資源簡介 四上 Unit4 Seasons Lesson3 Little Leaf 教學設計一、教材分析:本文與魯科版英語教材四年級上冊第四單元 Seasons 相匹配,本單元的四個語篇從不同角度談論季節,單元內各語篇與單元主題之間,以及各語篇之間相互關聯,構成四個子主題,即“認識四季”“感受四季”“熱愛四季”“感悟四季”。本節繪本故事是在課文的基礎上的擴展和延伸,主要講述了小樹葉在四季的經歷:在春日中伸展,在春風中舞蹈,在春雨中淋浴,在夏日中成長并為人類奉獻樹蔭,在秋日著霜并變換顏色,在冬日離開大樹,化作春泥滋養大樹,來年大樹長出新的樹葉,生命在四季變換中輪回。學生通過閱讀繪本故事,了解如何描述小樹葉在四季的經歷,感受生命在四季輪回中成長并充滿希望,激發學生享受四季生活、尊重生命、熱愛自然、保護自然的情感。同時引導學生感悟隨著季節的推移,小樹葉和好朋友們的心情變化,體會小樹葉的偉大,進而迸發出熱愛自然,保護自然生態的美好情感。該繪本為配圖故事,通過精美的插圖和簡潔明快的文字相結合,按照季節順序呈現為四個部分,采用一般現在時,對小樹葉在四個季節的活動進行了描述,語言簡潔、生動、富有韻律感,凸顯出繪本的主題意義。二、學情分析:四年級學生年齡在十歲左右,生性活潑好動,喜歡直觀形象,愛唱、愛跳、愛玩、善于模仿,敢于開口。通過兩個學期的學習,他們已經掌握了一些常用的問候語和對話,有了一定的詞匯量,能聽懂簡單的課堂用語,能根據老師的指揮做出適當的回應。但是,他們的注意力時間仍然比較短。所以設計課堂活動的時候要有一定的思考性、趣味性,能帶給他們一定的新鮮感,才能吸引他們的興趣,才能使每個學生參與到課堂學習活動中。因此,在教學設計時,我面向全體學生,以學生的發展為宗旨,始終把激發學生的學習興趣放在首位。同時,多給他們說的機會,提高他們的口語水平,提升他們的語用能力。三、教學目標:通過本課時的學習,學生能夠:1.在看、聽、讀、演的活動中,了解故事的發展,提取故事的核心信息,總結故事的主要內容,獲取、梳理小樹葉四季的變化,感知和理解故事內容。(學習理解)2.在圖片、板書和語言支架的幫助下,復述故事主要情節,感受小樹葉的偉大。(應用實踐)3.通過讀圖、觀看視頻等方式,在教師的幫助下總結保護地球自然生態的舉措,結合生活實際,完成給地球的回信并報告。(遷移創新)四、教學重難點:引導學生深入理解《Little Leaf》繪本的內容,體會小葉子從生長到凋落的生命歷程,以及它所傳遞的關于成長、變化和生命意義的深刻寓意,樹立熱愛自然、保護自然生態的意識。五、學與教的活動設計:Step1 Warm-up1.Greetings.2.Enjoy a song answer the question : What’s the song about T:First,let’s enjoy a song: Leaf ,Little Leaf. Show me your hands ,let’s clap and sing together.It’s a beautiful song, right What’s the song about Yes, it’s about little leaf. He’s lovely. Now, please look carefully, because it’s magic time.Abracadabra!設計意圖:通過問好和唱歌,活躍課堂氣氛,拉近和學生間的距離,使學生迅速融入課堂,同時巧妙地引出小樹葉。Step2 Pre-reading1.Little Leaf comes to our class, and quiz the Ss.Q1: How many seasons do we have in a year Q2: What are they Q3: What seasons do you like, and why 設計意圖:引導學生與小樹葉對話,形式新穎,能夠吸引學生的注意力,同時將描述季節的詞匯和句型融入其中,在激活學生的知識儲備,為新課的呈現做鋪墊的同時,又有助于活躍思維,使學生快速進入語言環境和學習狀態。2.分組。3.課件呈現本節課的任務 enjoy different seasons,出示本節課學生的學習目標。Step3 While-reading1.watch and answer:What’s the story about A. Little Leaf in the rain.B. Little Leaf and animal friends.C. Little Leaf and children.D. Little Leaf in different seasons.設計意圖:本階段學習活動采用觀看視頻的方式,以問題為導向,引導學生梳理故事脈絡。由教師引領過渡到學生自主探究,激發學生的深層思維。Little Leaf in spring.2.Read from P4-P8 and answer the question:What does Little Leaf do in spring 設計意圖:本階段的學習引導學生觀察圖片并在閱讀過程中抓住核心詞語及句子,便于理解內容。3.Let’s say.The_____________ ,Little Leaf ____________ .設計意圖:本階段的學習活動為學生提供語言支架,學生在教師指導下理解并運用句型,架構自己的知識框架。4. Act out Little Leaf in spring.T: Now, let’s act out Little Leaf in spring. Look at the checklist, we will see how many stars you can get after the show.T: Wow , I envy your friendship . Thank you very much, How many stars can they get \Little Leaf in summer and autumn.5.Read from P9-P17 and finish the cause and effect mind map about Little Leaf in spring.6.Let’s say together.7.Watch a video to find out the reason why the leaves change color and fall in autumn.設計意圖:本階段的學習融合了自然科學,增加課堂趣味性的同時,拓寬了學生知識面。Little Leaf in winter.8. Read from P18-P21,and answer the questions:T:Now,winter comes, do you remember who comes to see LittleLeaf, Little Bird, Little Ant, or Little Squirrel ①Who cries ②who smiles ③Why 9. Imagine and act.T:Listen!The wind blows strongly, It’s very cold. The leaves leave the tree one by one. One morning, Little Leaf falls down to the ground and smiles. Are you happy or sad So please pay attention to your emotion. Let’s do pair work. One acts as Little Leaf, and one acts as Little Squirrel.3 minutes for you, Let’s start.Although Little Leaf left the tree in winter, he is still helping the tree. It reminds me a Chinese poem: The fallen blossoms are not an unfeeling thing, though turned to mud, they’d nurture flowers’ growth next spring.(落紅不是無情物,化作春泥更護花。)Little Leaf and all the leaves are very great. They die in winter but new leaves will comeout next spring, it’s circle of life, right 設計意圖:本階段學習活動旨在幫助學生在語境中創造性的運用所學語言,并在表演中體驗角色情感。Step4 Post-reading1.Look back the story.設計意圖:本階段學習活動引導學生在歸納和整理核心語言的基礎上,通過板書復述,運用語言理解意義,促進語言內化。2.Through the whole life of little leaves, what do you think of him T: I like your opinions .Little Leaf gives love and energy. Meanwhile, he receives admiration and friendship. I hope all of you guys can enjoy your life, just like Little Leaf. Look, l-e-a-f, which word is it Yes, the leaf who always helps.3.What can we do for nature T: As part of nature, Little Leaf gives us a lot, what can we do for nature Summarize the things we can do for nature in different seasons.4.Create situation: A letter from the earth.T: Oh! bad news! The earth is sick because of human's bad behavior: The trees are cut down. Animals lost their homes. The air, water and land are polluted, and even the sea has not been spared. So he wrote to us for help. What can we do 5.watch a video about what we can do to improve the natural ecology of the Earth.T:Think hard and you’ll find that we can do more things than presented above.6.Would You Rather Game.T:Now,let’s choose a better way to protect the natural ecology of the earth. If you choose this one, please raise your left hand. If you choose that one, please raise your right hand. Let’s play Would You Rather Game.7. Write back to the earth.T:Since we’ve already known what to do, let’s write back to the earth. You can use the words and sentences above.3 minutes for you. Then I will invite one of you to share your letter. Let’s start.設計意圖:本階段學習活動旨在幫助學生在遷移的語境中,創造性地運用所學語言,聯系實際生活,發展語用能力,形成對季節與生活的正確認識和理解。引導學生享受四季,熱愛自然,保護自然。Step 5 Summary & HomeworkT:How times flies, it’s time to summarize.Need to do : Share the story with your familyChoose to do: Do something to protect the nature with your parents 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫