資源簡介 (共26張PPT)后續寫讀Continuation writing《考試說明》提供一篇350詞以內的材料,要求考生依據材料內容、所給段落開頭句續寫一篇150詞左右的短文。將其發展成一篇與給定材料有邏輯銜接、情節和結構完整的短文。考查的主要內容包括以下四點:(1)與所給短文及段落開頭語的銜接程度;(2)內容的豐富性;(3)應用語法結構和詞匯的豐富性和準確性;(4)上下文的連貫性命題要求檔次 描述第五檔(21-25) 漂漂亮亮 無大語法錯誤,可以有、2-3處拼寫或者詞形錯誤 1.創造了豐富、合理的內容,富有邏輯性,續寫完整,與原文情境融洽度高。2.使用了多樣且恰當的詞匯和語法結構,表達流暢語言錯誤很少,且完全不影響理解。3.自然有效地使用了段落間、語句間銜接手段,全文結構清晰,前后呼應,意義連貫。第四檔(16-20) 清清楚楚 2-3處大語法錯誤 1.創造了比較豐富、合理的內容,比較有邏輯性,續寫比較完整,與原文情境融洽度較高。2.使用了比較多樣且恰當的詞匯和語法結構,表達比較流暢,有個別錯誤但不影響理解。3.比較有效地使用了語句間銜接手段,全文結構比較清晰,意義比較連貫。第三檔(11-15) 平平淡淡 1/3的語言錯誤 1.創造了基本合理的內容,有一定的邏輯性,續寫基本完整,與原文情境相關。2.使用了較恰當的詞匯和語法結構,表達方式不夠多樣性,表達有些許錯誤,但基本不影響理解3.使用了語句間銜接手段,全文結構比較清晰,意義基本連貫。第二檔(6-10) 馬馬虎虎 一半的語言錯誤 1.創造了基本完整的故事內容,但情節不夠合理或邏輯性不強,與原文情境基本相關。2.使用了簡單的詞匯和語法結構,有部分語言錯誤或不恰當之處,個別部分影響理解。3.尚有語句銜接手段,全文結構基本清晰,意義基本連貫。第一檔(1-5) 糊里糊涂 2/3的語言錯誤 1.內容和邏輯上有較多重大問題或有部分內容抄自原文,續寫不完整與原文情境節本脫節。2.所使用的詞匯非常有限,語法結構單調,錯誤較多,嚴重影響理解。3.幾乎沒有使用語句間銜接手段,全文結構不清晰,意義不連貫。(0分) 干干凈凈 未作答;所寫內容太少或無法看清以致無法評判,所寫內容全部抄自原文或與題目要求完全不相關。續寫得高分的關鍵思維上與上文連貫, 融洽度高;與所給短文及段落開頭句銜接合理;內容上脈絡清晰、故事完整;語言上用詞豐富、準確、句式多樣;對周圍環境和人物的心理描寫生動、到位;書寫美觀、卷面整潔,字數在規定范圍內。內涵和顏值Step oneReadingFood feeds our stomachs whereas reading feeds our minds.食物喂養我們的胃而閱讀喂養我們的大腦。根據記敘文的六要素弄清文章大意,特別要弄清故事的人物,地點,時間,事件(故事的情節), 人物的心理, 要解決的沖突,故事要體現的主題11留意原文的語言特色(以便在續寫時語言特色前后一致,保持不變)2讀懂大意,理清脈絡閱讀下面的材料,根據其內容和所給段落開頭語續寫兩段,使之構成一篇完整的短文Jenny was the only child in her home. She had a quarrel with her mother that afternoon and she ran out of the house angrily. Having wandered aimlessly in the street for hours, she felt a little hungry and wished for something to eat. She stood beside a stand for a while, watching the middle aged seller busy doing his business. However, with no money in hand, she sighed and had to leave.The seller noticed the young girl and asked, “Hey, girl, you want to have the noodles?”“Oh, yes...but I don't have money...” she replied.“I'll treat you today,” said the seller.The seller brought her a bowl of noodles, whose smell was so attractive. Jenny thanked the seller and started to gobble (狼吞虎咽) up the delicious food...then cried silently.“What is it?” asked the seller kindly.“Nothing, actually I was moved by your kindness!” said Jenny as she wiped her tears. “Even a stranger on the street will give me a bowl of noodles, while my mother scolded (罵) me and drove me out of the house. She showed no care for me. She is so mean and cruel!”Hearing the words, the seller smiled, “Girl, I only gave you a bowl of noodles and you thanked me a lot. But it is your mother who has raised you since you were a baby. Can you number the times that she has cooked for you Have you expressed your thanks to her?”Jenny sat there, speechless and numb (麻木的) with shock; she remembered her mother's familiar face and weathered hands. “Why did I not think of that A bowl of noodles from a stranger made me feel grateful, but I have never thanked my mum for what she has done for me.”On the way home, Jenny made up her mind to make an apology to her mother for her rudeness as soon as she arrived home.Approaching the doorway, Jenny took a deep breath._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A gentle touch on her hair called her mind back._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1. Read for setting and characters:setting(背景)when:where:that afternoonhomestreetcharacters(角色)identity(身份)JennyJenny’s mothera sellera childa strangermain charactersminor character(配角)注1: 續寫段落中的時間,地點要根據原文確定,一般不發生大的轉移注2: 原文的主要角色,續文中都要安排“戲”,但一般不要添加新角色。annoyed2. Read for plot(情節) and emotion line(情感線)Climax(高潮)BeginningEndinghave a quarrel with her motherwander aimlessly in the streetfeel hungry but have no money to buy fooda seller treat her to a bowel of noodlescry silentlyrealize her mistake;decide to apologize to her mother direct clue(明線)indirect clue(暗線)aimlesshelplessgratefulsad/broken-heartedbe comforted and instructed(教導) bythe sellertouched(受觸動的)regretful/guilty(內疚的)注3: 續寫段落中的情節和情感線交替StoryMountain3. Read for conflict(沖突) and theme(主題):conflict:theme:how to resolve the conflict between Jenny and her motherlove between family members注4: 續寫段落就是要解決閱讀文本中出現的問題和沖突;續寫段落中的主題必須和閱讀文本中的主題保持一致,并呼應。1. 記敘文: 按時間線索,情感線索來構思情節的發展2. 閱讀文本中語言描寫較多, 多為直接引語,續寫段落中合適的地方也要用到直接引語,但直接引語不宜過多3. 時態: 一般過去時4. Read for language features(語言特色) :注5:續寫段落時,最好根據閱讀文本的語言特色來寫,保持一致性。Step TwoThinkingLearning without thinking leads to confusion.Thinking without learning ends in danger.學而不思則罔;思而不學則殆Remember:Mind you :Creative并不意味著天馬行空的想象,讀后續寫和一般故事創作不一樣在于它是有一定框架和指引的,是帶著鐐銬在跳舞。讀后續寫必須是有邏輯的,在此之上的創意才是令人欣賞的。細讀兩段續寫的開頭句,理順續寫段落的邏輯關系,合理創新故事情節。1. 框架(framework)構思(1) 由第一段的首句和第二段的首句確定第一段的內容;第二段的內容由第二段首句和正能量結尾來確定(2) 每段寫四到五句話(包括首句), 先確定每段的時間,地點,人物;第一段先根據首句構思第二句, 再根據第二段首句構思末句, 中間句最后構思;第二段根據首句按照順序構思, 第二段的結尾句是整篇文章的結尾, 要關注與文章開頭的遙相呼應, 弘揚感情的真,人性的善, 拼搏的美等來凸顯主題, 升華境界。Approaching(走近) the doorway, Jenny took a deep breath. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________A gentle touch on her hair called her mind back. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. 情節(plot)構思aspects(方面)elements(要素):人物, 地點, 時間…order(順序):時間順序,故事發展的邏輯順序…content(內容):所做,所說(一般兩三個直接引語足夠),所見,所聞,所反應,所感…emotion(情感):description(描寫):喜怒哀樂…語言描寫, 心理描寫, 動作描寫, 場景描寫, 情緒描寫, 神態描寫,外貌描寫…Para1: Approaching(走近) the doorway, Jenny took a deep breath.時間:地點:人物:情節:第2句: Her feeling when she opened the door中間句: She found mother wasn’t at home; What did she do How did she feel Para2: A gentle touch on her hair called her mind back.情緒描寫,動作描寫Jennythat afternoon末句: Shame and regret took hold of Jenny.心理描寫, 表情描寫home環境描寫,動作描寫,心理描寫Para2: A gentle touch on her hair called her mind back.時間:人物:地點:情節:第2句: Who touched her hair 中間句: What did mom say What was Jenny’s response 動作描寫,表情描寫Jenny and her motherhomethat afternoon結尾句: Jenny apologized to her mother; the response of her mother; the theme was presented.語言描寫, 動作描寫,表情描寫語言描寫,動作描寫,表情描寫Step ThreeWritingGive a man a fish and you feed him for a day.Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.授之于魚不如授之以漁 撰寫初稿,潤色成文1. 并列句和三大復合句2.非謂語(v-ing作狀語,with的復合結構,獨立主格結構等)3.特殊句式(強調句型,倒裝句,虛擬語氣等)4.修辭手法(比喻,擬人,夸張等)5.恰當的修飾詞(形容詞,副詞,介詞短語等)6.“喜怒哀樂”的高級描寫7.無靈主語句的使用8 “連動法”使動作描寫更生動9.高級詞匯和短語的使用10.用恰當的銜接詞使故事更有連貫性……Para1: Approaching(走近) the doorway, Jenny took a deep breath.第2句:中間句: She found mother wasn’t at home; What did she do What did she feel Not knowing whether her mother would forgive her, she opened the door, with butterflies in her stomach.Her feeling when she opened the door.情緒描寫,動作描寫環境描寫,動作描寫,心理描寫Much to her surprise, a deep quietness filled the room; her mother wasn’t at home.Tired and sad, she threw herself into the sofa.“Where could my mother be?” she wondered. “Was she still angry with me?”The scene of the quarrel appeared in her mind.末句: Shame and regret took hold of Jenny.心理描寫, 表情描寫Realizing that all the scolding from her mother was due to the fact that her mother really cared a lot about her, she felt rather ashamed, and tears began to roll down her cheeks.Para2: A gentle touch on her hair called her mind back.第2句:中間句: What did mom say What was Jenny’s response She raised her head with surprise , seeing the familiar face of her mother.Who touched her hair 動作描寫,表情描寫語言描寫,動作描寫,表情描寫“I've been seeking for you.” her mum said with a smile, hugely relieved.Shame hitting, the girl kept silent, having no courage to look her mother in the eyes.She couldn't help throwing her arms around mum tightly.結尾句: Jenny apologized to her mother; the response of her mother; the theme was presented.“Mum, I'm so sorry and thank you for all you have done for me,” she expressed her sincere apology and great gratitude.Hearing this, her mother smiled patting her back gently, “I love you regardless, my girl.”Happiness floating in the room, Jenny and her mother immersed themselves in the love of the family.語言描寫,動作描寫,表情描寫Step FourCheckingMan is error! Improve yourself by trial and errors. 1) Agreement (主謂一致)2) Tense (時態)3) Spellings (單詞拼寫)4) Punctuations (標點符號)Approaching(走近) the doorway, Jenny took a deep breath. Not knowing whether her mother would forgive her, she opened the door, with butterflies in her stomach. Much to her surprise, a deep quietness filled the room; her mother wasn’t at home. Tired and sad, she threw herself into the sofa. “Where could my mother be?” she wondered. “Was she still angry with me?” Again, the scene of the quarrel appeared in her mind. Realizing that all the blame from her mother was due to the fact that her mother really cared a lot about her, she felt rather ashamed, and tears began to roll down her cheeks.A gentle touch on her hair called her mind back. She raised her head with surprise , seeing the familiar face of her mother. “I've been seeking for you.” her mum said with a smile, hugely relieved. Shame hitting, the girl kept silent, having no courage to look her mother in the eyes. She couldn't help throwing her arms around mum tightly. “Mum, I'm so sorry and thank you for all you have done for me,” she expressed her sincere apology and great gratitude. Hearing this, her mother smiled patting her back gently, “I love you regardless, my girl.” Happiness floating in the room, Jenny and her mother immersed themselves in the love of the family. 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫