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高中應用文4: 推薦課間運動
請你寫一篇短文向校英文報“Sports and Health”欄目投稿,向同學們推薦一項適合課間開展的運動,內容包括:
Are you looking for an activity that is both relaxing and invigorating(使得精神煥發的)to break the monotony(單調;千篇一律)of your school day Consider giving Tai Chi a try-an elegant and ancient martial art(武術)
你是否正在尋找一種既輕松又能讓人精神煥發的活動,以打破學校日常的乏味單調 不妨試試太極——優雅而古老的武術
Tai Chi,distinguished by its slow and smooth movements,gentle postures,and controlled breathing,promotes mindfulness and inner calm.It is also highly accessible and convenient, requiring no special equipment or dedicated space.Not only can it alleviate(緩解)the negative effects of prolonged siting during classes,but it also revitalizes(使…恢復生機)
your spirit and enhances your balance and flexibility.
So,why not try Tai Chi during your next break Incorporating(整合;融合)Tai Chi into your school break routine can be an excellent way to prioritize(優先處理)both physical and mental well-being所以,為什么不在下次休息時嘗試一下太極呢 將太極與課間休息相結合是促進身心健.,
Relaxing and invigorating-輕松又能讓人精神煥發
Break the monotony-打破單調
3.Elegant and ancient -優雅而古老的
4.Distinguished by-以…為特點
5.Slow and smooth movements-緩慢流暢的動作
6.Gentle postures-溫和的姿勢
7.Controlled breathing-控制呼吸
8.Promote mindfulness and inner calm-促進專注和內在平靜
9.Highly accessible and convenient-非常容易接觸且方便
10.Alleviate the negative effects -緩解負面影響
11.Revitalize your spirit-使你精神煥發
12.Enhance balance and flexibility -提高平衡和靈活性
13.Prioritize physical and mental well-being-優先考慮身心健康
有氧健身操:Fitness Aerobics is a rhythmic exercise(有節奏的運動)that combines cardiovascular-engaging in Fitness Aerobics during breaks can combat fatigue(對抗疲勞),leaving you endurance(心血管耐力),strength training,and flexibility.Set to music,it creates an enjoyable revitalized(有活力的)and ready for the rest of the day.It also fosters a sense of community and motivating atmosphere.(氛圍)teamwork when done with classmates.
This activity is a great way to stay active,boost your mood,and build strong relationships with peers.Try Fitness Aerobics and experience the benefits yourself!
rhythmic exercise-有節奏的運動
cardiovascular endurance-心血管耐力
strength training-力量訓練
flexibility exercises-柔韌性鍛煉
set to music-配合音樂
enjoyable and motivating atmosphere-愉快而激勵的氛圍
combat fatigue-對抗疲勞
leave you revitalized -讓你煥發活力
fosters a sense of community -增強歸屬感
boost your mood-提升情緒
跳繩版本:Jumping rope is an excellent whole-body(全身鍛煉)exercise that activates your legs,arms,Jumping rope improves blood flow,helping to alleviate the stiffness(緩解僵硬)that comes Incorporating(結合;整合)jumping rope into your break time routine can lead to a healthier and core muscles(核心肌肉).It is not just a fantastic cardiovascular workout but also enhances from prolonged sitting.It also revitalizes your mind,boosting your focus and concentration for the body and sharper mind.Try it and feel the difference!your coordination and balance(協調和平衡).Moreover,it's an affordable(可負擔得起的)next lessons.Not only does it benefit your physical health by engaging various muscle groups,but activity that fits easily into your backpack.it also promotes mental well-being.
whole-body exercise-全身鍛煉
2.activates your legs,arms,and core muscles-調動你的腿部、手臂和核心肌肉
3.fantastic cardiovascular workout -極好的心血管鍛煉
4.enhances your coordination and balance-提高你的協調性和平衡感
5.affordable activity -低成本的活動
6.fits easily into your backpack -輕松放入背包中
7.improves blood flow-促進血液循環
8.alleviate the stiffness-減少僵硬感
9.prolonged sitting-長時間坐著
10.revitalizes your mind-使思維煥發活力
11.boosting your focus and concentration-增強專注和集中力12.engaging various muscle groups-鍛煉不同的肌肉群體
13.promotes mental well-being-促進心理健康
14.incorporating into your break time routine-納入你的課間活動15.healthier body and sharper mind-更健康的身體和更敏銳的頭腦16.feel the difference-感受不同




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