資源簡介 (共30張PPT)The colourful world(Period 5)Part B Let’s learn & Listen and doListen and chantQuick responsegreen grassI see colours.blue seaa yellow duckred flowersa brown beara purple flowerpink birdsorangeyellowFree talkA: What colours do you like B: I like _______.redblueyellowgreenbrownpurplepinkorangeFree talkCan colours talk How do colours make you feel redblueyellowgreenbrownpurplepinkorangeLet's learnpinkHow does pink make you feel warm 溫暖的;溫馨的cozy 舒適的nice 友好的粉色是一種溫暖、柔和的顏色,可以讓人感到舒適和溫馨。一些醫院或科室選擇讓護士穿粉色護士服,是為了讓患者感受到更加溫暖和關懷的氛圍,尤其是在婦產科、兒科等更加需要溫馨和關懷的科室。a pink uniformpinkLet's learnorangeHow does orange make you feel bright 鮮艷的;明亮的clear to see 清楚可見的energetic 有活力的一般來說,在選擇登山包時,應該盡量選擇明亮醒目的顏色,不應該選擇能見度低的顏色。這主要是因為登山,尤其是需要露營的登山活動是危險的。萬一發生意外,醒目的登山包可以幫助救援人員迅速找到你。相比其他顏色,橙色是非常醒目的,更容易被注意到,而且橙色也是比較有活力的顏色,背在身上也很好看。an orange hiking bagorangeLet's learnHow does red make you feel hot 熱的clear to see 清楚可見的urgent 緊急的red在可見光中,紅色光的光波最長,而偏轉角最小,容易穿過水層、雨點、灰塵和迷霧。所以消防車漆成紅色是為了在大霧彌漫的天氣里、塵土飛揚的環境中或是狂風暴雨時,讓人們很遠就能看見它,為它讓路,以便它盡快完成滅火搶險任務。a red fire fighting truckredLet's learnwhiteblackWhat colours do you see 黑色與白色對比強烈,鋼琴手在表演時,目光主要注意的是曲譜,用黑白兩對比強烈的顏色,易于鋼琴手在表演時,用余光目測琴鍵!a white keya black keyblack, whiteColours are useful!Let's reviewListen and repeatGame timeWatch out for the bears! 小心!當你看到一個單詞或短語, 請大聲讀出來,當你看到一頭熊, 趕緊抱頭并說:No!an orange bagpinka pink toywhitea red truckblackorangea white rabbitblack eyesListen and doListen and doBlack, black, sit down.blackListen and doWhite, white, turn around.whiteListen and doPink and red, touch the ground.pinkredListen and doOrange and red, jump up and down.orangeredListen and do游戲規則:各個顏色小組注意聽老師發出的指令,做出相應的動作,看哪個組做得又快又整齊。_____, _____, sit down._____, _____, turn around._____ and _____, touch the ground._____ and _____, jump up and down.Make a chantShow time1. 四人一組大聲朗讀。2. 小組排練分角色表演。3. 小組展示語音、語調標準。詞匯:pink、orange、red、white、black短語:sit down、turn around、touch the ground、jump up and downListen and repeat. (聽音跟讀。)Talk about the colours of things in life and theirspecial meanings or functions.(說說生活中事物的常見顏色及其顏色代表的特殊含義或功能。) 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源預覽 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫