
Unit 10 Can you come to my party單元整體教學分析+分課時學歷案+單元學后反思 + 單元作業檢測

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Unit 10 Can you come to my party單元整體教學分析+分課時學歷案+單元學后反思 + 單元作業檢測


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單元名稱:Can you come to my party
姓名 學科/年級/設計者 英語 /八年級/
教材 人教版Go for it! 對應章/課時 Unit 10/4
你敢挑戰嗎? 青春期的我們,滿載煩惱行囊。學業困惑、人際交往難題、和父母關系緊張,與朋友之間的誤會,紛至沓來。讓我們與好友傾心分享,互贈良策。交流學習心得,共破人際交往迷霧,探討與父母以及朋友溝通之道。攜手并進,讓青春之旅少些荊棘,多些歡笑。
期望你學會什么? 1.能夠在“派對”“未來職業的選擇”“生活中的問題和解決方式”等真實情境中正確使用本單元涉及到的動詞、形容詞短語,情態動詞should,以及if...will...句型,以聽說讀看寫等方式談論事情的結果并提出建議;能夠學會推理演繹、略讀等學習策略,提高英語的綜合語言運用能力(語言能力) 2.通過談論對于事情所做的決定及其結果,激發對學習英語的興趣;通過聽、說、讀、看、寫等各項技能策略的感悟、體驗和學習,如推理演繹、略讀等,形成良好的學習習慣,提高學習效率。能夠合理、有效地利用多媒體等現代技術搜集學習資料;能夠有意識地訓練自己的英語思維,努力做到善學、樂學(學習能力) 3.通過聽說讀看寫等訓練,能夠準確獲取有關條件、結果及建議等方面的信息,學會與人探討、交流和表達自我觀點和看法,在此基礎上聯系自身實際,有邏輯、辯證地、創新性地表達個人看法,實現知識與思維能力的遷移(思維品質) 4.能夠通過談論“聚會”話題和青少年生活中的出現的問題和解決方式,了解西方社交聚會的知識,并了解中西方青少年生活中的常見問題,以及心理咨詢機構如何提供有效的幫助(文化意識)
給你支招 在學習的過程中,你要學會在情境中總結出情態動詞should,以及if...will...句型的用法。 文章越來越長了,你要做好預習工作,上課的時候才不會掉隊。下面是給你的一些預習小建議,要嘗試運用哦: 快速瀏覽一遍文章,了解文章的主題、結構和基本情節,對文章的主旨和框架有個大致把握; 細讀文章,用彩色筆標注出文章不認識的單詞和不懂得短語,查閱字典,記錄下他們的中文意思、詞性以及例句,減少閱讀障礙; 逐句讀文章,嘗試用自己的話翻譯課文,檢驗自己的理解程度; 對于文中理解不了的句子,尤其是長難句,做好標記,上課時重點聽老師講解; 找到與文章的聽力視頻或音頻,觀看或收聽,并跟著模仿朗讀、增強語感; 完成老師下發的預習清單。 此外,你還可以閱讀寧教云平臺的微課程,了解更多學習小妙招。
授課教師 班級 姓名
Unit 9 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! 第一課時 聽說課(一)
【學習目標】 1.通過情境體驗學習,能夠初步了解if引導的條件狀語從句,學習表達假設。 2.通過頭腦風暴,能夠聽懂聚會主題的對話,掌握聽力預測策略。 3.通過角色表演,能夠進行關于聚會主題的情境對話,學會在不同的情況下解決問題并為他人著想。 【本課重難點】 學習重點:能夠初步了解if引導的條件狀語從句,學習表達假設。 學習難點:能夠初步了解if引導的條件狀語從句,學習表達假設。
Task 1. Learning. Step 1. What will you think about if you are invited to the party 【學法建議:想一想,如果你被邀請參加派對,你想要考慮哪些事情?】 Step 2. Look at the pictures and predict what they are talking about. What will the girl picture a go with if she goes to the party What will the boy picture b wear if he goes to the party How will the girl picture c go there if she goes to the party Where will the girl picture d be if she doesn’t goes to the party 【學法建議:認真觀察1a中 圖片,說一說如果他們去派對會或不去派對會做什么事情?】 Step 3. Finish 1a. Match the phrases with the pictures (a-d). Task 2. Listening and speaking. Step 1. Listen and finish 1b. Listen and complete the responses in 1a. Step 2. Look at the pictures and retell the statements and responses using if...will. Like: If Alison goes to the party with Karen and Anna, she will have a great time. Step 3. Finish 1c. Look at the pictures and make conversations. 【學法建議:請你大聲朗讀對話內容, 再根據聽力的內容,仿照1c編對話。】 Task 3. Listening and speaking. Step 1. Predict. If you organize a party, what will you think about Step 2. Listen and finish 2a. Step 3. Listen and finish 2b. Step 4.Fill in the blanks according to the information above. Students are talking about when to have a ____________. If they ______it today,half the class ___________.If they _____it tomorrow, students _____________early ___________the test. So they decide to have it on___________________.They will __________________at the party. Nelly will_________________. Mark will______________________. 【學法建議:填空時,注意根據2a和2b 的內容。】
Task 4.(1)Retell the conversation. For example: Students are talking about when to have a class party and what to do for the class party...... (2)Finish 2c. Role-play a conversation between Nelly and Mark. 【學法建議:先大聲朗讀對話內容,再根據聽力的內容,完成對話】
Task 5. Let’s discuss. How to organize a class party Step 1. If you are planning a class party,what will you think about 【學法建議:想一想,如果你要組織一場班會,你要考慮哪些內容?】 Step 2. Talk about the possible consequences from the aspects we summarized above. Like:If we play soft music in the party, students will feel bored. 【學法建議:從上面組織班會需要考慮的事項,談論一下可能出現的結果?!?br/>學后反思及作業
【學后反思】 通過對本課的學習,我收獲了什么呢?我是否還有什么疑惑呢?聽我來給自己講一講。 【課后作業】 根據Task 4(1)中的思維導圖,復述聽力內容完成一篇小短文,寫在課堂作業本上。 預習2d對話,大聲朗讀、嘗試口頭翻譯,不理解的地方標注出來。 完成全品作業本第一課時練習題。
授課教師 班級 姓名
Unit 9 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!第二課時 語法課
【學習目標】 1.通過歸納,能掌握if引導的條件狀語從句的表意功能以及特殊用法。 2.通過情境體驗,能夠運用if引導的條件狀語從句進行假設話題的交流。 3.通過小組合作,能夠使用if引導的條件狀語從句描述自己的規劃和設想,提高語言運用能力。 【本課重難點】 重點:通過歸納,能掌握if引導的條件狀語從句的表意功能以及特殊用法。 難點:能夠使用if引導的條件狀語從句描述自己的規劃和設想,提高語言運用能力。
Task 1. Reading. Step 1. Read the conversation and answer the following questions: Step 2. Read the conversation again and learn some language points. Step 3. Let’s summarize. 1.觀察GF中右側的句子,你可以分別找出主句和從句嗎?用橫線畫出主句,用波浪線畫出從句。 2.(1)觀察GF中右側的句子,你可以總結出主句和從句使用的時態嗎? If+__________________,__________________________ (2)觀察下面的句子,你可以總結出主句和從句使用的時態嗎? If+__________________,__________________________ If+__________________,__________________________ 3.觀察右側的句子,回答下面的4個問題。
Task 3. Practicing. Step 1. Finish 3b on page 75. Step 2. (1)Finish 3a on page 75. (2)Read the passage quickly and find out the answers below. 1. Who wrote this letter ______________________________________________________________ 2. Who is this letter for _______________________________________________________________ 3. Why does she write the letter _________________________________________________________ 4. What worries does the writer have?____________________________________________________
Task 4. .If you were Su Mei, What’s your advice for Tina (至少寫3條建議)
【學后反思】通過對本課的學習,我收獲了什么呢?我是否還有什么疑惑呢?聽我來給自己講一講。 【課后作業】 背誦2d對話。 完成全品作業本第一和第二課時練習題。 完成Task4
授課教師 班級 姓名
Unit 9 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! 第三課時 聽說課
【學習目標】 1. 通過情境體驗學習,能夠靈活運用if引導的條件狀語從句,表達對生活的規劃和選擇。 2. 通過聯系已知信息進行預測,能夠聽懂有關人生規劃和選擇的主題對話,掌握聽力預測策略。 3. 通過角色表演,能夠進行以未來規劃和人生選擇為主題的情境對話,學會站在不同角度看待問題。【本課重難點】 重點:通過聯系已知信息進行預測,能夠聽懂有關人生規劃和選擇的主題對話,掌握聽力預測策略。 難點:能夠進行以未來規劃和人生選擇為主題的情境對話,學會站在不同角度看待問題。
Task 1. Talk and share. What kind of things are the most important to you 【學法建議:想一想,對你而言最重要的事情是什么?】 Task 2. Finish 1a . What else do you think is important for you at present I think ________ is important for me .Because .......
Task 3. Listening and speaking. Step 1. Let’s predict. Look at the pictures in 1d and answer the following questions. Picture 1: 1. What can you see in the cupboard(壁櫥) 2. What’s on the banner(橫幅標語) 3. What is an agent 4. How does Michael feel right now 5. What are they talking about probably Picture2: 1.How do you think Michael feels right now from his facial expression 2. What are they talking about probably 【學法建議:請你認真觀察1a中的2幅圖片,并根據以上7個問題對即將聽到的聽力內容進行預測?!?Step 2. Finish 1b. Step 3. Finish 1c. Step 4. Listen again and fill in the blanks. Conversation 1 Agent: The lions are a great soccer team, you know! ____ you _______ the Lions, you’ll become a great soccer player. If you __________ a Lion, you ___________________ the world. And if you work really hard, you _______ famous. Conversation 2 Parents: You __________ join the Lions ___________. If you become a _____________ soccer player, ______ never ______ college. We know you want ______ happy, but there are ___________ interesting jobs you’d like. And I know you want to ______ a lot of money. But _______________________, son. Michael’s dream is ______________________________ Step 5.Think and Share What’s your opinion If you are Michael, what decision will you make Share your reasons.
Task 4. Let’s debate.
【學后反思】 通過對本課的學習,我收獲了什么呢?我是否還有什么疑惑呢?聽我來給自己講一講。 【課后作業】 完成全品作業本第三課時練習題。 預習課本77頁2b長文章。
授課教師 班級 姓名
Unit 9 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!第四課時 閱讀課
【學習目標】 1.通過完成閱讀任務, 能夠找出相關信息并了解議論文體。 2. 通過尋讀,能夠了解作者寫作的目的和方法。 3.通過情境體驗,能夠學會關注自己和周圍人的情緒,并能做有理有據的闡述。 【本課重難點】 重點:通過完成閱讀任務, 能夠找出相關信息并了解議論文體。 難點:通過尋讀,能夠了解作者寫作的目的和方法。
Task 1. Think and share. What is the video about What kinds of problems or worries do you have in daily life When something troubles you, what will you do Task 2. Reading Step1.Look at the picture and predict. 1. What are they doing 2. What relationship might they be 3. Who likely has the trouble Step 2.Get to know the structure of the passage. 1.Finish 2b. Which statement expresses the main idea of the passage 【學法建議:想一想哪一個選項可以概括文章3段的內容。】 2.Read the passage quickly and match the main idea of each paragraph. Para.1 a. Advice Para.2 b. Examples Para.3 c. Opinion 【學法建議:閱讀文章,結合題目提示將段落和對應的主要大意連線?!?3. Read the passage quickly. Finish the mind map. Read Para.1 carefully and finish the mind map. Think: What is the worst thing to do if you have a problem 5.Read paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks. Think:Why didn’t Laura want to tell her parents about her lost wallet 6.Read Para.3 and finish the mind map. Think:What is the first thing you should do when you want to solve a problem Why can our parents give us good advice about our problems
Task 3. Finish .Ask three students the following questions. Take notes of their answers. Names QuestionsQ1Q2Q3Q4Q5
Task 5.Group Discussion. 【學法建議:步驟1.選擇上面其中的一人問題。步驟2.在組內討論解決問題的方法,給出合理的建議。步驟3.根據下面的提示一篇小短文,向全班進行匯報】 Hello! Everyone! My friend __________has a problem now. He/ she _____________.To help him/her.Here is my advice for him/her. I think he/ she should ______________________.Maybe he/she can _________________________. If he/she ____________, he/ she will ____________.
【學后反思】 通過對本課的學習,我收獲了什么呢?我是否還有疑惑呢?想一想再和大家交流一下吧! 【課后作業】 跟讀2b長文章,熟讀后讀給家長聽并請家長簽字、評價。 繼續潤色你的報告,把它寫在課堂作業本上。 完成全品作業本第四課時練習題。
三、單元學后反思 + 單元作業檢測
【單元學后反思】 一、借助圖表分類梳理本單元呈現的主要內容,包括話題、詞匯、及重點語法知識。(共25分)
單元檢測 單元檢測 一、根據首字母完成單詞。 1.If everyone _________ (obey) the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents. 2.You watch TV all the time. You should _____(go) out and relax. 3.Tom Sawyer has many unusual _________ (experience). 4.She is ________ (careful) of all the girls in her class. 5.If it ________ (snow) tomorrow, we'll drive the car to work. 二、根據句意及漢語提示寫單詞,完成句子。 1. 我可以把這件事告訴你,但是你必須保密。 I can tell you about it, but you must __________ __________ __________ __________. 2. Mike才僅僅完成作業的一部分。 Mike is still only __________ __________ __________ his homework. 3. 還有誰愿意參加音樂俱樂部? __________ __________ would like to join the music club 4. 媽媽讓Carla把這個蘋果切成兩半。 Mom told Carla to __________ this apple __________ __________. 5. 最糟糕的事情是逃避現實。 The worst thing is to __________ __________ __________ reality. 三、單項選擇。 1.(2021·青海中考真題)Nothing is impossible ________ you put your heart into in! A.as much as B.as possible as C.as far as D.as long as 2.Don't be sad about it. It's ________ for everyone to make mistakes in his life. A. normal B. meaningless C. impossible D. educational 3.I have to do some think before making a __________. This thing is important for me. A.progress B.noise C.mistake D.decision 4.If it ________ tomorrow, we will go on a picnic by the lake. A.isn’t raining B.won’t rain C.rained D.doesn’t rain 5.Mike studies Chinese very ________ and his Chinese is ________ in his class. A.careful; good B.carefully; well C.careful; best D.carefully; the best 6.(2021·黑龍江中考真題)We’ll cause more pollution ________ we find ways to recycle more rubbish. A.unless B.if C.although 7.---Helen, do you know if Martin ________to my party next week ---I think he will come if he___________ free. A. will come; will be B. will come; is C. comes; is D. comes; will be 8.---Daniel looks _____________. ---Yes. He lost his camera this morning. A. surprised B. upset C. fantastic D. successful 9.(2020·江蘇中考真題)If we don’t protect nature, some wildlife___________ die out in the future. A.need B.may C.can’t D.shouldn’t 10.(2020·貴州中考真題)—Would you like to go hiking if it ________ fine this Saturday —I'd love to. But nobody knows if it________. A.is; will rain B.is; rains C.will be; will rain D.will be; rains 四、句型轉換。 1.I will go bike riding if it doesn’t rain tomorrow. (同義句) I will go bike riding __________ it __________ tomorrow. 2.Don’t move your leg for a week. (同義句轉換) ________ ________ move your leg for a week. 3.Peter was so careless that he made lots of mistakes in the exam. (改為同義句) Peter wasn’t ________ ________ to make lots of mistakes in the exam. 4.I am happy. You come to the party. (用if合并為一句) __________ you come to the party, I will _________ happy. 5.The young man travelled there by plane.(對畫線部分提問) ________ ________ the young man ________ there 五、語法填空。 請用適當的詞完成下面的短文。每個空只能填寫一個形式正確、意義相符的單詞。 Mildred often stepped (踩)on the back of my shoe as we walked home after school. Then, my shoe was off and when I stopped to 1 my shoe on, Mildred would hit me on the back quickly and run away. I was angry and scared, so I told my mom the whole story. 2 , my mom told me not to worry and said that she had a plan. The next morning, my mom walked to school with 3 . Just as we got to school, we 4 Mildred. “Hello, Mildred,” my mom said quietly. Mildred stopped, looking at us. Her face turned red. Her oversized coat was open. There were only two buttons(紐扣)on it. My mother didn’t say anything 5 first. Instead, she buttoned up Mildred’s coat and turned the collar(衣領) up around her neck. “I’m Amy’s mother. I need your help, Mildred.” My mother held Mildred’s hands as she spoke. Amy doesn’t have any brothers or 6 . She needs 7 good friend at school. Would you be her friend. Mildred ” Mildred was 8 because she didn’t think my mother would speak these words. After making sure she didn’t hear wrong, she gave a quick nod. “Oh, thank you!” my mother said. Then she hugged(擁抱)us 9 left as if nothing had happened. I saw that Mildred was smiling I’d never seen her smile before. I didn’t understand my mom’s 10 at that time. But now, I came to know her message: Love never fails. 六、完形填空。 When I was 13, my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. That meant beating out Miller King, who was the best 1 at our school. Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out. I carried my football everywhere for 2 . Just before September, Miller was hit by a car and lost his right 3 . I went to see him after he came back from hospital. He looked very 4 , but he didn’t cry. That season, I 5 all of Miller’s records while he watched the home games from the bench. We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable player, 6 I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for (為 負責) Miller’s accident. One afternoon, I was crossing the field and saw Miller stuck (卡在) going over a fence — which wasn’t 7 to climb with both arms. I’m sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to 8 help from. But even that challenge he accepted. I helped him move slowly over the fence. When we were finally 9 on the other side, he said to me, “You know, I didn’t tell you this during the season, but you did 10 Thank you for filling in for me.” His words freed me from my bad dreams. I thought to myself, how even without an arm he was more of a leader. Damaged but not defeated, he was still ahead of me. I was right to have admired him. From that day on, I grew bigger and a little more real. 1.A.player B.student C.teacher D.coach 2.A.practice B.show C.fun D.pleasure 3.A.leg B.foot C.shoulder D.arm 4.A.calm B.pale C.angry D.worried 5.A.held B.tried C.set D.broke 6.A.so B.but C.as a result D.and 7.A.easy B.hard C.interesting D.comfortable 8.A.accept B.refuse C.welcome D.invite 9.A.dropped B.ready C.trapped D.safe 10.A.badly B.slowly C.fine D.fast 七、閱讀理解 Traveling is one of the most important activities and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops fast,so traveling to different places has become much easier than before. Staying healthy while traveling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip?The following information may be useful for you. Before traveling: ●Wear comfortable shoes,a hat and sunglasses. ●Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems. ●If you do lots of sports like walking or climbing during your trip,you should do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave. While traveling: ●Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit. ●Have enough time to take a rest during your trip. ●Tap water is not safe,so drink bottled water and always clean the cover on the bottle. 1.Traveling has become much easier because of the ______. A.modern technology B.modern traffic development C.travel agencies D.development of people's lives 2.You should______ before you leave your home for a trip. A.take some medicine with you B.clean the cover C.drink much water D.wear warm clothes 3.You had better not______ while you are having a trip. A.wear glasses B.be too tired C.wear a hat D.take a rest 4.If you ______while traveling,your trip will be happier. A.walk fast B.eat too much C.keep healthy D.climb a mountain 5.The passage mainly talks about______. A.traveling development B.how to keep healthy during a trip C.activities before traveling D.activities while traveling 八、材料作文 父母是我們最親的人,但我們有時候會在與父母溝通時遇到困難。請以“How to communicate with our parents”為題,用英語寫一篇短文,談談與父母溝通的技巧和做法。要求:詞數80詞左右。 How to communicate with our parents ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




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