
人教版(2019) 選擇性必修第四冊 Unit 4 Sharing Using Language課件(共23張PPT)

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人教版(2019) 選擇性必修第四冊 Unit 4 Sharing Using Language課件(共23張PPT)


Using Language
Make a speech about
China’s aid to other countries
Language objectives:
1) to understand, memorize and use the important words/blocks/sentences
2) to acquire the language with speech features, pay attention to the important role of rhetoric in the speech, and understand the general text structure of the speech so as to make the speech coherent and clear.
Ability objective: to analyze and grasp the linguistic features and discourse structure of speech.
Emotional goal: Based on China, the world, understand the new era of China as a major power, and practice the concept of a community of human beings, the firm belief in a community of shared future.
Work in group and discuss the questions:
Do you know what kind of aids does China offer to other countries Why does China offer aids
1. What are some examples of the work that Chinese people do to help others overseas.
They have built roads in the Congo, a port in Pakistan, railways in Panama, an airport in Sri Lanka. Chinese miners, oil workers, agricultural experts, mechanics, and doctors work in nearly every corner of the world.
1 Zhan Bingbing took part in an English speech contest. Read the speech transcript and answer these questions.
2. Why was Bingbing upset when her mother went to Tanzania
Her mother cooked her dinner every night and took good care of her. But more importantly, she was her best friend.
3. What are some of the problems people face in Tanzania
The country has many health problems, and many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted.
4. What are two things that Bingbing’s mother is helping with
She helped build a cardiac hospital and she goes to rural villages to provide medical treatment, help those with disabilities, and provide consultation and training for local doctors.
5. Why is this work worth it
It is worth it to the lives of the people she is helping, and because it shows that we are global citizens interested in world stability, and that we feel responsible for others and are ready to build a community with a shared future for mankind.
rhetorical question: a statement that is formulated as a question but that is not supposed to be answered.
2 Study the features of the speech to answer the questions below.
1. What is the rhetorical question used in this speech
Is it worth it
2. What is the answer to this rhetorical question
Yes, to the lives of the people she is helping, it is worth it. But by any criteria this work is worth it to us as well, because it shows that we are global citizens interested in world stability, and that we feel responsible for others and are ready to build a community with a shared future for mankind.
3. What does the speaker use to get her message across
a case study a hypothetical example
a joke a personal story
an analysis of the history and causes of the issue facts and data
4. How did Bingbing’s feelings about the topic change, and what caused this change
She was unhappy that her mother had left, but then her feelings changed when she began to see how great help her mother was bringing, and now she is proud of her mother’s work.
5. How does the speech end
This speech ends with an appeal to the audience to consider becoming volunteers.
1. In groups, brainstorm a list of possible causes that you could talk about.
Write a speech about China’s aid to other countries.
2. In pairs, go over the list and discuss these points:
Which, if any, of the causes do you have a personal connection with
What personal story could you tell in relation to that cause
How did that affect your opinions on the issue
What rhetorical question could you use to begin your speech
What is the answer to that rhetorical question
What action do you want people to take as a result of your speech
3. Using what you have discussed, write a short speech.
How to make a speech
Structure of the speech Language feature Way of writing Function
Rhetorical question What if… Does it really matter… Why should… Description of a familiar phenomenon followed by a question An attention-grabber, followed by a statement about the topic To attract attention of the audience to the topic
Answer to the question I had the same question myself. But for me… You see, … To be honest,… But then I began to hear about… Telling a personal story Using examples Citing data Using citations To make the speech convincing, informative, and inspiring
Ending Today, I want to relay to you that… By any criteria this work is worth it to us all, because… Now that I understand… In the future, I pray that… Expressing personal reflection or attitude Sharing future plans Quotes To reiterate (repeat) the theme
1. The beginning of your speech should get the attention and interest of your audience.
2. By asking a rhetorical question, the audience will answer mentally and focus on your topic.
3. People are egocentric. Pay close attention to message that affect their own values, beliefs and well-being.
4. Two main functions of conclusion: to let the audience know you are ending the speech; to reinforce the audiences’ understanding of your speech.
5. When you have chosen a topic and a general purpose, you must narrow your choice to determine the specific purpose of your speech.
6. Use an example to explain your idea because in most cases, audiences need a more personal viewpoint on issues.
volunteering spirit has spread among people offer help and service
benefit to the society play an active role
get actively involved in improve interpersonal skills
a great contribution to the society financial rewards
get a great chance broaden one’s horizon
an increasing number of people be willing to serve as volunteers
My dear fellows,
What is the No. 1 problem in the world today War Maybe. Pollution Kind of. While these are problems, there is another problem that many people don’t know about, which affects about 1.2 billion people now, and 500 million people are approaching this situation. And what is it A lack of water!
I had no idea about this problem myself, until my father volunteered to go to Ghana to dig wells.
At first, I was a little upset and worried about his rip. After all, he would be gone for up to two years! Then I began to study up on this issue, and I learnt that what my father did was right. It is thought that as many as 300 million people in Africa are affected by water shortages. Due to the lack of water, farms can not produce enough food and many people go hungry. Since water is scarce, even though the water is harmful, people go ahead and drink the water, which makes them sick.
In addition, people may have to walk many kilometres a day to get enough water for their daily use. The task of getting water usually falls to the female. Women end up not having enough time to work, and girls do not have time to go to school.
Can you imagine what a difference it will make to people there just to have a new well Suddenly, they have all the clean water they need within easy walking distance.
They can use this to grow crops, to drink, and to cook with. Now women have time to work and earn extra money for their families, and girls can go to school. When I think about what a difference my father is making to them, my chest swells with pride. Yes, my father did that! He helped those people!
My father is an inspiration to me. I now want to make a difference to this world. It might be here in China, or somewhere else. Would you like to join me
Writing task: Complete the article.
Hello! My name is Li Hua.
At present, while continuing to do a good job in the prevention and control of domestic epidemic, China has also extended a helping hand to some countries in 1._____________ (遙遠的地方) in urgent need of help. And some people may ask, “____________ (值得嗎?) Why help people overseas ___________________________________________” (中國正處于疫情恢復期)
I had the same confusion, but my experience of foreign aid has made me _____________ ______ (態度發生改變). You see, I was lucky to be selected as a volunteer consultant sent to Italy to fight COVID-19. We have volunteered __________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ (提供醫療物資,分享防疫經驗,加強疫苗研發合作) and hold more than 400 online and offline training conferences to ______________________________ (提供咨詢和培訓) for local doctors which has ___________________ (產生重大影響) to these countries and victory in the global fight against COVID-19. In this __________________________ (沒有硝煙的戰爭), all of our Chinese doctors save the patients with our kindness, reason, generosity and unity.
far-off places
Is it worth it
when China is just recovering from the epidemic
sing a different
to provide medical supplies, share
experience in epidemic prevention, strengthen cooperation in vaccine research
provide consultation and training
made a big difference
war without guns and smoke
Today, ____________________ (我想轉達給你) that I am supportive of
what I have done. Everyone ____________________ (都應該有一個公平的機會) in life. As the ____________________________________ (對世界穩定感興趣的世界公民), we feel responsible for others and are ready __________ _______________________________________ (準備建立人類命運共同體). As Nelson Mandela said, __________________________________________
_________ (當人們下定決心,就可以克服一切苦難/人心齊,泰山移). In the future, ___________ (我祈禱) you will do the same.
I want to relay to you
deserves a fair chance
global citizens interested in world stability
to build a
community with a shared future for mankind
when people are determined, they can overcome
I pray that
4 Exchange your draft with a partner and revise the draft using your partner’s comments.
5 Present your speech and listen to your classmates’ speeches. As a class, vote on the best one.
1. But then I began to hear about the work she was doing in Tanzania, a country that has many health problems, and now I am singing a different tune. 但是之后我開始聽到她在坦桑尼亞的工作,那里有很多健康問題,(所以)我現在有了不同的看法。
sing a different tune: 對某事轉變論調或改變看法
I bet Dan will sing a different tune when he finds out what the salary is.
They say they’re not worried about money, but once they see how much the new equipment will cost, they’ll be singing a different tune.
2. Many dangerous diseases which are rare in China are quite commonly contracted in Tanzania. 很多在中國罕見的疾病在坦桑尼亞是很容易感染的。
contract v. to get an illness 感染(疾?。?br/>with sb for sth make (a legal agreement)
with sb for a purpose 與……訂立合同(或契約)
n. an official agreement between two or more people,
stating what each will do 合同;契約
eg He contracted the flu while he was travelling.
They have just contracted our company to build shelters for the homeless.
He was given a seven-year contract with an annual salary of $150,000.
3. And, while the country is quite beautiful and has much natural wealth, many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted, such as … 此外,盡管這個國家風景美麗、物產豐饒,但許多人仍然十分貧窮;我們認為理所當然的東西,在他們的生活中都沒有,比如……
take…for granted: to believe sth to be the truth without even thinking about it
take sb. / sth. for granted
(習以為常) 不把……當回事
take it for granted that-clause
take it for granted that-clause中, it為形式賓語, 真正的賓語為that-clause。
1) I never thank my mum. I _______________________.
2) Mrs. Smith _____________________ a woman was supposed to do cooking in the kitchen.
3) Human beings _________________ (以為它理所當然) that their brains held all the solutions, but maybe their hearts can be a better guide.
took it for granted
take her love for granted
took it for granted that
4. Today, I want to relay to you that I’m proud of the work my mother has done, and I am now supportive of it. 今天我想告訴你們的是,我為我媽媽所做的工作感到驕傲,我現在也非常支持她的工作。
relay ... to someone: to pass a message from one person or place to another 向某人傳達……
eg As soon as I am updated on what’s happened, I will relay it to you all.
They receive oil through pipeline gathering systems from production tanks and relay it to trunk line stations.
1. Polish your writing.
2. Preview the next part: Assessing your progress.




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