙手掩面。
She put her hands up to her cheeks in embarrassment.
2) 男孩羞愧地低下了頭,臉漲得通紅。
The boy hung/lowered/bent/bowed his head in shame.
To my shame, I refused to listen to her explanation of the thing/side of the story.
anger n.憤怒;怒火 vt.激怒;使發怒 annoy vt.使惱怒;使生氣
glare at sb.怒視某人 burst into anger 勃然大怒
tremble with anger 氣得發抖 turn red with anger 氣得滿臉通紅
in a burst of anger 怒氣沖沖地 cloud (over) with anger (面部、眼睛)顯現憤怒
1) 安迪怒視著她,滿面怒容。
Andy glared at her and his face was filled with anger/clouded with anger.
2) 波莉怒火中燒,一把推開椅子,從桌子旁邊站了起來。(過去分詞作狀語)
Filled with anger, Polly pushed back her chair and stood up from the table
3) 看到兒子在玩游戲而不是在做作業,她朝他大喊大叫,一怒之下沖了房間。
Seeing her son playing games instead of doing his homework, she shouted at him and rushed out of the room in a burst of anger.
despair n.絕望vi.絕望;失去希望 desperate/hopeless adj.絕望的;無望的
hopelessly adv.絕望地 sink into hopelessness/desperation陷入絕望
in despair 絕望地 fall into despair/abandon oneself to despair陷入絕望 語料運用
1) 她絕望得心都碎了。
Her heart was broken in despair.
2) 我們絕望地站在那里,想知道下一步怎么辦。
We stood there hopelessly, wondering what to do next.
3) 托尼陷入了絕望,感覺就像被扔進一個黑暗的世界。
Tony sank into hopelessness and felt like he was thrown into a world of darkness.
puzzled/confused adj.迷惑不解的 be confused about 對……感到困惑
be puzzled at 對……迷惑不解 at a loss 困惑;不知所措
one's mind goes blank大腦一片空白 scratch one's head 苦思冥想;絞盡腦汁
one's forehead knots in a frown/with a frown on one's face眉頭緊皺/雙眉緊鎖
1) 關于如何與同學和睦相處,她感到很困惑。
She felt very confused about how to get along with her classmates.
2) 他絞盡腦汁,但仍對這道數學題無從下手。
He scratched his head, but he was still unable to start with the math problem.
3) 當熊朝他撲來時,他不知所措,腦子一片空白。
When the bear came at him, he was at a loss and his mind went blank.
guilty adj.感到內疚的;感到慚愧的 regretful adj.后悔的;失望的
to one's regret令某人遺憾/后悔的是 with deep regret 深感遺憾
say sorry to 向……道歉 apologize to 向……道歉
a wave of guilt 一陣內疚 be filled with guilt 滿懷內疚
1) 她想為自己發脾氣向湯姆道歉。
She wanted to say sorry to Tom for losing her temper.
2) 我感到一陣內疚,言語無法表達我的遺憾。
I was overwhelmed by a wave of guilt and words failed to express my regret.
3) 我滿懷內疚,沖出去向湯姆道歉。(過去分詞短語作狀語)
Filled with guilt, I rushed out to apologize to Tom.
nervous/tense adj.緊張的 tremble vi.(因緊張、驚慌等)顫抖,哆嗦
beat v.(心臟)跳動 hold one's breath 屏住呼吸
have butterflies in one's stomach 緊張,驚慌 can't help trembling 忍不住發抖
be on pins and needles 如坐針氈
1) 他屏住呼吸等待考試結果。
He waited for the test result, holding his breath.
2) 當他緊緊捏著我的手時,我心里發慌。
As he squeezed my hand tightly, I had butterflies in my stomach.
She trembled all over, being on pins and needles.
scare v.恐懼;使害怕 n.恐慌;驚嚇 in panic 恐懼地
with/in fear害怕地 be full of horror 充滿恐懼
in/with horror 驚恐地 tremble with fear 害怕得發抖
1) 他驚慌失措地踱來踱去。
He paced up and down in panic.
2) 他嚇得僵住了,寸步難行。(過去分詞作狀語)
Frozen with fear, he can't move an inch.
3) 一看到那只兇惡的狼,我就嚇得嗓子發緊,膝蓋發軟。
At the sight of the fierce wolf, I felt so scared that my throat tightened and my knees felt weak.
determination n.決心;決定 perseverance n.毅力
endurance n.耐力,忍耐力 make up one's mind 下定決心
a firm stand 堅定的立場 a firm belief 堅定的信念
1) 他下定決心要趕上同班同學。
He was determined to/made up his mind to/determined to catch up with his classmates.
2) 他持有堅定的信念:畢業后就在家鄉工作。
He holds a firm belief that he will work in his hometown after graduation.
3) 他們依靠毅力克服了許多困難,終于到達了山頂,看見了日出。
Relying on their perseverance, they overcame many difficulties and finally reached the top of the mountain and saw the sunrise.
excite vt.使激動;使興奮 excited adj.激動的;興奮的
be excited about/at/by….對……感到興奮 thrill n.激動;興奮 vt.使非常激動
with a mixture of excitement and happiness既興奮又開心
with excitement興奮地;激動地
1. 男孩停了下來,他的心激動得怦怦跳。(獨立主格)
The boy stopped, his heart beating with excitement.
2. 當她走進房間時,我們既興奮又開心地看著她。
When she walked into the room, we looked at her with a mixture of excitement and happiness.
3. 孩子們對打開禮物感到興奮不已。
The children were excited about/at/by opening their presents.
shock n.震驚;驚愕 v.使震驚 astonished/surprised adj.吃驚的
a flash of surprise一絲震驚 in surprise 吃驚地
to one's surprise 令某人吃驚的是 with shock 震驚,驚愕
1. 我覺察出他眼中閃過一絲震驚。
I sensed a flash of surprise in his eyes.
2. 聽到那個消息,她驚訝地抬起頭。
Hearing that news, she looked up in surprise.
3. 他驚訝得說不出話來,甚至都不能思考了。(too..to...)
He was too surprised/astonished to speak or even to think.
affect v.使感動;打動 move v.使感動;打動
move sb. to tears使某人感動得落淚 touch v.感動;觸動
be moved/touched/affected deeply被深深打動
1. 老百姓被深深地感動了,拍手拍得更響了
Touched/ Moved/Affected deeply, the crowd clapped their hands more loudly.
2. 那是一個讓每個人都感動得落淚的好故事。
That was a great story that moved everyone to tears.
3. 看到陌生人這般彼此關照,我實在感動。
I was really moved/touched to see how much strangers could care for each other.
say v.說;告訴 shout(at) v.(朝……)大聲說,喊叫
add v.補充說;繼續說 mumble an apology 嘟嘟囔囔地道歉
in a whisper 耳語;低聲地,小聲地 cry for help 呼救
1. 他說那件事的聲音太小了,所以我聽不見。
He said it in a whisper, so I couldn’t hear it.
2. 小男孩垂著頭,嘟嘟囔囔地向他的母親道歉。
The little boy hung his head and mumbled an apology to his mother.
3. 狼也注意到保羅和貝姬,回頭朝他們嚎叫。
The wolf also noticed Paul and Becky and turned its head back, shouting at him.
look vi.看 see v.看見
watch v.觀看 notice v.注意
recognize vt.認出 stare at凝視
glare at 怒視 cast a glance/glimpse at 向……瞥一眼
1. 我們一到我就認出了那位著名的喜劇演員。
I recognized the famous comedian as soon as we arrived.
2. 她看見一個男人在大廳里走來走去。
She saw a man walking up and down the hall.
3. 當他說完時,他抬起頭,向窗外看去。
When he finished speaking, he lifted his head and looked out of the window.
smile v.微笑;笑;露出(笑容) laugh v.笑;發笑
grin v.咧著嘴笑;露齒而笑 laugh loudly 大聲地笑
a bright smile 燦爛的笑容 burst into laughter/burst out laughing突然大笑起來
1. 他的臉上露出了燦爛的笑容。
A bright smile appeared on his face.
2. 蘇珊向他微笑并揮手。
Susan smiled at him and waved.
3. 他控制不住自己突然大笑起來。
He couldn’t help himself and burst into laughter/burst out laughing.
lower/bend/bow one's head低頭 shake/nod one’s head搖/點頭
kiss sb. on both cheeks親吻某人的雙頰 turn one's eyes to….把目光轉向…… open one's mouth 張開嘴 shake hands 握手
snap one's fingers 打響指
He kissed her on both cheeks and got on the train.
He turned his eyes to the door when he heard the handle turning.
He snapped his fingers and the waiter came running.
fold one's arms 雙臂交叉在胸前 arm in arm臂挽臂
shrug one's shoulders 聳肩 wipe one's nose 擦鼻子
bite one's lip 咬著嘴唇 lie on one's back 仰臥
jump to one's feet 跳起來 cross one's legs 交叉雙腿
He bit his lip nervously, trying not to cry.
She was lying on her back on the sofa.
Seeing a snake suddenly crawling out of the grass, he was so frightened that he jumped to his feet.
dot v.點綴;布滿s sunny adj.陽光明媚的
inky adj.墨黑的 clear adj.晴朗的
cloudless adj.晴朗的;無云的 the rising/setting sun 朝陽/落日
a rainbow hanging in the sky掛在空中的彩虹
The stars that dotted the sky lit up the night.
The moon was rising in the inky sky.
There is a rainbow hanging in the sky. It looks very beautiful.
rainy adj.多雨的 storm n.暴風雨
dark clouds 烏云 gentle/light rain 小雨,細雨;毛毛雨
pour with rain 下大雨 rain cats and dogs 下傾盆大雨
fierce/heavy/violent storms狂風暴雨 pour down 傾盆而下;傾瀉
thunder and lightning 電閃雷鳴
The storm nearly tore the roof off the house.
The dark clouds were packed with tons of water which was ready to pour down anytime.
There was a terrible storm that night, with claps of thunder and lightning.
windy adj.風大的
die away(聲音、風等)慢慢變弱,逐漸消失
a cool, refreshing breeze一陣涼爽清新的風
a gust of wind一陣狂風 a north wind 北風 a light wind微風
The north wind was bitter.
It was getting dark and the wind died away.
A gust of wind blew and parted the branches of the weeping willow like a curtain.
snowstorm n.暴風雪 melt away 融化
shining snow 白雪皚皚 fine snow 細細的雪
a blanket of snow 厚厚的一層雪 be covered with thick snow 被厚厚的雪覆蓋
be hit/struck by a heavy snow 遭受大雪的襲擊
The snow soon melted away.
Fine snow fell from the sky, shining in the sun.
The earth is covered with a blanket of snow, which is difficult to melt away.
hill n.小山 mountain n.高山
river n.河流 stream n.小溪
lake n.湖 murmur n.(水、風等發出的)低沉的聲音,輕柔的聲音
winding adj.蜿蜒的;曲折的 low, rolling hills 山勢低緩,連綿起伏
the deep valley 深谷 the snow-covered peak 積雪覆蓋的山峰
She stood by the river, listening to the murmur of it.
Along the winding mountain road, they reached the snow-covered peak with difficulty.
The lake is surrounded by several hills and the lake surface reflects the sky above, so they all look very blue and shining.
energetic adj.充滿活力的 quiet adj.安靜的
lovely adj.可愛的 remote/distant adj.遙遠的
old/ancient adj.古老的 step back in time 時光倒流
a flood of vehicles 許多車輛 a crowded street一條擁擠的街道
a favorably situated city 位置優越的城市 panicked crowds 驚慌失措的人群
rows of new houses一排排的新房子
Walking around the town was a little like stepping back in time.
Nanjing, an old yet energetic city, has a long history.
It was so quiet in the classroom that the sound of a needle dropping to the ground could be heard.
Great changes have taken place in my hometown. People live a rich life and build rows of new houses.




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    1. 主站蜘蛛池模板: 察隅县| 阳原县| 大田县| 莱芜市| 深圳市| 山东省| 邯郸市| 东莞市| 大荔县| 苗栗县| 珲春市| 织金县| 永登县| 兴仁县| 溆浦县| 新郑市| 长岭县| 吴旗县| 江都市| 松潘县| 长乐市| 洛扎县| 闽侯县| 汶川县| 双峰县| 孝昌县| 南川市| 海南省| 湛江市| 栾川县| 鹿邑县| 遂平县| 达拉特旗| 胶州市| 汝阳县| 鸡泽县| 古田县| 屏山县| 三都| 海城市| 兖州市|