
山東省棗莊市2024屆高三下學期二調(二模)英語試題讀后續寫--艾的勇敢發聲 講義

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山東省棗莊市2024屆高三下學期二調(二模)英語試題讀后續寫--艾的勇敢發聲 講義


Several years ago, I worked as a writing teacher in a rural middle school. I knew all my students. They trusted me with their stories and so I was given the privilege of having a secret bond with each one of them. I taught my students about the power of words, and tried to let them find expression through writing. We learned to trust each other, because we learned how hard it was to write openly and honestly, and we learned sharing your words took courage. I was always amazed at the words that came from my students’ hearts.
Later, we had a new student to the school, Al. Al was small and looked younger than other students in my class. He was with us for only a short while and still trying to fit in. So I was a little surprised when he volunteered to read. I smiled and nodded for him to do, while in my mind I was afraid that the others would make fun of the new kid after he read. The room fell silent, and Al began to read.
“If I had one wish, it would be to meet my dad...” He started out loud and clear.
He had held the attention of my usually restless students for what seemed like 15 minutes. He told of how he had never known his father, who had left the family when he was a baby. He shared the intimate details of his struggles to be the only man in the house at such a young age, of having to mow the lawn and fix broken pipes. He revealed to us the thoughts that went through his mind constantly about where his father might be and why he might have left.
1. 續寫的詞數應為150左右;
2. 請按如下格式在答題卡相應位置作答。
I looked around the classroom, finding no snickers (竊笑).
When Al finished the last sentence, all the class stood up and applauded.
文章講述了身為鄉村中學寫作教師的 “我”,與學生們建立了深厚信任,教導他們用文字表達自我。新轉來的學生艾身形瘦小且初來乍到,當他主動提出朗讀自己的作文時,“我” 雖擔心他會被同學嘲笑,但仍讓他開始朗讀。艾在文中講述了自己從未謀面的父親在他幼時離開家庭,他作為家中唯一的 “男人”,承擔著割草、修理水管等家務,同時也傾訴了對父親的思念與內心的掙扎。他的朗讀深深吸引了同學們,大家都沉浸其中,沒有出現 “我” 所擔心的嘲笑情況,朗讀結束后,全班同學起立為他鼓掌,艾也因此真正融入了班級。
伏筆:“我” 知曉學生們的故事并與他們建立了秘密紐帶,學生們信任 “我”,這為后續課堂上的情感氛圍和學生們的反應做鋪墊。回應:同學們在艾朗讀時沒有嘲笑他,而是認真傾聽,體現出班級中因信任和尊重營造出的良好氛圍,也是 “我” 之前教育引導的結果,深化了師生、同學間的情誼。
伏筆:“我” 擔心同學們會嘲笑艾,與實際情況形成對比,突出艾朗讀的感染力和同學們的善良。回應:同學們的專注傾聽和熱烈鼓掌,打消了 “我” 的顧慮,展現出人性中的溫暖與包容,升華了文章的情感主題。
伏筆:“我” 教導學生們文字的力量和表達的勇氣,為艾能夠勇敢地在眾人面前分享自己的故事提供了思想基礎。回應:艾的朗讀正是對所學的實踐,他用文字觸動了同學們,也證明了 “我” 教學的成果,同時體現了文字在人與人溝通中的重要作用。
故事線:描述 “我” 在艾朗讀過程中的細微觀察,如同學們的表情變化,從最初的好奇到逐漸被吸引,眼神中流露出的專注和同情。可以提及教室里安靜得只剩下艾的聲音,陽光透過窗戶灑在他身上,營造出溫暖而莊重的氛圍。同時,“我” 的內心也在不斷起伏,為艾的勇敢而驕傲,也為班級的和諧而感動,展現出這一時刻的深刻與美好,為下文的高潮情節做鋪墊。
主旨升華句:“In that quiet classroom, Al's words became a bridge that connected our hearts, teaching us that beneath every surface, there are stories waiting to be heard, and that true understanding begins with the courage to share and the kindness to listen.”(在那安靜的教室里,艾的話語成為了連接我們心靈的橋梁,讓我們明白,在每一個表象之下,都有等待被傾聽的故事,而真正的理解始于分享的勇氣和傾聽的善意。)
故事線:詳細描述艾讀完后的表情和反應,他眼中閃爍著淚花,臉上露出難以置信又無比感動的神情。接著講述同學們紛紛圍上去,給予他安慰和鼓勵的擁抱,有的同學輕聲說感同身受的話語,進一步拉近彼此的距離。最后,“我” 作為老師,對這一感人場景進行總結和升華,強調這次經歷對班級的重要意義,如增強了班級凝聚力,讓大家更加珍惜彼此,也讓同學們懂得了包容和支持的力量,為故事畫上一個圓滿而溫暖的句號。
主旨升華句:“Al's story and our class's response was a testament to the power of vulnerability and acceptance. It showed that when we open our hearts to one another, we create a community where every individual's pain and joy are not only acknowledged but also celebrated, and where the bonds of friendship are strengthened by the threads of shared experiences.”(艾的故事和我們班級的反應證明了脆弱與接納的力量。它表明,當我們向彼此敞開心扉時,我們創造了一個社區,在這個社區里,每個人的痛苦和喜悅不僅得到認可,而且受到贊美,友誼的紐帶因共同經歷的線索而更加牢固。)
I looked around the classroom, finding no snickers. Instead, I saw a room full of captivated faces, their eyes glistening with a newfound understanding. The sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on Al as he continued to pour out his heart. I could feel the tension in my shoulders ease, replaced by a sense of pride and wonder. Each student seemed to be hanging on to Al's every word, as if they were transported into his world. Their silence was a sign of respect, a silent acknowledgment of the pain and courage that Al was sharing. In that moment, the walls that often separated us melted away, and we were united in the power of a single story.
When Al finished the last sentence, all the class stood up and applauded. The sound was deafening, filling the room with a palpable energy. Al's eyes widened in shock, and then filled with tears of joy and relief. His classmates rushed towards him, offering hugs and words of comfort and admiration. The shy, new kid who had once seemed so alone was now at the center of our collective embrace. This was not just applause for a good reading; it was a celebration of our shared humanity, a recognition that we all had our own battles and that by sharing them, we could find strength in each other. “In that quiet classroom, Al's words became a bridge that connected our hearts, teaching us that beneath every surface, there are stories waiting to be heard, and that true understanding begins with the courage to share and the kindness to listen.”
I looked around the classroom, finding no snickers. There was only a profound stillness, as if the entire class was holding its breath. The gentle rustle of papers and the soft creaking of chairs seemed to fade into the background as Al's voice filled the room. I noticed the way some students leaned forward, their expressions soft and empathetic. It was as if they were seeing Al in a new light, no longer as the outsider, but as a fellow traveler on the journey of life. My heart swelled with emotion, knowing that this was a moment of transformation, not just for Al, but for our entire class.
When Al finished the last sentence, all the class stood up and applauded. The thunderous ovation echoed off the walls, a testament to the impact of Al's words. Al stood there, stunned, his cheeks flushed with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. His classmates gathered around him, patting his back and whispering words of encouragement. This was a defining moment, one that would be etched in our memories forever. It was a reminder that in our small classroom, we had the power to create a safe haven, a place where everyone could be heard and accepted. “Al's story and our class's response was a testament to the power of vulnerability and acceptance. It showed that when we open our hearts to one another, we create a community where every individual's pain and joy are not only acknowledged but also celebrated, and where the bonds of friendship are strengthened by the threads of shared experiences.”
I looked around the classroom, finding no snickers. They all leaned forward in rapt attention. Instead of any signs of disdain, I witnessed a sea of silent, attentive faces. A few heads were nodding and a glistening of tears shimmered in the corners of some eyes. Obviously, Al’s words had touched them deeply. Our classroom had become a safe space for sharing, a testament to the power of empathy and understanding. As their teacher, I felt a surge of pride. I smiled and nodded at Al, encouraging him to continue.
When Al finished the last sentence, all the class stood up and applauded. The applause echoed through the classroom, indicating the fitting-in of Al. As their applause subsided, I could see a new light in their eyes forged by Al’s sharing. Not only did Al’s bravery touch their hearts, but also sowed the seeds of compassion and acceptance that would continue to grow within our classroom. It was a reminder that in our shared vulnerability and honesty, we find the truest connections and the deepest truths about ourselves and each other.




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