

  1. 二一教育資源



(滿分:150分 考試時間:100分鐘)
A.27℃ B.32℃ C.37℃ D.42℃
A.中子 B.質子 C.電子 D.原子核
A.振幅 B.響度 C.音調 D.音色
A.托里拆利 B.奧斯特 C.牛頓 D.法拉第
A.實像,距離變大 B.實像,距離變小
C.虛像,距離變大 D.虛像,距離變小
A.m甲=4m乙 P乙=1/4P0 B.m甲=2m乙 P乙=1/2P0
C.m甲=1/2m乙 P乙=P0 D.m甲=1/4m乙 P乙=P0
9.家用電器之間是 (1) 的(選填“串聯”或“并聯”),家庭每月的耗電量用 (2) 表測量。手電筒中一節5號干電池的電壓為 (3) 伏。
10.在圖4所示的斯若克比賽中,運動員丁俊暉用桿推A球之后,A球開始滾動,說明力能改變物體的 (4) ;A球擊中B球后,B球開始滾動并繼續向網袋方向前進,這是由于B球具有 (5) ;最終B球落入網袋是由于受到 (6) 作用的緣故。
11.夏天陽光下,奉賢碧海金沙沙灘上的沙子溫度會升的很高,這是通過 (7) 的方式改變其內能的,而海水的溫度卻不高,主要是由于海水的比熱容較 (8) 的緣故。近幾天來“菜花節”上聞到了油菜花香,這是由于分子在不停地做 (9) 運動造成的。
12.炎熱的夏天一輛正在灑水的灑水車在水平路面上勻速直線運動,10分鐘內通過路程900米,汽車的速度為 (10) 米/秒;在這過程中,灑水車的動能 (11) (選填“變大”、“不變”或“變小”);以路邊的建筑物為參照物,灑水車是 (12) 的(選填“運動”或“靜止”)。
13.加在某導體兩端的電壓為6伏,10秒內通過該導體的電流為0.5安,則通過該導體橫截面的電荷量為 (13) 庫,該導體的電阻為 (14) 歐。如將該導體截去一部分,剩余部分導體的電阻將 (15) 原導體的電阻(選填“大于”、“等于”或“小于”)。
14.一個重力為8牛的實心金屬塊,掛在彈簧測力計下,將其一半體積浸入水中時,彈簧測力計的示數為5牛,此時金屬塊所受的浮力為 (16) 牛;若把金屬塊全部浸入水中時,金屬塊所受的浮力與重力的合力為 (17) 牛,繼續增加金屬塊在水中所處的深度,受到的浮力將 (18) (選填“變大”、“不變”或“變小”)。
15.在圖5電路中,電源電壓保持不變。閉合電鍵S,當滑動變阻器的滑片P向右移動時,電路表A的示數將 (19) ,電壓表V1和V2的示數差值與A示數的比值將 (20) (均選填“變大”、“不變”或“變小”)。
①分析比較圖6(a)和(b)橡皮筋的形變程度和受力情況,可知: (21) ;
②分析比較圖6(b)和(c)橡皮筋的形變程度和受力情況,可知: (22) 。
19.用電水壺將質量為0.5千克的水加熱,水溫升高了20℃,求水吸收的熱量Q吸。已知[c水=4.2×103焦/(千克 ℃)]
(1)拉力做的功W ;
21.在圖10(a)所示的電路中,電阻R1的電阻為20歐,變阻器R2標有“20Ω 2A”字樣,閉合電鍵S后,電流表A1的示數為0.3安。求:
(2)A容器對桌面的壓強; 圖11
23.在“測量物體的質量”實驗中,應將被測物體放置在水平的 (1) 盤中(選填“左”或“右”);天平平衡時,砝碼和游碼的示數如圖12所示,物體的質量為 (2) 克。在“探究杠桿平衡條件”實驗中,杠桿所處的狀態如圖13所示,此時應移動 (3) (選填“平衡螺母”或“鉤碼”),使杠桿 (4) 位置平衡,以方便測出力臂。
24.在“驗證凸透鏡成像規律”的實驗中,應調節光源、凸透鏡和光屏的中心大致在 (5) 。現有焦距分別為50厘米、30厘米、25厘米和15厘米的凸透鏡各一塊,為了得到完整的規律,應選用焦距為 (6) 厘米的凸透鏡,此時在圖14中的蠟燭和透鏡位置保持不變,則可在 (7) 厘米刻度線的 (8) 側(選填“左”或“右”)找到所成的像。
25.某小組同學做“測定小燈泡功率”的實驗。所有實驗器材均完好,共有四個滑動變阻器待用,分別是A:“10Ω 1A”、B:“20Ω 2A”、C:“50Ω 2A”和D:“100Ω 2A”,已知小燈的額定電壓為3.8伏。
(1)該組同學首先選取變阻器C進行實驗,他們按照正確的方法進行實驗操作,觀察到閉合電鍵后,電流表的示數為0.1安,電壓表的示數為1伏,而小燈好像沒有發光。該組同學實驗室所選的電源電壓為 (9) 伏。
(2)該組同學接著移動變阻器的滑片,觀察到當滑片在變阻器最大阻值的1/4位置附近滑動時,小燈接近正常發光,但是此時移動變阻器的滑片,電壓表的示數很難比較精確地達到3.8伏。于是該組同學換了個變阻器進行實驗,他們閉合電鍵后,發現電壓表的示數略大于額定電壓,則他們選取的是變阻器 (10) (選填“A”、“B”或“D”)。
(3)該組同學最后通過討論、選取了合適的變阻器,并完成了實驗。他們發現當滑片在中點時小燈正常發光,此時電流表的示數如圖15所示,則小燈的額定電流為 (11) 安,小燈的額定功率為 (12) 瓦。
26. 小偉和小趙等同學做實驗探究盛有液體的容器底部受到液體壓強大小與哪些因素有關,如圖16(a)所示,在三個不同底面積的圓柱形容器中分別注入質量相等的水,利用儀器測得容器底部受到水的壓強,并將相關實驗數據記錄在表一中;接著用酒精重復上述實驗操作,并將數據記錄在表二中;隨后,他們又在如圖16(b)所示的三個不同底面積的口大底小容器中注入等質量的水,重復上述實驗,數據記錄在表三中.通過分析發現液體對容器底的壓強與容器的形狀、液體質量是無關的.下面請同學們根據他們記錄的數據繼續分析.(已知ρ酒精=0.8×103千克/米3)
(1)分析比較實驗序號 (13) 有關數據,可得出的初步結論是:同種液體,當液體深度相同時,液體對容器底部的壓強與容器底部面積大小無關。
(14) 。
(3)為了得出液體容器底部受到液體壓強大小與 (15) 的關系,分析比較實驗序號1與4(或2與5;3與6;4與7;5與8;6與9)可知:
(16) 。
(a) 分析比較表一或表二中的數據及相關條件,可初步得出
(17) ;
(18) 。
1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.D
22.2.0×10-3米3;2450Pa;p水=5096Pa p酒=4704Pa
26.1與7(或2與8或3與9);同種液體,當液體質量相同時,容器底部受到液體壓強與液體深度成正比;液體密度;不同液體,當液體深度相同時,液體密度越小容器底部受到液體壓強越小;柱形容器容器底部受到液體壓力與液體重力相等;非柱形容器容器底部受到液體壓力與液體重力不相等,且當容器是上大下小時,容器底部受到液體壓力小于液體重力2012-2013學年 奉賢區初三語文二模卷 (2013年4月)文言文(42分)默寫(18分)空山新雨后, 。 《山居秋暝》 ,千騎卷平岡。 《江城子· 密州出獵》 ,百草紅葉黃花。 《天凈沙·秋》愛上層樓, 。 《丑奴兒·書博山道中壁》予獨愛蓮出淤泥而不染, 。《愛蓮說》 ,饑渴而頓碚······ 《捕蛇者說》閱讀下面是個,完成7----8題(4分)觀滄海 三國 曹操東臨碣石,以觀滄海。 水何澹澹,山島聳峙。 樹木叢生,百草豐茂。 秋風蕭瑟,洪波涌起。 日月之行,若出其中。 星漢燦爛,若出其里。 幸甚至哉,歌以詠志。7、對這首詩理解有誤的一項是( )(2分)A、“東臨碣石,以觀滄海”兩句開篇點題‘交代了觀察的方位、地點以及觀察的對象。B、“臨”字統領全篇,以下十句,都是寫海上的景象。C、“水何澹澹”是描寫無風時海面水波動蕩的樣子。D、“洪波涌起”是描寫有風時大海波濤洶涌的壯闊氣勢。8、全詩描繪了 景象,抒發了詩人 的偉大抱負。(2分)(三)閱讀下文,完成9-----11題(8分)陋室銘山不在高,有仙則名。水不在深,有龍則靈。斯是陋室,惟吾德馨。苔痕上階綠,草色入簾青。談笑有鴻儒,往來無白丁。可以調素琴,閱金經。無絲竹之亂耳,無案牘之勞形。南陽諸葛廬,西蜀子云亭。孔子云:“何陋之有?”9、本文作者是 (朝代)文學家 (人名)。(2分)10、用現代漢語翻譯下面的句子。(3分)苔痕上階綠,草色入簾青。 11、下列理解不正確的一項是( )(3分)A.“龍”和“仙”比喻道德高尚的人。B.“苔痕上階綠,草色入簾青”渲染了居室恬靜的氣氛。C.“談笑有鴻儒,往來無白丁”表現了作者對知識分子的歌頌,對無學問之人的鄙薄。D.“無絲竹之亂耳,無案牘之勞形”反映了室主人對追名逐利的世俗生活的厭棄。(四)閱讀下文,完成12-----15題。(12分)朱文公受騙  朱文公①有足疾,曾有道人②為施針熨③之術,旋覺輕安。公大喜,厚謝之,且贈以詩云:“幾載相扶藉瘦筇④,一針還覺有奇功。出門放杖兒童笑,不是以前勃窣⑤翁。”道人得詩徑去。未數日,足疾大作,甚于未針時。亟令人尋逐道人,已莫知其所往矣。公嘆息曰:“某非欲罪之,但欲追索其詩,恐其持此詩誤他人爾。”【注釋】①朱文公:即朱熹,南宋儒學大師,謚“文”,故稱朱文公。②熨:中醫學名詞,俗稱“熱敷”。③旋:一會兒。④筇:竹名。⑤勃窣:匍匐而行。12、解釋下列句中加點字:(4分)(1)道人得詩徑去( ) (2)足疾大作( )13、對文中劃線句句意理解正確的一項是( )(3分)A、某人不想得罪他,但是想要追回她的詩。B、某人不想懲處他,只是想要追回她的詩。C、我不是想要得罪他,但是想要追回那首詩。D、我不是想要懲處他,只是想要追回拿手詩。14、文中表現朱文公受騙的句子是 (3分)15、從朱文公受騙后的表現來看,他是個的 人。(2分)二、現代文(48分)(一)、閱讀下文,完成16-20題(22分)時尚紅包裝滿傳統意味①說到紅包,誰都對它不陌生。傳統意義上的紅包也叫壓歲錢,是過農歷春節時長輩給小孩兒用紅紙包裹的錢。如今,它正以其令人眼花繚亂的設計和豐富的文化內涵,吸引著越來越多的人。②據史載,A最早的壓歲錢出現于漢代。時稱厭勝錢,是為了佩帶玩賞而專鑄成錢幣形狀的避邪品。B到了唐代,宮廷內互相朝拜贈送之風盛行,壓歲封包制作精良。C大約在上世紀20年代開始出現如今廣為流行的紅包封形式。D當時的紅包封用土紙或竹宣紙制成,顏色以粉紅色或淺紫色為主,做工考究些的,封內還會襯上一層薄紙,以增加牢固度,并配有吉祥的詞句和圖案。 ③自上世紀50年代開始大量機制印刷的出現,紅包封發展勢頭日益迅猛。首先紅包日益繽紛,爭奇斗艷,制作精良。 除了以一些祥瑞圖案制作的紅包封外,還出現了以名人的照片、卡通形象、生肖為主圖的紅包封。其次紅包已向商界發展,商家把紅包封作為促銷的“催化物”,常印制紅包封贈送給客戶,或直接裝入禮金派送,甚至連某些外商也入鄉隨俗,推出了許多“中西合璧 ”的個性紅包封。此外“電子紅包”、“禮儀存折”、“賀歲金卡”等形式也在不斷推陳出新。 ④由于紅包在中國老百姓的生活中已司空見慣,多數人從紅包中取出壓歲錢或禮金之后,就對紅包封不屑一顧,隨之丟棄。因此幾千年來收藏紅包封的人名不見經傳,去研究紅封的人更是鳳毛麟角了,其實,紅包封蘊含著豐富的傳統文化因素。⑤紅包封上書有各異的文化語言,表達出祝賀心聲,從中可看出中國傳統的禮儀文化。如 “南極星輝”賀男壽,“中天婺煥”賀女壽;“天作之合”賀男婚,“于歸之喜”賀女嫁;“喬遷之喜”、“燕儀”表示新屋落成搬入之賀。 ⑥我國幅員遼闊,民族眾多,各地對紅包封的稱呼也各不相同,從這些稱呼中可以看出不同的地方文化。比如,北方人則叫它為“紅喜袋”,送出了人們紅紅火火的祝愿;港粵同胞的則稱它為“利事封”,寄托利利事事的美好憧憬。⑦作為社會生活的一個符號,紅包是禮尚往來的載體,是人們交往的一種紐帶,也是無可替代的民俗民風。社會學告訴我們,一種文化到了大俗的地步,也就溶進世人的血液里了。正因如此,紅包封收藏已開始得到越來越多藏家的青睞,相信假以時日,必會蔚為大觀。16、第②段中與“制作精良”意思相近的短語是 (2分) 17、“到了清明出現了彩繩串銅錢、紅錢包紙幣等形式,這就是紅包封的雛形。”這一句話是從第②段中抽出來的,放在A、B、C、D哪處最合適?請說出你的理由。(3分) 18、下列選項與第③段內容不相符合的一項是( )(3分)A、上世紀50年代紅包封發展勢頭迅猛異常。B、紅包日益繽紛,爭奇斗艷,制作精良。C、紅包已向商界發展,甚至出現了許多“中西合璧”的個性紅包封。D、紅包的形式也在不斷推陳出新。19、第⑥段的劃線句子運用了 說明方法,其作用為 (5分)20、本文主要說明了紅包的定義、 、 和 。(9分)(二)閱讀下文,完成21-26題(26題)拳拳赤子心 殷殷航空情①羅陽,一個滿懷航空報國的赤子,情系“沈飛”(中航工業沈陽飛機工業集團有限公司)發展的“掌舵人”,于2012年11月25日12時48分,溘然長逝。笑容謙遜,目光柔和的他,沒有盛氣凌人,沒有高談闊論,沒有轟轟烈烈,卻留給身邊人無盡的回憶。②剛參加工作時,羅陽見多數同事都是外地人,長期吃食堂沒有油水,就偶爾請同事們到他沈陽的父母家去改善一下伙食。又怕大家不好意思,就編出幫忙搬家具、打掃衛生種種理由,貼心而又溫情。③當上企業領導后,在趕赴任務同時,他總不忘對職工們多一份關心。冬天的沈陽,大地冰封,寒風凜冽。空曠的試車場地氣溫更是比其他地方低4到5攝氏度,風力也要強上至少2級。場地上鋪著大塊鋼板,總是由下而上冒著透骨的寒氣,艱苦的環境考驗著試車人員的身心,也牽動著羅陽的柔腸。深夜看到大伙加班,他操起電話,叮囑后勤一定要給現場加餐;進入冬季害怕工人凍手,他又讓公司給外場人員每人配發了一個暖手寶御寒。。。。。。④很多人認為,當領導必要時在下屬面前擺擺架子、耍耍威風,才能壓得住陣腳,而羅陽卻與這一想法相去甚遠。有一回沈飛發生安全生產事故,很多干部職工都惴惴不安,認為“這回領導一定會趴桌子,處分人”。沒有想到的是,第二天安全生產會議上,羅陽竟然細細講解起從八個方面抓生產、保安全的方法。⑤羅陽,關心干部職工們飲食冷暖,柔情似水; 。⑥沈陽是我國重要的飛機研發制造基地,除了“沈飛”,這里還有多家飛機研究、設備制造廠所。“作為“沈飛”的關健設備供應商,公司每當遇到資金困難,只要向羅陽提,他都會毫不猶豫,盡快解決。”中航工業沈陽黎明航空發動機有限責任公司總經理孟軍說,“他的著眼點不僅僅單純從沈飛的利益出發,維護的是整個飛機生產鏈的正常運轉。”他用堅強和隱忍維系飛機研制鏈條的順暢和平衡。⑦2012年1月,羅陽擔任中國第一艘航空母艦艦載機殲—15研制現場總指揮。最小化的誤差、零缺陷的產品質量,軍方的高標準高要求,常常把制造方 艱難境地;設計師們面向全球,以開闊的視野,置身與技術研發的最前沿,對工藝水平相對落后的我國航空制造業帶來嚴峻的考驗;沒有經驗,航空制造大國對技術的嚴密封鎖,迫著航空人只有自主創新一天路可以走。面對重重困難,他從不以找托辭,要求降低飛機制造難度,相反總是給設計者最大的創新空間,鼓勵他們大膽設計,加工制造時遇到困難他再去想辦法。“你說怎么干,我們就怎么干”——這是羅陽常說的一句話。在殲—15身上,羅陽和他的團隊攻克了很多工藝難點,突破了起落架、機翼折疊、阻攔鉤等關鍵技術,從技術發圖到新機下線創造了我國航空史上的研制速度奇跡。⑧“將空間讓給別人,將難題留給自己。”在國防發展的大局和航空技術追趕的大義上,羅陽沒有絲毫含糊⑨才見虹霓君已去,英雄謝幕海天間!多希望你只是小憩,醉一下再挑燈看劍,夢一回再吹角連營。你聽到了么?那戰機的呼嘯,沒有悲傷,是為你而奏響!21、第①段劃線句運用了 的修辭,在文中的作用是 (3分)22、第③段劃線句是 描寫,其作用是 (4分)23、根據上下文,請在第⑤段橫線處補充合適的內容。 (2分)24、根據文意,為第⑦段橫線處選擇一個最恰當的詞語,并說說選擇的理由。(3分)25、第⑦段中“重重困難”具體指的是(1) (2) (3) (6分)26、將第⑨段與下面一段文字作比較,你認為哪一段作為本文的結尾更好?請用80字左右說說你的理由。(8分) 羅陽,你用無悔的信念詮釋著“航空報國”的真諦,你不愧是中國國防科技工作者的驕傲,也是我們民族的驕傲。三、寫作(60分)27、題目:溫暖的記憶要求:(1)寫一篇600字左右的文章;(2)不得透露個人信息;(3)不得抄襲:奉賢區2012學年度第二學期初三化學調研試卷(2013.4)
(完卷時間40分鐘 滿分60分)
相對原子質量:C-12 O-16 Na-23 Ca-40
A.瓷碗破碎 B.光合作用 C.蠟燭熔化 D.香水揮發
A.礦泉水 B.自來水 C.蒸餾水 D.雨水
A.氧化鐵 FeO B.氯化鉀 KCl C.氫氧化銅 Cu(OH)2 D.硝酸HNO3
30、鎂帶能在二氧化碳氣體中燃燒:2Mg+CO2 → 2MgO+C,此反應中的氧化劑是
A.CO2 B.Mg C.MgO D.C
31、人吸入O2有2%轉化為活性氧加速人體衰老,被稱為“奪命殺手”。科學家嘗試用Na2SeO3清除人體內活性氧,Na2SeO3中Se(硒)元素化合價是 ( )
A.+2 B.+4 C. +6 D.-2
A.食鹽溶液用于選種 B.氫氧化鈉用于治療胃酸過多
C.氧氣用作火箭燃料 D.膽礬用于檢驗水
名稱 藥匙 量筒 滴瓶 試管夾
用途 添加粉末狀的試劑 量取液體或配制溶液 存放固體或液體試劑 夾持試管
A.打開盛有濃鹽酸的瓶蓋,瓶口出現白煙 B.硫在空氣中燃燒時,發出淡藍色火焰
事 實 解 釋
A. 警犬利用嗅覺搜毒品 分子在不斷運動
B. 用稀有氣體做保護氣 通電后能發出有色光
C. 用碳素墨水書寫檔案材料 碳在常溫下化學性質穩定
D. CO和CO2的性質差異很大 分子結構相差一個氧原子
① ② ③ ④
A. ①是對氫氧化鈉溶液加水稀釋
C. ③是向HCl與Na2SO4混合溶液中加入Ba (OH) 2溶液
D. ④是用等質量、等濃度的雙氧水分別制取氧氣
39、下面關于水電解實驗的敘述正確的是( )
C.水電解的化學方程式:2H2O→2H2↑+ O2↑
選項 物質 雜質 除去雜質所選試劑 操作方法
A 二氧化碳 一氧化碳 氧氣 點燃
B 氯化鉀 碳酸鉀 稀鹽酸 蒸發
C 鋅 鐵 稀硫酸 過濾
D 氧化鈣 碳酸鈣 稀鹽酸 蒸發
A.NaNO3、KCl、Na2SO4 B.FeCl3、NaCl、KNO3
C.CuSO4、CaCl2、KOH D.BaCl2、K2CO3、H2SO4
A.稱量時藥品和砝碼放反了 B.稱取氯化鈉的質量為2.5g
C.量取溶劑時,俯視量筒讀數 D.把配制好的溶液倒入試劑瓶時有部分濺出
A.把膠頭滴管伸入試管中滴加液體 B.在托盤天平上直接稱量固體物質
A.一定有碳酸鈉 B.可能有氫氧化鈉
C.一定有碳酸鈣 D.可能有氫氧化鈣
A.水 B.澄清石灰水 C.純堿溶液 D.稀鹽酸
(1)澄清石灰水的溶質 ;(2)晶瑩剔透的鉆石 ;
(3)天然氣的主要成分 ;(4)能作干燥劑的物質 。
(1)空氣中氧氣的體積分數約為   ;
6CO26XC6H12O66O2,則X的化學式為 。C6H12O6屬于
是 mol。
(3)“節能減排”是我國的重要國策,下列氣體中屬于“減排”對象的是 (填序號);
A.N2 B.CO2 C.O2 D.H2O(氣)
(4)由于人類生產、生活等因素的影響,全球性空氣污染越來越嚴重。近年來上海頻現霧霾天氣,霧霾可使空氣中增加大量的 (填字母序號);
A.二氧化碳 B.一氧化碳 C.二氧化硫 D.可吸入顆粒物
我市自去年6月起發布全市PM2.5平均濃度,防PM2.5專用口罩使用了活性炭,這是利用了活性炭的 作用。
物質 甲 乙 丙 丁 圖例: ——氫原子——碳原子——氧原子
化學式 ? C H2O H2
微觀示意圖 ?
(1) 請寫出甲物質的化學式 ,畫出丁物質的微觀示意圖 。
(2)能保持丙物質化學性質的微粒是 (填“分子”或“原子”)。
(3)四種物質中屬于氧化物的有 (填“甲、乙、丙、丁”)。
所得溶液的質量為 g。
(3)現有操作步驟: a.溶解 b.過濾 c.降溫結晶 d.加熱濃縮;
是 (填字母序號)。
(4) 將丙物質的不飽和溶液變為飽和溶液。下列說法正確的是_____ (填字母序號)。
Ⅰ.溶質的質量一定不變 Ⅱ.溶質的質量分數一定增大
Ⅲ.溶液質量可能不變 Ⅳ.可升高溫度或蒸發溶劑
(5)向100g t2℃的水中加入55g甲固體,發現全部溶解,一段時間后又有部分甲的晶體析出。你認為“全部溶解”的原因可能是 。
(1)儀器①的名稱是 。
(2)實驗室加熱KClO3和二氧化錳制取并收集一瓶較純凈O2,應選用圖中的 裝置(從裝置A~E中選擇,填字母),其反應化學方程式是 。
(3)小紅同學用濃HCl與大理石在B裝置中反應,并將制得的CO2 氣體通入紫色石蕊試液中,觀察到試液變紅,石蕊試液變紅的原因可能是 。(寫出兩種)
(1)小亮取樣滴加無酚酞試液,溶液呈紅色,得出結論:該溶液不可能是 溶液,理由是 ;
(2)小輝另取樣滴加稀鹽酸,有 產生,反應的化學方程式 ,小輝得出結論:該溶液是碳酸鈉溶液。
(3)小磊認為小輝的結論不完全正確,理由是 。
【繼續探究】另取樣加入過量的CaCl2溶液,觀察到有 產生,設計這一步驟的目的是 ;靜置后,取上層清液,滴入酚酞試液,溶液呈紅色。
【實驗結論】這瓶溶液是 。
【探究啟示】實驗取完藥品后應 。
(2)B點時,溶液中的溶質是_____ (寫出化學式)。
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
47.(1)Ca(OH)2; (2)C; (3)CH4; (4)CaO
48.(1)21% (2)H2O 有機物 2 (3)B (4)D 吸附
49.(1)CO (2)分子 (3)甲、丙(全對1分)
50. (1)> (2)62.5 (3)adcb (4) Ⅲ Ⅳ(全對1分)
(2)AC 2KClO3 2KCl + 3O2↑
②濃鹽酸揮發出的氯化氫氣體溶于水使石蕊變紅色 (2分)
52、(1)氯化鈉溶液 氯化鈉溶液呈中性,不能使酚酞試液變色。
(2)氣泡 Na2CO3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl+ H2O + CO2↑;
【繼續探究】白色沉淀; 除盡溶液中的Na2CO3,避免其對NaOH的檢驗造成干擾。
53.(1)設:6克試樣中含碳酸鈉 X mol
Na2CO3 + CaCl2 → CaCO3↓ + 2NaCl (1分)
1 1
Xmol 0.05mol
1/X=1/0.05 (1分)
X=0.05 (1分)
Na2CO3%=(0.05×106/6)×100%=88.3% (1分)
答:試樣中碳酸鈉的質量分數為88.3% 。
(2)NaCl和CaCl2 (1分)

n (CaCl2)/mol
→ →
Part 1 Listening (第一部分 聽力)
I. Listening Comprehension (聽力理解): (共30分)
A. Listen and choose the right picture (根據你聽到的內容,選出相應的圖片) ( 6分)
1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______
B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根據你聽到的對話和問題,選出最恰當的答案) (10分)
7. A) Black. B) Brown.
C) Red. D) White.
8. A) Sunny. B) Cloudy.
C) Snowy. D) Rainy.
9. A) In a shop. B) At home.
C) In a restaurant. D) On a train.
10. A) By underground. B) On foot.
C) By car. D) By bus.
11. A) To visit his grandparents. B) To go out for a picnic.
C)To do some housework. D) To go over his lessons.
12. A) One. B) Two.
C) Three. D) Four.
13. A) She went to see her friends. B) She was in hospital.
C) She was at home. D) She didn’t want to go to school.
14. A) At 10:50. B) At 11:00.
C) At 11:10. D) At 11:20.
15. A) She has wasted a lot of money.
B) She wants this type of camera very much.
C) She doesn’t have money for sightseeing.
D) She doesn’t want to buy the camera.
16. A) Policeman and traveler. B) Teacher and student.
C) Doctor and nurse. D) Seller and buyer.
C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判斷
下列句子是否符合你聽到的內容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (7分)
17. The mother locked the door with two locks every night.
18. The girl thought her life was full of excitement.
19. In order to see the outside world, the girl left home without telling her mother one day.
20. After eight years, the girl returned home happily.
21. When the girl got home, her mother was sleeping.
22. The girl knocked the door for a long time and couldn’t get in.
23. From the passage we can learn the mother loved her daughter very much.
D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(聽短文,完成下列內容。每空格限填一詞)(7分)
24. The small town has a river with an old ________ bridge across it.
25. Three teachers teach ________ students in the school
26. On Main Street there is a ________, a supermarket, a gas station, a bakery, a butcher’s shop and a book store.
27. A doctor and a police officer________ on opposite side of the river.
28. We don’t have a movie theater, but we can rent________ at the supermarket.
29. I usually go to the movies with my mum every ________.
30. This letter is written by ________
Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 詞匯和語法)
II. Choose the best answer (選擇最恰當的答案) (共20分)
( ) 31. This is _______ useful book and I want to buy it from the bookshop.
A) a B) an C) / D) the
( ) 32. Scott usually gets up at 6:10, then he cleans _______ own bedroom.
A) himself B) he C) him D) his
( ) 33. I made a special card for my mother _______ Women’s Day.
A) in B) at C) on D) of
( ) 34. ________ people took part in the search for the lost baby in Changchun.
A) Thousands of B) two thousands C) thousand of D) two thousands of
( ) 35. If you can’t decide which of the two novels to borrow, why don’t you take _______
I won’t read them this month.
A) all B) both C) any D) either
( ) 36. The dish smells ________ and you’d better throw it away.
A) badly B) well C) good D) bad
( ) 37. Nowadays, PM 2.5 pollution is becoming _________ in China. Everyone must help to fight against it.
A) seriouser and seriouser B) more and more serious
C) more serious and more serious D) more serious and serious
( ) 38. Love will ________ last (延續) if we love the whole fine things around us.
A) seldom B) always C) never D) sometimes
( ) 39. ________ important thing it is to do eye exercises every day!
A) What B) What a C) How D) What an
( ) 40. Eat more in the morning, _______ you’ll get hungry soon.
A) and B) but C) or D) yet
( ) 41.We _______ turn off the lights before we leave the classroom.
A) must B) can C) may D) need
( ) 42. Last week our geography teacher told us _______ more information about how to protect the environment.
A) to get B) got C) get D) getting
( ) 43. A lot of flights were _______ because of the smog(霧霾)last month.
A) put down B) put up C) put off D) put out
( ) 44.A large number of people have joined the clean Your Plate Campaign(“光盤行動”) to help _________ food waste.
A) reduce B) replace C) release D) remove
( ) 45. You must pay attention to your handwriting _________ everybody can understand what you have written.
A) so B) so…that C) because D) so that
( ) 46. Tom, please try to tell the story in your own words. ________ afraid to make mistakes.
A) Not be B) Don’t be C) Not to be D) Not to being
( ) 47. Mary ________ Britain many times, so she is very familiar with its capital city, London.
A) visited B) will visit C) has visited D) is visiting
( ) 48. A BRT(Bus Rapid Transit快速公交系統)_________ in Fengxian District in the near future. It will take people less time to go to the center of Shanghai.
A) will build B) will be built C) builds D) was built
( ) 49. ---- Mr. Wang, your daughter is excellent. She is beautiful both inside and outside.
---- ________
A) Not at all. B) All right. C) Thank you. D) You’re welcome.
( ) 50. ---- I think students need strict rules.
---- ________ Teenagers can’t control themselves.
A) I agree. B) Not at all.
C) Please help them. D) I don’t like it.
plete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (將下列單詞或詞組填入空格。每空限填一詞,每詞只能填一次) (共8分)
A. experience B. ways C. afford D. find out E. quickly F. local G. serious H. century I. politely
March 5 is “Lei Feng Day”. It started fifty years ago. Now half a ____51_____has passed. Is the spirit (精神)of Lei Feng outdated(過時的)?Some people have shown us that it’s not. But people have also changed the ways in which they help others.Zhao has been a volunteer for 18 years. She still remembers her ____52_____ at a nursing home several years ago. An old man held her hand and said: “You don’t need to do anything for us. Seeing young people here is all we need.”Those words made Zhao think: in what ____53_____ can we better help people “Every person does what they can, no matter how small it is, to give out positive energy(正能量). And before we lend a helping hand, we should ____54_____ what they want,” Zhao said to the Qilu Evening News.As well as Zhao, other people have shown their understanding of the spirit of Lei Feng. This past January, beginning with an online post, “noodle fever” swept Zhengzhou, Henan. One ____55_____ man, Li Gang, 42, said in his post that he had a ____56_____ illness and needed a lot of money for an operation to fight it. However, what he asked for wasn’t charity, but for more people to come to eat noodles at his restaurant. Li’s post spread ____57_____. Soon his restaurant was filled with customers every day and Li was able to ____58_____ to have his operation on Feb. 2.In this way, people could help Li without hurting his dignity(自尊).
plete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括號中所給單詞 的適當形式完成下列句子) (共8分)
59. The little girl shouted loudly when she saw two ________. (mouse)
60. Our classroom is on the ________ floor in that building. (three)
61. The weather in April is ________, so you’d better take more clothes with you. (change)
62. Safety is important to every _________, so we should obey the rules.(city)
63. You can look up the ________ of the new word in the dictionary.(mean)
64. The boy was clever enough to ________ the problem .(solution)
65. It was ________ for John to make so many mistakes because he was good at English.(usual)
66. Boys and girls, watch ________ and try to find out something strange.(care)
V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根據所給要求,改寫下列句子。每空格限填一詞) (共14分)
67. Joe did the homework in the classroom yesterday. (改為一般疑問句)
________ Joe _______ the homework in the classroom yesterday
68. Tom spent two hours finishing his report last night. (保持句意基本不變)
It __________ Tom three hours __________ finish his report last night..
69. The students in our class help the old lady clean her house once a week.(就劃線部分提問)
__________ ___________ do the students in our class help the old lady clean her house
70. The teacher didn’t use the blackboard yesterday. He used a computer.(合并為一句)
The teacher used a computer ________ ________ the blackboard yesterday.
71. Anna invited me to her birthday party last month. (改為被動語態)
I ________ _________ to Anna’s birthday party last month.
72. Sometimes children are so young that they can’t tell the bad from the good. (保持句意基本不變)
Sometimes children are ________ young ________ tell the bad from the good.
73. "When will we have a spring outing " asked the students. (改為賓語從句)
The students asked ________they _________ have a spring outing.
Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 讀寫)
VI.Reading comprehension (閱讀理解):(共50分)
A. Choose the best answer(根據短文內容,選擇最恰當的答案) ( 12分)
Once when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus. This is about the family standing ahead of us.
The family had eight children. Their clothes were not expensive but clean.
The children were well-behaved. They stood in line, two by two behind their parents, holding hands. They were excitedly talking about the clowns, elephants and other acts they would see that night. You could tell that they had never been to the circus before.
The tickets lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted. He proudly replied, “I want eight children’s tickets and two adult tickets please, so I can take my family to the circus”.
The ticket lady quoted(報)the price. The man stopped holding his hand. The man’s lips started to quiver(顫抖). He leaned toward her and asked again, “How much did you say ”
The ticket lady quoted the price again. The man didn’t have enough money. How was he supposed to turn and tell his eight kids that he couldn’t take them to the circus.
My dad put his hand into his pocket, pulling out a $20 bill and dropped it on the ground, though we weren’t rich. Then he reached down, picked up the bill, tapped the man on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your pocket.”
The man knew what was going on. He looked into my dad’s eyes, he replied, “Thank you, thank you, sir. This really means a lot to me and my family.”
My father and I went back to our car and drove home. We didn’t get to see the circus that night, but we didn’t care.
74. The children were talking about ________ .
A) clowns B) other acts they would see that night
C) elephants D) all the above
75. The underlined word ‘well-behaved’ in the third paragraph means ________.
A) holding hands B) talking excitedly
C) showing good manners D) showing bad manners
76. How many tickets would the man buy altogether
A) six B) eight
C) ten D) twelve
77. Why was the man disappointed when he heard the price of the ticket
A) Because he had lost his money.
B) Because he didn’t want to buy them.
C) Because he thought the circus was dull.
D) Because he didn’t have enough money for tickets.
78. Which of the following is NOT True
A) The family didn’t go to the circus that night.
B) The writer and his father helped the family.
C) The father couldn’t afford the tickets.
D) The writer didn’t go to the circus that night.
79. From the passage we know that the big family was poor ________.
A) but worked very hard
B) and they felt very sad
C) but they were very happy
D) and they often asked for help from others
B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(選擇最恰當的單詞或詞語完成短文)(12分)
The impression(印象) you make at the beginning of an interview is very important. Interviewers often decide to hire someone in the first three minutes of the interview. They judge you by your appearance, attitude (態度) and manners.
A friendly smile when you walk into the room is important. A smile shows a 80 and positive attitude. When you introduce yourself, look into the interviewer. Some interviewers offer a hand-shake, others don’t.
Try to be as 81 as possible. But pay attention to your body language. The way you sit, walk, use your voice and show feeling on your face are all parts of your body language. It makes the interviewer know how you feel about yourself. Are you feeling positive about yourself Your abilities Your interest in the job
Speak clearly and loudly enough. show interest and enthusiasm(熱情) in your 82 . When you speak, look at the interviewer. Also don’t say negative things about yourself.
Listen to questions carefully. 83 you don’t understand a question, ask the interviewer to repeat or explain.
"I’m sorry, but I didn’t catch that. I’m not sure exactly what you mean."
Almost everyone is nervous in a job interview. Interviewers know that they don’t expect you to be completely 84 and relaxed. But they expect you to try to control your nervousness. They expect you to show confidence in your ability to do the job.
At the end of the interview, 85 the interviewer for her or him. It’s a good idea to send a short thank-you letter right after the interview, or deliver it by hand.
80. A)confident B) dissatisfied C) unhappy D) excited
81. A) smart B) nervous C) natural D) strict
82. A) sound B) voice C) manner D) action
83. A) Unless B) If C) Until D) As
84. A) quiet B) silent C) calm D) still
85. A) praise B) thank C) admire D) greet
C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格內填入適當的詞,使其內容通順,每空格限填一詞,首字母已給))(14分)
Wonder why you can get angry so easily while your friend smiles all the time It’s p___86___ because you both have different personalities(性格) .
Personality is also about how people think, behave, and react(反應) to e__87____ around them from day to day.
So what makes people think and behave in certain ways
Part of the reason is that people are born like this. A baby gets its blood type, genes(基因)and other physical things when it’s still inside its mother. These things may help decide what the baby will be l__88____.
But one’s personality doesn’t stop here. Family life, school learning and life experience can also make you the person you are. This doesn’t mean it’s i__89____ to change your personality. You can always try to make yourself better. Don’t get too worried about your weak points. Just a__90____ them. This is a good way to start making changes.
If you don’t know how to make friends, find out why. Is it because you are too s___91___ Tell yourself to smile at people. Start talking to people using warm greetings.
Don’t give yourself a hard time about it all. It’s not easy to change life h___92___ in one night. Keep working at it. One day you’ll see that you can turn over a new leaf and be a new one.
D.Answer the questions(根據短文內容回答下列問題)(12分)
If you go into the forest with friends, stay with them .If you don’t, you may get lost. If you do get lost, this is what you should do.
Sit down and stay where you are. Don’t try to find your friends. Let them find you. You can help them to find you by staying in one place. That’s the most important thing you should do.
There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. Give them a signal(信號)outing or whistling three times. Stop. Then shout or whistle three times again. Any signal given three times is a call for help.
Keep on shouting or whistling, always three times together. When people hear you, they will know that you are not just making noise for fun. They will let you know that they have heard your signal. they will give two shouts or two whistles. When a signal is given twice, it is an answer to a call for help.
If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house---cover up the hole with branches with lots of leaves. Make yourself a bed with leaves and grass.
When you need some water, you have to leave your little branches house to look for a stream. Don’t just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk in order to find the way back.
93.When you go into forest with friends, what will you do
_________________________when I go into the forest.
94.If you are lost in the forest, can you go to find them
95.How can you let people believe that you are not just making noise for fun
I should____________________________________________________.
96.When can you know there is an answer to a call for help
_______________________________, it is an answer to a call for help.
97.When you don’t get help before night comes, what can you do
98.What do you think the most important thing is when you are lost
VII. Writing (作文): (共20分)
99. Write at least 60 words according to the given situation (根據所給情景寫一封不少于60詞的短文,標點符號不占格。)
Nowadays many students are busy with their study. They seldom help their parents with housework .What do you think of it Try to show your opinions and tell your own experience.
Part 1
1. Many students took part in the English reading contest last month and Tom got the first prize.(F)
2. The Smiths are from Beijing and they are visiting Huangpu River by ferry. (D )
3. Mary is a good girl and she always tidies up her own schoolbag by herself. (G )
4. Mr. Zhang is praising his daughter because she has written a good composition. ( E )
5. Jack’s father is a policeman and he always tells his son some interesting stories. ( B )
6.Yesterday there was a wonderful basketball match between Class Five and Class Eight. ( C )
7. M: What’s your new English teacher like
W: He has black hair and brown eyes. He’s very tall.
Q: What colour is the new English teacher’s hair A
8. M: Mary, take an umbrella with you. It’s raining outside.
W: What strange weather! It was sunny this morning.
Q: How is the weather now D
9. M: What do you think of the dishes
W: Delicious! I think we will come again next week.
Q: Where does the dialogue probably take place C
10. M: Shall we go to the museum by bus or by underground
W: It’s not far away from here. Why not walk there on such a nice day
M: Ok. Let’s go.
Q: How will they go to the museum B
11. M: What are you going to do this weekend
W: I’m going to see my grandparents. What about you
M: I won’t go out. I’ll stay at home and go over my lessons. The final examination is coming.
Q: What is the boy going to do this weekend D
12. M: Shall we go out for a picnic this Sunday, Betty
W: Great. Simon! Let’s ask Tom to go with us.
M: OK. I’ll call him.
Q: How many people will go for the picnic C
13. M: Do you know why Lucy was absent yesterday
W: I was told she was ill in hospital.
M: Sorry to hear that. Shall we go to see her after school
Q: Why didn’t Lucy go to school yesterday B
14. M: What’s the time, Lisa
W: It’s 11 o’clock.
M: Oh, time for lunch. Are you ready to go
W: Sorry. I haven’t finished my homework yet. I think I’ll have to stay here for another ten minutes.
Q: What time will Lisa go for lunch C
15. M : Look! Here’s a new type of camera. Will you buy one
W: How much is it
M: 6,000 yuan.
W: It sounds like a waste of money. I don’t go out for sight seeing very often.
Q: What does the woman mean D
16. M:Good afternoon, madam. Can I help you
W:Well, I seem to have lost my handbag. I’m leaving for London tonight.
M:Oh, I’m sorry. Could you tell me what it looks like
W:It’s a small brown bag, made of plastic.
M:Fine. Have you got anything inside
W:Well, my passport and plane ticket, and some money.
M:Don’t worry. We’ll try to find it as soon as possible.
Q:Who are the speakers A
A mother and her daughter lived in a village. Every night, the mother would lock the door with three locks, because she was afraid that a thief might come in. As time went by, the daughter became tired of her boring life there, and dreamed to go to the city to see the outside world. One day, she left home without telling her mother. “Forget me, Mum.” She thought.
But the outside world wasn’t as good as she thought .Eight years later, she came back home with a tired body and mind.
When she got home, it was dark. She knocked at the door, but nobody answered. Surprisingly, she found the door was unlocked. She came in and saw her mother was lying in her bed, sleeping. Tears ran down her face. Hearing the cry of her daughter, the mother woke up. They hugged and cried. Later, the daughter asked, “Mum, why didn’t you lock the door ” “I was afraid you wouldn’t be able to get in when you came back” Mum answered.
17.F 18.F 19.T 20.F 21. T 22.F 23. T
Dear Lily,
My hometown is very small. Only a few hundred people live here. It has a river with an old stone bridge across it. There is a church and a school. They are next to each other. People usually go to church on Sunday. There are three teachers and thirty students in the school. On Main Street there is a hotel, a supermarket, a gas station, a bakery, a butcher’s shop and a book store.
We don’t have a hospital or a police station, but we have a doctor and a police officer. They live on opposite side of the river.
We don’t have a movie theater, but we can rent videos at the supermarket. If we want to go to a movie, we have to go to the next town. It is a 30-minute bus drive away. The bus stop is outside my house. I usually go to the movies with my mum every Saturday.
Best wishes and please write soon.
1. stone 2. thirty 3. hotel 4. live 5. videos 6. Saturday 7. Alice
Part 2
II. 31.A 32.D 33.C 34.A 35.B 36.D 37.B 38.B 39.D 40.C 41.A 42.A 43.C 44.A 45.D 46.B 47.C 48.B 49.C 50.A
III. 51. H 52. A 53. B 54. D 55. F 56. G 57. E 58.C
IV. 59. mice 60. third 61. changeable 62. citizen 63. meaning 64. solve 65. unusual 66. carefully
V. 67. Did, do 68. took, to 69. How often 70. instead of 71. was invited 72. too…to 73. when would
Part 3
A. 74. D 75.C 76. C 77. D 78. A 79. C
B. 80. A 81. C 82. B 83. B 84. C 85. B
C. 86. probably/possibly 87. everything 88. like 89. impossible 90. accept 91. shy
92. habits
I will /should stay with them (when I go into the forest .)
No, I can’t / mustn’t.
I should keep on shouting or whistling always three times together.
When a signal is given twice, it is an answer to a call for help.
I can make a little house by myself.
(I think )The most important thing is to stay in one place.
Nowadays many students say they are too busy with their study and they don’t have time to help their parents with the housework. I don’t think they are true, that’s all excuses.
In my opinion, doing some housework such as washing our own clothes and making the bed is our own responsibility. It can also make us independent. We can’t depend on others all our life. Sharing the housework is helpful for us to set up good relationship with our parents. I think trying to do some housework can keep us healthy and strong, some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise. And we can take care of ourselves better when we grow up.
On weekdays, I often help my parents clean my bed rooms every morning and wash dishes after supper. At weekends, washing clothes and mopping the floor is my duty. And I also help my parents carry something heavy from the supermarket.
As the saying goes’ One can't make a big success without being self reliant’, so I think that students should often share the housework in our daily life.2012學年奉賢區調研測試
九年級數學 201304
[每小題只有一個正確選項,在答題紙的相應題號的選項上用2 B鉛筆填涂]
A.1; B.2 ; C.3; D.4;
A.; B. ; C.; D.;
A.第一、二、三象限; B.第一、二、四象限;
C.第一、三、四象限; D.第二、三、四象限;
A.摸到紅球是必然事件;   B.摸到白球是不可能事件;  
C.摸到紅球和摸到白球的可能性相等;  D.摸到紅球比摸到白球的可能性大;
A.菱形; B.矩形; C.等腰梯形; D.不能確定;
A.; B.; C.或; D.或;
7.計算:= ▲ ;
8.分解因式:= ▲ ;
9.函數的定義域是 ▲ ;
10.方程的解是 ▲ ;
11.已知關于x的一元二次方程有兩個不相等的實數根,則實數m的取值范圍是 ▲ ;
12.如果點A、B在同一個反比例函數的圖像上,點A的坐標為(2,3),點B橫坐標為3,那么點B的縱坐標是 ▲ ;
13.正多邊形的中心角為72度,那么這個正多邊形的內角和等于 ▲ 度;
14. 如圖,已知直線AB和CD相交于點O, ,, 則的度數是 ▲ 度;
15.如圖,已知E=C,如果再增加一個條件就可以得到,那么這個條件可以是 ▲ (只要寫出一個即可).
16.梯形ABCD中,AB∥DC,E、F分別是AD、BC中點,DC=1,AB=3,設,如果用表示向量,那么 = ▲ ;
17.我們把梯形下底與上底的差叫做梯形的底差,梯形的高與中位線的比值叫做梯形的縱橫比,如果某一等腰梯形腰長為5,底差等于6,面積為24,則該等腰梯形的縱橫比等于 ▲ ;
18.如圖,在中,,,,點M是AB邊的中點,將繞著點M旋轉,使點C與點A重合,點A與點D重合,點B與點E重合,得到,且AE交CB于點P,那么線段CP的長是 ▲ ;
老人與子女同住情況 同住 不同住(子女在本區) 不同住(子女在區外) 其他
百分比 50% 5%
(1)本次共抽樣調查了▲ 位老人,老人與
子女同住情況百分比統計表中的= ▲ ;
中與子女“不同住”的老人總數是▲ 人;
(2)如果BC =CD, 判斷四邊形的形狀,并說明理由.
如圖,已知AB是⊙O的直徑,AB=8, 點C在半徑OA上(點C與點O、A不重合),過點C作AB的垂線交⊙O于點D,聯結OD,過點B作OD的平行線交⊙O于點E、交射線CD于點F.
奉賢區初三調研考數學卷參考答案 201304
一 、選擇題:(本大題共8題,滿分24分)
1.B ; 2.A; 3.C; 4.D ; 5.D; 6.D;
7.; 8.; 9.; 10.;
11.; 12.2; 13.540; 14.38;
15.B=D(等); 16.; 17.; 18.;
19. (本題滿分10分)
解:原式= ----------------------------(每個值得2分,共8分)
∵ AB=AC=13, BC=10 ∴ BH=5--------------------------------------(1分)
(2) ∵BD是AC邊上的中線 ∴點E是△ABC的重心
∴EH== 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------(3分)
(1)500, 30%------------------------------------------------------------------------(各2分)
∴, ∠CAB=∠EAD=60°---------------------------------(1分)
∵∠BAE+∠EAC = 60°,∠DAC+∠EAC = 60°
∴ ----------------------------------------------------------------------(3分)
(2) ∵ ∴∠ABE=∠ACD, BE=CD-------------------------(1分)
∴ ∠ABE=∠ACD=∠BCG= 120° ∴∠DBE= 60°
∴∠BCG+∠DBE= 180° ∴BE//CG---------------------------------------------(2分)
∵BC//EG ∴四邊形是平行四邊形----------------------------(1分)
∵BC=CD ∴BE=BC---------------------------------------------- ---------(1分)
∴四邊形平行四邊形是菱形。-------------------------------- ---------(1分)
∴ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(3分)
∴二次函數的解析式為---------------------- -------------------(1分)
∴點A(3,0) C(2,2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------(1分)
∴ ------------------------------------------(1分)
∴ ∴∠PCA=90°---------------------------------------(1分)
(3) 假設在坐標軸上存在點E,使得以A、C、P、E為頂點的四邊形為直角梯形,
∴△CBP∽△PME ∴∴∴----------------------------(2分)
②當點E在軸上, PC//AE
∴△CBP∽△AOE ∴∴∴---------------------------(2分)
∵= ∴∠BOE=∠EOD-------------------------------------------------------(1分)
∵OB=OE ∴∠OBE=∠OEB-------------------------------------------------------(1分)
∵∠FCB=90°∴ ∠F=30°-----------------------------------------------------------------(1分)

∵OD//BF ∴ ----------------------------------------------------(1分)
∴ ∴ ---------------(2分)
∴ ∠COD=∠DOE, ∴C關于直線OD的對稱點為P在線段OE上-----------(1分)
當EB=EP -------------------------------------------(1分)
當BE=BP 作BM⊥OE,垂足為M,
易證△BEM∽△DOC∴ ∴
整理得: (負數舍去)----------------------(1分)




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