資源簡介 考試時間:90分鐘 總分:100分一.選擇題(本大題共25小題,每小題2分,共50分。在每小題給出的四個選項中,只有一項是符合題目要求的。。)讀“人口增長模式與總人口變化示意圖”,完成l~3題。1. 階段I人口增長模式的特點是A. 高出生率、高死亡率、低自然增長率 B. 低出生率、低死亡率、低自然增長率C. 低出生率、高死亡率、低自然增長率D. 高出生率、低死亡率、高自然增長率2. 階段Ⅱ總人口的變化特點是A. 緩慢增長 B. 迅速增長 C. 迅速下降 D. 保持不變3. 大多數發達國家和地區人口增長模式處于A. 階段I B. 階段Ⅱ C. 階段Ⅲ D. 階段Ⅳ4.一個地區人口數量的自然增長,取決于A.人口的遷移數量 B.人口的總數 C.人口的年齡結構 D.人口的出生率和死亡率5.青海、內蒙古、西藏等地大量挖掘發菜、甘草,導致環境惡化,反映了①地理環境具有整體性 ②地理環境具有差異性 ③地理環境各要素之間相互聯系、制約和影響 ④某一要素的改變必將導致其他要素甚至整個環境狀態的改變A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②④ D.②③④6.家庭轎車的大量使用可能引發的環境問題是A.大范圍的酸雨危害 B.大范圍的水體污染C.城市大氣質量下降 D.在城市上空形成臭氧空洞讀“某區域自然狀況分布圖”,回答7~8題。7.圖中反映地域分異規律是A.從赤道向兩極的地域(緯度地帶)分異B.從沿海向內陸的地域(經度地帶)分異C.垂直地域分異D.非地帶性地域分異8.圖中各地人類活動最合適的是甲發展商品谷物農業 B.乙發展水稻種植業C.丙發展畜牧業 D.丁發展水產養殖業 據2009年2月26日國家統計局公布的數據,截至2008年我國總人口數已達13 802萬人,據此回答9~10題。9.關于我國人口容量的估計最科學的是( )A.我國人口合理容量大約是16億人 B.我國人口承載量極限值約為100億人C.我國人口容量具有不確定性 D.到2040年前后,我國將達到人口合理容量10.據專家估計,到21世紀中葉以后,我國有可能出現人口負增長,其原因是( )A.人們生育觀念變化的必然后果 B.重大自然災害導致死亡率上升C.人口老齡化嚴重,死亡率回升 D.人口性別結構不合理11.與環境人口容量呈負相關的因素是 A.資源 B.科技水平 C.生產能力 D.消費水平12.“人間四月芳菲盡,山寺桃花始盛開?!彼枋隽?br/>A.緯度地帶分異 B.干濕度地帶分異 C.垂直地帶分異 D.地方性分異讀城市化進程和某國人口自然增長率變化曲線兩幅圖,完成13~15題。13.該國人口達到頂峰的時間為 A.① B.② C.③ D.④14.下列各國中,人口發展情況與圖示類型一致的是 A.埃及 B.中國 C.德國 D.新加坡15.當前,該國城市化進程所處的階段是 A.Ⅰ B.Ⅰ和Ⅱ C.Ⅱ D.Ⅲ下圖是“某四國人口金字塔示意圖”,據此完成16~17題。?16.可能出現人口就業壓力較大的國家是 A.A國 B.B國 C.C國 D.D國17.可能出現勞動力不足和近年來可能有大批移民流入的國家分別是 ? A.A國和B國 B. D國和B國 C.A國和C國 D. C國和D國讀“木桶效應圖”,回答。18.以某地的四類要素測得的各自所能供養的人口數量分別為:8000、10000、6000、4500,則該地的環境人口容量為 A.8000 B.10000 C.6000 D.4500 據有關統計,2010年底,我國60歲及以上老年人口為1.74億人,預計到2014年將達2億人,2037年將超過4億人。同時有關專家指出,我國近期人口特征表現為三大高峰相會,即增長高峰、老齡化高峰和就業高峰同時出現。據此回答19~21題。19.我國人口“增長高峰”的原因主要是( )A.人口基數大 B.人口自然增長率高 C.人口死亡率低 D.國外人口大量遷入20.有利于緩解我國就業緊張形勢的措施是( )A.實施西部大開發 B.控制城市發展規模C.加快農業機械化進程 D.大力發展高技術產業21.人口普查資料表明我國某些大城市人口死亡率高于農村,其主要原因是( )A.農村的醫療衛生水平得到改善 B.城市環境問題比較嚴重C.農村人口的身體素質更好 D.城市人口老齡化問題更突出22.下圖為“馬太效應”示意圖?!榜R太效應”指貧者越貧,富者越富的現象,占世界人口1%的富人掌握著世界上35%的財富。下列關于“馬太效應”的說法不正確的是( )A.“馬太效應”會提高人類的平均生活水平B.“馬太效應”會降低現有資源條件下的人口合理容量C.富國有義務在環境問題中承擔更多的責任D.全球財富分配的“馬太效應”越強,貧困群體的生活越艱難下面是我國幾種民居示意圖的郵票,請回答23~25題.23.反映江南水鄉民居的郵票是A.① B.② C.③ D.④24.為抵御濕熱和毒蛇猛獸而建造的民居是A.① B.② C.③ D.④25.民居④的建設主要是A.便于拆遷移動 B.防御狂風暴雨 C.防范土匪侵襲 D.就地取材便利二、綜合題(共50分)26.讀中國、日本和韓國人口負擔系數比較圖,完成下列問題。(14分)注:人口負擔系數=(14歲及以下人口數+65歲及以上人口數) /15~64歲人口數×100%,15~64歲指勞動人口年齡。(1)國際上一般把人口負擔系數≤50%的時期稱為“人口機會窗口”期。中國人口負擔系數在________年前后達到最低值,此時的人口負擔系數約為________。(2分)(2)在1990年前和2030年后,中國的人口負擔系數均超過了50%,簡述它們的不同。(4分)日本、韓國均抓住了“人口機會窗口”期,促進了經濟的騰飛。“人口機會窗口”對一個國家和地區的經濟發展有何作用?(4分)(4)中國應采取哪些措施抓住“人口機會窗口”的良好時機,促進經濟發展?(4分)27.結合材料及圖,回答下列問題。(18分)中新網12月31日電 據美國《僑報》報道,美國人口普查局29日預計,2010年1月1日,美國總人口將達3億零840萬人,比上年增加260萬多人,人口增長率為0.9%。美國每8秒鐘有一人出生,每12秒鐘有一人死亡,每14秒鐘凈增一個人。很多人關注的不僅是人口的增長,還有美國人口增長對環境的影響。英國《獨立報》指出:對支撐地球生命的自然體系來說,美國人口的快速增長顯然不是什么好事。(1)由圖甲可以看出美國人口的增長除自然增長外還是由________________所致,這種方式的人口增長的主要原因是 。(4分)(2)美國人口構成的變化對美國積極的影響是( )A.交通通達性提高 B.文化多樣化 C.勞動力數量減少 D.自由活動空間增大(3)影響環境人口容量的因素主要有________、科技、地區開放程度、____________等。美國資源豐富,國土遼闊,但媒體稱“美國人口的快速增長對支撐地球生命的自然體系來說并非好事”。試用環境人口容量的相關理論對其進行闡釋。(8分)(4)近年來,美國老年人口主要向南部和西南部地區遷移,試分析其主要原因。(4分)28.閱讀下面材料,回答問題。(18分)近年來,“民工荒”的驚呼之聲占據了媒體的大幅版面?!皬V東缺100萬民工”,“珠三角驚呼民工短缺”。據《南方日報》報道,廣東省和4個市的勞動就業服務中心有關領導都認為廣東省勞動力市場仍是供大于求,就業難與個別企業招工難并存,“有人沒事干”和“有事沒人干”同在;而且表示,廣東省的確缺少一些高級管理人員和高級技工,但是從來不缺少普通民工。由于勞動力市場仍然供大于求,許多民工在城里找不到合適的工作,于是紛紛打道回家。“回流”,不是自動離棄造成的荒缺,而是被動淘汰后的黯然退出。只是在他們退出之后,高素質的、能滿足現實需求的民工尚未及時補上。由此筆者想到社會學家孫立平的“斷裂社會”理論。他認為中國目前的社會是一個斷裂的社會,斷裂的各層處于不同的發展時代,新創造出的工作位置并不會給失業或下崗者提供多少就業的機會。就拿這次“民工荒”來說,在民工和高素質勞動者之間,又形成了斷裂,這是一種“知識斷裂”?!皵嗔选钡纳鐣?,使經濟狀況懸殊的各階層無法平等地享有受教育的權利。 因此導致“知識斷裂”。而“知識斷裂”的結果之一,就是民工“回流”,就是“民工荒”驚呼?!懊窆せ摹笔羌俚?,“知識斷裂”的殘酷現實卻是真真切切的。(1)改革開放以來我國人口流動的特點是_____________________。(至少三條)(3分)(2)造成現階段我國人口大規模流動的主要原因是________________________________________________________________________________________。(3分)(3)民工的盲目流動給城市帶來的問題是_________________________________________________________________________________________。(4分)(4)造成民工“回流”的原因是_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________。(4分)(5)你認為采取怎樣的措施才能改變由“知識斷裂”而導致的“民工荒”?(4分)參考答案考試范圍:必修1,2,3 考試時間:120分鐘 滿分:150分一、選擇題(每小題5分,共50分)1.已知集合,,則( )A. B. C. D.2.設,m是兩條不同的直線,是一個平面,則下列命題正確的是( ) A.若m∥,,則m∥ B.若⊥,m⊥,則∥m C.若m∥,∥a,則m∥ D.若⊥m,m⊥,則∥3.定義在上的函數,則的值為( )A. B. C. D. 4.將一邊長為的正方形沿對角線折起,形成三棱錐,其正視圖與俯視圖如下圖所示,則左視圖的面積為 ( )A. B. C. D.5.在2012年3月15日,某市物價部門對本市的5家商場的某種商品的一天銷售量及其價格進行調查,5家商場的售價元和銷售量件之間的一組數據如下表所示:價格99.51010.511銷售量1110865 由散點圖可知,銷售量與價格之間有較好的線性相關關系,其線性回歸方程是: ,則( )A. B. C. D.6.已知直線l1:ax-y+2a=0與直線l2:(2a-1)x+ay+a=0互相垂直,則a等于( ). A.1 B.0 C.1或0 D.1或-17. 若圓的一條弦AB的中點為P(O,1),則垂直于AB的直徑所在直線的方程為( ) A. B. C. D.8. 如圖(1)是反映某條公共汽車線路收支差額(即營運所得票價收入與付出成本的差)y與乘客量x之間關系的圖象.由于目前該條公交線路虧損,公司有關人員提出了兩種調整的建議,如圖(2)、(3)所示。 給出以下說法: ①圖(2)的建議是:提高成本,并提高票價; ②圖(2)的建議是:降低成本,并保持票價不變; ③圖(3)的建議是:提高票價,并保持成本不變; ④圖(3)的建議是:提高票價,并降低成本. 其中說法正確的序號是 ( ) A.①③ B.①④ C.②③ D.②④9.我們把棱長要么為1cm,要么為2cm的三棱錐定義為“和諧棱錐”.在所有結構不同的“和諧棱錐”中任取一個,取到有且僅有一個面是等邊三角形的“和諧棱錐”的概率是( )A. B. C. D.10.現在定義直角坐標平面內的任意兩點、之間的一種“距離”: ,給出下列三個命題: ①若點C在線段AB上,則; ②在△ABC中,若∠C=90°,則; ③在△ABC中,; 其中真命題的個數為 ( ) A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3二、填空題(每小題5分,共25分)11.十進制86化成六進制是 ;12.二次函數的值域是 ;13. 某程序框圖如圖所示,該程序運行后,輸出的值為31,則等于 ;高一高二高三女生男生14. 某校有名學生,各年級男、女生人數如表,已知在全校學生中隨機抽取一名“獻愛心”志愿者,抽到高一男生的概率是,現用分層抽樣的方法在全校抽取名奧運志愿者,則在高二抽取的學生人數為 ;15. 現有下列結論:①若直線不相交,則直線為異面直線;②函數的零點所在的區間是(1,10);③從總體中抽取的樣本 則回歸直線必過點();④ 已知函數,則的圖象關于直線對稱. 其中正確的結論序號是 (注:把你認為正確結論的序號都填上).鳳凰縣華鑫實驗中學2012-2013學年第二學期第一次月考試卷高一數學答題卡一、選擇題(每小題5分,共50分)題號12345678910選項二、填空題(每小題5分,共25分)11. ;12. ;13. ;14. ;15. 。三、簡答題(共計75分)16.(本小題滿分12分)已知直線l過點(-2,0),直線x+2y-5=0和3x-y-1=0的交點到直線l的距離為3,求直線l的方程.17. (本小題滿分12分)某校從參加環保知識競賽的學生中抽出60名,將其成績(均為整數)分成六段[40,50),[50,60),…,[90,100]后得到頻率分布直方圖(如右下圖所示).(I)求分數在[70,80)內的頻率;(Ⅱ)根據頻率分布直方圖,估計該校學生環保知識競賽成績的平均分;(Ⅲ)用分層抽樣的方法在80分以上 (含80分)的學生中抽取一個容量為6的樣本,將該樣 本看成一個總體,從中任意選取2人,求其中恰有1人的分數不低于90分的概率.18.(本小題滿分12分)如圖所示,在多面體中,四邊形是邊長為2的正方形,平面、平面、平面都與平面垂直,且、、都是正三角形.(Ⅰ)求證: AC//EF;(Ⅱ)求四棱錐的體積.19. (本小題滿分13分)在平面直角坐標系xOy中,曲線與坐標軸的交點都在圓C上. (1)求圓C的方程; (2)若圓C與直線x-y+a=0交于A,B兩點,且OA⊥OB,求a的值.20. (本小題滿分13分)設關于的方程.(1)若是從0, 1,2,3四個數中任取的一個數, 是從0,1,2三個數中任取的一個數,求上述方程有實根的概率;(2)若是從中任取的一個數,是從中任取的一個數,求此時上述方程有實根的概率.21. (本小題滿分13分)已知函數在區間 [2,4]上的最大值為9,最小值為1,記. (I)求實數a,b的值;(Ⅱ)若不等式成立,求實數的取值范圍;(Ⅲ)定義在[p,q]上的函數,設將區間[p,q]任意劃分成n個小區間,如果存在一個常數M>0,使得和式恒成立,則稱函數為在[p,q]上的有界變差函數。試判斷函數在[0,4]上是否為有界變差函數?若是,求M的最小值;若不是,請說明理由. (表示)一、不定項選擇題(每題3分,漏選給2分,共36分。)1、某質點做曲線運動時( )A.在某一點的速度方向是該點曲線的切線方向B.在任意時間內位移的大小總是大于路程C.在任意時刻質點受到的合力不可能為零D.加速度的方向與合力的方向必不在一條直線上2、質點沿如圖所示的軌跡從A點運動到B點,已知其速度逐漸減小,圖中能正確表示質點在C點處受力的是( )3、對于勻速圓周運動的物體,下列物理量中不斷變化的是( )A.線速度 B.角速度 C.周期 D.頻率4、關于圓周運動的向心加速度的物理意義,下列說法中正確的是( )A.它描述的是線速度大小變化的快慢 B.它描述的是角速度大小變化的快慢C.它描述的是線速度方向變化的快慢 D.以上說法均不正確? 5、對于平拋運動下面假設和判斷中正確的是( )A.若從同一高度、以不同的速度同時水平拋出兩個物體,它們一定同時著地,但拋出的水平距離一定不同B.若從不同高度,以相同速度同時水平拋出兩個物體,它們一定不能同時著地,拋出的水平距離一定相同C.若從不同高度,以不同速度同時水平拋出兩物體,它們一定不能同時著地,拋出的水平距離也一定不同D.若從不同高度,以不同速度同時水平拋出兩個物體,它們可能同時落地,拋出的水平距離也可能相等6、關于兩個互成角度(,)的初速度不為零的勻變速直線運動的合運動,下列說法正確的是( )A.一定是直線運動 B.一定是曲線運動C.可能是直線運動,也可能是曲線運動 D.一定是勻變速運動7、降落傘在勻速下降過程中遇到水平方向吹來的風,若風速越大,則降落傘( )A.下落的時間越短 B.下落的時間越長C.落地時速度越小 D.落地時速度越大8、作勻速圓周運動的物體,其加速度的數值必定( )A.跟其角速度的平方成正比 B.跟其線速度的平方成正比C.跟其運動的半徑成反比 D.跟其運動的線速度和角速度的乘積成正比 9、如圖所示裝置繞豎直軸勻速旋轉,有一緊貼內壁的小物體,物體隨裝置一起在水平面內勻速轉動的過程中所受外力可能是( )A.重力、彈力 B.重力、彈力、滑動摩擦力C.下滑力、彈力、靜摩擦力 D.重力、彈力、靜摩擦力10、把一個物體在高為h處以初速度v0水平拋出,若落地時速度為v,它的豎直分速度為vy,則不能用來計算物體在空中運動時間的是( )A. B. C. D.11、如圖所示,從傾角為θ的斜面頂端,以初速度v0將小球水平拋出,則小球落到斜面時的速度大小為( )A. B. C. D. 12、一小船在靜水中的速度為3 m/s,它在一條河寬150 m,水流速度為4 m/s的河流中渡河,則( )A.小船不可能到達正對岸B.小船渡河的時間不可能少于50 sC.小船以最短時間渡河時,它沿水流方向的位移大小為200 mD.小船以最短位移渡河時,位移大小為150 m二、填空題(每空2分,共20分。)13、洗衣機脫水筒是利用_______________原理的機械,將衣服放在洗衣機的甩干筒內,當甩干筒高速旋轉時,衣服也隨之旋轉,當水的附著力小于圓周運動所需要的_______________時,衣服上的水滴就從簡壁上的孔飛出。14、一輛汽車以54km/h的速率通過一座拱橋的橋頂,汽車對橋面的壓力等于車重的一半,這座拱橋的半徑是 ___ m。若要使汽車過橋頂時對橋面無壓力,則汽車過橋頂時的速度大小至少是 ___ m/s。15、某走得準確的時鐘,分針與時針的長度比是a∶b。(1)分針與時針的角速度之比是???____???????____????,(2)分針與時針針尖的向心加速度之比是???________??????? 。16、如圖所示的傳動裝置中,已知大輪A的半徑是小輪B的半徑的2倍,A、B分別在邊緣接觸,接觸點無滑傳動。則A、B二點的線速度之比為_____________,角速度之比為_____________。17、一船在靜水中的劃行速率為3m/s,要橫渡一條寬30m、流速為5m/s的河流,此船渡河的最短時間為 ________ s,此船渡河的最短航程為 ________ m。三、實驗題(每空2分,共8分。)18、某研究性學習小組進行如下實驗:如圖所示,在一端封閉的光滑細玻璃管中注滿清水,水中放一個紅蠟做成的小圓柱體R.將玻璃管的開口端用膠塞塞緊后豎直倒置且與y軸重合,在R從坐標原點以速度v0=3 cm/s勻速上浮的同時,玻璃管沿x軸正方向做初速為零的勻加速直線運動.同學們測出某時刻R的坐標為(4,6),此時R的速度大小為__________ cm/s。R在上升過程中運動軌跡的示意圖是__________。(R視為質點)19、如圖所示,為用頻閃方法拍攝的研究物體做平拋運動規律的照片,圖中A、B、C為三個同時同一點出發有小球,AA'為球在光滑水平面上以速度v運動的軌跡,BB'為B球以速度v被水平拋出后的運動軌跡;CC'為C球自由下落的運動軌跡,通過分析上述三條軌跡,可得出關于平拋運動規律的結論是:(1)_________________________________________;(2)_________________________________________。四、計算題(20題12分,21、22、23每題8分,共36分。)20、如圖所示 ,圖甲表示某物體在x軸方向上分速度的v-t圖象,圖乙表示該物體在y軸方向上分速度的v-t圖象。求:(1)t=0時物體的速度;(2)t=8 s時物體的速度;(3)t=4 s時物體的位移。21、將物體在h=20m高處以初速度v0=10m/s水平拋出,因受跟v0同方向的風力影響,物體具有大小為a=2.5m/s2的水平方向的加速度(g取10m/s2)。求: (1)物體的水平射程;(2)物體落地時的速度。22、質量相等的小球A、B分別固定在輕桿的中點及端點,當棒在光滑的水平面上繞O點勻速轉動時,如圖。求棒的OA段及AB段的拉力之比。23、在用高級瀝青鋪設的高速公路上,汽車的設計時速是108km/h。汽車在這種路面上行駛時,它的輪胎與地面的最大靜摩擦力等于車重的0.6倍。如果汽車在這種高速路的水平彎道上拐彎,假設彎道的路面是水平的,其彎道的最小半徑是多少?如果高速路上設計了圓弧拱橋做立交橋,要使汽車能夠安全通過圓弧拱橋,這個圓弧拱橋的半徑至少是多少?(取g=10m/s2)高一第二學期第一次月考試卷(答卷)內容:曲線運動姓名:_______________ 班級:_______________一、不定項選擇題(每題3分,漏選給2分,共36分。)題號123456答案題號789101112答案二、填空題(每空2分,共16分。)13、_______________ _______________14、_______________ _______________15、_______________ _______________16、_______________ _______________17、_______________ _______________三、實驗題(每空2分,共8分。)18、_______________ _______________19、(1)_____________________________________________ (2)_____________________________________________四、計算題(20題12分,21、22、23每題8分,共36分。)20、如圖所示 ,圖甲表示某物體在x軸方向上分速度的v-t圖象,圖乙表示該物體在y軸方向上分速度的v-t圖象。求:(1)t=0時物體的速度;(2)t=8 s時物體的速度;(3)t=4 s時物體的位移。21、將物體在h=20m高處以初速度v0=10m/s水平拋出,因受跟v0同方向的風力影響,物體具有大小為a=2.5m/s2的水平方向的加速度(g取10m/s2)。求: (1)物體的水平射程;(2)物體落地時的速度。22、質量相等的小球A、B分別固定在輕桿的中點及端點,當棒在光滑的水平面上繞O點勻速轉動時,如圖。求棒的OA段及AB段的拉力之比。23、在用高級瀝青鋪設的高速公路上,汽車的設計時速是108km/h。汽車在這種路面上行駛時,它的輪胎與地面的最大靜摩擦力等于車重的0.6倍。如果汽車在這種高速路的水平彎道上拐彎,假設彎道的路面是水平的,其彎道的最小半徑是多少?如果高速路上設計了圓弧拱橋做立交橋,要使汽車能夠安全通過圓弧拱橋,這個圓弧拱橋的半徑至少是多少?(取g=10m/s2)單項選擇題(每小題2分,共60分)1.豌豆在自然狀態下是純種的原因是 A.豌豆品種間性狀差異大 B.豌豆先開花后授粉 C.豌豆是閉花自花授粉的植物 D.豌豆是自花傳粉的植物2.基因分離定律的實質是 A.子二代出現性狀分離 B.子二代生狀的分離比為3:1 C.測交后代性狀的分離比不1:1 D.等位基因隨著同源染色體的分開而分離3.下列有關基因型與表現型關系的敘述不正確的是A.表現型相同,基因型不一定相同 B.基因型相同,表現型一定相同C.相同環境下,表現型相同基因型不一定相同D.相同環境下,基因型相同,表現型一定相同4.進行有性生殖的生物,能保持前后代染色體數目的穩定,是由于有 A.減數分裂和有絲分裂 B.有絲分裂和受精作用 C.減數分裂和受精作用 D.無絲分裂和有絲分裂5.蜜蜂的雄蜂是由未受精的卵細胞發育而來,雌蜂是受精卵發育而來的。蜜蜂的褐色體色相對于黑色是顯性,控制這一相對性狀的基因位于常染色體上?,F有褐色雄蜂與黑色雌蜂雜交,則F1的體色將是A.全部是褐色 B.雌蜂是褐色,雄蜂都是黑色C.褐色:黑色=3:1 D.雌蜂是黑色,雄蜂都是褐色6.下列人的性狀中,不屬于相對性狀的是 A.單眼皮與雙眼皮 B.卷發與直發 C.五指與多指 D.眼大與眼角上翹7.下列有關遺傳規律的敘述中,錯誤的是 A.出現性狀分離的根本原因是等位基因的分離 B.純合子和純合子相交,后代不一定是純合子 C.純合黃色圓粒豌豆與純合綠色皺粒豌豆雜交的F2中,將出現l/4的變異性狀 D.父親正常,母親也正常,但有可能生出得白化病的女兒8.有一種嚴重的精神病是由一對隱性基因控制的。如果一對表現型正常的夫婦生了一個患 病的女兒和一個正常的兒子,請問這個正常的兒子攜帶隱性基因的可能性是 A.0 B.1/4 C.1/2 D.2/3讓獨立遺傳的黃色非甜玉米YYSS與白色甜玉米yyss雜交,在F2中得到白色甜玉米80株,那么F2中表現型不同于雙親的雜合植株約為 A.160株 B.240株 C.320株 D.480株10.下列屬于等位基因的是 A.A與b B.Y與y C.E與E D.f與f11.基因型為aabbcc的桃子重120克,每產生一個顯性等位基因就使桃子增重15克,故AABBCC桃子重210克。甲桃樹自交,F1每桃重150克。乙桃樹自交,F1每桃重120~180克。甲乙兩樹雜交,F1每桃重135~165克。甲、乙兩桃樹的基因型可能是 A.甲AAbbcc,乙aaBBCC B.甲AaBbcc,乙aabbCC C.甲aaBBcc,乙AaBbCC D.甲AAbbcc,乙aaBbCc12.基因型為AAbbCC與aaBBcc的小麥進行雜交,這三對等位基因分別位于非同源染色體上,F1雜種形成的配子種類數和F2的基因型種類數分別是 A.4和9 B.4和27 C.8和27 D.32和8113.果蠅灰身(B)對黑身(b)為顯性,現將純種灰身果蠅與黑身果蠅雜交,產生的F1代再自交產生F2代,將F2代中所有黑身果蠅除去,讓灰身果蠅自由交配,產生F3代。問F3代中灰身的與黑身果蠅的比例是 A. 3︰1 B.5︰1 C.8︰1 D.9︰114.某動物的精原細胞在減數分裂過程中形成了4個四分體,則次級精母細胞后期,細胞中染色體數、染色單體數和DNA分子數依次是 A.4、8、8 B.2、4、8 C.8、16、16 D.8、0、8下圖表示在不同生命活動過程中,細胞內染色體數目的變化曲線,下列敘述正確的是 A.a過程沒有姐妹染色單體 B.b過程細胞數目不變 C.c過程發生細胞融合 D.d過程沒有同源染色體16.在減數分裂過程中,同源染色體分離、非同源染色體自由組合 A.在減數第一、第二分裂后期都出現 B.同時發生于減數第一次分裂的后期 C.同時發生于減數第二次分裂的后期 D.同源染色體分離出現于減數第一次分裂,非同源染色體自由組合于減數第二次分裂17.正常人體細胞中染色體的組成可表示為 A.44 +XX或44 +XY B.22 +X或22 +Y C.44+ XX或44 +XO D.22 +XY或22 +XX18.下圖表示一個細胞進行分裂的過程中,細胞核內染色體數目以及染色體上DNA分子數目的變化情況。下列敘述中,正確的一組是 ①實線和虛線分別表示染色體數和DNA分子數的變化 ②兩條曲線重疊的各段,每條染色體都含有一個DNA分子 ③在BC段發生的基因突變,有可能傳遞給后代 ④在IJ段,可發生同源染色體的交叉互換,同源染色體的分離和非同源染色體的自由組合 ⑤在人體細胞的KL段,每個細胞內染色體的形態只有23種 ⑥在MN段,每個細胞內都含有和體細胞相同數目的DNA A.①③⑥ B.②④⑤ C.②③④⑤ D.②③④⑤⑥19.右圖為某哺乳動物的一個細胞示意圖,它屬于 A.卵原細胞 B.初級卵母細胞 C.第一極體 D.卵細胞20.某動物精原細胞有三對同源染色體,分別是A和a、B和b、C和c,下列四個精子來自于同一個精原細胞的是A.aBc、AbC、aBc、AbC B.AbC、aBC、abc、abcC.AbC、Abc、abc、ABC D.abC、abc、aBc、ABC21.由X染色體上隱性基因導致的遺傳病A.如果父親患病,女兒一定不患此病 B.如果母親患病,兒子一定患此病 C.如果外祖父患病,外孫一定患此病 D.如果祖母為患者,孫女一定患此病22.猴的下列各組細胞中,肯定都有Y染色體的是 A.受精卵和次級精母細胞 B.精子和雄猴的上皮細胞 C.受精卵和初級精母細胞 D.初級精母細胞和雄猴的肌肉細胞 23.下面的遺傳系譜最可能的遺傳方式是A.常染色體上顯性遺傳 B.常染色體上隱性遺傳C.X染色體上顯性遺傳 D.X染色體上隱性遺傳24.某種遺傳病受一對等位基因控制,下圖為該遺傳病的系譜圖。下列敘述正確的是 A.該病為伴X染色體隱性遺傳病,Ⅱ1為純合子 B.該病為伴X染色體顯性遺傳病,Ⅱ4為純合子 C.該病為常染色體隱性遺傳病,Ⅲ2為雜合子 D.該病為常染色體顯性遺傳病,Ⅱ3為純合子25.右圖示某家庭遺傳系譜,已知2號不帶甲病基因,下列判斷正確的是 A.甲病與紅綠色盲的遺傳方式相同B.4號是純合子的概率為1/3C.4號與1號基因型相同的概率是1/6D.5號與一乙病基因攜帶者婚配,所生男孩患病的概率是9/1626.右圖為某家庭遺傳系譜,若圖中Ⅲ7和Ⅲ10婚配,他們生一個孩子出現該病的概率為 A.5/6 B.3/4 C.1/2 D.1027.果蠅的白眼為伴X隱性遺傳,顯性性狀為紅眼。在下列哪組雜交后代中,通過眼色就可直接判斷果蠅性別 A.白眼雌果蠅×白眼雄果蠅 B.雜合紅眼雌果蠅×紅眼雄果蠅 C.白眼雌果蠅×紅眼雄果蠅 D.雜合紅眼雌果蠅×白眼雄果蠅28.下圖所示為四個遺傳系譜圖,下列有關敘述中正確的是 A.肯定不是紅綠色盲遺傳的家系是甲、丙、丁 B.家系乙中患病男孩的父親一定是該病基因攜帶者 C.四圖都可能表示白化病遺傳的家系 D.家系丁中這對夫婦再生一個正常女兒的概率是1/429.在細胞正常分裂的情況下,雄性果蠅精巢中一定含有兩個Y染色體的是 A.減數第一次分裂的初級精母細胞 B.有絲分裂中期的精原細胞 C.減數第一次分裂形成的次級精母細胞 D.有絲分裂后期的精原細胞30.右圖所示的遺傳系譜圖中,2號個體無甲病致病基因。1號和2號所生的第一個孩子表現正常的幾率為 A.1/3 B.2/9 C.2/3 D.1/4答題卡 一、選擇題(共30道小題,每小題2分,共60分。)題號1234567891011 12131415答案題號161718192021222324252627282930答案二、非選擇題(每空一分,共40分)31.(7分)下面是某類似白化病的遺傳病的系譜圖(該病受一對基因控制,D是顯性,d是隱性)。據圖回答:(1)圖中3和6的基因型分別為 和 。 (2)圖中9是純合體的機率是 。 (3)圖中12的基因型是 。(4)圖中5基因型最可能是 。(5)若10和一個正常男子(其弟為患者)結婚,則他們的子女患病的可能性是 。(6)若12和一個攜帶該病基因的正常女子結婚,則他們的子女患病的可能性是 。32.(10分)下面是某高等動物細胞分裂示意圖,請據圖作答:(1)由圖判斷該動物為________性,原始生殖細胞為________________。(2)上圖中屬于有絲分裂的圖像有________________(填字母)(3)圖中a、i、j細胞的名稱為________________、________________、________________;(4)圖c所示細胞中有_______條染色體,_______條染色單體,_______對同源染色體。(5)該動物體細胞中染色體的數目是________條。33.(9分,1空1分)下圖是患甲?。@性基因為A,隱性基因為a)和乙?。@性基因為B,隱性基因為b)兩種遺傳病的系譜圖。據圖回答∶(1)甲病的遺傳方式為________染色體 性遺傳(2)若Ⅱ-5與另一正常人婚配,則其子女患甲病的概率為_______。(3)假設Ⅱ-1不是乙病基因的攜帶者,則乙病的遺傳方式為_________________。Ⅰ-2的基因型為__________,Ⅲ-2的基因型為__________。假設Ⅲ-1與Ⅲ-5結婚生了一個男孩,則該男孩患一種病的概率為__________,所以我國婚姻法禁止近親間的婚配。(4)若Ⅲ-1與Ⅲ-4號婚配,生育子女中同時患兩種病的概率為______, 只患一種病的概率為________。34題(8分,1空1分)甜豌豆的紫花對白花是一對相對性狀,由基因A和a、 B和b共同控制,其顯性基因決定花色的過程如下:(1)由圖可知:植株必須同時具備 和 基因,才可產生紫色素。(2)基因型為AAbb和AaBb的個體雜交,子代基因型共有 種,其中表現為紫色的基因型是 、 。(3)AABB和aabb的個體雜交,得F1、F1自交得F2,在F2代中不同于F1的表現型比例為 。(4)本圖解說明,基因通過 ,進而控制生物體的性狀,基因與其控制的性狀之間的數量對應關系是 。35.狗皮毛的顏色受兩對常染色體上的等位基因A、a與B、b(分別位于兩對同源染色體上)控制,表現型有三種:沙色、紅色和白色。經觀察繪得系譜圖如下,請分析回答:(1號、2號為純合子)(7分) (1)以上圖示性狀遺傳遵循孟德爾的什么遺傳定律? ______________________。 (2)1號的基因型是___________________。2號的基因型是___________________。 (3)6號和7號的后代出現三種表現型的根本原因是___________________________________________________,其比例為________________________________________。(4)若已知8號不帶有B基因,則15號的基因型為________________。若12號與一白色雌狗交配,則生出沙色狗的概率為_____________________。參考答案二、非選擇題(每空一分,共40分)PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSION (30 marks) Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 1Where are the speakers? A. At the man’s house B. At the woman’s house C. At a cafeWhat can we learn from the conversation? A. The man prefers Japanese food to dumplings. B. The man will cook Japanese food for the woman. C. The woman will cook Japanese food for the man.Conversation 23. What’s the weather like? A. Fine B. Rainy C. Winter4. What’s the season now probably? A. Spring B. Autumn C. WinterConversation 35. Why didn’t the woman take this course last semester? A. Because she failed in this course. B. Because she took the course before. C. Because she didn’t know about it in time.6. In what aspects does the man get a lot of practice? A. In speaking and reading B. In speaking and writing C. In reading and writingConversation 47. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In a store B. In a fruit shop C. In a bar8. How much is one box of moon cakes? A. Forty yuan B. Twelve yuan C. Twenty yuan9. What else did the man woman buy? A. Some bananas B. Some oranges C. Some grapesConversation 510. How long will the woman be away on vocation? A. Four weeks B. A couple of days C. Three weeks 11. Why will the woman take the vocation? A. To relax B. To see her parents C. To meet a friend12. Which country does the woman most probably come from? A. China B. America C. CanadaConversation 6 13. What’s the woman doing? A. She is chatting with her friend. B. She is taking part in a talk show. C. She is having a job interview.14. What is the woman experienced for? A. The marketing B. Public relations C. paperwork15. Which of the following is TURE according to the conversation?A. The woman is a n undergraduate.B. The woman thinks she needs improve before she is qualified for the position.C. The woman once did some research on the company.Section B (7.5 marks) Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.KobeWas rocked by earthquake on 16 , 1995Japan’s 17 largest city.During the earthquake in KobeDeadMore than 6,000. 18 More than 35,000.HomelessNearly 310,000.Total damageWas estimated at $ 19 Lessons of the earthquakeEarthquake 20 was not taken seriously enough.PART TWO LANGUGAE KNOWLEDGE(45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence. ____is no doubt ____ Bob can win the first price in the match.A. There; that??? B. It; that???? C. There; whether???? D. It; whether 22. ________ is of no concern to us.A. It rain or not B. If or not it rains C. Whether it rains or not D. Will it rain or not23. To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions had used the products. A. whoever B. who C. whichever D. which24. It never occurred to me _____ you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind. A. which B. what C. that D. if25. —Have you finished the book? —No. I’ve read up to _____ the children discover the secret cave.A. which B. what C. that D. where26. The doctor thought ____ would be good for you to have a holiday.A. this B. that C. one D. It27. The looks on the children’s faces suggested that the question was really . A. Confused; confusing B. Confused; confused C. Confusing; confused D. Confusing; confusing 28. Alexander tried to get his work _______in the medical circles. A. to recognize B. recognizing C. recognize D. recognized 29. At the crossing there is an arrow _______the direction to the Andrew farm.?? A . indicating? B . to indicate C . indicated? D? dictating? 30. After the new type of rice was introduced, the farmers produced _______ rice this year as last year. A. as twice much as B. twice as much as C. twice much as D. twice as much33. The medical team _______ two doctors and six nurses was sent to the front.A. made up of B. was made up of C. made of D. made from34. At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was _______. A. out of sight B. out of reach C. out of order D. out of place35. _______ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person. A. While B. Since C. Before D. UnlessSection?B?(18?marks)Directions:?For?each?blank?in?the?following?passage?there?are?four?words?or?phrases?marked?A,?B,?C?and?D. Fill in?each?blank?with?the?word?or?phrase?that?best?fits?the?context.Ever since I was little, my favorite season was winter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot chocolate.____36_____, winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday. I would ask my grandmother ____37____ it didn’t snow on my birthday. She would laugh and tell me I asked too many questions. ___38____one day, she promised that she would make it snow on my next birthday.That year, ____39____ my birthday, my grandmother died. I was sad but angry because she had promised to make it snow. The day of my sixth birthday, I woke up and ran to the window, hoping to see just one snowflake. But there was no snow. I felt mad at my grandmother. She had broken a promise.But my sixteenth birthday, I had lost all hope of getting my snow, even though I still wished for ___40____. During my party, I stayed with my friends and family and was truly happy. I ___41___ the best time ever! Then I saw the white snow ____42___down all around. I was so excited that I ran around screaming and laughing. My friends all laughed ____43___me, but I didn’t care.When I ___44____home, my grandpa said he had a gift for me. I was ___45___ because he had given me a gift. It was a small white box, which looked old. I opened it. There was a crystal snowflake(水晶雪花) with a card that said, “Happy Birthday.”How could this be? My grandpa said it was my grandmother’s final ___46____ on my “sweet sixteenth”. I cried.I was ___47_____ that my smiling grandmother angel was and had been watching over me.36. A. Certainly B. Unfortunately C. Importantly D. Luckily37. A. when B. how C. whether D. why38. A. But B. Or C. Then D. So39. A. on B. after C. before D. in40. A. it B. her C. him D. me41. A. had B. was C. played D. feared42. A. fell B. to fall C. fallen D. falling43. A. with B. at C. from D. off44. A. arrived at B. remained C. got D. entered45.A. excited B. confused C. pleased D. frustrated46. A. order B. mistake C. wish D. decision47. A. certain B. angry C. sad D. anxiousSection C (12 marks) Directions: Complete the following passage by using ONE word that best fits the context. There are two faces of nature. One is good while the 48 is bad. It all depends on 49 you look at it. I believe that nature is man’s friend and we should treat it with a great deal of respect. 50 trip to the mountains on the weekend will give a glimpse 51 how beautiful nature is and can be. Unfortunately, due to our busy lives, many of us take this beauty for granted. We keep spoiling our environment instead of protecting 52. Because of the harm 53 was caused by humans, nature has turned on (attacked suddenly) us. 54 a result, storms and landslides are taking place more than ever before. If we don’t take the time to protect our environment, nature will no longer be our friend, 55 our biggest enemy.PART THREE READING COMPREHENSION (30 marks)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passages is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked with A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage. A Mother’s Day is coming. It is a time to let Mom know she’s special to you. Finding the right for Mom on that day is not always easy. We often want something personal and thoughtful. But how can we make it? These following ideas may help you.Gift of TimeMoms just want to spend time with their children so make it a Mother-Daughter/Son day. Spend the whole day with her. Do the things she likes doing with her.Home VideoTake your family videos and make them a short home video. She can enjoy it whenever she misses you. Although it may take a lot of time, the process(過程) can be great fun and the result is often priceless(無價).Mom MixMake a CD for her. It’s a collection of all the songs that remind her of you and your growing up.Write a LetterWrite a letter instead of a simple card. Write about all the good memories you have with her and all the things she has done for you.Flowers People send carnations(康乃馨) on Mother’s Day. You can easily spend a lot of money on them. If you have flowers in your garden, or can handpick them, it can be a great gift.Dinner Make a dinner and invite her over. You can also take it over to her house and surprise her. Just don’t’ forget to wash the dishes after the dinner.56. Why is it not easy to find a right gift on Mother’s day?A. Because we want to save moneyB. Because mothers don’t like gifts.C. Because we always want to get something specialD. Because mothers are very difficult to deal with57. Making a home video may be _______.A. fun B. boring C. easy D. nothing58. What does the underlined word “remind” mean in Chinese?A. 使……防范 B. 使……想起 C. 使……經過 D. 使….. 痛苦59. How many kinds of ideas have been mentioned here for Mother’s Day?A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7BGoing back to school is a very exciting event for my two boys. It means getting new school bags and books, and seeing friends again after the summer holiday. My oldest son, 9-year-old Salem, asked me several times where we would go to buy a backpack, while my other son, 6-year-old Abdullah, asked what school would be like this year. For the last three years, school was a nightmare for many children and their parents as violence increased and there were more attacks on schools and teachers. As a result, many parents prevented their children from going to school. One of six children in this country did not attend primary school in 2009. Many kids who did attend school were accompanied by a parent for the entire day to make sure nothing happened to their children. For poor families or those with large families, back to school can be an expensive time. The government gives some help to those living in poor neighborhoods, and school bags, note books and other items(商品) are given for free. Most of the merchants who sell notebooks and pens now sell their products out on the street instead of in stores. They sit on the ground and lay their items on the ground or they have a small table to sell their goods. The bags cost between $10 and $20, while clothes and shoes cost between $20 and $30. I found all the things I needed for my sons and even bought something for myself. I spent about $50 on each of them, including school uniforms. At the end of the day, we returned to our home carrying many shopping bags filled with items that made my children happy and excited to go back to school. I just hope this school year will be a peaceful one. 61.The author’s children are ________ to go to school. A. eager B. afraid C. unwilling D. surprised62.The underlined word “nightmare” is the closest in meaning to ________. A. fantasy B. dream world C. prison D. terrible situation63.Many children are not going to school mainly because of ________. A. the terrible education system B. security problems and poverty C. parents’ distrust in schools D. the government’s inability64.As a parent, the author ________. A. is unable to afford his kids’ schooling B. is unwilling to send his kids to schoolC. hopes his kids have a happy school life D. complains school education costs too much65. Which of the following statement is NOT true?A. Many parents prevented their children from going to school for great study pressure.B. School bags, note books and other items(商品) are given to those living in poor neighborhoods for free. C. The author spent about $100 for her two sons.D. The items the author bought made her children happy and excited to go back to school.CTwo magazines recently listed the best cities to live in. Here are two of the cities listed as “the world’s best.”SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA The city has comfortable weather all year round (15°C to 26°C ). Housing is not very expensive in San Jose. Also, many of the city’s older neighborhoods are very beautiful and have small hotels and cafés(咖啡館). Beautiful mountains are around the city. You can visit them easily from San Jose. So lots of people go sightseeing there every year. But air pollution is a problem in the city center.HONG KONG, CHINA This lively city—once a small fishing village—is today an international business center. It is an interesting mixof East and West, old and new. Modern tall buildings are next to small temples (廟宇). Popular nightclubs are close to traditional teahouses. Busy people fill the streets at all hours of the day. But outside the city, there are parks for walking or relaxing. Hong Kong is famous for its wonderful native dishes. There’s also food from Europe, North America, and other parts of Asia. However, this small city has a large population. Nearly 7 million people live in Hong Kong! That’s why housing is often very expensive. Traffic and air pollution are also a problem.66. Which of the following is not mentioned about San Jose?A. The weather. B. The mountains. C. The air. D. The traffic.67. What makes Hong Kong the world’s best according to this passage?A. The lively city and the wonderful dishes. B. The beautiful mountains and the lively city.C. The expensive housing and the food. D. The city and the people.68. The writer thinks housing in Hong Kong is expensive because .A. it was a small fishing village B. it is a mix of East and WestC. it is famous for its wonderful food D. there are too many people in the city69. What do the two cities have in common?A. They both have beautiful mountains. B. They both have a large population.C. Air pollution is a problem in both. D. They are both crowded.70. From the passage, we can know that .A. San Jose and Hong Kong are the only two cities of the world’s bestB. San Jose has more natural sights than Hong Kong doesC. the weather in both cities is fine D. Hong Kong is the more popular city of the twoPART FOUR WRITING (25 marks)Section A?(10?marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN three words for each answer.Develop a Healthier Lifestyle You are what you eat. So maybe it’s time you started eating sensibly. Experts at the first Chinese Students Nutrition and Health Festival in Kunming last week singled out (挑選) several bad eating habits. Watching television while having meals or snacks. Doing this means you don’t pay attention to your food, forget how full you are and so overeat. It can also cause digestion(消化) diseases. One way to avoid this is only to eat in certain areas of your home. . Replacing meals with snacks. Many students think that eating small snacks can help them diet. But it often resultsIn overeating and health problems related to a lack of vegetables,carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Snaking only works if it is well planned and includes healthy foods such as nuts, vegetables, fruit and yogurt. .Having drinks rather than water. Fizzy(有氣泡的)drinks and fruit juice are usually high in calories and sugar, which can causeweight problems. Water is important in making your brain cells and every organ in your body work properly. For your body to burn fat,it needs at least eight glasses of pure water a day. Liquids like soda(蘇打水)and coffee actually take water away from your body. .Choosing meat and certain vegetables over others. Different foods provide different kinds of nutrition. If you don't have a balanced diet,this can result in malnutrition(營養失調)and a weaker body. .Eating throat tablets(潤喉片)as if they were sweets. If you eat throat tablets when you have no throat disease, they may affect the bacteria(細菌)in your mouth and cause real throat problems. 71 results 77 Watching television while having meals or snacks.Overeating; 72 Eat in certain areas Replacing meals with snacks. 73 ; A lack of vegetables, carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins 78 the snacks;Eat healthy foods .Having drinks rather than water. 74 ; Weight problems 79 .Choosing meat and certain vegetables over others.Malnutrition; 75 Balance your diet.Eating throat tablets as if they were sweets. 76 ; Real throat problems 80 Section B?(10?marks)Directions: read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.In the 19the century people from all over the country came here to find gold. Many people become very rich now. They bought all the ground near the bank of the river. They dug big holes in it, trying to find more gold.Mike Judeson was one of those who came to find gold. He bought nearly the last piece of the ground. It was a long way from the river, so no one else wanted to buy it. But Mike paid all his money for it. He worked hard month after month, but didn’t find any gold. Then one night, just before he was going to give it up, it began to rain. It rained for several days and nights. When the rain stopped at last, Mike came out of his small wooden house to see his piece of ground. It didn’t look the same. The holes were not there any more, and a lot of small plants grew everywhere.“Perhaps there is no gold here.” Mike said. “But this ground is rich. I can grow flowers and sell them for money. The women in this town are rich now. They have beautiful houses and they will put flowers in their houses. If I can grow good flowers here, I can make money, too.” So he did. And soon his piece of ground was covered with beautiful flowers. Later he was able to buy more fields until he owned all the ground near the river.“I was the only man who found true gold here.” he often said. “The others took their gold out of the ground and went away. But my gold is still here.”Why did people dig holes at the bank of the river?(no more than 6 words) What did Mike find after the rain stopped?(no more than 2 words) What did Mike decide to do then? (no more than 5 words) Who would mainly buy Mike’s flowers? (no more than 5 words) Section C?(25?marks)Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 85. 假如你叫李平,是一位成績優秀的學生,你班班主任在安排座位時,讓成績好的學生和成績差的學生作同桌,這在你們班成績優秀的學生中引起了反響,活動課上大家就此進行了討論?,F在請你根據下表把討論結果向班主任寫一封信反映一下,并說出自己的觀點。贊同反對你的觀點1.人人有長處和不足,成績差的學生也有可取之處;2.相互學習,建立友誼;3.通過幫助學習差的學生的學習從而使他們建立自信。1.部分學習差的學生常常違反校規校紀,擔心自己會受影響,養成壞習慣。2.老是問問題,使自己不能專心學習。?注意:1.詞數:100~120,短文的開頭和結尾已為你寫好,不計入總詞數。 2.短文需包括表中所有要點,內容可適當發揮,以使行文連貫。 3.參考詞匯:成績差的學生:a slower studentDear Mr. Zhang, We have held a discussion about whether it is good or not for a top student to share a desk with a slower student. Yours, Li PingAnswers:PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSION (30 marks)PART THREE READING COMPREHENSION (30 points)Section C?(25?points)Possible version:Dear Mr. Zhang,However, others don’t hold the same view. They think some slower students are always making trouble, such as keeping talking in class, breaking school rules, which may lead to them forming the bad habits. Besides, slower students often ask top students questions, which has a bad effect on their studies.In my opinion, I’d like to choose to share a desk with a slower student so that we can learn from each other and make progress together. Yours, Li Ping 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源列表 湖南省鳳凰縣華鑫中學2012-2013學年高一下學期第一次月考地理試題.doc 湖南省鳳凰縣華鑫中學2012-2013學年高一下學期第一次月考數學試題(無答案).doc 湖南省鳳凰縣華鑫中學2012-2013學年高一下學期第一次月考物理試題(無答案).doc 湖南省鳳凰縣華鑫中學2012-2013學年高一下學期第一次月考生物試題.doc 湖南省鳳凰縣華鑫中學2012-2013學年高一下學期第一次月考英語試題.doc 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫