資源簡介 新概念第三冊Lesson 46 Do it yourself單詞精講plead v.找(借口),辯解【釋義】為自己或他人的行為、情況等提供理由或借口,進行辯護或解釋。例如:He pleaded ignorance as an excuse.(他以無知為借口進行辯解。)【詞源】源自古英語“pledian”,最初表示進行訴訟、打官司,后來引申為辯護、辯解。【短語】plead for(為…辯護;懇求);plead with(向…懇求;與…辯論)。【例句】She pleaded her case to the judge.(她向法官為自己的案子進行辯解。)ignorance(n.無知,不懂)【釋義】缺乏知識或信息,對某事不了解的狀態。例如:His ignorance of the rules caused a lot of problems.(他對規則的無知造成了很多問題。)【詞源】源自拉丁語“ignorantia”,由“ignorare”(不知道)演變而來,表示不知道的狀態,即無知。【短語】in ignorance(在無知的情況下);ignorance of(對…無知)。【例句】They were living in ignorance of the outside world.(他們生活在對外界無知的狀態中。)publication(n.出版物)【釋義】指已經印刷、發行或出版的書籍、雜志、報紙等物品,也可表示出版的行為或過程。例如:This publication is very popular among young people.(這個出版物在年輕人中很受歡迎。)【詞源】由“publish”(動詞,出版)+“ - ation”(名詞后綴)構成,表示出版這個行為產生的東西,即出版物。【短語】academic publication(學術出版物);publication date(出版日期)。【例句】The new publication contains a lot of interesting articles.(新的出版物包含很多有趣的文章。)newlyweds(n.新婚夫婦)【釋義】剛剛結婚的夫婦,強調結婚不久的狀態。例如:The newlyweds are on their honeymoon.(新婚夫婦正在度蜜月。)【詞源】“newly”(新地)+“wed”(結婚,“wed”的過去分詞是“wedded”或“wed”,這里取“wed”的復數形式表示夫婦),組合起來表示新婚夫婦。【短語】newlyweds' party(新婚夫婦聚會);gift for newlyweds(給新婚夫婦的禮物)。【例句】Many newlyweds choose to travel abroad.(許多新婚夫婦選擇出國旅行。)gaily(adv. 愉快地,高興地)【釋義】以一種充滿快樂、歡樂的方式,表現出積極的情緒。例如:She gaily skipped down the street.(她愉快地沿著街道蹦蹦跳跳。)【詞源】由“gay”(形容詞,快樂的)+“ - ly”(副詞后綴)構成,表示快樂地。【短語】gaily decorated(裝飾得很歡快的)。【例句】The children gaily sang the song.(孩子們高興地唱著歌。)leisure(n. 空閑)【釋義】指人們在工作、學習等必要活動之外的自由時間,可以用于休息、娛樂或個人愛好等。例如:I like to read books in my leisure time.(我喜歡在空閑時間讀書。)【詞源】源自古法語“leisir”,表示許可、自由,后來演變為空閑的時間。【短語】leisure activities(休閑活動);at leisure(從容地;有空)。【例句】He doesn't have much leisure because he works long hours.(他沒有太多空閑時間,因為他工作時間很長。)keen(adj.熱心的,渴望的)【釋義】對某事充滿熱情、興趣,有強烈的愿望或渴望去做某事。例如:He is keen on playing football.(他熱衷于踢足球。)【詞源】源自古英語“cene”,表示勇敢的、有活力的,后來引申為熱心的、渴望的。【短語】keen interest(濃厚的興趣);be keen to(渴望做…)。【例句】She has a keen desire to learn new things.(她有強烈的學習新事物的渴望。)advisory(adj. 咨詢的)【釋義】與提供建議、咨詢有關的,具有建議性質的。例如:The advisory committee gives useful suggestions.(咨詢委員會給出有用的建議。)【詞源】由“advise”(動詞,建議)+“ - ory”(形容詞后綴)構成,表示與建議相關的。【短語】advisory board(咨詢委員會);advisory service(咨詢服務)。【例句】The advisory group was set up to help with the project.(設立咨詢小組是為了幫助這個項目。)novice(n.新手)【釋義】剛剛開始學習或從事某項活動、技能的人,缺乏經驗的初學者。例如:As a novice in cooking, she made a few mistakes.(作為烹飪新手,她犯了一些錯誤。)【詞源】源自拉丁語“novicius”,表示新的、剛開始的,用于指新手。【短語】novice driver(新手司機);novice at(在…方面的新手)。【例句】The novice needs more practice to improve.(這個新手需要更多練習來提高。)consumer(n. 消費者,顧客)【釋義】購買和使用商品或服務的個人或群體。例如:The company aims to satisfy its consumers.(公司旨在滿足其消費者。)【詞源】源自拉丁語“consumere”(消費、消耗),表示進行消費的人,即消費者。【短語】consumer goods(消費品);consumer demand(消費者需求)。【例句】Consumers are more concerned about product quality these days.(如今消費者更關心產品質量。)assemble(v.裝配,組裝)【釋義】將各個零部件組合在一起,構建成一個完整的物品或系統。例如:He can assemble a bicycle by himself.(他能自己裝配一輛自行車。)【詞源】源自古法語“assembler”,表示聚集、集合,用于將零件聚集在一起組裝。【短語】assemble line(裝配線);assemble together(組裝在一起)。【例句】Workers assemble the products in the factory.(工人們在工廠里組裝產品。)outlet(n.出路)【釋義】可指逃脫、釋放的途徑,也可表示商品銷售的商店或渠道等。例如:The river needs an outlet to the sea.(這條河需要一個入海口(出路)。)【詞源】由“out”(出去)+“ - let”(表示小的地方或通道)構成,表示出去的通道,即出路。【短語】power outlet(電源插座,這里可理解為電流的出路);outlet store(折扣店,商品的一種銷售出路)。【例句】The only outlet for his anger was through exercise.(他發泄憤怒的唯一出路是通過鍛煉。)creative(adj. 創造性的)【釋義】具有創造能力的,能夠產生新的、獨特的想法、作品或解決方案的。例如:He has a creative mind and can come up with great ideas.(他有創造性的思維,能想出很棒的主意。)【詞源】由“create”(動詞,創造)+“ - ive”(形容詞后綴)構成,表示與創造有關的,有創造性的。【短語】creative thinking(創造性思維);creative work(創造性工作)。【例句】The artist is known for his creative paintings.(這位藝術家以他富有創造性的繪畫而聞名。)handyman(n. 手巧的人,能工巧匠)【釋義】擅長做各種手工活、修理工作的人,通常在家里或周圍進行各種小修小補等工作。例如:The handyman can fix almost anything in the house.(這個手巧的人幾乎能修理房子里的任何東西。)【詞源】“hand”(手)+“man”(人),表示用手做事很厲害的人,即手巧的人。【短語】local handyman(當地的能工巧匠);handyman services(手工修理服務)。【例句】We called a handyman to repair the broken window.(我們叫來一個能工巧匠修理破窗戶。)resourceful(adj.足智多謀的)【釋義】形容人有能力、機智,善于利用各種資源來解決問題或應對困難。例如:A resourceful leader can lead the team to success.(一個足智多謀的領導者能帶領團隊走向成功。)【詞源】由“resource”(資源)+“ - ful”(充滿…的)構成,表示充滿資源(這里指解決問題的辦法等資源)的,即足智多謀的。【短語】resourceful person(足智多謀的人);be resourceful in(在…方面足智多謀)。【例句】She is very resourceful when it comes to dealing with difficulties.(在處理困難時她非常足智多謀。)fuse(v.由于燒斷保險絲而短路)【釋義】通常指電路中因電流過大等原因導致保險絲熔斷,從而使電路短路的現象,也可泛指融合、合并等。例如:The old wiring in the house fuses easily.(房子里的舊線路很容易因燒斷保險絲而短路。)【詞源】源自古法語“fuser”,表示傾注、流出,與電流流出(短路時的現象)等有關。【短語】fuse box(保險絲盒);fuse together(融合在一起)。【例句】If you overload the circuit, it will fuse.(如果你使電路過載,它就會短路。)rickety(adj. 要散架的,晃動的)【釋義】形容物體結構不穩固,搖搖欲墜,好像即將散架的樣子。例如:The rickety old chair almost broke when he sat on it.(當他坐在那把搖搖晃晃的舊椅子上時,椅子差點散架。)【詞源】可能源自古英語“rician”(搖晃),表示搖晃不穩定的狀態。【短語】rickety staircase(搖搖晃晃的樓梯);rickety fence(快要散架的柵欄)。【例句】The rickety bridge was dangerous to cross.(過那座搖搖晃晃的橋很危險。)clog(v.堵塞)【釋義】使通道、管道等被堵住,阻礙物體或流體的正常通過。例如:Leaves can clog the gutter.(樹葉會堵塞排水溝。)【詞源】源自古英語“clogian”,表示阻礙、妨礙,與堵塞的意思相近。【短語】clog up(堵塞;塞滿);clog with(被…堵塞)。【例句】Fat can clog the arteries.(脂肪會堵塞動脈。)delusion(n.錯覺)【釋義】一種錯誤的信念或認知,與事實不符,是一種心理上的誤導。例如:He has the delusion that he is a famous singer.(他有一種錯覺,認為自己是一個著名歌手。)【詞源】源自拉丁語“deludere”(欺騙),表示被欺騙而產生的錯誤認知,即錯覺。【短語】under the delusion(有…的錯覺);delusion of grandeur(夸大妄想)。【例句】Her delusion made her act strangely.(她的錯覺使她行為怪異。)lawn mower(割草機)【釋義】一種用于修剪草坪的機械設備,通過旋轉的刀片或其他切割裝置將草割短。例如:He used a lawn mower to cut the grass in the garden.(他用割草機修剪花園里的草。)【詞源】“lawn”(草坪)+“mower”(割…的機器,由“mow”(割草)+“ - er”(表示機器的后綴)構成),表示割草坪的機器。【短語】electric lawn mower(電動割草機);push - type lawn mower(手推式割草機)。【例句】The lawn mower needs to be sharpened regularly.(割草機需要定期磨刀。)adjustment(n. 調整)【釋義】對某物進行改變、調節,使其達到更好的狀態或符合特定的要求。例如:The adjustment of the camera settings improved the picture quality.(相機設置的調整提高了圖片質量。)【詞源】由“adjust”(動詞,調整)+“ - ment”(名詞后綴)構成,表示調整這個行為或結果。【短語】minor adjustment(小調整);price adjustment(價格調整)。【例句】An adjustment to the plan is necessary.(對計劃進行調整是必要的。)screw(n.螺絲釘)【釋義】一種常見的金屬緊固件,通常呈螺旋狀,用于連接或固定物體。例如:He tightened the screw with a screwdriver.(他用螺絲刀擰緊螺絲釘。)【詞源】源自古法語“escroue”,表示一種類似螺絲釘的東西,用于固定。【短語】screw driver(螺絲刀);loose screw(松動的螺絲釘)。【例句】There is a missing screw in this machine.(這臺機器里少了一個螺絲釘。)dismantle(v.拆卸)【釋義】將一個復雜的物體或結構分解成各個組成部分,通常是為了維修、運輸或廢棄處理等目的。例如:They will dismantle the old building next month.(他們下個月將拆卸那座舊建筑。)【詞源】由“dis - ”(分開、否定)+“mantle”(覆蓋物、披風,這里可理解為物體的外殼等)構成,表示將物體的外殼等分開,即拆卸。【短語】dismantle a machine(拆卸一臺機器);dismantle for(為…而拆卸)。【例句】Workers are dismantling the old equipment.(工人們正在拆卸舊設備。)chunk(n. (厚)塊)【釋義】指一大塊、一厚塊的東西,形狀不規則,可用于描述固體物質。例如:He cut a chunk of cheese from the block.(他從大塊奶酪上切下一塊。)【詞源】可能源自中古英語“chunke”,表示一塊、一片的東西。【短語】a chunk of(一大塊…);chunk of meat(一大塊肉)。【例句】A large chunk of the wall fell down.(一大塊墻倒了下來。)snap(v. 繃斷)【釋義】突然斷裂,尤指因承受過大的拉力或壓力而迅速折斷。例如:The rope snapped under the heavy weight.(繩子在重壓下繃斷了。)【詞源】可能是擬聲詞,模仿斷裂時發出的聲音。【短語】snap off(突然折斷;斷開);snap at(猛咬;厲聲說)。【例句】The twig snapped when he stepped on it.(他踩到小樹枝時,樹枝繃斷了。)insurmountable adj.不能克服的,難以對付的【釋義】用來描述問題、困難、障礙等是無法被克服、超越或戰勝的。例如:The gap between their two positions seemed insurmountable.(他們兩人立場之間的差距似乎是無法逾越的。)【詞源】由前綴“in - ”(表示否定,不)+“surmount”(克服、越過,源自中古英語“surmounte”,由“sur - ”(在…之上)+“mounte”(攀登)組成)+“ - able”(表示能夠的形容詞后綴)構成,字面意義為“不能被克服的”。【短語】insurmountable obstacle(無法克服的障礙);insurmountable challenge(難以應對的挑戰)。【例句】Facing insurmountable difficulties, they still didn't give up hope.(面對難以克服的困難,他們仍然沒有放棄希望。)jigsaw(n.線鋸)【釋義】一種鋸子,通常有窄而細的鋸條,用于切割曲線或復雜形狀的材料,也可指拼圖游戲(因為拼圖游戲的小塊形狀類似用線鋸切割出的形狀)。例如:He used a jigsaw to cut the wooden board into a special shape.(他用線鋸把木板鋸成一個特殊的形狀。)【詞源】“jig”可能源于古法語“gigue”,表示一種輕快的舞蹈或動作,與線鋸快速移動的動作有相似之處,加上“saw”(鋸子),組成“jigsaw”。【短語】jigsaw puzzle(拼圖游戲);electric jigsaw(電動線鋸)。【例句】The children like to play jigsaw puzzles on rainy days.(孩子們喜歡在下雨天玩拼圖游戲。)nag(v.嘮叨不休)【釋義】不斷地以煩人的方式批評、抱怨或催促某人做某事。例如:She nags her husband to take out the trash every day.(她每天嘮叨她的丈夫去倒垃圾。)【詞源】可能源自古斯堪的納維亞語“gnagan”,表示咬、啃,比喻像咬東西一樣不斷地說,引申為嘮叨不休。【短語】nag at(嘮叨;挑剔);nag someone to do something(嘮叨某人做某事)。【例句】His mother nags at him about his messy room.(他的母親嘮叨他房間太亂。)rust(v.生銹)【釋義】當金屬表面與氧氣和水發生化學反應時,形成一種紅棕色的氧化物,這個過程叫做生銹。例如:If you leave the iron outside in the rain, it will rust.(如果你把鐵放在外面淋雨,它就會生銹。)【詞源】源自古英語“rust”,表示銹。【短語】rust away(因生銹而損壞;銹爛);prevent from rusting(防止生銹)。【例句】The old car has been rusting in the yard for years.(那輛舊汽車在院子里已經生銹多年了。)二、課文精講1. So great is our passion for doing things for ourselves, that we are becoming increasingly less dependent on specialized labour.現在我們自己動手做事的熱情很高,結果對于專業工人的依賴越來越少了。 (1) So great is our passion為倒裝結構, 其正常語序為Our passion for doing things for ourselves is so great ...以副詞so開頭的句子通常使用倒裝結構。這里將so great提前是為了對great進行強調。全句使用的基本句型為so ... that ..."太……以至于,引導的結果狀語從句。 (2) become/be dependent on依賴,依靠,如: Despite technical progress ,food production is still completely dependent on weather . 盡管技術進步,食物生產仍然完全依賴于氣候。2.No one can plead ignorance of a subject any longer, for there are countless do-it-yourself publications.由于出版了不計其數的教人自己動手做事的書報雜志,沒有人再能說對某事一無所知。 (1) plead ignorance of以不知道……為借口,如: She pleaded ignorance of the larw .她以不熟悉法律為借口。 (2) No one構成了否定形式, 因此應使用any longer,不應使用no longer. (3) do-it-yourself自己動手做的。 為合成詞,是將一個詞組或句子中的每一個單詞用連字符連接,作為一個單詞來使用的構訶形式。這類合成詞多用作定語,如: a can't-be-put-down book 一本愛不釋手的書 a wait-and-see policy 一種觀望態度 the do-what-you-can-and-take-wwhat-you-need policy 各盡所能各取所需的政策 his nothing-can-be-done attitude 他的無所作為的態度3.Armed with the right tools and materials, newlyweds gaily embark on the task of decorating their own homes.新婚夫婦找來合適的工具和材料,喜氣洋洋地開始布置新房。 (1) Armed with . .. materials,過去分詞短語,在句中作方式狀語,修飾embark。 (2) embark on開始,如: Mary embarked on her marriage with many hopes and fears . 瑪麗懷著許多希望與憂慮開始了婚后生活。4.Men, particularly, spend hours of their leisure time installing their own fireplaces, laying out their own gardens;building garages and making furniture. 特別是男人,常利用空閑時間安裝壁爐、布置花園、建造車庫、制作家具。 (1) spend 后的動詞應構成動詞-ing 的動名詞形式。 句中的installing , laying out , building和 making均為spend后使用的動名詞形式,作賓語。 (2) lay out 布置,設計,花(錢), 如:He works for a magazine and lays out pictures for it . 他為一家雜志工作,并為其設計圖片的版面。 He laid out all his gains in purchasing land . 他把全部所得都用來購置土地。5. Some really keen enthusiasts go so far as to build their own computers.有些熱衷于自己動手的人甚至自己組裝電腦。 so far as直到……程度。 這是該短語的一種借喻用法,在此意義時無論句子是肯定形式還是否定形式,雖然as far as 也可使用,但多用so far as,且其后如用動詞時,均使用帶to的動詞不定式,如: He went so far as to declare himself infallible on all oxccasions . 他狂妄到宣稱自己永遠正確。 Tom went so far as to disregard the labour discipline . 湯姆竟然到了不遵守勞動紀律的地步。 除上述意義外, so far as 和 as far as還可用于表示: (1)直到……為止(指實際距離),如: She accompanied me as far as the gate . 她一直陪我走到大門口。 用于表達此意義時,as far as也可用于否定句中,但so far as不可用于肯定句中。 (2)就……而論。用于此義時,其后常用動詞know 、go 、 concern等,如: As /So far as I know ,he can speak only English . 就我所知,他只會講英語。6. Shops cater for the do-it-yourself craze not only by running special advisory services for novices,為了滿足自己動手熱的需要,商店不僅為初學者提供專門的咨詢服務, cater for ...迎合……,如: This play centre caters for children of all ages . 這家游樂中心為各種年齡的兒童服務。 復合連詞not only . . . but ...連接的by running . . . novices和by offering . . . home在句子中作方式狀語,修飾cater for。7. Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent up creative energy, but unfortunately not all of us are born handymen.這些東西為人們潛在的創造力提供了一個絕妙的用武之地。但不幸的是,我們并非人人都是能工巧匠。 are born handymen 生來就是能工巧匠。 在 be born后除了可以使用名詞外,還可以使用形容詞或動詞不定式,如: He was born rich . 他生來就富有。 He was born to succeed . 他命中注定要成功。8. The worst thing about the do-it-yourself game is that sometimes even men live under the delusion that they can do anything, even when they have repeatedly been proved wrong.自己動手的例子中最糟糕的是,有時甚至是男人盡管接連失敗卻還誤以為自己什么都行, live/be/ labour under a delusion 抱錯誤的想法,癡心妄想,如: You are under a delusion in this matter . 你對這事有誤解。 Don 't live under the delusion that you have the right to abuse privilege . 不要總是妄想你有濫用特權的權利。 連詞that引導的從句作delusion的同位語。9. It is a question of pride as much as anything else.原因就是要面子。 as .. . as anything (else)不得了,了不得的。在句中作定語,修飾pride。 全句意為“這是個地道的自尊心問題”。再如: lt 's as easy as anything ( else ) . 這事容易的不得了。 He saw as piainly as anything that they did not feel bound by those agreements . 他看得極清楚,他們并不認為受到了那些協議的約束.10. Last spring my wife suggested that I call in a man to look at our lawn mower.今年春天,妻子讓我請人檢查一下我家的割草機。 (1)動詞call前省略了should。在動詞suggest后的賓語從句中要使用“主語+should +動詞”或“主語+動詞原形"這樣的虛擬語氣結構,如: She has suggested that a meeting ( should ) be held to discuss our curriculum . 她建議召開一次會來討論我們的課程。 (2) call in ...把……請來,把……找來,如: Call in a doctor at once . 立即請位醫生來。 The librarian has catled in all the books . 圖書管理員把全部圖書都收了回去。11. It had broken down the previous summer, and though I promised to repair it, I had never got round to it.那臺割草機去年夏天就壞了,盡管我答應修,但一直沒抽出時間, get round to ...抽出時間(做……)。此短語中的副詞round也可用around代替,前者多用于英國英語中,而后者多用于美國英語中。介詞to后須用名詞.代詞或動名詞形式,如: Perhaps we'll get round to ( doing ) it some day. 說不定有一天我們會抽時間做這件事。 I should be able to get round to that job next week . 下周我會找時間去做那件事。 此外,此短語有時還用來表示“開始注意或考慮(做……)”,用于此義時.常指“經過較長時間的耽擱后才開始注意或考慮(做……)”,如: After a long delay,he got round to writing the letter . 耽擱了許久之后,他才又開始考慮寫信的事情。12. I would not hear of the suggestion and said that I would fix it myself.我不愿聽妻子的建議,說我自己會修。 I would not heat ...中would表示意愿,意即“我不愿聽.….…”。 句中的連詞and 用來表示結果,可譯作“于是就說”。13. As far as I could see, it needed only a minor adjustment:a turn of a screw here, a little tightening up there, a drop of oil and it would be as good as new.在我看來,只需稍加調整即可。這兒緊緊螺絲,那兒固定一下,再加幾滴油,就會像新的一樣了。 (1)句中a turn of .., a little tightening ...、 a drop of ...作 adjustment的同位語,說明adjustment所包含的內容。 (2) as good as除了可用于表示“如同……一樣好"進行同級比較外,還可如課文中那樣,作為固定詞組使用,起副詞作用,表示“和……幾乎一樣( = almost the same)”、“實際上”、“事實上( = practically)”的意義,如: This place is as good as that one . 這個地方同那個地方一樣好。 What he said has as good as shown his attitude . 他說的話實際上已經表明了他的態度。14.The mower firmly refused to mow, so I decided to dismantle it.修完后割草機還是紋絲不動。于是,我決定把它拆開。 一般情況下,動詞refuse 的主語應為人,但文中用物體mower作其主語,是擬人用法,這樣可以使文字顯得更為生動。15. The garden was soon littered with chunks of metal which had once made up a lawn mower.一會兒工夫,割草機便被拆成一個個金屬零件,亂七八糟地堆在花園里。 litter ... with ... 用……胡亂堆滿……,如: Thoughtless vacationers had littered the beach with cigarette packages and beer cans . 不顧及他人的度假者們在海灘上丟滿了香煙盒和啤酒罐。16. After buying a new chain I was faced with the insurmountable task of putting the confusing jigsaw puzzle together again.我買來一根新鏈條后,面臨的就是如何把這些令人眼花繚亂的拼板重新組裝起來。 句中使用insurmountable和 confusing兩個較大的詞分別修飾task 和 jigsaw puzzle,具有夸張意味,并以暗喻手法.將lawn-mower比作jigsaw puzzie(拼圖游戲,七巧板)更有利于產生喜劇效果。17.I was not surprised to find that the machine still refused to work after I had reassembled it,for the simple reason that I was left with several curiously shaped bits of metal which did not seem to fit anywhere.等我裝完后,那臺割草機仍然一動不動,對此我倒并不感到吃驚。原因很簡單,因為還剩下幾個形狀奇特的零件似乎哪里也裝不上去。 (1)本句較長,為易于理解,在此作一簡單的語法分析: to find that ...動詞不定式短語,作原因狀語,說明notsurprised 的原因。after為從屬連詞,引導時間狀語從句. 修飾was,說明was not surprised 的時間。that為連詞,引導同位語從句,進一步說明reason的內容。which為關系代詞,引導定語從句,修飾bits of metal。 (2) leave ... with ...把……托付/交給/留給……,如: Please leave word with him if you've anything important to do there . 如果你有什么要緊事兒要去那里做,請給他留個口信。18. When my wife nagged me to do something about it, I told her that either I would have to buy a new mower or let the grass grow.妻子喋喋不休讓我想點辦法。我告訴她,要么買一臺新割草機,要么讓草長下去。 nag sb. to do . ..嘮嘮叨叨責怪/數落某人或叫其做…… 也可為nag sb. into ( doing) sth. ...,如: All the time my wife is nagging me to move to town . 我妻子總是嘮嘮叨叨,讓我搬到城里去住。 His wife alreays nags him into doing hat she wants . 他妻子老是嘮叨不休地讓他做她想要做的事情。19.Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn mower which I have promised to repair one day.深草叢中的某個地方有一臺正在生銹的割草機,那就是我曾答應某日要修理的割草機。 Buried somewhere ...,過去分詞短語﹐作定語,修飾lawn mower。現置于句首位置,一是起到強調作用,此外,由于lawn mower后為which引導的定語從句,這樣可使句子顯得更為緊湊連貫。 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫