資源簡介 閱讀下面材料,根據所給情節進行續寫,使之構成一篇完整的故事。In my community, there’s a much-loved street cleaner named Paul Spiers. Since 2017, the 63-year-old has been dutifully cleaning our streets. As he sweeps, he always sings along with the melodious tunes of Elvis Presley(貓王). Paul’s beautiful voice floats in the air, adding a unique charm to our community.Paul has developed deep and genuine friendships with many of us locals. I’m his best friend as we both love Elvis’ songs. Whenever we express our gratitude to him, he always smiles brightly and says he’s just doing his job. His presence has not only kept our roads clean but also lifted our spirits.We, the neighbours, were deeply touched by Paul’s hard work and positive attitude. So we decided to come together to give him a special gift. We managed to raise over 3,000 to send him on a holiday to Portugal, a place he had always dreamed of revisiting since he had only been abroad once, and that was to Portugal.However, our kind plan encountered a big problem. Paul’s employer, a waste management company, stated that employees couldn’t receive any gifts in the form of money other than their regular salary according to strict corporate rules. At this news, Paul said, “Well, rules are rules. It’s okay. I’m grateful for what everyone has tried to do for me.” He continued to sweep the floor, humming a song of Elvis Presley as usual.We were all disappointed that Paul couldn’t enjoy this well-deserved holiday as a reward for all his hard work for our community and determined to find a proper way to recognize Paul.I posted Paul’s story on social media, “Giving him this incredible gift would be a heartfelt way to show our appreciation for everything he does. Let’s come together to make this dream happen for someone who truly deserves it.” The post went viral and caught the attention of a package holiday company, OnTheBeach.The manager of OnTheBeach got in touch with me, and put forward a proper way to recognize Paul.注意:1. 續寫詞數應為150左右;2. 請按如下格式在答題卡的相應位置作答。OnTheBeach announced online that it was to hold a special singing competition.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________To Paul’s relief, the waste management company had no objection to him accepting the win.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________文章大意:在社區里,63 歲的街道清潔工保羅自 2017 年以來一直勤懇工作,清掃街道時還會哼唱貓王的歌曲,他與居民們建立了深厚友誼,大家都很喜歡他。居民們被保羅的努力和積極態度所感動,集資 3000 多英鎊想送他去葡萄牙度假,那是他一直夢想重游的地方。然而,保羅所在的廢物管理公司規定員工除工資外不能接受金錢形式的禮物,計劃受阻,但保羅坦然接受。后來 “我” 將保羅的故事發布在社交媒體上,引起了 OnTheBeach 度假公司的注意。伏筆及回應:伏筆:保羅愛哼唱貓王的歌曲,這為后續度假公司舉辦以貓王歌曲演唱為主題的比賽做鋪墊,使比賽形式與保羅的愛好緊密相連,順理成章地引出后續情節。回應:度假公司舉辦的比賽要求參賽者演唱貓王歌曲,保羅憑借自己對貓王歌曲的熱愛和擅長,有機會參與并最終贏得比賽,實現去葡萄牙度假的夢想,呼應了前文保羅的愛好設定。伏筆:居民們集資送保羅度假卻因公司規定受阻,這引發了后續在社交媒體上尋求幫助的情節,為故事的發展制造了波折和懸念。回應:“我” 在社交媒體上發布保羅的故事后,引起度假公司關注,從而推動了比賽形式的獎勵計劃,使故事朝著解決問題的方向發展,情節連貫且富有邏輯性。伏筆:保羅之前只出國去過一次葡萄牙,且一直夢想重游,突出了葡萄牙對他的特殊意義,為他渴望贏得比賽去葡萄牙度假增添了情感動力。回應:保羅在比賽中獲勝后能夠前往葡萄牙,滿足了他的心愿,也讓讀者感受到他夢想成真的喜悅,同時強化了故事的情感色彩,與前文的伏筆相呼應。伏筆:保羅對居民們的感恩和積極面對不能度假的態度,展現了他的善良和豁達,使讀者更希望他能得到一個好的結果,為后續大家繼續努力幫助他做了情感鋪墊。回應:當度假公司提出比賽計劃時,大家積極參與,最終幫助保羅贏得比賽,體現了社區居民對保羅的持續支持和關愛,也回應了保羅之前的善良形象,讓故事充滿溫暖和正能量。伏筆:OnTheBeach 度假公司關注到 “我” 發布的帖子,這一情節引出了公司將采取行動幫助保羅的伏筆,為故事的轉折和解決提供了可能性。回應:度假公司通過舉辦比賽的方式,巧妙地避開了保羅公司的規定,讓保羅有機會獲得度假機會,既解決了問題,又使故事富有創意和合理性,完成了伏筆的呼應和故事的完整敘述。續寫要點第一段:情感線:保羅得知比賽消息后,心中充滿希望與感激,同時也有些緊張和期待;社區居民們熱情高漲,紛紛鼓勵保羅參賽,并積極為他拉票,大家都懷著對保羅的深厚情誼,希望他能贏得比賽;其他參賽者也被保羅的故事所感動,雖有競爭但也帶著祝福的心情參與。故事線:OnTheBeach 宣布舉辦一場特殊的演唱比賽,獲勝者將獲得去葡萄牙的度假機會,主題是演唱貓王的歌曲,以契合保羅的愛好。保羅決定參賽,他認真挑選歌曲并反復練習。比賽過程中,視頻在網絡上廣泛傳播,保羅的歌聲打動了許多人,社區居民們不遺余力地為他投票,分享他的故事,讓更多人了解到這位可愛的街道清潔工。第二段:情感線:保羅得知公司不反對他接受獎品時,欣喜若狂,對度假公司、社區居民以及所有幫助他的人充滿了感恩之情;社區居民們也為保羅感到高興和自豪,大家的努力得到了回報,整個社區洋溢著溫馨和喜悅的氛圍;保羅帶著大家的祝福踏上旅程,內心滿是溫暖和幸福,也更加堅定了他回來后繼續為社區服務的決心。故事線:經過激烈的角逐和投票,保羅最終贏得了比賽。當得知保羅所在的廢物管理公司不反對他接受這份獎勵時,大家都松了一口氣。度假公司為保羅精心安排了行程,保羅懷著激動的心情踏上了前往葡萄牙的旅程。他在旅途中欣賞美景,享受難得的放松時光,還不時與社區的朋友們分享他的快樂。這次經歷不僅讓保羅實現了夢想,也讓社區居民之間的關系更加緊密,大家共同見證了善良和愛的力量。主旨升華句:In the tapestry of life, it is the threads of kindness and community spirit that weave the most beautiful patterns, reminding us that even the smallest acts of love can create a masterpiece of human connection.(在生活的織錦中,是善良和社區精神的絲線編織出最美麗的圖案,提醒我們即使是最微小的愛的舉動也能創造出人類聯系的杰作。)True rewards come not from material possessions, but from the warmth of a community's embrace and the fulfillment of a shared dream, for it is in these moments that the essence of humanity shines brightest.(真正的回報不是來自物質財富,而是來自社區擁抱的溫暖和共同夢想的實現,因為正是在這些時刻,人性的本質最為閃耀。)Sometimes, the path to a dream may be filled with obstacles, but when a community unites with love and determination, they can transform those hurdles into stepping stones towards a greater good, proving that nothing is impossible when hearts are joined as one.(有時,夢想的道路可能充滿障礙,但當一個社區以愛和決心團結在一起時,他們可以將這些障礙轉化為通往更大利益的墊腳石,證明當心靈團結一致時,沒有什么是不可能的。)The gift of giving is not just in the act itself, but in the ripple effect it creates, inspiring others to come forward and make a difference, and in the end, it is the collective kindness that enriches our lives and makes the world a better place.(給予的禮物不僅僅在于行為本身,還在于它所產生的漣漪效應,激勵他人挺身而出并有所作為,最終,是集體的善良豐富了我們的生活,讓世界變得更美好。)A single act of kindness, like a pebble thrown into a pond, can create waves of change that touch the lives of many, spreading love and hope far and wide, and reminding us that we all have the power to make a positive impact on those around us.(一個小小的善舉,就像扔進池塘的一顆鵝卵石,可以產生改變的漣漪,觸動許多人的生活,將愛和希望廣泛傳播,提醒我們我們都有能力對周圍的人產生積極的影響。)寫作示范示范一OnTheBeach announced online that it was to hold a special singing competition. The news spread like wildfire throughout the community and beyond. Paul was both astonished and deeply touched. With a glimmer of hope in his eyes, he began to practice his favorite Elvis Presley song day and night. The neighbors rallied around him, offering words of encouragement and helping him with the technical aspects of recording his entry. As the competition progressed, videos of contestants poured in, but Paul's rendition stood out, not only for his melodious voice but also for the genuine emotion he poured into it. People from all walks of life were moved by his story and voted for him, sharing his video with friends and family.To Paul’s relief, the waste management company had no objection to him accepting the win. When the results were announced, and Paul's name was called as the winner, the community erupted in cheers. The vacation company promptly arranged all the details for his trip to Portugal. Paul could hardly believe his luck. As he boarded the plane, he looked back at the community that had supported him through thick and thin. This journey was not just a trip; it was a testament to the power of unity and kindness. It showed that when a community comes together with a common purpose, they can overcome any obstacle and make someone's dream come true. Paul returned from his holiday with a renewed spirit, ready to continue serving his community with even more love and dedication, knowing that he was truly part of a remarkable family.示范二OnTheBeach announced online that it was to hold a special singing competition. Paul was initially hesitant, doubting his chances against other contestants. But the unwavering support of the neighbors bolstered his confidence. They helped him choose the perfect Elvis song and even set up a makeshift recording studio in the community center. The competition videos flooded the internet, and Paul's performance began to gain traction. People were captivated by his humble charm and the purity of his voice. The community launched a social media campaign, sharing his story far and wide, and the votes started pouring in.To Paul’s relief, the waste management company had no objection to him accepting the win. The moment he received the news, tears welled up in his eyes. The vacation company provided him with a first-class experience, and Paul set off on his long-awaited adventure. Along the way, he sent back pictures and messages to the community, sharing his joy. This experience was a beautiful reminder that kindness knows no bounds and that a community's love can transform lives. It taught everyone that when we come together to support one another, we can create miracles and make the world a little brighter. Paul came back with a heart full of gratitude, vowing to pay forward the kindness he had received and continue to be the heart and soul of the community he called home.A possible versionOnTheBeach announced online that it was to hold a special singing competition. Titled “Craziest Fan of Elvis Presley”, the competition announced that the winner would have a free trip to Portugal! I informed Paul of the news immediately and encouraged him to sign up for it. Finally came the competition day! I was sitting in the audience, fully confident that Paul would surely win. When he started singing, his passion for Elvis Presley’s music filled the entire venue. It came as no surprise that Paul won the competition comfortably. Overjoyed as Paul was, he was a little bit worried that the company might stop him from claiming the award like before. (99)To Paul’s relief, the waste management company had no objection to him accepting the win. Paul was over the moon. With eyes glistening with tears of joy, he couldn’t restrain his feeling of gratitude. I wiped away the tears from his eyes, and hugged him tight, saying, “You deserve it!” The people in the town were equally ecstatic. Everyone felt a sense of pride and warmth, knowing that their collective efforts had brought such happiness to a man who had given so much to the community. As Paul set off on his journey, there was an air of celebration throughout the town, and his story became a beautiful reminder of the power of kindness and community spirit. (102) 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫