資源簡介 (共16張PPT)Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit2 You should smile at her!(Reading and vocabulary)Learning ObjectivesBy the end of the class, you will be able to1.Get the main idea of the passage and find out specific information about problems and advice.2.Analyze and appreciate the advice and summarize the ways to give clear and helpful advice.3.Give clear and helpful advice to the problems you meet in your study and evaluate your writing according to the checklist.What’s his problem You should (do) ...Let’s try to (do)...Why not (do)... Why don’t you (do)... It’s a good idea to (do) ...How/What about (doing)... You just need to (do)...Don’t forget to (do)...reviewWatch and answerWhat about reading some interesting books.You should find a foreign pen friend....If we still have some problems, who can we ask for advice parentsteachersfriendsexperts(專家)……Watch and thinkWho do they ask for advice Read and find博士ABWhy do they send questions How many questions are there Read and MatchLi HaoWang FanZhang LeiSpeakingUnderstandingVocabularyproblems specific information(具體信息)undertandingspeakingvocabularyspecific informationproblems+Li Hao doesn’t understand English films and songs very much.Wang Fan is shy and afraid to speak to English teacher.Zhang Lei forgets the vocabulary quickly.Read and fillRead and findWhat advice does Diana give to them Advice from DianaLi Hao ___________________several times.Wang Fan Try to start ___________________.Zhang Lei Write down ___________________________________________and place them__________________.Watch and listena conversationfour or five words ain your roomspecific information(具體信息)Is it clear enough day on pieces of paperRead and answerHow to give clear and helpful advice What can we do when we’re watching and listening Why to do that Who can we study with Guess the meaning of new words.Because each time we will learn something new.We can talk about the films or songs with our friends.Read and answerHow does Diana make advice more clear A.Give examplesB.Show reasonsC.List numbersHow to give clear and helpful advice How to start a conversation courage(勇氣)You can say,“Hello! How are you ” “Do you like China ”You should smile at her.Read and thinkHow to give clear and helpful advice Where to place them.When to read them.comfort(安慰)What to do with them.SummaryHelpfulandClear AdviceWhatSpefic information具體信息howwhywhen/wherewhocouragecomfortTry togetherGive Xu more clear and helpful advice.What about reading some interesting books.good idea to read them at home at weekends.write down the beautiful sentences in our notebooks.In this way, we can remember them and use them inDon’t worry, it’s natural to have problems in writing.I’m sure you will be better at writing!We can also share them with classmates.It’s aWe canour writing.① I like reading English books, but there are too many new words.② I can’t speak English well.③ It’s difficult to remember new words.TaskChecklist Items Criteria ScoreContent Give at least two pieces of advice.Give specific information(how, why, when, where, who, courage, comfort)language Use rich sentence structures like (why not... what about...)to give advice.Choose one problem and give advice.I can’t speak English well.Check and evaluateDo not worry, many of us have problems in speaking English.I advise you to speak as much as possible. Because just as the saying goes,“Practise makes perfect.” I advise you to read some English stories and tell them to your friends in English at school I advise you to join an English club. We can watch English films and sing English songs together. We can also talk with each other in English. Do not be shy, just try.What about reading some English stories.It’s a good idea to join an English club.HomeworkMust do: Choose another problem and write.Check it according to the checklist.Find the problems you meetAsk others for helpSummarize the adviceMake study plans介紹問題尋求幫助總結建議制定計劃Choose to do:Make an video in groups.教學設計課程基本信息學科 英語 年級 八年級 學期 秋季課題 Module 1 How to learn English Unit 2 You should smile at her!(Reading and vocabulary)單元設計What:本課選自外研版八年級上冊第一模塊的第二課時,是一節閱讀課。該主題屬于“人與自我”和“人與社會”范疇,涉及了“恰當的學習方法與策略”,“交流與合作”等內容。 本課語篇是語言博士Diana回復三位有英語學習困難的學生的信件。她針對三個方面的學習問題提出了清晰且富有邏輯的建議。 Why:本課內容為學生的邏輯能力培養提供了一個很好的樣本。作者通過記錄三位學生的具體問題表現以及Diana的具體建議,使得讀者明白,英語學習中遇到困難是可以有方法可以解決的。同時幫助學生明白該如何有提供清晰的、有幫助的建議。通過本課的學習,學生不僅可以掌握如何提建議,還能充實并掌握更多的英語學習方法。本課內容與學生生活息息相關,具有現實意義和教育意義。 How:全文分為兩個部分。文章介紹了寫信的背景原因,分別描述了三位學生不同方面的問題,再闡述了問題的具體表現,就此分別給出具體建議。第2-6段是該語篇的主體部分,根據三個問題的不同方面,使用了表示順序的詞語實現語篇鏈接,在給出建議時,作者會進行鼓勵,并圍繞(when、where、why、who、how)等多方面提供具體建議。 同時,本課更是屬于新學期的第一模塊,在開學之初幫助學生分析自身英語學習困難,相互交流、提供學習建議,對以后的有效學習提供重要的指導。通過本課的訓練,將為整個模塊知識的輸出以及模塊寫作起到良好的鋪墊與促進作用。教學目標本節課結束時,學生能夠: 1.通過閱讀活動,找關鍵詞、抓主旨,獲取文本中出現的信息,梳理困難與建議。(學習理解) 2.整理分析建議,提煉歸納給出清晰的、有幫助的建議的方法。(應用實踐) 3.運用所學知識,就不同的學習困難,給出清晰的、有幫助的建議。(遷移創新)教學內容教學重點:提煉歸納給出清晰的、有幫助的建議的方法。 教學難點:就英語學習困難,提出清晰的、有幫助的建議。教學過程Pre-reading教學目標 學生學習活動 設計意圖 學習效果評價在看視頻的過程中,識別主題、理解大意、獲取主要信息。(學習理解) Watch and answer T:Guys, let’s watch an video and ①為學生設立真實情景,貼近生活。 觀察學生回答問題的表現,根據其回答的質量,了解建議句型的掌握程度。教學目標 學生學習活動 設計意圖 學習效果評價在口頭表達中結合主題使用正確的詞匯句型,表意準確。(應用實踐) answer some questions, what’s he doing Ss:He is asking for help. T:What problem does he have Ss:He thinks it is difficult to write.. T: Could you give him some advice Students will watch an video about problems and try to find out the problem. Then, with the help of teacher, they have a review about the sentences they’ve learned in Unit 1 and try to give some simple advice. ②幫助學生激活本單元話題,回憶鞏固建議句型,幫助學生在接下來的閱讀中能夠迅速找到Diana的建議。 根據不同能力水平同學的回答情況給予鼓勵。激發學生學習動力。遇到問題主動請教,勇于尋求幫助,克服困難。(遷移創新) Watch and think T:Who does the boy ask for help Ss:His friends! T:If you still have problems, who can you ask for help Ss:Parents, teachers... Students will know it’s a good way to ask for help. And we should be brave to ask for help. ①繼續談論我們遇到問題時,可以向誰求助。話題具有連貫性且再次引起學生共鳴。 ②培養學生遇到問題主動請教,勇于尋求幫助克服困難的精神,實現育人價值。 觀察學生是否能根據自身情況,列舉求助的對象。While-readingRead and find T:There are 3 students, they also meet some problems, who do they ask for教學目標 學生學習活動 設計意圖 學習效果評價在讀的過程中獲取關鍵信息并記錄。(學習理解) help S:Diana, the language doctor. T:How many problems are there S:Three T:How do you know that. S:The first, the second... With the help of teacher, students find the main idea and some basic information of the passage quickly. 培養學生準確獲取、梳理和記錄關鍵信息的能力 觀察學生做題的情況和是否在文章中進行圈劃找出答案。在讀的過程中圍繞語篇內容記錄關鍵信息。(學習理解) Read and match T:This time, try to read and match. Match the students with their problems. T:Let’s check the answers. S:Li Hao’s problem is about understanding...I find it in... With the help of teacher, students will find the information of the passage quickly. ①引導學生以question為中心詞,找出課文中所列舉的英語學習問題,從而快速地獲取所需信息。 ②培養學生把握細節,通過閱讀段落中的關鍵句子來獲取信息的能力。教學目標 學生學習活動 設計意圖 學習效果評價辨析信息之間的相關性,判斷句子之間的邏輯關系。(應用實踐) Read and fill T:Guys, try to read again and fill. Let’s find more specific information about problems. S:As for understanding, Li Hao doesn't understand English films and songs very much... T: Are these problems clear enough S:Yes T: Why S: Because they also talk about some specific information. T:So, when we are talking about problems, how can we make it more clear S: We can give some specific information to make them more clear. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Students will know in order to give clear problems, we need to give some specific information. Then, they will also learn how to give clear and helpful advice.aaaaa ①引導學生從文本出發,獲取文本中所出現的問題的相關信息。 ②為后續閱讀活動做鋪墊,幫助學生感知如何給出清晰的、有幫助的建議。 觀察學生的回答,是否能夠根據題目信息,回答出如何清晰地表達出問題——問題+具體信息。教學目標 學生學習活動 設計意圖 學習效果評價在讀的過程中圍繞語篇內容記錄關鍵信息。(學習理解) 利用語篇知識有效獲取信息。(應用實踐) Read and find T:Guys, is this advice clear enough S:No! T:Could you tell me how to make it better S:Give some specific information! Student will fill in the blanks. And then, find out how to make advice more clear and helpful. They will learn to give specific information. 引導學生感知本環節中的建議不夠清晰,為后續探究如何給出清晰且有幫助的建議做鋪墊。 觀察學生是否在文中圈畫,記錄關鍵信息并正確完成表格。 觀察學生是否能聯系上一環節學習任務做出正確回答。基于語篇內容進行合理地,有邏輯地思考。(應用實踐) Read and answer T:Let’s look at the first piece of advice, answer the questions one by one. Then, check the answers. S: (Answer the questions) T:So, what can we talk about to make the advice more clear S:We can talk about what to do, why 整理分析建議,提煉如何給出清晰的、有幫助的建議的方法。 觀察學生的回答是否能夠找出正確的答案。并且逐步發現如何讓建議更清晰。教學目標 學生學習活動 設計意圖 學習效果評價整理分析建議,提煉歸納如何給出清晰的、有幫助的建議的方法。(應用實踐) 能多角度的、辯證的看待事物、分析問題。(遷移創新) to do and when to do! T: What else can we do to make it more clear and helpful S:We can talk about how to do! T:How dose Diana make it more clear. S:She gives examples, we can give examples to talk about how to do. T:What about this sentence S:Diana wants to give courage to this shy student. Students tries to analyze and appreciate the advice with the help from teachers. 整理分析建議,提煉如何給出清晰的、有幫助的建議的方法。 觀察學生的回答是否能夠找出正確的答案。并且逐步發現如何讓建議更清晰。基于語篇內容進行合理地,有邏輯地思考。(應用實踐) 能提取、整理語篇的關鍵信息。(應用實踐) Read and think T:What else can we do to make it more clear and helpful This time, you will try by yourself. S: We can talk about where to do. T:How do you know that S: From the sentence: place them in 培養學生自主探究的精神與能力。 觀察學生是否能在原文中找出依據。教學目標 學生學習活動 設計意圖 學習效果評價基于語篇內容進行合理地,有邏輯地思考。(應用實踐) Your room. T:Anything else S:We can talk about when to do. from the sentence when you see them. S:We can give some comfort, just like do not worry, it’s natural... Students tries to analyze and appreciate the advice by themselves. 發展學生獨立思考的能力,引導學生自主探究。促進思維從低階逐步向高階發展。 觀察學生是否能有邏輯地表達出自己的想法并給出原因。能整理歸納所學內容,把握重點和難點。(應用實踐) 引導學生自主建構,內化新知。(應用實踐) Summary Students will summarize the ways to give clear and helpful advice according to the passage by themselves. 培養學生批判性思維。具有一定的語用意識,在提供建議時應伴有鼓勵和關懷。 在學習中利用信息結構圖理解所學內容。 觀察學生是否能歸納總結所學知識。After-reading能圍繞相關主題提出建議,表達觀點。(遷移創新) Try together 引導學生進行超越語篇、聯系實際生活。用所學語言做事情。 觀察學生能否運用所學知識給出完善建議。教學目標 學生學習活動 設計意圖 學習效果評價能圍繞相關主題提出建議,表達觀點和態度。(遷移創新) T:Do you still remember Xu’s problem Let’s try to give him more clear and helpful advice. How to make it better S:We need to talk about what’s the advice. S:We need to give more specific information! T:Just like S:When to do, how to do... Students will use the knowledge they learned today to make the advice more clear and helpful. 幫助學生利用信息結構圖理解主題。 依托語境,引導學生在真實、有意義的語言應用中整合性地學習語言知識。 觀察學生能否運用所學知識給出完善建議。就不同的學習困難,給出合理的,有邏輯的建議。(遷移創新) Task Students will choose one problem, and try to write down their advice. They will write according to the checklist. They have to pay attention to the content and language of their writing. Then, they will learn how to evaluate their writing. 培養學生在真實情境中運用所學知識解決實際問題的能力,推動遷移創新。 加強運用,內化所學。 引導學生結合個人生活、學習經驗給出建議。 觀察學生是否能夠根據評價量表完成寫作。在學生寫作期間提供指導,及時反饋。教學目標 學生學習活動 設計意圖 學習效果評價就不同的學習困難,給出合理的,有邏輯的建議。(遷移創新) 學會開展自我評價和相互評價,在相互評價中取長補短。(遷移創新) Check and evaluate T:Now, I’d like to share one of my students’ writing to you. You’ll have some minutes to evaluate. T:Dose he give at least two pieces of advice S:Yes. T:So, how many stars can he get S:Two stars! T:What about the next one S:I will give him three stars, because he gives some specific information, for example... T:What about the language S:Only one stars! Because he uses the same sentence structures. T:How to make it better. S: We can use different structures, just like... T:Now, he can get full stars. Students will check and evaluate the writing according to the checklist, and know how to write better. 引導學生自主完善建議,幫助學生體驗學習的進步。 在教學評價中充分發揮學生的主體作用。 根據學生回答不斷追問,對于合理回答進行鼓勵。 觀察學生是否能夠合理評價并闡明理由。同時根據評價量表完善建議。教學目標 學生學習活動 設計意圖 學習效果評價Homework能在學習活動中積極思考,發現并嘗試適用多種途徑解決語言學習中的問題。(遷移創新) 能制定英語學習計劃,主動反思自己英語學習中的進步與不足,根據問題查找原因,尋求幫助,加以解決。(遷移創新) Homework 學以致用,養成良好的語言學習習慣。 Must do:引導學生自評個人寫作。組織班內小組互評,最后進行老師評價。優秀作品進行班內展示。 Choose to do:鼓勵學生運用信息技術,完成作業。班內展示,網絡上進行分享。Blackboard design 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源列表 Unit 2 Reading and vocabulary-教學設計.docx Unit 2 Reading and vocabulary-教學課件.pptx 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫