
Unit 4 Sports 知識點整理 2024-2025學年滬教版(五四學制)(2024)六年級英語上冊

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Unit 4 Sports 知識點整理 2024-2025學年滬教版(五四學制)(2024)六年級英語上冊


6AU4 Sports
Sports activities Viewing and listening
The school is going to have a Sports Day. This is the timetable. 學校即將舉行校運會。以下是安排表。
(1)am/is/are going to+動詞原形 “打算做某事”, “計劃做某事”。
e.g. I am going to be a teacher when I grow up. 當我長大時,我打算做一名教師。
e.g. Can you see the clouds It is going to rain soon. 你看到那烏云了么?(可能)不久后就要下雨了。
否定形式:am/is/are not going to+動詞原形
e.g. We are not going to have any class next week. 我們下周不上課。
一般疑問句形式:Am/Is/Are+主語+going to+動詞原形... ...
e.g. Is your elder sister going to bring you lunch tomorrow 你的姐姐明天將給你帶午餐么?
回答:Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t.
特殊疑問句形式:特殊疑問詞+am/is/are+主語+going to+動詞原形... ...
e.g. --How are they going to school tomorrow 明天他們怎么去上學
--By bike. 騎自行車去。
【辨析】“am/is/are going to+動詞原形”與“will+動詞原形” 的區別:
①“am/is/are going to+動詞原形”含有預先計劃、準備意思;“will+動詞原形”則指未經過預先思考或計劃,是臨時一種決定。
②“am/is/are going to+動詞原形”意指有跡象表明某件事將要發生,屬客觀推測;“will+動詞原形”則意指說話人認為/相信某件事將要發生,屬主觀推測。
e.g. Let’s have a birthday party for Ben. 我們給本開個生日派對吧。
(3)sport [sp :t] n. (某項)體育運動 復數:sports
e.g. Which sport(s) in the pictures do you play 圖片中哪個/些運動是你參加的 (教材P55)
【固定搭配】play sports=do sports 做運動
【詞轉】sports [sp :ts] adj. 體育運動的,與運動有關的 n. 運動會
【固定搭配】Sports Day 運動會 on Sports Day 在運動會時
sports activities 體育活動 sports ground 運動場,操場 sports shoes 運動鞋 sports safety 運動安全
sports field (室外的)運動場,操場
(4)timetable [ ta mte b( )l] n. 時間表,安排表,課程表
(1)date [de t] n. 日期,日子;約會
e.g. Write today’s date at the top of the page. 在頁面頂端寫上今天的日期。
【辨析】What’s the date 用于提問日期 What day is it 用于提問星期幾
e.g. ---What’s the date today ---It’s October 13th. ---今天是幾號? ---今天是十月十三日。
---What’s the date today ---It’s Sunday. ---今天星期幾?---今天是星期日。
1999 nineteen ninety-nine
2000 two thousand
2001 two thousand and one
一月January(Jan.), 二月February(Feb.), 三月March(Mar.), 四月(Apr.),五月May, 六月June, 七月July,
八月August(Aug.),九月September(Sep.), 十月October(Oct.), 十一月November(Nov.), 十二December(Dec.)。
例如:在6月1日:on June 1st 讀作:on June the first.
在2001年5月4日:on May 4th, 2001。
【固定搭配】date of birth 出生日期 up to date最新的;最近的;現代的
out of date過時的;過期的;廢棄的
(2)gym [d m] n. (=gymnasium [d m ne zi m]) 健身房;體育館
e.g. There will be a new gym/gymnasium in our school next term. 下學期我們學校將會建成一個新的體育館。
【詞轉】gymnastics n. 體操
(3)team [ti:m] n. (游戲或運動的)隊
e.g. Our team won the soccer game yesterday. 我們隊在昨天的足球比賽中贏了。
Which team are you in 你是哪一個隊的?
【拓展】teamwork 團隊合作
team是一群為了共同目標而緊密合作的。他們通常有明確的角色分工,一起努力達成目標,如teamwork “團 隊合作”
e.g. Tim plays for the national volleyball team. 蒂姆為國家排球隊效力。
e.g. The teacher divided us into groups to do the project. 老師把我們分成小組來做這個項目。
individual [ nd v d u l] n. 個人,個體 adj. 單獨的,個人的
e.g. We interviewed each individual member of the community.我們采訪了社區中的每個成員。
①50 m sprint 50米短跑
100 m sprint 100米短跑
sprint [spr nt] n. 短跑比賽,短距離速度競賽, v. 短距離速度奔跑(或游泳),沖刺
e.g. Nobody knows who will be the world sprint champion in the coming Olympic Games.沒有人知道誰會是即將 到來的奧運會短跑世界冠軍。
She jumped out of the car and sprinted for the front door.她跳下車,朝前門跑去。
【固定搭配】sprint for......朝著.....沖去
e.g. He sprinted for the line.他向終點線沖去。
②200 m run 200米跑 800 m run (girl) 800米跑(女生) 1,000 m run (boy)1000米跑(男生)
4×100 m relay 4×100米接力賽
relay [ ri:le ] n. 接力賽;接班的人(或動物);輪換者
e.g. the sprint relay短跑接力賽
Rescuers worked in relays to save the trapped miners.救援人員輪班營救受困的礦工。
③long jump跳遠 high jump跳高 這里的jump都是名詞,意為“跳,躍”
long [l ] adj. 長的
e.g. Who holds the world record for the long jump 跳遠世界紀錄的保持者是誰?
The table is six feet long.那張桌子長六英尺。
【詞轉】length [le θ]n. 長度
e.g. The river is 300 miles in length .這條河長300英里。
【拓展】How long可以用來提問時間的長度或物品的長度
e.g. How long did you spend on your homework 你做家庭作業用了多長時間?
Please measure how long this pencil is 請測量一下這只鉛筆多長?
high [ha ] adj. 高的 adv. 在高處;向高處;高地;高聲地
e.g. He climbed to the high point of the mountain and enjoyed the view. 她爬到山頂,欣賞風景。
The kite flew high in the blue sky. 風箏在藍天上高高地飛著。
【詞轉】height [ha t] n. 高度;身高
e.g. The height of the tree is about 10 metres. 這棵樹的高度大約10米。
highly [ha li] adv. 極其,非常;高度地,高水平地
e.g. He's a highly intelligent man. 他是一個很有才智的人。
【拓展】speak highly of...... 對......高度評價,稱贊
e.g. I speak highly of his performance. 我高度表揚了他的表現。
deep [di:p] adj. 深的 depth [depθ] n. 深度
wide [wa d] adj. 廣泛的;寬的 adv. 廣泛地;廣闊地 width [w dθ] n. 寬度,廣度
widen [wa d( )n] v. 加寬;(使)擴展
④shot-put 推鉛球
e.g. He has hung up a new record for shot-put.他創造了鉛球的新紀錄。
⑤1-minute rope skipping 一分鐘
rope [r p] n. 繩
e.g. I used a rope to tie my bike to the tree. 我用繩子把自行車系在了樹旁。
skip [sk p] v.蹦蹦跳跳地走;跳(繩);跳過 n. 蹦跳 (skipped-skipped-skipping)
e.g. She did not skip but walked. 她沒有跳,而是走著。
【辨析】skip/jump rope 跳繩和rope skipping 跳繩
skip/jump rope 此處,skip/jump均為動詞。
e.g. She likes to skip rope as a warm-up.她喜歡以跳繩來熱身。
rope skipping 是名詞
e.g. My favorite sports are rope skipping, running, long jump, rubber band skipping, and riding on the swing.我最 喜歡的體育運動有跳繩、跑步、跳遠、跳皮筋、蕩秋千。
1-minute “一分鐘的”,合成形容詞的一種。這種合成形容詞的結構為“數字-名詞(-形容詞)”。需要注 意,這類合成形容詞中的名詞必須為單數,且各個詞之間需要用連字符連接起來。合成形容詞通常做定語, 后必須要用被其修飾的名詞。
e.g. a four-hour trip一個四小時的旅行 an 800-metre-long bridge 一座800米長的橋
He is a ten-year-old boy. 他是一個10歲的男孩。
The boy is ten years old. 這個男孩10歲。
雖然兩個句子表達的意思相同,但是第一句中“ten-year-old”為合成形容詞,修飾boy。第二句中ten years old 不是合成形容詞。
⑥shuttlecock kicking 踢毽子
shuttle cock 原指“羽毛球”,現也可表示“毽子” do shuttlecock kicking=kick shuttlecock
kick [k k] v. 踢
e.g. He kicked a ball into the goal. 他把球踢進了球門。
【拓展】kick off 開始(尤指足球比賽)
e.g. The football match will kick off at 3 p.m.
⑦rock climbing 攀巖
e.g. Rock climbing is a popular activity. 攀巖是一項受歡迎的活動。
【固定搭配】rock climber 攀巖者
e.g. He is a skilled rock climber. 他是一名技巧嫻熟的攀巖者。
go rock climbing 去攀巖
e.g. Let’s go rock climbing this weekend. 這個周末讓我們去攀巖吧。
rock [r k] n. 巖石;礁石;搖滾樂; v. (使)劇烈搖擺,猛烈晃動
e.g. Be careful when you climb rocks. 爬巖石時要小心。
climb [kla m] v. 攀登,攀爬;爬升,升高;上升
e.g. The cat climbed up the tree. 貓爬上了樹。
【詞轉】climber n. 登山者
e.g. He is a professional climber. 他是一名專業的登山者。
【固定搭配】climb a mountain 爬山
⑧kung fu [ k 'fu:] n. 功夫(中國拳術)
e.g. My grandfather is over 80 but he does Chinese kung fu every day. 我爺爺80多歲了,但他每天練習中國功 夫。
【拓展】kung fu master 功夫大師
e.g. He is a famous kung fu master. 他是一位著名的功夫大師。
⑨three-player football 三人足球 其中three-player為合成形容詞,修飾后面的football
⑩basketball 籃球
e.g. play football 踢足球 play basketball 打籃球
e.g. play the piano 彈鋼琴 play the guitar 彈吉他
tug of war 拔河,拔河比賽;兩派間的激烈競爭
e.g. One country can only enter one team in tug of war. 一個國家只能有一支隊伍參加拔河比賽。
There is always a tug of war inside each of us between nature and nurture.在我們每個人的內心,天性和后天教育 之間永遠在相互較量。
tug [t ɡ] v./n (用力地)拉,拖,拽 (tugged-tugged-tugging)
e.g. I felt a tug at my sleeve. 我覺得有人用力拽了一下我的袖子。
war [w :(r)]n. 戰爭,戰爭狀態;競爭,斗爭,對抗
e.g. He was 29 when war broke out. 戰爭爆發時他29歲。
Frisbee [ fr zbi] n. 弗里斯比飛盤(投擲游戲用的飛碟)
【固定搭配】play Frisbee 玩飛盤
e.g. They were playing Frisbee in the park. 他們正在公園里玩飛盤。
Get Active Get Strong 變得活躍 變得強壯
(1)這個短語中,get 是系動詞,意為“變得”,后成通常接形容詞,表示某種變化狀態。同樣用法的還有:become, turn, go和grow。
e.g. Grandpa always says he’s getting old. 爺爺總是說他老了。
(2)active [ kt v] adj. 積極的,活躍的
e.g. She is an active member of community. 她是社區里的積極分子。
【詞轉】act v./n. 行動;表演 actor n. 男演員 actress n. 女演員(pl. actresses) action n. 動作;行動
actively adv. 積極地,活躍地 activity n. 活動
What sport do you want to play 你想參加什么活動?
(1)What sport(s) 是對體育活動項目提問
e.g. What sport do you enjoy playing most 你最喜歡參加什么運動?
(2)want to=would like to “想要做某事” 后加動詞原形
e.g. I really want to make friends with Sam.=I would like to make friends with Sam. 我真的很想和薩姆做朋友。
What sports do Wang Yiming and Lu Yao want to take part in on Sports Day 王一鳴和陸瑤想在運動會上參加什么運動項目呢?
(1)part [pɑ:t]n. 部分;零件;成員,參與人員; 角色
【固定搭配】 a part of..... ......的一部分
e.g. This is my favourite part of the story. 這是這個故事中我最喜歡的部分。
play a part/role in.....在......中起作用,在......充當角色
e.g. Everyone should play a part in the environmental protection. 每個人都應該在環境保護中發揮作用。
(2)take part in...... 參加
e.g. How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games 有多少國家參加了上屆奧運會?
take an active part in......積極參加;積極參與
e.g. Everyone should take an active part in garbage sorting. 每個人都應該積極參與垃圾分類工作。
【辨析】take part in, join in, join, attend “參加”
take part in=join in往往指參加某種活動或比賽
e.g. He often take part in/join in sports activities after school. 他放學后經常參加體育活動。
join 指加入某一組織或團體,成為其中的一員; join后也可直接接某人,表示加入某人,和某人一起做某事
e.g. My brother joined the army last year. 我弟弟去年參軍了
We will go camping tomorrow. Do you want to join us 我們明天去露營。你想要加入我們(一起去露營)么?
attend 強調出席(聚會,講座,上學等)
e.g. I heard that Professor Chen would attend our party. 我聽說陳教授會出席我們的聚會。
Is Bailing good at sports 百靈擅長體育運動么?
be good at sth./doing......擅長于...... 如后接動詞時,要使用動詞的-ing形式
e.g. What language are you good at 你擅長哪種語言
Nick is always good at finding cheap flights. 尼克總能找到價格便宜的航班。
比較級:be better at sth./doing 更擅長某事/做某事 最高級:be best at sth./doing 最擅長某事/做某事
e.g. Tom is better than Mary at learning English. 湯姆比瑪麗更擅長學英語。
Jack is best at learning English in our class. 杰克是我們班最擅長學英語的。
【同義】do well in sth./doing 擅長某事/做某事
【反義】be poor at sth./doing 不擅長于......, 拙劣于......=do badly in sth./doing
e.g. Ben is poor at /does badly in Chinese and English. 本語文和英語很差。
Word study 欄目
(1)play baseball/volleyball/badminton/tennis 打棒球/排球/羽毛球/網球
professional baseball/volleyball/badminton/tennis player 職業棒球/排球/羽毛球/網球運動員
baseball field棒球場volleyball court 排球場 badminton field/court 羽毛球場 tennis court 網球場
beach volleyball 沙灘排球
badminton/tennis racket 羽毛球/網球拍
net 球網
tennis ball 網球
(2)go rock climbing/swimming/running 去攀巖/游泳/跑步
go doing“去做某事”中的doing常為娛樂、休閑、運動、購物之類的動詞。如go boating去劃船, go fishing去釣魚, go shopping去購物 等。
(3)do pull-ups/sit-ups 做引體向上(單杠運動)/仰臥起坐
pull[p l]v. 拉;拔出
e.g. Can you help me pull this box 你能幫我拉這個箱子嗎?
【反義】push [p ] v. 推動(人或物);移動(身體部位)
e.g. She pushed the cup toward me. 她把杯子推向我這邊。
Help them sign up for the events in A2. 幫他們報名A2中的比賽項目。
(1)help [help] v/n 幫助;改善狀況,對……有益
help sb. (to) do sth. 幫助某人做某事
help (sb.)with sth.幫助某人某事
help (to) do sth.幫助做某事
e.g. The college's aim is to help students (to) achieve their aspirations.大學的目標是幫助學生實現他們的抱負。
He always helps (me) with the housework.他總是幫著(我)做家務。
She helped (to) organize the party.她協助籌備了晚會。
【詞轉】helpful adj. 有幫助的,有用的;愿意幫忙的
helpless adj. 無助的,無奈的
helper n. 助手,幫手
(2)sign up for...... 報名(參加)
e.g. we encouraged her to sign up for the competition.我們鼓勵她報名參加比賽。
(3)event [ vent] n. 賽事,比賽項目; 事件,大事
e.g. The 800 m run is the fourth event of the afternoon. 800米跑是下午的第四項比賽。
The election was the main event of 2004.那次選舉是2004年的主要大事。
Sports safety > Speaking 知識梳理
Sports safety運動安全
【詞匯】safety n.安全;平安
【提示】safe adj.處境(或情況)安全的;不損害(或危害)健康的;安全的
Lin Dong hurt his ankle in a football match. 林東在一場足球比賽中傷到了腳踝。
【詞匯】ankle n.踝;踝關節
【詞匯】match n.比賽
match指的是兩個個人或團隊之間的競爭。它也可以指大型比賽中的一輪比賽。例如,在網球比賽中,一場match(比賽) 由若干game(局)組成。在足球比賽中,一場比賽(match)是指兩支球隊之間的全部競爭,可以包括幾場單獨的比賽(game)。試比較下列句子:
He won the tennis game in straight sets.
The tennis match went on for five hours.
She scored the winning goal in the football game.(單一的一場比賽)
He scored the winning goal in the football match.(全部場次的比賽)
Wear running shoes and sports clothes. 穿著運動鞋與運動服。
【詞匯】wear表示“穿;戴;佩戴;系”等含義,強調狀態;put on 穿上,強調動作。
She is wearing a new coat.
【詞匯】running shoes跑鞋;運動鞋 【近義】trainers n.(pl.)運動鞋;便鞋 sneakers n.(AmE)(pl.)運動鞋;便鞋
【詞匯】sports clothes運動服 【近義】sports wear運動服裝
Wear sports gear(for example, helmets). 佩戴運動器具(例如頭盔)
【詞匯】gear n.(某種活動的)設備,用具,衣服
He has got a whole set of fishing gear.
【詞匯】on sports gear運動器具;運動裝備
That shop mainly sells sports gear.
【詞匯】example n.例子;實例
【詞組】for example例如 set an example for...為……樹立榜樣
【提示】for example用于引出一個或多個例子來支持或說明前面所提到的觀點或論述。for example后面可以接短語,也可以接句子。
Warm up熱身
【詞匯】warm up(體育活動等前的)適應性活動,準備活動;熱身練習
They are warming up before the match.
【詞匯】warm-up n.熱身;準備活動
He hurt his knee during pre-game warm-ups.
Watch out for others小心別人
【詞組】watch out小心;留神;注意
【近義】 be careful小心;當心
【詞組】watch out for sth小心;提防 =be careful of sth.
Be careful and don't get hurt. 注意不要受傷。
【詞組】be careful小心;注意:謹慎
【變形】careless adj.粗心的 carelessness n.粗心 carefully adv.小心地 care v./n.關心,在意
care for照顧=take care of=look after; 喜愛=feel like doing sth.
be careful of sth小心某物(用于提醒或警告某人要注意某種潛在的危 險或風險)
be careful with sth小心使用(提醒某人對某事物小心謹慎,以免出現危 險或錯誤)
be careful not to do sth注意不要…
【詞組】get hurt受傷(身體或情感上遭受傷害或損失)
We all fell down and got hurt.
【詞匯】hurt n.委屈;傷,痛;adj.受傷的 get hurt; v.(使)疼痛;受傷
【提示】get hurt是一個“系動詞+形容詞”的結構。
You don't look well. What's the matter 你看起來氣色不好。怎么了?
【詞組】look well看上去氣色好
【總結】look+adj.看起來,看上去…… look+adv.+介詞(look +介詞(這里構成詞組))……看著
【詞匯】matter n.問題;事情
They have some important matters to discuss.
【句型】What's the matter 怎么了?常用于詢問某人或某事是否有問題或不適。對于具體的詢問對象,可以用“What's the matter with.,. ”來提問。
What's the matter(with you) Is there something wrong
What's the matter with your bicycle
It kind of hurts.有點痛。
【詞組】kind of稍微;有幾分;有點兒
【提示】kind of為非正式用語,口語中比較常用。它可以放在形容詞、副詞前,也可以放在動詞或動詞短語后。“It kind of hurts.”也可以說成“It hurts, kind of.”。
l0. What happened during the game 比賽中發生了什么?
【詞匯】happen v. 發生
Accidents like this happen all the time.
【提示】...happen to sb./sth“遭遇;遇到”
I just fell. 我只是摔倒了。
【詞匯】just adv. 僅僅是;只是
He just wants to win.
【詞匯】fall v.(fell,fallen)突然倒下;跌倒 fall down 倒下
You have to do warm-up exercises before you do sports. 你在運動前必須做熱身運動。
【詞組】 have to不得不;表示強加于某人的義務,即被要求或被迫使。
Every person has to follow the traffic rules.
have to的否定形式往往表示“不必”之意。
You don't have to knock - just walk in
Do you have to go
【詞組】do sports做運動;進行體育運動
I guess you never get hurt. 我猜你從來不會受傷。
【詞匯】 guess v.猜測;估計 I don't really know. I'm just guessing.
I have a cut on my knee. 我膝蓋上有個傷口。
【詞匯】 cut n.傷口v.(cut,cut)切;割
【詞匯】knee n.膝蓋
How come 怎么回事?怎么發生的?
【提示】how come常用于詢問出現某種情況或現象的原因。
They say nothing to each other. How come 怎么會的?
常用“How come+陳述句”的結構來詢問某事發生的原因,意思上與用why 提問原因的句子相近,但要注意兩者的語序。
How come my toy car doesn't work (=Why doesn't my toy car work )
How come people speak so many languages (=Why do people speak so many languages )
What seems to be the problem 有什么問題嗎?
【詞匯】seem v.好像;似乎;看來
l) seem可作系動詞,后接形容詞。 She seems very young to be a teacher.
2) seem like后接名詞或名詞短語。 It seemed like a good idea at the time.
3) seem后接帶to的動詞不定式。 Everybody seems to be ready. So why don't we set off
【詞匯】problem n.棘手的問題;難題;困難
Let me know if you have any problems.你
l. What's the matter(with...) 怎么了?
2. What's the problem(with..) 有什么問題嗎?
3. What's your problem 你有什么問題嗎?你怎么了?
4.What's the wrong(with..) 怎么樣了?怎么回事?
5. What's up(with..) 出什么事了?怎么了?
6. Are you all right /Are you OK 你還好嗎?
7. You look worried..Is everything OK 你看起來很擔心。一切都還好嗎?
8. Why such a sad face Is there something wrong 為什么一臉悲傷?有什么問題嗎?
9. You look upset. Has something happened 你看起來很沮喪。發生什么事了嗎?
l0. What seems to be the problem 有什么問題嗎?
Sports fun Reading
Do you find the poster eye-catching 你覺得這張海報引人注目嗎?
①“找到”。通常表示尋找的結果。當想表示尋找的動作時,我們要用look for。
e.g. I looked for my key everywhere, but I didn’t find it. 我到處找我的鑰匙,但沒有找到。
e.g. You can find museums, palaces and parks in Beijing.你在北京會看到博物館、宮殿和公園。
對比:find out 查明,發現。通常指需要經過一定的努力,最終查明事情的真相,或發現真相。
e.g. I need to find out more about this topic. 我需要查明更多關于這個話題的信息。
①find sb/sth找到/發現某人/某物
e.g.I finally found the book I had been looking for. 我最后找到了我一直在找的書。
②find sb. sth.=find sth. for sb. 為某人找到某物
e.g. Find you the right sport=Find the right sport for you 找到適合你的運動
③find+ sb./sth.+sth. 發現某人/某物是......
e.g. We found it a difficult problem. 我們發現這是一個難題。
④find+sb./sth+adv./介詞短語 發現某人/某物在某處
e.g. When I rang up Mike, I found him out. 當我給麥克打電話的時候,我發現他出去了。
I found the cat under the desk. 我發現貓在桌子下面。
⑤find+sb./sth.+adj. 發現某人/某事怎么樣
e.g. I find cooking very relaxing.我發現烹飪非常令人放松。
⑥find+sb./sth.+doing 發現某人/某物正在做某事
e.g. The police found the thief running away. 警察發現小偷正在逃跑。
⑦find+sb./sth.+過去分詞 發現某人/某物被......
e.g. The next morning, the old man found himself covered with an old coat. 第二天早晨,老人發現自己身上蓋著一件舊大衣。
⑧find+sb./sth+介詞短語 找到/發現某物在某處
e.g.He found the keys in the drawer. 他在抽屜里找到了鑰匙
⑨find+it+adj.(+for sb.)+to do sth. 發現做某事對某人來說是怎么樣的
e.g. He found it very difficult to solve the problem. 他發現解決這個問題很難。
⑩find+賓語從句 發現某人或者某物某事......
e.g. She found that her purse was missing. 她發現她的錢包丟了。
e.g. The teacher found the girl a good singer. 老師發現這個女孩是個出色的歌手。
It was Columbus who discovered America in 1492. 就是哥倫布在1492年發現了美洲。
Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876. 亞力山大貝爾在1876年發明了電話。
(2)eye-catching adj. 引人注目的;耀眼的;顯著的
e.g. The eye-catching advertisements will trap us into buying things that we actually don’t need. 這些引人注目的廣告會讓我們買一些實際上我們并不需要的東西。
Sports Day is coming up. 運動會就要來了。
come up 即將發生(或出現、到來)
e.g. Her birthday is coming up soon. 她的生日即將來臨。
come up with 提出,想出(方案、計劃、解決辦法等)
e.g. We use our imagination and come up with creative ideas. 我們運用我們的想象力,得出創造性的想法。
Who wants to join in 誰想一起參與呢?
復習U4 A板塊join in
【辨析】take part in, join in, join, attend “參加”
take part in=join in往往指參加某種活動或比賽
e.g. He often take part in/join in sports activities after school. 他放學后經常參加體育活動。
join 指加入某一組織或團體,成為其中的一員; join后也可直接接某人,表示加入某人,和某人一起做某事
e.g. My brother joined the army last year. 我弟弟去年參軍了
We will go camping tomorrow. Do you want to join us 我們明天去露營。你想要加入我們(一起去露營)么?
attend 強調出席(聚會,講座,上學等)
e.g. I heard that Professor Chen would attend our party. 我聽說陳教授會出席我們的聚會。
join in也可分開使用, 構成join sb (in) doing sth.的結構,表示“與某人一起做某事”
e.g. Will you join me in sweeping the floor 你跟我一起掃地好嗎?
Everyone is welcome—you don’t need to be great at sports. 我們歡迎每一個人—你不需要擅長運動。
實意動詞(有人稱、時態和數的變化) 情態動詞(沒有人稱、時態和數的變化)
肯定句 needs, needed, need sb./sth. need to do need do
否定句 don’t/doesn’t/didn’t need need not do=needn’t do
疑問句 把do/does/did提前 把need提前
e.g. You need to present yourself better. 你需要更善于展示自己。
The teacher needs special training.這個教師需要專門的培訓。
How much water do you need 你要多少水?
I need hardly tell you that the work is dangerous.這工作很危險,這就不用我說了。
You needn’t finish that work today.你不必今天做完這項工作。
Need you have paid so much 你用得著花那么多錢嗎?
①don’t need to do
②needn’t do
③don’t have to do
【詞性轉換】necessary adj. 有必要的,必需的 unnecessary adj. 沒有必要的,不必需的
e.g. Sometimes it is necessary to say no. 有時候說“不”是必要的。
【句型】There is no need to do sth. 做某事是沒有必要的
e.g. There’s no need to worry so.沒必要這樣著急。
(2)be great at sth/doing十分擅長; 精通于
與be good at意思相近,但語氣更強。
e.g. She’s great at playing chess.她國際象棋下得很好。
Kick the football and score goals. 把球踢出去,球進了。
(1)score v. 得(分);進(球)
e.g. He scored three points in the basketball game. 他在籃球比較中得了三分。
n. (游戲或比賽中的)得分,比分;(測驗的)評分,分數
The score at half-time was two all. 上半場比分為二平。
(2)goal n. 進球得的分;球門;目標
e.g. Liverpool won by three goals to one. 利物浦隊以三比一獲勝
You need to set some goals for your new term. 你得為新學期制定一些目標。
Who is in goal(=is the goalkeeper) for Arsenal 阿森納隊的守門員是誰?
goalkeeper n. 守門員 是一個合成詞,即goal(球門)+keeper(看守人;保管人)=守門員
His goal is to become a professional goalkeeper. 他的目標是成為一名職業的守門員。
It’s a football match with three players—no goalkeeper! 這是一場只有三個球員的足球比賽—沒有守門員。
with prep.
e.g. He looked at her with a hurt expression.他帶著受傷害的神情看著她。
e.g. She lives with her parents.她同父母住在一起。
③用,使用( (某種工具、物品或材料)
e.g. Cut it with a knife.用刀把它切開。
e.g. I had an argument with my boss.我跟老板吵了一架。
e.g. Be careful with the glasses.小心這些玻璃杯。
e.g. Don't stand with your hands in your pockets.站著的時候別把雙手插在口袋里。
Learn to work in a team and get some exercise. We need you! 學會團隊合作并鍛煉身體。我們需要你!
(1)learn v. 學習;學會 (learnt/learned—learnt/learned)
【固定搭配】learn to do sth. 學習做某事;學會做某事
e.g. Where did you learn to cook 你在哪里學的烹調?
learn sth. by heart記住,背誦,背熟,牢記
e. g. The text is too long for us to learn by heart. 這篇課文太長了,以致我們不能夠記住。
learn from sb. 向sb.學習
e. g. I’m sure she’ll learn from her mistakes. 我肯定她會從錯誤中吸取教訓。
learn about...... 了解;學習
e.g. They can learn about something by smelling. 它們可以通過嗅覺來了解事物。
(2)work in a team 和一隊人一起工作;團隊合作
e.g. I like to work in a team and enjoy working out the problems together. 我喜歡和一隊人一起工作及解決問題。
【拓展】teamwork 團隊合作;協力 teamwork spirit 團隊合作精神 team worker 協作者 team-working ability 團隊合作能力
e.g. Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims. 要達到這些目標需要團隊合作。
(3)exercise n. 運動,鍛煉;(一套)動作,體操;練習,演練 v. 運動,鍛煉
e.g. Tom, dear! You really need to get some exercise. 湯姆,親愛的!你真的需要鍛煉身體了。
How often do you exercise 你多長時間鍛煉一次?
e.g. eye exercises 眼保健操 vocal exercises 聲樂練習
Let’s take exercise. 讓我們做運動吧。
Climb up and down like a cat! 像貓一樣爬上爬下!
up and down 上上下下,來回
e.g. The boat bobbed up and down on the water. 小船在水面顛簸。
My relationship with him is up and down. 我跟他的關系忽冷忽熱。
【拓展】look up and down上下打量,到處搜查,上下看看
high and low 起伏不定,到處
the ins and outs 細節;詳情;內幕;前前后后=the whole thing
You hold onto a climbing wall. 你抓緊攀巖練習墻。
hold v. 使......保持在某位置;拿著;抓住; 容納;舉辦 (held-held)
e.g. She holds a pen in her hand while writing. 她寫字時手里拿著鋼筆。
Hold your head up. 把頭抬起來。
The plane holds about 300 passengers.這架飛機可容納大約300名乘客。
The meeting will be held in the community centre.會議將在社區活動中心舉行。
【詞轉】holder n. 持有者;擁有者; 支托(或握持)......之物 mobile phone holder 手機支架
hold onto sth. 抓緊;不放開
e.g. He held onto the back of the chair to stop himself from falling. 他扶住椅子后背,以免摔倒。
hold on 等等;別掛斷
e.g. Hold on, please. I’ll check for you. 請稍等,我為你查一下。
hold out 遞出東西;伸出手(或胳膊)
e.g. The man held out a bag, and showed everyone that it was empty. 男人遞出一個包,向眾人展示它是空的。
It’s safe. 它是安全的。
safe adj. 安全的
e.g. She didn't feel safe on her own.她一個人待著,覺得不安全。
safely adv. 安全地
e.g. The pilot landed the plane safely. 飛行員駕駛飛機安全著陸。
safety n. 安全
e.g. They are worried about her safety. 他們為她的安全擔心。
save v. 救助,搭救;積攢,儲蓄;節省(錢、時間或其他資源);保存,保留
e.g. We should try to save water. 我們應設法節約用水。
Rock climbing makes you strong. 攀巖讓你變得強壯。
復習U2 B板塊make的用法
make v. 做;制作;讓;使得 (made-made-making)
make sth. for sb. 為某人做某事=make sb. sth.
e.g. She made us coffee. =She made coffee for us. 她給我們大家沖了咖啡。
make sb. do sth. 讓某人做某事
e.g. You can't make me do anything. 你不能讓我做任何事。
make sth./sb. +adj. 讓某人/某物怎么樣
e.g. They made our city safe. 他們讓我們的城市安全。
make sth./ sb. +n. 讓某人/某物成為...
e.g. They made our city a safe place. 他們讓我們的城市成為一個安全的地方。
make sth to do 制作某物為了做某事
e.g. She made a kite to join in the competition. 為了參加比賽,她制作了一個風箏。
What are you waiting for 你還在等什么?
wait v. 等候;盼望,期待
【固定搭配】wait for...... 等待......期待.....盼望......
e.g Hurry up! We’re all waiting for you. 快點!我們都在等你。
【詞轉】 waiter n. 男服務員 waitress n. 女服務員 (復數:waitresses)
The waiters and the waitresses walked between the crowded tables. 服務員穿行在擁擠的餐桌之間。
Are you good at throwing and catching 你擅長投擲和接球嗎?
(1)復習U4 A板塊 be good at 的用法:
be good at sth./doing......擅長于...... 如后接動詞時,要使用動詞的-ing形式
e.g. What language are you good at 你擅長哪種語言
Nick is always good at finding cheap flights. 尼克總能找到價格便宜的航班。
比較級:be better at sth./doing 更擅長某事/做某事 最高級:be best at sth./doing 最擅長某事/做某事
e.g. Tom is better than Mary at learning English. 湯姆比瑪麗更擅長學英語。
Jack is best at learning English in our class. 杰克是我們班最擅長學英語的。
【同義】do well in sth./doing 擅長某事/做某事
【反義】be poor at sth./doing 不擅長于......, 拙劣于......=do badly in sth./doing
e.g. Ben is poor at /does badly in Chinese and English. 本語文和英語很差。
(2)throw v. 投;拋;擲 (threw-thrown)
e.g. He threw the ball to his friend. 他把球扔給了他的朋友。
【固定搭配】throw away 扔掉
e.g. Remember to throw away the garbage after eating.吃完飯后記得把垃圾扔掉。
throw up 嘔吐,拋起
e.g. The smell made me want to throw up. 這味道使得我想嘔吐。
When I throw up a hammer, then the hammer will do very weird things. 當我拋起一把鐵錘時,它也會奇怪地運動。
(3)catch v. 接住;抓住,握住;逮住,捕獲;得病,染病;搭乘,趕上;聽清,理解;著火,燃燒;遭遇,陷入(困境) (caught-caught-catches)
e.g. I jumped up to catch a ball and fell over. 我跳起來接球,結果摔倒了。
Where did you catch the fish 你在哪兒捕到了這條魚?
We were in plenty of time for Anthony to catch the ferry. 我們有足夠的時間等安東尼搭上渡船。
The more stress you are under, the more likely you are to catch a cold.你所受的壓力越大,越有可能患感冒。
【固定搭配】catch up with......追上,趕上; 也可用于比喻意義,表示追趕某個目標或趕上某個時機。
Frisbee is the right sport for you. 飛盤是適合你的運動。
the right ......for sb. 適合某人的某物
e.g. This is the right job for you 這個工作十分適合你。
Score points for your team! 為你的隊伍得分!
point n. 得分;點;小數點;觀點,論點;
e.g. If you answer the question correctly, you will get a point. 如果你答對了這個問題,你就可以得到一分。
I think you've made your point. 我想你已經證明了你的論點。
v. 指,指向;對準,瞄準;朝向,對著;指路;引導,指引
e.g. It's rude to point!用手指人很不禮貌啊!
【固定搭配】point at ......
He pointed the gun at her head.他舉槍對準了她的頭。
Why don’t you join us 為什么還不加入我們的行列呢?
Why don’t you/we do sth. 為何不做某事... 為什么不做某事......
這是一個用于提出建議的句型,與 Why not do sth 的相近。
e.g. Why don’t you ask him for advice 你為什么不問問他的想法?=Why not ask him for advice
Shall we do sth
Let’s do sh.
What/How about doing sth
回答:That’s a good idea!/That’s great./I’m afraid....
Control your mind and body. 控制你的意志和身體!/控制你的身心!
(1)control v./ n. 控制;管理 (controlled-controlled-controlling)
e.g. Can’t you control your children 你就不能管管你這些孩子嗎?
【固定搭配】out of control / lose control (of......)失控
e.g. The car was out of control and crashed into a tree. 汽車失控,撞到了樹上。
He got so angry that he lost control. 他所得失去了自制。
in control (of......) 掌控
e.g. He wants to be in control of his own destiny.他想要掌握自己的命運。
under control 在控制之中
e.g. The situation is under control. 局面得到了控制。
(2)mind n. 頭腦;心智
e.g. All teachers think he has a clear and bright mind. 所有的老師都認為他頭腦清晰,思維敏捷。
【固定搭配】keep /bear (sth.)in mind 記住
e.g. Keep in mind that you must finish your homework tonight. 記住,你今天晚上必須完成家庭作業。
out of mind 心不在焉;發狂
e.g. Out of sight , out of mind. 眼不見, 心不煩。
v. 當心,注意;(請求允許或客氣地請人做事)介意
e.g. Mind the wet floor! 注意地面濕滑!
Would you mind if I open the window 你是否介意我開窗戶?
【拓展】Would you mind sth/doing sth 你是否介意某事/做某事?
如不介意,回答:No, please go ahead. /Certainly not./Of course not./Not at all.“根本不”等等
如介意,回復:You’d better not./ I’m afraid......
注意:Never mind不能用來回答Would you mind這個句型。因為never mind是“沒關系”的意思,是用來回答別人的歉意的。
e.g. ---We’re very sorry about the damage to your car. 損壞了你的車,我們真是過意不去。
---Never mind. 沒關系。
mind 指的是人的智力、思維能力和記憶力,是指大腦的功能和活動。
e.g. His mind is as sharp as ever. 他思維敏銳,一如既往
brain 指的是人的大腦,是身體的器官,負責所有的思維、感覺和記憶過程。
e.g. The brain controls all the body’s functions. 大腦控制身體的所有功能。
The clean kung fu moves are powerful.干凈利落的功夫招式是強有力的。
(1)clean adj. 潔凈的,干凈的; 在本句中,指的是“動作熟練而準確的;干凈利落的”意思。
e.g. The plane made a clean take-off. 飛機起飛得干凈利落。
v. (使)清潔,清理;變干凈
e.g. Have you cleaned your teeth 你刷過牙了嗎?
【詞轉】cleaner n. 清潔工人;清潔劑 vacuum cleaner真空吸塵器cleaning打掃;掃除;清潔
e.g. We placed an advertisement for a cleaner in the local paper.我們在當地報紙上登了廣告,招一名清潔工。
They pay someone to do the cleaning .他們花錢雇人打掃。
(2)move n. 移動;活動,在功夫中也可表示“招式”。
e.g. He is watching her very move. 他在觀察她的一舉一動。
v. (使)移動;搬家,搬遷;感動
e.g. He lay there, unable to move. 他躺在那里動彈不得。
We don't like it here so we've decided to move.我們不喜歡這地方,所以決定搬走。
We were deeply moved by her film.她的電影深深地打動了我們。
【詞轉】movement n. 移動,轉移 remove v. 移開,拿走;除去
e.g. Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of movement. 衣服寬松,可以活動自如。
Marks from shoes are difficult to remove. 鞋上的痕跡很難去除。
moving adj. 令人感動的 a deeply moving experience非常動人的經歷
moved adj.被感動的,受感染的
e.g. Those who listened to him were deeply moved. 聽他講話的人都被深深地感動了。
【固定搭配】move on
(3)powerful adj. 強有力的
e.g. She has a powerful voice. 她聲如洪鐘。
【詞轉】power n. 力;力量;權力;影響力 gain power 獲得權力
e.g. After winning the election, he gained more power. 贏得選舉后,他獲得了更多的權力。
There are tiger style, monkey style and more. 有虎式、猴式等等。
style n. 風格;樣式
e.g. She writes in a clear and simple style. 她用清晰簡單的風格寫作。
【固定搭配】a style of sth. 某事的風格/方式 a style of management= a management style 管理風格
in style 時尚地
e.g. Short skirts are back in style (= fashionable) .短裙子又流行起來了。
【詞轉】stylish adj. 有格調的,時尚的
【拓展】lifestyle生活方式 hairstyle 發型
It is often used to get your attention to an event or to give you some information. 海報經常用來吸引人們對某個事件或信息的關注。
【辨析】be used to do、used to do、be used to sth/doing
(1)sth. be used to do=sth. be used for doing 某物被用來做......
e.g. Wood is used to cook food.=Wood is used for cooking food. 木頭被用來燒飯。
(2)sb. used to do 某人過去常常做某事(表明現在已經沒有這個習慣了)=often did sth.
e.g. My father used to smoke.=My father often smoked. 我爸爸過去經常吸煙(現在已經戒煙了)。
(3)sb. used to sth./doing 某人習慣或適應了某事/做某事
I am used to the life in Shanghai.我已經適應了上海的生活。
I am used to living in Shanghai. 我已經習慣居住在上海。
It can do good to your mind and body. 它對你的身心都有益處。
do good to .....對......有好處=be good for
e.g. They can work happily and do good to the society. 他們就可以快樂地工作,對社會有益。
【反義】do harm to.....對......有害=be harmful to......=be bad for
e.g. Screen use can do harm to children’s brains. 對著電子屏幕會對孩子的大腦造成損害。
what和who 是疑問代詞。它們可以針對句子的主語和賓語(動詞的賓語和介詞的賓語)來進行提問。
針對主語提問的特殊疑問句可以稱為主語(特殊)疑問句,針對賓語提問的特殊疑問句可以稱為賓語(特殊)疑問句。Lucy kissed John. --Who kissed John ,是主語疑問句。
Lucy kissed John. --Who did Lucy kiss ,是賓語疑問句。
Amanda always washes the car in the yard.--Who always washes the car in the yard
Amanda always washes the car in the yard.--What does Amanda always wash in the yard
Danny and Peter play football for the school team in our class.--Who plays football for the school team in your class
what 還能用于對句子中的動作進行提問。但由于動作被what替代,所以句子中就要增加一個表示“做”的動詞,即 do。如:
We usually visit our friends and relatives at the weekend.--What do you usually do at the weekend
He is watering some plants in the garden.--What is Danny doing now
1.對指物名詞或謂語動詞提出疑問,疑問詞用what;關于what的其他疑問詞:what color:
例如: What is that
What are you doing
What color is the shirt
2. 對指人名詞或代詞提問用who,作賓語時提問用whom。
例如:Who is that boy
Whom / Who did you give that book to
Jim and his two friends went cycling along the lake yesterday afternoon. (對劃線部分提問)
_________ _________ Jim and his two friends do yesterday afternoon
Jimmy promised to work harder in English than before. (劃線提問)
_________ did Jimmy promise to _________
They are looking for bag.(對劃線部分提問)
_________are you looking _________?
They are waiting for the manager to make the final decision.(對劃線部分提問)
_________ _________are they waiting for to make the final decision
參考答案: what did; What do; What for; For whom
頻度副詞(Adverbs of frequency)
every morning, every year, once a month, twice a day, on Fridays
1)使用 how often 對頻度副詞或副詞短語提問
- How often do you visit your grandparents -We often visit them.
-How often does Simon practise the guitar -Every day/Three times a week.
2)使用 how many times 對事件發生的次數進行提問。
-How many times a week do you go to the gym -Twice a week.
Isabelle’s grandmother used to go to church once a week. (就劃線部分提問)
__________ __________ times a week did Isabelle’s grandmother used to go to church
I visit my grandparents with Mum and Dad once a week. (對劃線部分提問)
__________ __________ do you visit your grandparents with Mum and Dad
Mr. Yellow has been to Germany twice. (對劃線部分提問)
_________ _________times has Mr. Yellow been to Germany
The young lady comes to clean our house twice a week. (對劃線部分提問)
___________ ___________ does the young lady come to clean your house
Keys: How often; How often; How many; How often
【D】Sporting moments Writing
Write a sports report of your favourite sporting moment(s) for the school newspaper. 為校報寫一篇關于你最喜歡的體育時刻的體育報道。
(1)report v./n. 匯報;報告;報道
【固定搭配】report sth. to sb. 向某人匯報某事
e.g. The solider reported the accident to the officer. 士兵向警官報告了那起事故。(作動詞)
【固定搭配】gave a report on sth. 做一項關于某事的報告 (on “關于”,較為正式)
She gave a report on her favourite animal to the class. 她向全班報告了她最喜歡的動物。(作名詞)
【句型】It is reported that+從句 據報道......
e.g. It is reported that a young traffic policeman was knocked down by accident last Tuesday. 據報道,上個星期二,一位年輕的交警被意外撞倒了。
【詞性轉換】reporter n. 記者
e.g. The reporter wrote a report about the school’s Sports Day. 記者寫了一篇關于學校運動會的報道。
(2)moment n. 片刻;瞬間
e.g. Wait a moment, I’ll be right with you. 等一下,我馬上就來。
【固定搭配】sporting moment 體育時刻 (指在體育比賽中發生的具有重要意義或令人難忘的瞬間)
【固定搭配】for a moment 片刻, 一會兒
e.g. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath. 她停下來喘了口氣。
【固定搭配】at the moment 此刻,目前(通常和現在進行時連用)
e.g. At the moment, she is reading a book. 目前,她正在看一本書。
【拓展】 the Moments 還可以指微信的朋友圈
(3)newspaper n. 報紙 [C]
newspaper是一個合成詞,即news(新聞)[U]+paper(紙, 紙張) [U]=newspaper(報紙) [C]
e.g. My father reads the newspaper every morning. 我爸爸每天早上都看報紙。
【固定搭配】in the newspaper 在報紙上
e.g. I read about it in the newspaper. 我在報上看到了這件事。
On the basket ball court, our class is playing a game against Class 4. 籃球場上,我們班正在和4班進行一場
(1)court n. 球場
e.g. He won after only 52 minutes on court. 他上場僅52分鐘就贏得了勝利。
court一般指有網、基線、邊線和其他方式來定義的比賽區域。所以常見的能與court搭配的運動有:football court 足球場、basketball court籃球場、volleyball court排球場、tennis court網球場、badminton court羽毛球場、baseball court 棒球場等。
e.g. Please tell the court what happened. 請向法庭陳述事情的經過。
She came to visit England, where she was presented at the court of James I. 她來訪問英格蘭,在詹姆斯一世的王宮受到了接見。
(2)against prep. 與......對抗;反對;違反;倚著,靠著
e.g. We are playing against the league champions next week. 下周我們要和聯賽冠軍隊比賽。
He came out against the plan. 他公開表示反對這個計劃。
She stood with her back against the door. 他背靠著門站著。
We are down by one goal. 我們落后一球。
down adv. 在較低水平;下降;下跌
e.g Prices have gone down recently.最近物價下降了。
此處down by one goal =one goal down 落后一球
e.g. We’re already two goals down. 我們已落后對方兩球。
①adv. /prep. 向下;朝下;在下面 e.g. She jumped down off the chair.她跳下椅子。
②prep. 沿著;順著;朝著 e.g. He lives just down the street.他就住在街那頭。
③adj. 悲哀;沮喪;情緒低落的 (只可做表語,不可做定語) e.g. I feel a bit down today.我今天有點悶悶不樂。
④n. (鳥的)絨羽,絨毛 duck down鴨絨
He is jumping high into the air and shooting the ball at the basket. 他正高高跳起,把球朝籃筐投去。
(1)high into the air =high into the sky高高地(向空中)。表示物體或人向上上飛升或躍起到很高的高度。
e.g. The wind blew the kite high into the air. 風把風箏吹得高高的。
high adj. 高的;高級的;先進的 adv. (成本、價值、音量)高, (數量)大; 在高處,向高處
e.g. How high is Mount Aconcagua 阿空加瓜山有多高?
The rooms had high ceilings. 那些房間的天花板很高。
【詞性轉換】height n. 高度;身高
e.g. What is your height and weight 你的身高和體重是多少?
highly adv. 極其,非常;高度地,高水平地
e.g. Mr. Singh was a highly successful salesman. 辛格先生曾是一位非常成功的推銷員。
(2)shoot v. 射門;投籃;開(槍),射擊;拍攝 (shoot-shot-shot)
e.g. Don’t pass the ball. Shoot it directly. 不要傳球了,直接射門。
【詞性轉換】shooter n. 射手
e.g. She is a good shooter in our basketball team. 她是我們籃球隊的優秀射手。
【固定搭配】shoot A at B 朝B射擊/投A
e.g. He shot at the target but missed. 他朝目標射擊,但沒打中。
【拓展】shoot n. 嫩芽 bamboo shoot竹筍,筍
He scores two points. 他得了兩分。
score v. (在運動、比賽或考試中)得(分);評分,打分數
e.g. Who’s going to score 誰來記分呢?
n. (游戲或比賽中的)得分,比分;(測驗的)評分,分數
e.g. He won this year's title with a score of 9.687. 他以9.687分贏得本年度的冠軍。
We tie the game. Bravo! 我們追平了比分。太棒了!
(1)tie v. (比賽中)得分相同,平局;(用線、繩索等)系,扎,捆 (tie-tied-tied-tying)
e.g. The match ended in a tie. 這場比賽以平局結束。
England tied 2-2 with Germany in the first round. 在第一輪比賽中英格蘭與德國隊以2:2打成平局。
They tied for second place. 他們并列第二名。
He began to tie his shoelaces. 他開始系鞋帶。
【固定搭配】tie the game 打平比賽;打成平局
tie A to B 把A系到B上
e.g. They tied him to a chair with cable.他們用電纜把他綁在一把椅子上。
tie n. 領帶;紐帶;聯系(復習U2 A板塊)
tie [ta ] n. 聯系;關系;紐帶;領帶
e.g. They have close ties with the royal family. 他們與王室家庭的關系密切。
Which tie do you like best 你最喜歡哪條領帶
(2)Bravo excl. 感嘆詞 (喝彩聲、叫好聲)好哇
e.g. Bravo! You did a great job! 好哇!你做得太棒了!
Action verbs help bring writing to life. 行為動詞的運用使寫作更加生動。
bring sth. to life 通過某種方式使某物變得更加真實或更加有活力
bring sb. to life 使某人恢復生氣或活力; 救活某人
e.g. These special effects bring the comic strips to life. 這個特效讓連環畫變得生動起來。
He recognized the person who brought him to life. 他認出了他的救命恩人。
【拓展】come to life 蘇醒;表現生動; 栩栩如生
e.g. By reading aloud, the words on the paper come to life. 通過大聲朗讀,紙上的文字變得生動起來。
Can the dead come to life 死人能復活嗎?
on the running track 在跑道上
track n. (賽跑、賽車等的)跑道
e.g. The runners are ready on the starting track. 賽跑運動員們在起跑道上準備好了。
【拓展】track and field 田徑運動
e.g. African athletes are good at track and field events. 非洲選手擅長田徑項目。
Pay attention to the action verbs. 注意行為動詞的使用。
pay attention to sth./doing 注意/關注/重視某事/做某事
e.g. We must pay attention to English grammar when we learn English. 我們學習英語時必須注意英語語法。
To keep healthy, we should pay attention to wearing masks and washing hands. 為了保持健康,我們應該注意戴口罩和洗手。
1.in/on the sports field在運動場上
2.on the sports ground在運動場上
3.on the basketball/football/volleyball court在籃球/足球/排球場上
4.on the running track在跑道上
5.in the swimming pool在游泳池里
6.in the gym在體育館里




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