
人教新目標(Go for it)版八年級上冊 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater? 教學設計(共4份打包,表格式)

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人教新目標(Go for it)版八年級上冊 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater? 教學設計(共4份打包,表格式)


課題 Unit4 What’s the best movie theater
課型 新授課 √ 復習課 試卷講評課 其他課
教學內容分析 本課時內容人教社新目標初中英語教材8上Unit 4 ,該單元話題是“Your town”, 功能是“Discuss preferences and make comparisons”,此節課型定位為以話題為核心的“閱讀課型”,通過學生非常感興趣的“達人秀”話題展開以閱讀為主的學習活動。在語言技能上,培養學生在閱讀及各類教學活動中熟練理解并運用形容詞和副詞的最高級。在策略上,以Who’s got talent 設計回答問題、找出短文中的最高級并造句、找尋班級里的“達人”等任務鏈活動,幫助學生利用、鞏固所學知識。整個過程由易到難,循序漸進,符合學生認知規律。最后的口語活動中,要求學生談論Who’s got talent in your class 從talents, classmates’ names和how many students agree幾個方面組成調查,并運用形容詞和副詞的最高級來進行有效的對話,討論身邊同學的特長。在情感態度上,要求學生拓寬思路,對單元話題的提升。鼓勵學生客觀評價自己身邊的人并認識到培養良好愛好的重要性,提升學生綜合素質。
學情分析 此節課型定位為以話題為核心的“閱讀課型”,通過學生非常感興趣的“達人秀”話題展開以閱讀為主的學習活動。在語言技能上,培養學生在閱讀及各類教學活動中熟練理解并運用形容詞和副詞的最高級。
目標確定 (1)通過預熱活動和與師生、生生互動的問答形式,學習和鞏固該話題下的詞匯句型,激發調動學生的求知欲,熟 練使用以下詞匯、短語和句型: talent, have … in common, magician, all kinds of, beautifully, be up to, role, play a role, winner, prize, everybody, make up, example, for example, poor, seriously, take … seriously, give. best singer: In my class, Tom is the best singer because he can sing fast songs very well. the most talented dancer: … the most exciting magician: … the funniest actor: … who can play the piano the best: … who can sing the most beautifully: … (2)通過限時閱讀,整體閱讀訓練,能夠抓住篇章主旨并對文章細節進行理解。 (3)優生能快速閱讀并掌握文章大意并能復述此文,中等生能理解文章意思,并能閱讀。 (4)能正確的運用相關短語表達,通過跟讀,仿說,能夠評價并介紹同學和朋友的才藝。 (5)鼓勵學生客觀評價自己身邊的人并認識到培養良好愛好的重要性,提升學生綜合素質。初步了解中外“達人秀”現象,并能正確認識這種流行文化。
重難點 (1)通過預熱活動和與師生、生生互動的問答形式,學習和鞏固該話題下的詞匯句型,激發調動學生的求知欲,熟 練使用以下詞匯、短語和句型: talent, have … in common, magician, all kinds of, beautifully, be up to, role, play a role, winner, prize, everybody, make up, example, for example, poor, seriously, take … seriously, give.
評價任務 (1)理解形容詞及副詞的最高級在實際情境中的運用。 (2)能在調查中獲取有效信息并和同伴討論同學和朋友的才藝。 (3)準確理解語篇中形容詞及副詞的最高級所包含意思。 (4)能在話題下正確運用形容詞及副詞的最高級進行調查并進行有效討論。 (5)閱讀課的“3P”教學模式 : P—presentation(讀前呈現) P--practice(讀中理解記憶) P--production(信息及語篇輸出)
7.作業與拓展學習設計 (1). Read the passage after class and try to retell the text and summarize the difficult phrases and expressions. (plete the investigation in 2e and write a survey report.
8.特色學習資源分析、技術手段應用說明 本節課通過情景教學法、任務型教學法,由聽到說,已知到未知,循序漸進地深化教學內容。展開教師為主導,以學生為主體的師生雙邊教學活動。 教學手段:多媒體輔助:使抽象的學習內容直觀化,創設情景,實現師生互動,生生互動和人機互動的多向互動,增加了直觀性和趣味性,加大了課堂密度,運用希沃白板交互式課件提高了教學效果。
9.教學反思 To enable students to master the grammatical structure, they should practice and use the grammatical structure repeatedly in different contexts for the purpose of communication. We must effectively improve students' participation and frequency, carry out various activities and ensure students' real participation.
課時教學設計 基本信息姓名宋雯雯學校(全稱)鞏義市第四初級中學聯系電話15039071078學段年級初中八年級課時名稱 Section B 3a-4c
課題 Unit4 What’s the best movie theater
課型 新授課 復習課 √ 試卷講評課 其他課
1.教學內容分析 本課時內容人教社新目標初中英語教材8上Unit 4 ,該單元話題是“Your town”, 功能是“Discuss preferences and make comparisons”,本節課型定位為以話題為中心的“寫作課型”,在語言技能上,要求學生能根據單元內容,嘗試筆頭的語言輸出。讓學生在語境中練習比較級和最高級,同時提供寫作示范、習作的框架和要點,為學生介紹地方、描寫事物打開思路。在策略上,要求學生談論中國最佳城市的話題,以How many famous cities do you know of in our country Beijing (capital city, famous, popular), Xi’an (famous historical city), Qingdao (beautiful city buildings, fresh seafood), Chengdu (pandas, delicious food)等來拓寬學生的思路,并且能在語境中運用語法要點,對單元話題進行提升。在情感態度上,培養學生獨立思考能力和綜合運用能力,同時了解我們美麗富饒的祖國。
2.學情分析 本節課型定位為以話題為中心的“寫作課型”,在語言技能上,要求學生能根據單元內容,嘗試筆頭的語言輸出。讓學生在語境中練習比較級和最高級,同時提供寫作示范、習作的框架和要點,為學生介紹地方、描寫事物打開思路
3.目標確定 (1)通過半開放式的綜合寫作訓練板塊引入,以which is the best town/ city 為話題引領,練習和鞏固本單元的目標語言,熟練使用以下詞匯、短語和句型: good, cheap, popular, comfortably, bad, best, biggest, longest, most beautiful, most crowded, most creative, fastest, most quietly. I think Qingdao/ Beijing/ Xi’an/ … is the best city in China because it is the most beautiful. But I think Beijing is the most popular city for visitors because … (2)通過對語篇單元的學習,總結,能夠運用詞匯和目標句型完成正確通過形容詞和副詞的最高級進行評價并討論喜好。 (3) 通過控制性的仿寫活動,能寫給對方寫關于自己周邊環境介紹的文章。 (4)學會總結和及時復習本單元的詞組和句型和語法點。 (5)通過教師引導下的學生分享活動,了解不同的城市和城鎮,表達個人觀點,培養學生獨立思考能力和綜合運用能力,同時了解我們美麗富饒的祖國。
評價任務 寫作課的成果教學法: (1)Familiarization—(熟悉范文) 選取一篇范文進行講解,分析目標語言在文中的運用和語篇結構,介紹文中連詞等用法。 (2)Controlled Writing—(控制性練習) 就范文中所體現的相關句式要求學生進行替換練習,并在老師的指導下漸漸過渡到段落寫作。 (3)Guided Writing—(指導性練習) 學生模仿范文,使用經過訓練的句式嘗試寫出相似類型的文章。 (4)Free Writing—(自由寫作) 學生可結合話題進行自由發揮,使得寫作技能成為自身技能的一部分,并用于現實寫作中。 (5)分享學生作品并總結,設置課后任務提升學生語言運用能力
5.教學評活動過程 教師活動學生活動環節一:Step 1 Greeting and Leading in ( 3mins )教師活動 1.Review the words and expressions they have learned last lesson through the talk about our town. 2. Let some Ss read the passages we’ve learnt in the class. 學生活動 1.通過課前的預習,培養學生的預習習慣。 2.學生利用老師提供的信息對老師進行提問。1.利用討論所居住城鎮來幫助學生預熱本課時目標語言,復習形容詞及副詞最高級的基本結構。有效的激活學生與此話題相關的背景知識,激活學生的前期知識,培養學生良好的預習習慣。 2.真實情景式導入話題并呈現所需形容詞匯,如:crowded, quietly, beautifully, play a role等,激發學生的學習興趣環節二:Step2Pre-listening(聽前)(5 mins) 教師活動 Work on 3a: 1.Read the article about Greenwood Park. 2.Fill in the blanks with the correct superlative forms. 3.Check the answers. 答案: They are: the best, the fastest, most quietly, the most crowded, the most creative. 4. Find out the structure by reading the passage carefully. Rank the sentences below[1-6]將下面的句子排序 ⑴The park is the most crowded place on weekends because almost everyone goes there to see the street performers . ⑵However, the place where you can enjoy your time the most quietly is at one of the small coffee shops near the park. You can read or relax there. ⑶Greenwood Park is the best place to go on weekends. ⑷Some people think they are boring, but I think they are the most creative people. ⑸There is something for everyone at Greenwood Park. ⑹I always finish my breakfast the fastest on Saturdays because I want to get to Greenwood Park before 10:00 a.m. to meet my friends. answer: 3-6-1-4-2-5 學生活動 學生能根據寫作中的最高級獲取關鍵信息來區分談論對象。設計意圖: 預習常用句型,如A + 動詞 + (the) 副詞最高級 + (表示范圍的介詞詞組)等,為后續寫作活動中抓住關鍵信息做鋪墊。 2. 復習本單元所學單詞和句型,例如:crowded’s, quietly, beautifully, play a role等環節三:Step 3While-listening(聽中)(15mins) 教師活動 1.Writing :Work on 3b: (1). Think of something that is what you like best. Write it down in your book and tell your group, You’d also write down others’ answers . (2). Give some examples: best middle school, best clothes store, best supermarket... (3). Lead Ss to pay attention to the reasons of best places/things in their hometown. Give some examples: Because it is the most beautiful school in my town... (4). Check the answers with each other. 2. Work on 3c: Write two paragraphs describing the best places/things in their town. Writing tip: (1). Give Ss some words and phrases to describe the places/things: the cheapest, the most popular, most comfortably, the worst, the best.... Sentence structure description. Second, a description of the reasons about the best places/things. According to the records made in 3b, use the superlative forms of adjectives or adverbs, and use the correct sentence pattern to compare places/things. Such as: A, is, the, most comfortable, park, in my town..."學生活動 1.部分學生應該能利用此策略獲取有效信息. 2.能在老師的引導下進行獨立寫作,避免語法、單詞錯誤。設計意圖: 1.復習鞏固目標句型,如:A + be + the 形容詞最較級 + 表示范圍的介詞詞組等,為寫作做準備和積累素材。 2.培養學生寫前預測和聚焦關鍵信息和關注細節問題的寫作策略。 3.能逐步掌握利用寫作中聚焦關鍵信息和關注細節的策略,容易地完成寫作任務。環節四:Step 4Post-listening(聽后) (12mins)教師活動 Group Work: 1. Discuss the towns/cities in China with partners. Give Ss some examples: ① Which is the best town/city ② ...has the best.. ....is the best because.. ....is better than..., but...is the most... 2. Ss talk with their partners and show it in class which town/city you think is the best.學生活動 學生進行小組活動。設計意圖:進一步鞏固寫作內容,拓展學生思維。通過聆聽和看班上其他小組,逐步引導學生思考并總結,培養學生合作意識。環節五:Step 5Free Talk(5 mins)教師活動 1.Let ss talk about how to write the best city/town . 2. Encourage ss to summarize writing skills. 【summary】 the topic sentence … is the best place to go to … I want to go to … because … is/ has … supporting sentences I go there to see/ do … I feel relaxed/ happy … the concluding sentence That’s why I think … is the best … 3. let the Ss show their works and make assessments each other . 4. Homework 1. Write a passage about the best place in the world they think. And show their passage in the next class. 2. Finish the exercise in Self-check.學生活動 通過話輪能讓大多數學生清晰回顧本堂課的課脈結構,通過課后對所學知識地復習鞏固,檢測學生在課后是否能基本運用本堂課的目標語言,體現對學生的可持續性評價。 設計意圖:逐步引導學生對周邊地方和事物的細致觀察,培養學生熱愛生活、學會總結歸納并形成判斷的思維品質。
板書設計 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater The fifth period Section B(3a-Self Check) 1.Key vocabulary:crowded,street performer 2.Sentences: I think Qingdao is the best city in China because it is the most beautiful. But I think Beijing is the most popular city for visitors.
特色學習資源分析、技術手段應用說明 本節課通過情景教學法、任務型教學法,由聽到說,已知到未知,循序漸進地深化教學內容。展開教師為主導,以學生為主體的師生雙邊教學活動。 教學手段:多媒體輔助:使抽象的學習內容直觀化,創設情景,實現師生互動,生生互動和人機互動的多向互動,增加了直觀性和趣味性,加大了課堂密度,運用希沃白板交互式課件提高了教學效果。
教學反思 To enable students to master the grammatical structure, they should practice and use the grammatical structure repeatedly in different contexts for the purpose of communication. We must effectively improve students' participation and frequency, carry out various activities and ensure students' real participation.教學設計
課題 Unit4 What’s the best movie theater Section A(1a-2d)
課型 新授課 √ 復習課 試卷講評課 其他課
教學內容分析 本課時內容人教社新目標初中英語教材8上Unit 4 ,該單元話題是“Your town”, 功能是“Discuss preferences and make comparisons”,本課是一節“聽說課型”,呈現主要話題詞匯,在學習策略上,通過聽說活動導入比較急這一語言結構,首先通過臺下學生對臺上的校園樂隊演唱會表演者的外貌等特征進行比較和討論,引入形容詞和副詞的最高級基本結構。然后通過圖文將學生帶入“選擇電影院”的話題,借助形容詞和副詞的呈現,拓展了描述電影院特點、品質的詞匯,在語言技能上,借助形容詞和副詞的最高級,引導學生對電影院場所、硬件設施等條件進行分析、比較。通過聽力抓關鍵詞,訓練學生聽力獲取關鍵信息的能力。通過口語小組操練來正確運用詢問和討論周圍公共設施。單元語法重點項目形容詞和副詞的最高等級也在語境中自然呈現。教學重點是幫助學生正確運用形容詞和副詞的原級和比較等級(特別是最高級),來描述事物。在情感態度上,培養學生關注居住地附近設施建設并給予正確客觀評價。
學情分析 學生的舊知是已經在小學六年級上冊第三單元How tall are you ,八年級上冊第三單元中學習過形容詞副詞的比較級最高級對新知識的學習有很大幫助。 課前調查初中生認為鞏義最好的電影院,服裝店,超市,醫院等,便于上課時引導學生談論利用最高級談論個人喜好。重難點就是如何用最高級談論喜好,細化到每個形容詞反副詞的最高級。每個學生都對自己家鄉最好的事物感興趣。
目標確定 (1) 通過教師自身的情景式導入和與學生互動的問答形式,學習和鞏固該話題下的詞匯句型,激發調動學生的求知欲,熟練使用以下詞匯、短語和句型: theater, comfortable, seat, screen, close, ticket, worst, cheaply, song, DJ, choose, carefully, reporter, so far, fresh, comfortably. -- What’s the best movie theater -- Sun Cinema. It’s the cheapest. -- But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. -- Is there a good movie theater near here -- Yes, Screen City. It’s the most popular one near here and it has the best sound. -- Do you know a good movie theater -- Yes, there’s one not far from here. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats. (2) 通過聽前的詞匯分類與聽中聚焦關鍵信息,學生能掌握該聽力策略。 (3) 通過聽后深度挖掘聽力信息任務的設置和文本再構,學生能進一步去判斷并思考表達觀點,發展了口語技能。 (4)能夠運用形容詞和副詞的最高級來正確客觀評價居所旁邊的設施。
重難點 通過教師自身的情景式導入和與學生互動的問答形式,學習和鞏固該話題下的詞匯句型,激發調動學生的求知欲,熟練使用以下詞匯、短語和句型: theater, comfortable, seat, screen, close, ticket, worst, cheaply, song, DJ, choose, carefully, reporter, so far, fresh, comfortably. -- What’s the best movie theater -- Sun Cinema. It’s the cheapest. -- But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. -- Is there a good movie theater near here -- Yes, Screen City. It’s the most popular one near here and it has the best sound. -- Do you know a good movie theater -- Yes, there’s one not far from here. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats.
評價任務 通過圖片導入來激發學生對本節課的興趣,而且還能鞏固已有知識。 通過讀前的對話訓練,學生能很快熟悉聽力中將要出現的句型,這一環節將對接下來的聽力有很大幫助 學生兩人一組能利用目標句型進行對話展示,這可以使其將日常對話脫口而出,使所學內容更加貼近生活。 能在老師的引導下對電影院進行談論。 通過話輪能讓大多數學生清晰回顧本堂課的課脈結構,通過課后對所學知識地復習鞏固,檢測學生在課后是否能基本運用本堂課的目標語言,體現對學生的可持續性評價。
教學評活動過程 教師活動學生活動環節一:Step 1 Greeting and Leading in ( 3 minute )教師活動 1. lead in 用圖片導入 2. 預習和學習some words:seat,close, ticket 的用法 學生活動 T: Who is the thinnest in your class S1: I think … T: Who is the funniest in our class S2: I think ... 設計意圖: 1.導入舊知,并穿插新知,有效的激活學生與此話題相關的背景知識,從而鞏固學生的前期知識。 2.真實情景式導入話題并呈現所需形容詞匯,如: comfortable, big,friendly, cheap等,激發學生的學習興趣環節二:Step2Pre-listening(聽前)(5 minute) 教師活動 1. Learn new words first: theater, comfortable, seat ,screen, close, ticket, worst, cheaply, song, choose. 2. T : How do you choose which movie theater to go to Write the things. 學生活動 1. 預習常用句型,如What’s the best movie theater to go to 等,為后續聽力活動中抓住關鍵信息做鋪墊。 2. 預習1a 中的詞匯,theater, comfortable, seat, ticket, cheaply...等。設計意圖:1. 通過讀前的對話訓練,學生能很快熟悉聽力中將要出現的句型,這一環節將對接下來的聽力有很大幫助 2. 學生兩人一組能利用目標句型進行對話展示,這可以使其將日常對話脫口而出,使所學內容更加貼近生活。環節三:Step 3While-listening(聽中)(15 minute) 教師活動 1.Listen to the tape of 1b (1).Play the tape for the students to listen and fill in the chart. (2).Check the answers. 【from the top to the bottom】 Movie World, Screen City, Town Cinema, Town Cinema, Screen City, Movie World. 2. Do the Pair work of 1c (1).Practice the conversation in 1c. (2).Then talk about the movie theaters you know. 3. 2a and 2b Listening (1).Listen and circle the boys’ answers. (2). Listen again (3). Pay attention to the sentences: It has the worst music. They play the most boring songs. The DJ choose songs the most carefully. It’s the most popular. [answers:] 2a. AC 2b. Blue Moon, Miller’s, Dream Clothes, Miller’s. 790AM, 97.9FM, 107.9FM, 97.9FM.學生活動 Check the answers. 設計意圖: 1.復習鞏固目標句型,如: What’s the best movie theater to go to And you can buy tickets the most quickly there. 2.為后續聽力做準備和鋪墊培養學生聽前預測和聚焦關鍵 信息和關注細節問題的聽力策略。環節四:Step 4Post-listening(聽后) (12 minute)教師活動 1. 2c Pair work: Read the conversations in pairs. 2.2d Role-play the conversations (1). Let the students read the conversation and find out the difficult points. (2). Explain some difficult points in 2d. (3) conclude the rules of comparative and superlative. 學生活動 能在老師的引導下對電影院進行談論。設計意圖:進一步鞏固聽力內容,拓展學生思維。通過小組合作學習,逐步引導學生思考并總結,培養學生獨立思考的能力和合作能力。環節五:Step 5Free Talk(5 minute)教師活動 1.Talk about these questions with the following structures: summary: -- What’s the best movie theater -- Sun Cinema. It’s the cheapest. -- But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. -- Is there a good movie theater near here -- Yes, Screen City. It’s the most popular one neat here and it has the best sound. -- Do you know a good movie theater -- Yes, there’s one not far from here. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats. 2. Encourage students to show their works. 3. Homework (1). Listen and imitate twice. (2). Read the new words and new sentences.學生活動 通過話輪能讓大多數學生清晰回顧本堂課的課脈結構,通過課后對所學知識地復習鞏固,檢測學生在課后是否能基本運用本堂課的目標語言,體現對學生的可持續性評價。 設計意圖:逐步引導學生運用最高級談論身邊事物,培養學生學會總結歸納并形成判斷的思維品質。
板書設計 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater The first period Section A(1a-2d) 1.Key vocabulary:comfortable,seat,screen,close,ticket,worst,cheaply,song,choose,carefully,fresh,reporter,comfortably,movie theater,clothes store,radio station,so far,no problem 2.Target language: A:What's the best movie theater B:Sun Cinema. It's the cheapest. A:But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats.
7.作業與拓展學習設計(關注作業的針對性、預計完成時間,發揮作業對復習鞏固、引導學生深度學習、培養學生良好習慣、形成可持續發展的作用) (1). Listen and imitate twice. (2). Read the new words and new sentences.
特色學習資源分析、技術手段應用說明 本節課通過情景教學法、任務型教學法,由聽到說,已知到未知,循序漸進地深化教學內容。展開教師為主導,以學生為主體的師生雙邊教學活動。 教學手段:多媒體輔助:使抽象的學習內容直觀化,創設情景,實現師生互動,生生互動和人機互動的多向互動,增加了直觀性和趣味性,加大了課堂密度,運用希沃白板交互式課件提高了教學效果。
教學反思 To enable students to master the grammatical structure, they should practice and use the grammatical structure repeatedly in different contexts for the purpose of communication. We must effectively improve students' participation and frequency, carry out various activities and ensure students' real participation.
— 4 —教學設計
課題 Unit4 What’s the best movie theater Section B(1a-1e)
課型 新授課 √ 復習課 試卷講評課 其他課
教學內容分析本課時內容人教社新目標初中英語教材8上Unit 4 ,該單元話題是“Your town”, 功能是“Discuss preferences and make comparisons”,經過之前對本單元Section A部分的學習,學生已經能夠準確寫出形容詞和副詞的最高級并且可以在日常交際中正確地使用含有此類詞匯的基本句型。此節課型定位以“talent show”這個話題為線索的“聽說課型”,在策略上,通過:聽前以教師情景輸入信息--聽中策略滲透抓信息--聽后信息的挖掘和學生的真實情景輸出,在語言技能上,要求學生通過反義詞對比和造句練習學習更多的形容詞,以Who did you think was the best act 這個話題展開討論,運用擴展的詞匯,如:funniest, most creative等次,進一步體會目標語言在真實語境中的運用。在情感態度上,通過教師引導下和學生在活動中的感悟總結,能夠正確使用-(i)est, most來表達形容詞及副詞的比較級并對身邊事物進行客觀準確的評價。
學情分析經過之前對本單元Section A部分的學習,學生已經能夠準確寫出形容詞和副詞的最高級并且可以在日常交際中正確地使用含有此類詞匯的基本句型。課前調查初中生認為鞏義最好的電影院,服裝店,超市,醫院等,便于上課時引導學生談論利用最高級談論個人喜好。重難點就是如何用最高級談論喜好,細化到每個形容詞反副詞的最高級。每個學生都對自己家鄉最好的事物感興趣。
目標確定(1) 通過教師自身的情景式導入和與學生互動的問答形式,學習和鞏固該話題下的詞匯句型,激發調動學生的求知欲,熟練使用以下詞匯、短語和句型: funniest, most creative, quietest, best. -- Who did you think was the best act -- I thought Eliza was the best. She’s an excellent piano player. --Who did you think was the worst / What do you think of The Math Teachers -- Well, they’re the loudest for sure. 學習策略 :(2) 通過聽前的活動,學生能熟悉生詞,為熟悉文本做好鋪墊。并幫助學生建立聽前預測,使教學活動更具目的性。(3)通過抓關鍵詞,訓練學生獲取聽力信息的能力,通過更加細化的聽力問題的設計,詳細學習聽力材料。(4)通過教師示范,學生兩兩結合的口語活動,能夠運用鞏固課時核心詞匯和句型。(5) 通過具體情境下的語言學習,能夠自由的進行相關話題的口語輸出。(6)通過教師引導下和學生在活動中的感悟總結,能夠正確使用-(i)est, most來表達形容詞及副詞的比較級并對身邊事物進行客觀準確的評價。
重難點 通過教師自身的情景式導入和與學生互動的問答形式,學習和鞏固該話題下的詞匯句型,激發調動學生的求知欲,熟練使用以下詞匯、短語和句型: funniest, most creative, quietest, best. -- Who did you think was the best act -- I thought Eliza was the best. She’s an excellent piano player. --Who did you think was the worst / What do you think of The Math Teachers -- Well, they’re the loudest for sure.
評價任務(1)情景交際法,任務型教學法,聽說課的“3P”教學模式 :P--呈現(語言輸入)P--操練(1.機械操練2. 聽力訓練)P--運用(語言輸出)(2)設置情景意義操練設計聽后活動任務,先模仿再遷移總結,聽后設置任務提升學生語言運用能力
教學評活動過程教師活動學生活動環節一:Step 1Greeting and Leading in ( 3mins )教師活動1. Daily greeting. 2. Create an activity and let the Ss discuss about the answers. If there is a school talent show (一場學校才藝展示)in our School Do you want to invite him What other performers do you want to invite 學生活動學生利用老師提供的信息對老師進行提問。設計意圖:1.復習上節課所學語法點來幫助學生預熱本課時目標語言,復習掌握形容詞及副詞最高級的基本結構。有效的激活學生與此話題相關的背景知識激活學生的前期知識。2.真實情景式導入話題并呈現所需形容詞匯,如:creative, talent, perform等,激發學生的學習興趣.環節二:Step2Pre-listening(聽前)(5 mins)教師活動1.Work on 1a: (1). Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart. T: What is the opposite of “most boring” S: The opposite of “most boring” is “most creative”.T: Now let’s check the answers.[answers:]quietest, best, funniest.(2). Read the chart loudly. 2.Work on 1b: (1). T: Well, every one of you has his own idea. Now please talk about what you think the people you know by using the words in 1a.S: First read the example dialogue, and then make your dialogue about people you know. (2). Ss try to write their own sentences. 學生活動1.Work on 1a: (1). Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart. T: What is the opposite of “most boring” S: The opposite of “most boring” is “most creative”.T: Now let’s check the answers.[answers:]quietest, best, funniest.(2). Read the chart loudly. 2.Work on 1b: (1). T: Well, every one of you has his own idea. Now please talk about what you think the people you know by using the words in 1a.S: First read the example dialogue, and then make your dialogue about people you know. . Ss try to write their own sentences. 學生能根據聽力中的比較級獲取關鍵信息來區分談論對象。學生能利用目標句型進行對話展示。設計意圖:1. 復習常用句型,如My cousin is the funniest person I know.等,為后續聽力活動中抓住關鍵信息做鋪墊。2. 學習新的詞匯,creative, talent, perform...環節三:Step 3While-listening(聽中)(15mins)教師活動Work on 1c:1.Listen to people talking about a school talent show. Match the pictures with the performers. T: Look at the pictures in 1c. What are they doing When I play the recording for the first time, you just listen carefully and give me the answer. Have you got it S: Yes, they are talking about their talent. T: Now look at the names in the form, and take notes with each performer . You can write only words . Let’s check your answers. 2. T: Let’s listen to the tape again and match the pictures with the performers. 3. Check the answers.[answers:] 1-Vera-a2-The math teachers-b3-Dennis-c4-Eliza-d5-Steve-eWork on 1d:1.Listen again. What do the people say about the performers Fill in the chart with the adjectives you hear.T: Listen to the tape carefully, what people say Eliza You should take the notes on the table.S: Eliza is best...2.T: Let’s continue to listen to the tape to listen carefully about Steve, Vera, Dennis, The Math Teachers.T:Check the answers.[answers:]Eliza- best, excellent, greatSteve- funniestVera- most creativeDennis- worstThe Math Teachers- loudest3. T: Read the listening script carefully by yourself. Then show it in class.學生活動Work on 1c:1.Listen to people talking about a school talent show. Match the pictures with the performers. T: Look at the pictures in 1c. What are they doing When I play the recording for the first time, you just listen carefully and give me the answer. Have you got it S: Yes, they are talking about their talent. T: Now look at the names in the form, and take notes with each performer . You can write only words . Let’s check your answers. 2. T: Let’s listen to the tape again and match the pictures with the performers. 3. Check the answers.[answers:] 1-Vera-a2-The math teachers-b3-Dennis-c4-Eliza-d5-Steve-eWork on 1d:1.Listen again. What do the people say about the performers Fill in the chart with the adjectives you hear.T: Listen to the tape carefully, what people say Eliza You should take the notes on the table.S: Eliza is best...2.T: Let’s continue to listen to the tape to listen carefully about Steve, Vera, Dennis, The Math Teachers.T:Check the answers.[answers:]Eliza- best, excellent, greatSteve- funniestVera- most creativeDennis- worstThe Math Teachers- loudest3. T: Read the listening script carefully by yourself. Then show it in class.設計意圖:1.復習鞏固目標句型,如: A + be + the 形容詞最較級 + 表示范圍的介詞詞組 …,培養學生泛聽和細聽的能力,提高學生總體聽力能力。2.培養學生聽前預測和聚焦關鍵信息和關注細節問題的聽力策略3.能逐步掌握利用聽中聚焦關鍵信息和關注細節的策略,容易地完成聽力任務.環節四:Step 4Post-listening(聽后) (12mins)教師活動Group Work on 1e: 1.Work in groups. Look at the information in 1d and make a conversation.S1: Who was the best performer S2: Eliza was the best performer. Ask several pairs to show their conversations in the class. 2. Teacher can walk around the classroom, and give some help to the Ss. 3. Let students use the new words to talk about their friends. 4. Ss work in a group. Check each others’ answers. 5. Let some Ss show it in class.學生活動Group Work on 1e: 1.Work in groups. Look at the information in 1d and make a conversation.S1: Who was the best performer S2: Eliza was the best performer. Ask several pairs to show their conversations in the class. 2. Teacher can walk around the classroom, and give some help to the Ss. 3. Let students use the new words to talk about their friends. 4. Ss work in a group. Check each others’ answers. 5. Let some Ss show it in class.能在老師的引導下對人物的特點進行談論。設計意圖:1.進一步鞏固聽力內容,拓展學生思維。2.通過聆聽和看班上其他小組發言情況,逐步引導學生思考并總結,培養學生小組合作意識。環節五:Step 5Free Talk(5 mins)教師活動1. Let the Ss make their own conversations by using the new words and new sentences they have learned in this lesson.2. Encourage ss to summarize they have learned in this lesson.summary:-- Who did you think was the best act -- I thought Eliza was the best. She’s an excellent piano player. --Who did you think was the worst / What do you think of The Math Teachers -- Well, they’re the loudest for sure.3. let the Ss show their works and make assessments each other .4. Homework(1) Review the words and sentences they have learned in this lesson.(2) Preview Section B 2b and read it.學生活動通過回顧本堂課的課脈結構,課后復習所學單詞與句型,檢測學生在課后是否能基本運用本堂課的目標語言,體現對學生的可持續性評價。設計意圖:引導學生使用最高級來描述人物的表演,培養學生學會總結歸納并形成判斷的思維品質。板書設計Unit 4 What's the best movie theater The third period Section B(1a-1e)1.Key vocabulary:creative,performer,most creative,the best performer2.Target language:A:Who was the best performer B:Eliza was the best performer.
作業與拓展學習設計(1) Review the words and sentences they have learned in this lesson.(2) Preview Section B 2b and read it.
教學反思To enable students to master the grammatical structure, they should practice and use the grammatical structure repeatedly in different contexts for the purpose of communication. We must effectively improve students' participation and frequency, carry out various activities and ensure students' real participation.

— 6 —教學設計
課題 Unit4 What’s the best movie theater  Section A(GF-3c)
課型 新授課 √ 復習課 試卷講評課 其他課
教學內容分析 本課時內容人教社新目標初中英語教材8上Unit 4 ,該單元話題是“Your town”, 功能是“Discuss preferences and make comparisons”,本課是一節“聽說課型”,呈現主要話題詞匯,在學習策略上,通過聽說活動導入比較急這一語言結構,首先通過臺下學生對臺上的校園樂隊演唱會表演者的外貌等特征進行比較和討論,引入形容詞和副詞的最高級基本結構。然后通過圖文將學生帶入“選擇電影院”的話題,借助形容詞和副詞的呈現,拓展了描述電影院特點、品質的詞匯,在語言技能上,借助形容詞和副詞的最高級,引導學生對電影院場所、硬件設施等條件進行分析、比較。通過聽力抓關鍵詞,訓練學生聽力獲取關鍵信息的能力。通過口語小組操練來正確運用詢問和討論周圍公共設施。單元語法重點項目形容詞和副詞的最高等級也在語境中自然呈現。教學重點是幫助學生正確運用形容詞和副詞的原級和比較等級(特別是最高級),來描述事物。在情感態度上,培養學生關注居住地附近設施建設并給予正確客觀評價。
學情分析 學生的舊知是已經在上一課時接觸到了用形容詞的最高級來描述身邊的事物,本節課是語法課,進一步學習最高級的用法,教學的對象是八年級學生,他們對英語學習保持著較濃厚的興趣,而且有較強的記憶力和模仿能力,并有濃烈的求知欲和表現欲,因此在教學活動中盡量讓他們都參與到活動中來,調動他們的學習興趣,刺激他們的記憶力,將被動的學變為主動的學,以便于使學生樂于接受,易于接受。
目標確定 (1)Learn the usage of the comparatives and the superlatives. Key words and phrases worse, service, pretty, menu, act, meal, not...at all, 10 minutes by bus. Key sentences What's the best movie theater to go to What do you think of 970 AM Tom acted the best in that movie.
重難點 (1)Learn the usage of the comparatives and the superlatives. Key words and phrases worse, service, pretty, menu, act, meal, not...at all, 10 minutes by bus.
評價任務 The T can make Ss compare their classmates using the target structure. The T can ask Ss to read the sentences in the chart in pairs and get the meaning of the conversations. Encourage Ss to make more conversations using the target structure. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks individually in 3a. Then Ss can check answers in groups. Then the T can invite some Ss to read the full sentences and explain why they fill the words in the blanks. The T and other Ss can make assessments and give feedback.
教學評活動過程 教師活動學生活動環節一:Step 1 Greeting and Leading in ( 3mins )教師活動 The T can make Ss compare their classmates using the target structure. The T can use the turntable to elicit from Ss like this: T: Who is the thinnest in your class S1: I think … T: Who is the funniest in our class S2: I think ... Then the T can present some pictures for Ss to to compare and fill in the blanks according to their own opinions. And Ss can share their answers and explain why they think so in pairs.學生活動 T: Who is the thinnest in your class S1: I think … T: Who is the funniest in our class S2: I think ... 設計意圖: 1.導入舊知,并穿插新知,有效的激活學生與此話題相關的背景知識,從而鞏固學生的前期知識。 2.真實情景式導入話題并呈現所需形容詞匯,如: comfortable, big,friendly, cheap等,激發學生的學習興趣環節二:Step 2 Grammar learning 教師活動 The T can ask Ss to read the sentences in the chart in pairs and get the meaning of the conversations. Encourage Ss to make more conversations using the target structure. Then the T can have Ss circle the superlatives in the sentences in the chart. Guide Ss to think about how to use it. At last the T can summarize the usage of the target grammar structure from several aspects. And the T can also present some knowledge of comparatives to help Ss review . 學生活動 Answer and Check the answers.設計意圖:1. 通過讀前的對話訓練,學生能很快熟悉聽力中將要出現的句型,這一環節將對接下來的聽力有很大幫助 2. 學生兩人一組能利用目標句型進行對話展示,這可以使其將日常對話脫口而出,使所學內容更加貼近生活。環節三:Step 3 Presentation & Practice 教師活動 3a Ask Ss to fill in the blanks individually in 3a. Then Ss can check answers in groups. Then the T can invite some Ss to read the full sentences and explain why they fill the words in the blanks. The T and other Ss can make assessments and give feedback. During the process, the T should guide Ss to pay attention to the following tips: 1.If there is a comparison range, such as in town, in that movie, etc., the highest level must be used; 2.After the definite article, use the superlative of adjective or adverb; 3. “than” means to compare the two, and a comparison level is required; 4. The first half of the sentence is expressed in the highest level, so the second half of the sentence is also expressed in the highest level. “sit” is a verb. Only adverbs can modify verbs. Answers: 1.worst 2.good, the best 3. more expensive, the most expensive 4.worst, most comfortably 5.best, better, most interesting 3b Ask Ss to complete the chart in 3b individually. The T should remind Ss to use have/has and be correctly. Then Ss talk with their partners to share answers in groups. The T can invite some students to say out the full sentences. 3c The activity is to give Ss the opportunity to use the target language in a controlled manner. 1.Ss think about the restaurants that meet the standards and finish the chart in 3c individually. 2.Then Ss choose the best one based on the information in the chart and Ss should be ready to explain why they choose that one. 3.The T can talk with Ss and guide them to talk about their favourite restaurant like this: T: Which do you think is the best restaurant near your home S:... is the best restaurant. T:Why S:Because it’s the closest to my home, only five minutes on foot. And the service is the best. There are many kinds of seafood, and I like seafood very much. T:But I think it’s very expensive. S:Yes, but I don’t order a lot of food.學生活動 Answer and Check the answers. 設計意圖: 1.復習鞏固目標句型,如: What’s the best movie theater to go to And you can buy tickets the most quickly there. 環節四:Step 4 Language Points教師活動 service n. 接待;服務 為不可數名詞,其動詞形式為serve,意為“為……服務”。 at Sb's service 隨時可供使用(或可以幫助) pretty adv.相當;十分;很 adj. 漂亮的 意為“相當;十分;很”,相當于very, quite,通常用來修飾形容詞或副詞的原級。pretty good“相當好”常用于口語中。 作形容詞,意為“漂亮的”,通常用來形容女子。其比較級為prettier,最高級為prettiest。 “How far is it from A to B ”意為“從A到B有多遠?” 常用來提問距離或路程。 常用的回答方式有: It’s+ 具體距離. It’s+基數詞+minutes’ (minutes) / hours’(hours)...+ride (+by car/bus/train...) / walk. It’s+時長+交通方式.學生活動 能在老師的引導下理解語言知識點。設計意圖:進一步鞏固所學內容,拓展學生思維。通過小組合作學習,逐步引導學生思考并總結,培養學生獨立思考的能力和合作能力。環節五:Step 5 Summary & Homework教師活動 Summary The T can encourage Ss to summarize the key points of this class to help Ss consolidate the knowledge. Homework: Preview the new words and phrases in Section B(1a-1e). Do the exercises in students’ book. 學生活動 通過話輪能讓大多數學生清晰回顧本堂課的課脈結構,通過課后對所學知識地復習鞏固,檢測學生在課后是否能基本運用本堂課的目標語言,體現對學生的可持續性評價。 設計意圖:逐步引導學生運用最高級談論身邊事物,培養學生學會總結歸納并形成判斷的思維品質。
板書設計 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater The second period Section A(GF-3c) 1.Words:worse,service,pretty,menu,act,meal 2.Target language: ①A:What's the best movie theater to go to B:Town Cinema. It's the closest to home. And you can buy tickets the most quickly there. ②A:Which is the worst clothes store in town B:Dream Clothes. It's worse than Blue Moon. It has the worst service. ③A:What do you think of 970 AM B:I think 970 AM is pretty bad. It has the worst music.
作業與拓展學習設計 Preview the new words and phrases in Section B(1a-1e). Do the exercises in students’ book.
特色學習資源分析、技術手段應用說明 本節課通過情景教學法、任務型教學法,由聽到說,已知到未知,循序漸進地深化教學內容。展開教師為主導,以學生為主體的師生雙邊教學活動。 教學手段:多媒體輔助:使抽象的學習內容直觀化,創設情景,實現師生互動,生生互動和人機互動的多向互動,增加了直觀性和趣味性,加大了課堂密度,運用希沃白板交互式課件提高了教學效果。
教學反思 To enable students to master the grammatical structure, they should practice and use the grammatical structure repeatedly in different contexts for the purpose of communication. We must effectively improve students' participation and frequency, carry out various activities and ensure students' real participation.
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