資源簡介 文本原文When in fifth grade, I had a big dream: I wanted to win the school's Science Fair. The prize was a shiny gold medal, and every year, students from all the grades would gather in the gym to see who the winners were. I didn't think too much about how to make it happen — I just wanted to win.However, there was a problem. I really didn't have an idea for my project. I wasn't sure what would be impressive enough to win, so I came up with a quick solution: I'd build a rocket. Rockets seemed cool, and I assumed if I made one that looked awesome, that should be enough.So, I went to the store with my mom and grabbed a bunch of supplies: cardboard tubes, glue, markers, and glitter (閃光裝飾物). My plan was simple — make the rocket look amazing, and everyone would be impressed. I didn't bother learning how rockets worked, and I didn't think about running tests. I figured if it looked good, that would be all I needed to win.For the next few days, I worked hard on making my rocket shine. I glued the cardboard together, added fins to the sides, and covered the whole thing in glitter. It sparkled under the light, and I thought to myself, "This has to be enough." But at the back of my mind, I knew, the Science Fair was supposed to be about learning and showing something scientific. Still, I ignored that feeling.As the Science Fair approached, I spent all my time on my rocket's look. I didn't do any research, didn't learn about thrust or fuel, and definitely didn't test anything. I convinced myself that would be enough.The big day finally arrived. I walked into the gym, proudly carrying my glitter - covered rocket. I set it up on the display table and watched as the judges made their way around the room. When they stopped at my project, my heart raced. This was my moment.Para1: One of the judges asked softly, “Can you explain how your rocket works _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Para 2: When the awards were announced, my name wasn't called.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________主旨分析成長與自我認知:文章主要講述了 “我” 在五年級參加學校科學展覽會的經歷,從最初只注重火箭外觀、盲目追求獲獎,到在評委提問下意識到自己的錯誤,再到最終未獲獎卻獲得了寶貴的人生經驗,整個過程圍繞著 “我” 的成長展開。通過這次經歷,“我” 對自己有了更深刻的認識,明白了科學探索不能只看表面,而是需要扎實的知識和深入的研究,這是一個從幼稚到成熟、從無知到有悟的成長過程,突出了自我認知在成長中的重要性。追求的真諦:故事也探討了追求目標的正確方式。“我” 一開始單純地渴望贏得科學展覽會的金獎章,卻選擇了走捷徑,忽視了科學的本質。而在經歷失敗后,“我” 才領悟到真正的追求應該是基于對知識的熱愛和對事物的深入理解,而不是僅僅為了獲得榮譽。這啟示讀者,在追求夢想的道路上,要有正確的態度和方法,不能被虛榮和表面的東西所迷惑,要追求真正有價值、有內涵的東西。失敗的價值:盡管 “我” 在這次科學展覽會中沒有獲得獎項,但這次失敗卻成為了 “我” 人生中的一次重要轉折點。它讓 “我” 認識到自己的不足,從而激發了 “我” 努力學習、改正錯誤的決心,為未來的發展指明了方向。這體現了失敗并不可怕,關鍵是如何從失敗中汲取教訓,將其轉化為前進的動力,讓失敗成為成功的墊腳石,傳達了一種積極面對失敗、從失敗中學習的價值觀。文本細讀背景與開端:故事以 “我” 在五年級時渴望贏得學校科學展覽會的金獎章為開端,這是一個許多學生都向往的榮譽,為故事設定了目標和情境。然而,“我” 面臨一個問題,即沒有一個成熟的項目想法,于是決定制作一個看起來酷炫的火箭,只注重外觀而忽視了科學原理和實驗測試,反映出 “我” 當時的浮躁和對科學展覽的片面理解。發展:在接下來的幾天里,“我” 全身心投入到火箭的裝飾工作中,詳細描述了制作火箭的過程,如用紙板、膠水、閃光裝飾物等材料組裝火箭,使它在外觀上閃閃發光。盡管內心深處知道科學展覽應該注重科學性,但 “我” 選擇忽略這一點,繼續將精力集中在火箭的外觀上,進一步強調了 “我” 的錯誤做法和心態。高潮前:隨著科學展覽會的臨近,“我” 依舊沒有進行任何關于火箭工作原理、推力、燃料等方面的研究和測試,仍然盲目自信地認為僅憑火箭的外觀就能獲勝,這種固執和無知將故事的緊張感逐漸積累,為后續的情節轉折埋下伏筆。續寫情節推測:第一段續寫思路:當評委詢問火箭如何工作時,“我” 可能會陷入尷尬和慌張,因為之前完全沒有準備這方面的知識。或許會試圖含糊其辭地回答,但最終還是不得不承認自己只注重了外觀而忽略了原理,這將是 “我” 認識到自己錯誤的關鍵轉折點,也可能會引發評委的一些教導和建議,讓 “我” 開始反思自己的行為。第二段續寫思路:在獎項宣布時 “我” 沒有獲獎,這是一個意料之中但又可能會讓 “我” 深感失落的結果。然而,這次失敗可能會成為 “我” 成長的契機,“我” 可能會回想起之前制作火箭過程中的種種不足,意識到科學探索不能只看表面,從而在內心立下決心,以后要更加認真、踏實地對待科學研究,為未來的學習和成長明確方向,使故事從一個關于失敗的經歷轉變為一個關于成長和教訓的故事。第一段續寫解析情節推進:“One of the judges asked softly, ‘Can you explain how your rocket works ’ My heart sank. I stood there, my mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. I stammered, trying to come up with something, anything, to say. But the truth was, I had no idea. I had been so focused on making it look good that I hadn't even considered how it was supposed to function. ‘I... I just made it look cool,’ I finally managed to whisper, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment. The judge nodded, a small smile on his face, but I could see the disappointment in his eyes. He began to ask me some basic questions about rockets, like what makes them fly and how thrust is generated. I could only shake my head, feeling more and more ashamed of myself. It was then that I realized how foolish I had been.”面對評委的詢問,“我” 的內心從最初的期待瞬間轉為驚慌失措,形象地描述了 “我” 像離開水的魚一樣張口結舌的狀態,生動地展現出 “我” 的尷尬和無措。通過如實承認只注重外觀而不知原理,以及對評委提問無言以對的細節,進一步推進情節,使 “我” 開始深刻認識到自己的錯誤,情節從盲目自信轉向自我反思,為后續的成長鋪墊。人物塑造:在此處,“我” 的形象從一個單純渴望獲獎、盲目自信的孩子,開始轉變為一個能夠意識到自己錯誤并感到羞愧的學生。通過對 “我” 的語言(如 stammered、whisper)、動作(如 mouth opening and closing、shook my head)和心理(如 heart sank、feeling ashamed)等方面的描寫,細膩地刻畫了 “我” 在面對評委詢問時的緊張、尷尬和內心的掙扎,展現出 “我” 開始有了自我反省的意識,人物性格更加豐滿真實,讓讀者能夠感受到 “我” 在這一時刻的成長與轉變。寫作手法:運用比喻的修辭手法,將 “我” 比作離開水的魚,生動形象地描繪出 “我” 在被評委提問時的慌張和無措,使讀者能夠直觀地感受到 “我” 的尷尬處境。同時,通過細致的動作、語言和心理描寫,如 “stammered”“whisper”“my heart sank”“feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment” 等,增強了故事的感染力和可讀性,使讀者能夠深入 “我” 的內心世界,體會到 “我” 的情感變化,仿佛身臨其境般見證 “我” 的這次經歷。第二段續寫解析情節推進:“When the awards were announced, my name wasn't called. I felt a mixture of disappointment and relief. Disappointment because I had really wanted to win, but relief because I knew deep down that I didn't deserve it. As I walked out of the gym, carrying my now seemingly ridiculous rocket, I made a promise to myself. I would never again take the easy way out. I would study hard, learn about the things I was interested in, and approach every project with a real thirst for knowledge. The next year's Science Fair was already on my mind, and I was determined to come back with a project that was not only impressive to look at but also had real scientific merit. This failure had been a harsh lesson, but it was also a new beginning.”獎項未被宣布時,“我” 的心情復雜,既有未獲獎的失落,又有因意識到自己不足而產生的釋然。這種矛盾的心理描寫使情節更加真實可信,也反映了 “我” 在經歷失敗后的成長。隨后,“我” 決定不再走捷徑,而是努力學習、追求知識,并且已經開始思考下一年的科學展覽會,這一系列的情節發展表明 “我” 從失敗中汲取了教訓,確立了新的目標,將故事從失敗的結局引向了積極向上的未來發展方向,完成了情節的升華和主題的深化。人物塑造:此時的 “我” 徹底從一個只注重表面、盲目追求榮譽的孩子成長為一個有決心、有擔當、能夠從失敗中學習的學生。通過對 “我” 的心理變化(從失望到釋然,再到下定決心)和行動(如做出承諾、思考下一年的項目)的描寫,展現了 “我” 的成熟和進步,使人物形象更加立體、豐滿,具有積極的榜樣力量,讓讀者看到了 “我” 在挫折面前的堅韌和成長潛力。寫作手法:運用對比的手法,將之前只注重火箭外觀、企圖走捷徑獲獎的 “我” 與現在決心努力學習、追求真正科學價值的 “我” 進行對比,突出了 “我” 的成長和轉變,強化了故事的主題。同時,通過細膩的心理描寫,如 “felt a mixture of disappointment and relief”“I knew deep down that I didn't deserve it”“made a promise to myself” 等,深入地展現了 “我” 內心的情感波動和思想變化,使讀者能夠深刻地感受到 “我” 的成長歷程,增強了故事的感染力和教育意義,讓讀者在 “我” 的經歷中得到啟示和鼓舞。 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫