
新概念第三冊 Lesson 54 Instinct or cleverness 講義

  1. 二一教育資源

新概念第三冊 Lesson 54 Instinct or cleverness 講義


Lesson 54 Instinct or cleverness
insect n. 昆蟲
【釋義】節肢動物的一類,身體分頭、胸、腹三部分,有三對足,通常有兩對翅膀等特征。例如:There are many different kinds of insects in the forest.(森林里有許多不同種類的昆蟲。)
【短語】beneficial insect(益蟲);insect pest(害蟲)。
【例句】The little boy is interested in observing insects.(這個小男孩對觀察昆蟲很感興趣。)
wage(v. 進行(斗爭))
【釋義】發起、從事(尤指戰爭、運動或斗爭等)。例如:They decided to wage a war against poverty.(他們決定開展一場與貧困的斗爭。)
【短語】wage a campaign(開展一場運動);wage a battle(進行一場戰斗)。
【例句】Workers are waging a struggle for better working conditions.(工人們正在為更好的工作條件進行斗爭。)
contaminate(v. 弄臟)
【釋義】使(某物或某地)變臟、受污染,通常是有害物質的介入。例如:The oil spill contaminated the beach.(石油泄漏弄臟了海灘。)
【詞源】源自拉丁語“contaminare”,由“con - ”(一起)+“taminare”(污染,可能與“tamen”(污點)有關)組成,表示使一起被污染,即弄臟。
【短語】contaminate with(被…污染);contaminated area(污染區域)。
【例句】The water was contaminated by industrial waste.(水被工業廢料污染了。)
provocation(n. 惹怒)
【釋義】引起憤怒、惱怒或挑釁的行為、言語或情況。例如:His rude remarks were a provocation.(他粗魯的言論是一種挑釁。)
【詞源】由“provoke”(v. 挑釁、激怒,源自拉丁語“provocare”)+“ - ation”(名詞后綴,表示行為或結果)組成。
【短語】without provocation(無緣無故地);act of provocation(挑釁行為)。
【例句】Her behavior was seen as a provocation to her colleagues.(她的行為被視為對同事的一種挑釁。)
spider(n. 蜘蛛)
【釋義】一種節肢動物,通常有八條腿,能吐絲織網捕捉昆蟲等。例如:The spider is spinning a web in the corner.(蜘蛛正在角落里織網。)
【短語】spider web(蜘蛛網);spider silk(蜘蛛絲)。
【例句】A large spider crawled on the ceiling.(一只大蜘蛛在天花板上爬行。)
wasp(n. 黃蜂)
【釋義】一種昆蟲,通常身體細長,有兩對翅膀,部分種類會蜇人。例如:A wasp flew into the room.(一只黃蜂飛進了房間。)
【詞源】源自古英語“w fs”,與它的嗡嗡聲有關。
【短語】wasp nest(黃蜂巢);paper wasp(紙黃蜂)。
【例句】Be careful, the wasp might sting you.(小心,黃蜂可能會蜇你。)
moth(n. 飛蛾)
【釋義】昆蟲的一種,與蝴蝶相似但通常夜間活動,多趨光。例如:The moth fluttered around the light.(飛蛾在燈光周圍飛舞。)
【詞源】源自古英語“mo e”。
【短語】moth - eaten(蟲蛀的);moth to a flame(飛蛾撲火)。
【例句】The old sweater is moth - eaten.(這件舊毛衣被蟲蛀了。)
ant(n. 螞蟻)
【釋義】一種小型昆蟲,通常群居,分工明確,具有很強的團隊協作能力。例如:Ants are very good at working together.(螞蟻非常擅長團隊協作。)
【詞源】源自古英語“ mette”。
【短語】ant colony(蟻群);ant hill(蟻丘)。
【例句】A line of ants was marching on the ground.(一排螞蟻正在地上行進。)
revulsion(n. 厭惡)
【釋義】一種強烈的反感、厭惡的感覺,通常是對某事或某人的極端不喜歡。例如:She felt a revulsion at the sight of the dirty kitchen.(她看到臟廚房時感到厭惡。)
【詞源】由“re - ”(回)+“vulse”(拉、扯,源自拉丁語“vulsus”)+“ - ion”(名詞后綴,表示狀態)組成,表示往回拉扯(內心的反應),即厭惡。
【短語】a sense of revulsion(厭惡感);revulsion against(對…的厭惡)。
【例句】His cruel behavior caused a general revulsion.(他的殘忍行為引起了普遍的厭惡。)
horde(n. 群)
【釋義】一大群(人或動物),通常指數量眾多且看起來有些雜亂的群體。例如:A horde of tourists flooded into the city.(一大群游客涌入這個城市。)
【短語】a horde of insects(一群昆蟲);horde mentality(群體心理)。
【例句】A horde of children ran into the park.(一群孩子跑進了公園。)
uncanny(adj. 神秘的,不可思議的)
【釋義】奇怪、神秘得讓人感覺不舒服或難以解釋的;超自然的。例如:There was an uncanny silence in the old house.(老房子里有一種神秘的寂靜。)
【詞源】源自古英語“un - ”(不)+“cann”(知道,與“can”有關)+“ - y”(形容詞后綴),表示不知道(難以理解)的,即神秘的。
【短語】uncanny resemblance(驚人的相似);uncanny ability(不可思議的能力)。
【例句】The magician had an uncanny way of making things disappear.(魔術師有一種不可思議的讓東西消失的方法。)
erase(v. 擦,抹去)
【釋義】除去、擦掉(書寫或繪制的痕跡等);從記憶或記錄中消除(某事)。例如:Please erase the words on the blackboard.(請擦掉黑板上的字。)
【詞源】源自拉丁語“erasus”,是“erado”(刮掉、擦掉)的過去分詞,由“e - ”(出)+“rado”(刮、擦)組成。
【短語】erase from(從…擦掉;從…消除);erase a mistake(糾正錯誤)。
【例句】Time can't erase all memories.(時間不能抹去所有的記憶。)
praying mantis(螳螂)
【釋義】一種昆蟲,前肢像祈禱的姿勢,多為肉食性,善于捕捉其他昆蟲。例如:The praying mantis is waiting for its prey.(螳螂正在等待它的獵物。)
【短語】praying mantis nymph(螳螂若蟲)。
【例句】A praying mantis can be a very effective predator.(螳螂可以是非常有效的捕食者。)
entranced(adj. 出神的)
【釋義】全神貫注、入迷的,仿佛被施了魔法般沉浸在某事中。例如:The children were entranced by the magician's performance.(孩子們被魔術師的表演弄得出神了。)
【詞源】由“entrance”(v. 使入迷,源自拉丁語“intrantiare”,進入內部)+“ - ed”(形容詞后綴)組成,表示被使入迷后的狀態,即出神的。
【短語】be entranced with(對…入迷)。
【例句】She was entranced by the beautiful music.(她被美妙的音樂弄得出神了。)
beetle(n. 甲蟲)
【釋義】一種昆蟲,身體通常堅硬,有一對堅硬的前翅,后翅用于飛行。例如:The beetle has a shiny shell.(甲蟲有一個閃亮的外殼。)
【短語】dung beetle(蜣螂);beetle - browed(眉頭緊皺的)。
【例句】A big beetle landed on the flower.(一只大甲蟲落在了花朵上。)
sheltered(adj. 傷不著的,無危險的)
【釋義】受到保護而免受傷害、危險或惡劣天氣影響的;有遮蔽的。例如:The sheltered cove was a safe place for boats.(這個有遮蔽的小海灣是船只的安全之地。)
【詞源】由“shelter”(n. 庇護所、v. 庇護,源自古英語“scyldtruma”)+“ - ed”(形容詞后綴)組成,表示被庇護的,即傷不著的。
【短語】sheltered place(避風港;安全的地方);sheltered life(受庇護的生活)。
【例句】The plants in the sheltered garden grew well.(在這個無危險的花園里的植物生長得很好。)
luscious(adj. 甘美的)
【釋義】(食物或飲料)味道甜美、可口的;(女性等)性感迷人的。例如:The luscious fruit was very delicious.(這個甘美的水果非常美味。)
【短語】luscious taste(甘美的味道);luscious lips(性感的嘴唇)。
【例句】She offered us some luscious strawberries.(她給我們提供了一些甘美的草莓。)
cluster(n. 一簇)
【釋義】一群、一組(相似的事物)緊密地聚集在一起;(葡萄等的)串。例如:A cluster of stars twinkled in the sky.(一簇星星在天空中閃爍。)
【短語】cluster of flowers(花簇);cluster analysis(聚類分析)。
【例句】There is a cluster of small houses at the foot of the hill.(山腳下有一簇小房子。)
aphid(n. 蚜蟲)
【釋義】一種小型昆蟲,常聚集在植物上吸食汁液,對植物有害。例如:The aphids are destroying the plants.(蚜蟲正在破壞植物。)
【短語】aphid infestation(蚜蟲侵害)。
【例句】Farmers need to control aphid populations to protect their crops.(農民需要控制蚜蟲數量來保護他們的作物。)
underside(n. 底面,下側)
【釋義】物體的下面部分、底部或下側面。例如:The underside of the leaf is lighter in color.(葉子的下側顏色較淺。)
【短語】underside view(底面視圖)。
【例句】He checked the underside of the car for damage.(他檢查汽車底面是否有損壞。)
colony(n. 一群)
【釋義】(動物等的)群體,通常指同一種類的生物群居在一起,有一定的社會組織結構;(來自同一國家等的)僑民聚居地。例如:An ant colony has a complex
social structure.(一個蟻群有復雜的社會結構。)
【短語】bee colony(蜂群);colony of birds(鳥群)。
【例句】The colony of penguins was very large.(這群企鵝非常龐大。)
sticky(adj. 粘的)
【釋義】有粘性的,能粘貼或附著其他東西的;(情況等)棘手的。例如:The honey is very sticky.(蜂蜜非常粘。)
【短語】sticky tape(膠帶);sticky situation(棘手的情況)。
【例句】His hands were sticky after eating the candies.(他吃完糖果后雙手很粘。)
scurry(v. 小步跑)
【釋義】快速而小步地奔跑,通常是因為匆忙或害怕。例如:The mouse scurried across the floor.(老鼠小步跑著穿過地板。)
【短語】scurry away(匆匆跑開);scurry about(跑來跑去)。
【例句】The squirrels scurried up the tree when they saw the dog.(松鼠看到狗時小
swarm(v. 聚集)
【釋義】(大量的昆蟲或人等)成群地聚集在一起;蜂擁。例如:Bees swarm around the hive.(蜜蜂在蜂巢周圍聚集。)
【短語】swarm into(涌入);swarm with(充滿,到處都是)。
【例句】Tourists swarm to this city every summer.(每年夏天游客蜂擁到這個城市。)
ingenuity(n. 機靈)
【釋義】具有創造力、聰明才智和巧妙解決問題的能力。例如:His ingenuity helped him solve the difficult problem.(他的機靈幫助他解決了這個難題。)
【詞源】源自拉丁語“ingenuitas”,由“ingenuus”(天生的、自然的,有聰明的含義)+“ - ity”(名詞后綴,表示性質)組成,表示天生的聰明才智,即機靈。
【短語】human ingenuity(人類的創造力);show ingenuity(顯示機靈)。
【例句】The engineer's ingenuity was praised by everyone.(這位工程師的機靈受到大家的贊揚。)
We have been brought up to fear insects. We regard them as unnecessary creatures that do more harm than good. We continually wage war on them, for they contaminate our food, carry diseases, or devour our crops.
-wage /we d / v.發動(戰爭);組織,籌備(活動)
-contaminate /k n t m. .ne t/ v.污染;弄臟;毒害
-devour /d va r/ v.吞噬,毀滅
-do more harm than good,害多益少。
-wage war on,對……開戰。
They sting or bite without provocation; they fly uninvited into our rooms on summer nights, or beat against our lighted windows. We live in dread not only of unpleasant insects like spiders or wasps, but of quite harmless ones like moths.
-provocation / pr v. ke . n/ n.激怒;挑釁;挑釁的話
-dread /dred/ n.恐懼,害怕;憂慮
-wasp /w sp/ n.黃蜂
-moth /m θ/ n.飛蛾
Reading about them increases our understanding without dispelling our fears. Knowing that the industrious ant lives in a highly organized societydoes nothing to prevent us from being filled with revulsion when we find hordes of them crawling over a carefully prepared picnic lunch.
-dispel /d spel/ v.消除(恐懼);掃除(疑慮);打消(錯誤念頭)
-industrious / n d s.tri. s/ adj.勤勞的,勤奮的
-revulsion /r v l. n/ n.強烈的反感;厭惡;憎惡
-horde /h d/ n.群
-crawling /kr l/ v.緩慢移動;艱難前行;爬行;匍匐前進
-does nothing to sth, 對... 毫無作用; 與…毫不相干;對…無關緊要
-prevent ... from ... ,保護... 免受....。
-does nothing to prevent,不能阻止……。
-be filled with, 充滿...。
No matter how much we like honey, or how much we have read about the uncanny sense of direction which bees possess, we have a horror of being stung.
-uncanny / n k n.i/ adj.奇怪的;神秘的;難以(或無法)解釋的
-sense of direction 方向感。
Most of our fears are unreasonable, but they are impossible to erase. At the same time, however, insects are strangely fascinating.
-fascinating / f s. n.e .t / adj.極有趣的;吸引人的
We enjoy reading about them, especially when we find that, like the praying mantis, they lead perfectly horrible lives. We enjoy staring at them, entranced as they go about their business, unaware (we hope) of our presence.
-praying mantis / pre . m n.t s / n.螳螂
-entrance / n trɑ ns/ v.使著迷
-go about…,做……。
Who has not stood in awe at the sight of a spider pouncing on a fly, or a column of ants triumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle
-stand in awe,肅然起敬。
-pounce /pa ns/ v.猛撲,猛沖,突然襲擊
-triumphantly /tra m.f ntli/ adv. 成功地;耀武揚威地
Last summer I spent days in the garden watching thousands of ants crawling up the trunk of my prize peach tree. The tree has grown against a warm wall on a sheltered side of the house.
-sheltered / el.t d/ adj.受庇護的,不受壞天氣侵襲的
I am especially proud of it, not only because it has survived several severe winters, but because it occasionally produces luscious peaches.
-luscious / l . s/ adj.香甜的,甘美的;汁液豐富的
During the summer, I noticed that the leaves of the tree were beginning to wither. Clusters of tiny insects called aphids were to be found on the underside of the leaves.
-wither / w . r/ v.枯萎
-cluster / kl s.t r/ n.(同類物聚集的)串,叢,束,群
-aphid / e .f d/ n.蚜蟲
They were visited by a large colony of ants which obtained a sort of honey from them. I immediately embarked on an experiment which, even though it failed to get rid of the ants, kept me fascinated for twenty-four hours.
-embark on 開始做, 著手...。
I bound the base of the tree with sticky tape, making it impossible for the ants to reach the aphids. The tape was so sticky that they did not dare to cross it.
-dare to do sth 敢做某事。
For a long time, I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment.
-scurry / sk r.i/ v.碎步快跑
-bewilderment /b w l.d .m nt/ n.混亂
譯文: 很長一段時間,我觀察到它們在樹的底部混亂的爬來爬去。
I even went out at midnight with a torch and noted with satisfaction (and surprise) that the ants were still swarming around the sticky tape without being able to do anything about it.
-swarm /sw m/ v.(昆蟲)群集,成群結隊地移動
I got up early next morning hoping to find that the ants had given up in despair. Instead, I saw that they had discovered a new route.
-ascertain / s. te n/ v.弄清,確定,查明
-prejudice / pred . .d s/ n.成見,偏見,歧視
They were climbing up the wall of the house and then on to the leaves of the tree. I realized sadly thatI had been completely defeated by their ingenuity.
-ingenuity / n.d nju . .ti/ n.心靈手巧;足智多謀;獨創力
The ants had been quick to find an answer to my thoroughly unscientific methods!




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    1. 主站蜘蛛池模板: 鱼台县| 杂多县| 民权县| 贡嘎县| 枣阳市| 嵩明县| 两当县| 吕梁市| 庆元县| 万荣县| 大兴区| 和龙市| 韶山市| 洮南市| 景宁| 台山市| 金秀| 鸡东县| 平江县| 西城区| 林口县| 方正县| 辽源市| 扎鲁特旗| 全椒县| 乌兰浩特市| 梁河县| 赤水市| 德州市| 张家口市| 嘉义县| 平顶山市| 连江县| 亚东县| 淄博市| 绿春县| 托克逊县| 彰武县| 宜章县| 上蔡县| 荔浦县|