資源簡介 1、我國的四大地理區域中,地勢最高的地區是( )A、北方地區?? B、南方地區?? C、西北地區?? D、青藏地區2、我國南方地區多水田,以種植水稻、油菜等為主,一年二至三熟,其原因是( )A、氣溫高、降水豐沛 B、河流、湖泊多 C、為亞熱帶常綠闊葉林 D、以平原為主3、下列關于北京的說法,錯誤的是(??? )A、北京是暖溫帶大陸性氣候????????????????? B、北京是我國的首都?C、北京是全國的政治、文化中心和經濟中心??? D、北京有頤和園、天壇等名勝古跡.4、位于廣東省的珠江三角洲在進行經濟發展的過程中,充分發揮了臨近港澳的位置優勢,和港澳地區進行經濟合作,他們的地域合作模式是( )A、出口導向型經濟 B、外向型經濟 C、“前店后廠”的模式 D、獨立自主模式5、澳門的主要支柱產業是(??? )A、國際貿易?? B、信息服務?? C、博彩旅游?? D、國際金融6、香港最大的轉口貿易伙伴是(???? )A、澳門? B、臺灣? C、東南亞?? D、祖國內地7、西北地區氣候干旱的主要原因是(??? )A、距海較遠?? B、溫度較高?? C、緯度較高?? D、海拔較高8、以牧業為主的地區是(? )A、南方地區、北方地區??? B、北方地區、西北地區C、西北地區、青藏地區????? D、青藏地區、南方地區9、暑假一位同學乘火車從烏魯木齊到呼和浩特旅游。他在沿途能夠看到的自然景觀依次是:(??? )? A、草原-荒漠草原-荒漠 ????????? B、荒漠-荒漠草原-草原C、荒漠草原-荒漠-草原 ????????? D、草原-荒漠-荒漠草原10、“春風不度玉門關”描述的地區是(??? )A、西北地區?? B、青藏地區??? C、北方地區 ??? D、南方地區二、綜合題:(20分)11、讀 圖(一)完成下列各題:(每空1分,共5分)(1)圖中的沿海開放城市是_ ___,經濟特區是 ___和_ __。(2)寫出特別行政區的名稱: A__________? B__________圖(一) 12、讀圖(二)填空(每空1分,共10分) 圖(二)(1)上圖中的島嶼是 。(2)圖中A是 省,B處是 海峽, 緯線C是 線 。海洋:D ;E ;F (3)臺灣主要位于 帶和 帶(溫度帶)。其氣候特征是 。13、讀中國地理區域圖回答:(每空1分,共5分)(1) 北方地區與南方地區的分界分界線 和 。(2)青藏地區特有的牲畜是 ,被稱為“ ”。(3)制約西北地區農業發展的主要因素是 。 一、選擇題(每題3分,共33分)1﹑若,則下列不等式成立的是 (?????) A.B.C.D.2﹑下列各式:其中分式共有( )個。 A、1 B、2 C、3 D、43、已知點M (-2,4 )在雙曲線上,則下列各點一定在該雙曲線上的是( )A.(4,-2 ) B.(-2,-4 ) C.(2,4 ) D.(4,2)4、不等式-3x+6>0的正整數解有…………………………( )A.1個 B.2個 C.3個 D.無數多個5、如果1- x是負數,那么x的取值范圍是………………( )6、反比例函數圖象上有三個點,,,其中,則,,的大小關系是( ) A. B. C. D.7、若把分式中的x和y都擴大3倍,那么分式的值( ) A、擴大3倍 B、不變 C、縮小3倍 D、縮小6倍8、如果解關于x的分式方程出現了增根,那么增根是( ) A.-2 B.3 C.3或-4 D.-49一張正方形的紙片,剪去兩個一樣的小矩形得到一個“”圖案,如圖所示,設小矩形的長和寬分別為、,剪去部分的面積為20,若,則與的函數圖象是( )10如果不等式組的解集是,則n的取值范圍是( ) A. B. C. D.11二、填空題(每空3分,共24分)12當x 時,分式有意義13、寫一個具有“圖像的兩個分支分別在第二、四象限內”的反比例函數 14、關于x的分式方程-=1的解為負數,則a的取值范圍是 15、某服裝廠準備加工400套運動裝,在加工完160套后,采用了新技術,使得工作效率比原計劃提高了20%,結果共用了18天完成任務,問計劃每天加工服裝多少套?在這個問題中,設計劃每天加工x套,則根據題意可得方程為 16、 如果不等式組有解,那么的取值范圍是 。 17、若分式的值為負數,則x的取值范圍是__________。18、已知, 。八年級數學試題制卷審核人滿分值考試時 間仇錦玉劉賢榮150分100分一、選擇題(每題3分,共33分)1234567891011二、填空題(每空3分,共24分)12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 三、解答題:20、(每題6分,共12分)解不等式(組),并將解集在數軸上表示出來. (1)< (2)21(每題6分,共12分)解方程(1) (2) 22(本題6分)有這樣一道數學題:“己知:a=2013,求代數式a(1+)-的值”,小明在計算時錯把“a=2013”抄成了“a=2012”,但他的計算結果仍然正確,請你說說這是怎么回事。。23、(本題滿分7分)若方程組的解滿足x+y>0,求m的取值范圍24、(本題8分)先化簡,再選擇一個你喜歡的整數代入求值,,其中。座位號25、(本題8分)已知y與x-2成反比例,且當x=2時,y=3,求:(1)y關于x的函數解析式; (2)當x=-2時的y值 26、(本題8分)八年級(1)班的學生周末乘汽車到游覽區游覽,游覽區到學校120千米,一部分學生乘慢車先行,出發1小時后,另一部分學生乘快車前往,結果他們同時到達,已知快車速度是慢車速度的1.5倍,求慢車的速度.27(本題10分)為了加強學生的交通安全意識,某中學和交警大隊聯合舉行了“我當一日小交警”活動,星期天選派部分學生到交通路口值勤,協助交通警察維持交通秩序.若每一個路口安排4人,那么還剩下78人;若每個路口安排8人,那么最后一個路口不足8人,但不少于4人.求這個中學共選派值勤學生多少人?共在多少個交通路口安排值勤?28、(本題10分)甲、乙兩人準備整理一批新到的實驗器材,若甲單獨整理需要40分鐘完工,若甲、乙共同整理20分鐘后,乙需再單獨整理20分鐘才能完工.⑴問乙單獨整理多少分鐘完工?⑵若乙因工作需要,他的整理時間不超過30分鐘,則甲至少整理多少分鐘才能完工?29、(本題12分)某商店決定購進A、B兩種紀念品,若購進A種紀念品10件,B種紀念品5件,需要1000元:若購進A種紀念品4件,B種紀念品3件,需要550元,(1)求購進A、B兩種紀念品每件各需要多少元?(2)若該商店決定拿出1萬元全部用來購進這兩種紀念品,考慮到市場需求,要求購進A種紀念品的數量不少于B種紀念品數量的6倍,且不超過B紀念品數量的8倍,那么該商店共有幾種進貨方案?(3)若銷售每件A種紀念品可獲利潤20元,每件B種紀念品可獲利30元,在第(2)問的各種進貨方案中,哪一種方案獲利最大?最大利潤是多少元?A型收割機B型收割機進價(萬元/臺)5.33.6售價(萬元/臺)64 A型收割機B型收割機進價(萬元/臺)5.33.6售價(萬元/臺)64A型收割機B型收割機進價(萬元/臺)5.33.6售價(萬元/臺)64A型收割機B型收割機進價(萬元/臺)5.33.6售價(萬元/臺)64A型收割機B型收割機進價(萬元/臺)5.33.6售價(萬元/臺)64 一.選擇題:(每題2分,共32分)1. 關于質量的說法中,正確的是 : A、水結成冰后,質量變大了 B、把鐵塊加熱后,再鍛壓成鐵片,質量變小C、物理課本在廣州和在北京,質量是一樣的 D、1kg的棉花和1kg的鐵塊的質量并不相等2.蠟燭在燃燒的過程中,它的 ( )A.質量不變,體積變小,密度變大 B.質量變小,體積變小,密度不變C.質量變小,體積不變,密度變小 D.質量、體程、密度都變小3.下列運動中,能表明分子在不停地做無規則運動的是( ) A、擦黑板時,粉筆灰在空中飛舞 B、無數雨滴從空中落下 C、掃地時,看到空中飛舞著塵埃 D、香水瓶打開后,過一會兒屋內能聞到香味4.下列現象中,不能用來說明分子間有引力存在的是( ) A、用很大的力才能把鉛絲折斷 B、用膠水能把兩張紙粘在一起C、磁鐵能夠把鐵釘吸住 D、固體金屬很難被分開5. 在“用托盤天平測物體質量”時,某同學用已調節好的天平在測物體質量過程中,通過增減砝碼后,發現指針指在分度盤的中央刻度線左邊一點,這時他應該( )A.把橫梁右端螺母向右旋出一些 B.把橫梁右端螺母向左旋進一些C.把天平右盤的砝碼減少一些 D.向右移動游碼6.用被磨損的砝碼來稱物體的質量,其測量結果將比真實值 ( )A.偏小 B.偏大 C.不受影響 D.不能確定7.質量和體積都相等的空心銅球、鐵球、鋁球,空心部分體積最大的是 ( )A.銅球 B.鐵球 C.鋁球 D.無法判斷8.兩個輕小物體之間相互吸引,則這兩個物體: ( )A.肯定帶異種電荷 B.肯定帶同種電荷C.肯定是一個帶電,一個不帶電 D.可能是一個帶電,一個不帶電9.如圖所示,A、B、C三個完全相同的杯子內,盛有不同體積的水,現將三個質量相同、材料不同的實心金屬球甲、乙、丙分別浸沒在A、B、C三個杯子的水中(水均未溢出),且杯中水面升高后,恰好相平,則比較甲、乙、丙三個金屬球的密度是 ( ) A.甲最大 B.乙最大 C.丙最大 D.一樣大10、把100毫升酒精和100毫升水混合在一起,體積小于200毫升。這個現象說明A.分子間有間隙 B.分子是有質量的C.分子間有力的作用 D.分子是可以再分的11、.一個瓶子最多能裝下500克水,則這個瓶子能裝下500克的下列哪種物質( )。 A.濃硫酸 B.酒精 C.煤油 D.汽油12.右圖是在探究甲、乙兩種物質質量跟體積關系時作出的圖像.以下分析正確的是 ( ) A.甲物質的質量跟體積的比值比乙物質小B. 若m甲= m乙,則V甲>V乙C. 若V甲 = V乙 則m甲D.不同物質的質量跟體積的比值一般是不同的13、在“測定液體密度”的實驗中,液體的體積(V)及液體和容器的總質量(m總)可分別由量筒和天平測得,某同學通過改變液體的體積得到幾組數據,畫出有關圖線如圖所示,在圖中能正確反映液體和容器的總質量跟液體的體積關系的是( ) A B C D14、一間普通教室里的空氣質量大約是(標準狀況下ρ空氣=1.29kg/m3) ( )A 300多毫克 B 300多克 C 300多千克 D 300多噸15、如圖所示,甲、乙球的體積相同,此時天平平衡,則ρ甲:ρ乙為 ( ) A.2:1 B.1:2 C.3:4 D.4:316、某研究性學習小組做“水的體積隨溫度變化”的研究,得到如圖所示的圖像.從圖中可知,水溫度從8℃降到2℃的過程中,其密度 ( )A.先變大后變小 B.先變小后變大C.一直變大 D.保持不變二.填空題:(每空1分,共29分)17.用干燥的絲綢摩擦有機玻璃棒后,玻璃棒帶________電,用干燥的毛皮摩擦橡膠棒,橡膠棒帶________電。同種電荷________________、異種電荷__________________。18.質量為450 g的水的體積為________cm3,這部分水結成冰后,其體積_________(填“增加”或“減小”)了____________cm3.(ρ冰=0.9×103kg/m3)19.在調節好的天平左、右盤中各放一實心的鋁塊和銅塊,天平恰好平衡,則鋁塊和銅塊的體積之比是_________. (=2.7 g/cm3,=8.9×103kg/m3)20、校門口新搬來一個烤臭豆腐的小攤,同學們遠遠就能聞到臭豆腐的味道,這說明 ,臭豆腐經燒烤后,溫度升高,分子無規則運動_________。21、兩滴水銀靠近時,能自動結合成一滴較大的水銀,這一事實說明分子之間存在著_________,物體不能無限地被壓縮,說明分子間存在____________。22、.將體積分別為V1、V2的水和酒精混合,發現混合后液體的總體積V總 V1+V2,(選填“<”、“=”或“>”)這一實驗表明液體分子間有 。23、甲、乙兩個金屬塊,它們的質量之比為3:5,體積之比為1:2,則它們的密度之比為_________,如果它們的質量相等,那么它們的體積之比為_________。24、有一金屬塊質量為386g,體積為20cm3,這種金屬的密度為_________Kg/m3,如果將它截去一半,所剩部分的密度為_________g/cm3。25、菜刀刀口、剪刀刀口都很鋒利,可以用來切東西、剪衣服.它們一般都是用鋼制作而不用塑料制作,這是利用了鋼的__________的屬性;在家庭電路的各種材料中,用到的電線,在電線芯外面包上一層橡膠或塑料,這是利用橡膠或塑料的________ 的屬性.26、分別裝有相同質量的水、鹽水、酒精的三個相同容器,液面的高低如圖所示,則甲液體是 ,乙液體是 。 27、 某鋼瓶內所裝氧氣的密度為8kg/m3,若在某天的氣焊中用去其質量的1/4,則瓶內剩余氧氣的密度是 kg/m3。28、小華使用調好的天平(天平最小砝碼為2 g)測量一個物體質量時,誤將被測物體放在天平的右盤,按正常方法讀出物體的質量為21.4g,則這個物體的實際質量為 g。29、某同學使用天平稱量物體質量,調節天平橫梁平衡時,出現圖所示情況,他應向 調節 使橫梁平衡;如果在稱量過程中出現如圖情況,不加減砝碼,則他應向 調節 使橫梁平衡。30、如圖所示,a是一個鐵絲圈,中間較松弛的系著一根棉線,圖b中是浸過肥皂水的鐵絲網,圖c表示用手指輕碰一下棉線的左邊,圖d表示棉線左邊的肥皂膜破了,棉線被拉向右邊,這個實驗說明了 。三.實驗探究題(每空2分,共16分)31、小明測量植物油密度時,按下列順序進行了操作:①用天平測出空燒杯的質量m1;②向燒杯中倒入適量植物油,測出燒杯與植物油的總質量m2;③將燒杯中植物油倒人量筒中,測出植物油的體積V;④計算出植物油的密度ρ。(1)下表是小明根據上述實驗操作,設計的記錄數據表格.請根據圖將表格中的數據填寫完整。物理量空燒杯的質量m1/g燒杯與植物油的總質量m2/g植物油的體積V/cm3植物油的密度 ρ/kg·m-3測量值1520(2)試分析小明按上述實驗操作得到的密度值比真實值偏大還是偏小?請簡要說明理由。(3)請你在小明實驗的基礎上,設計一個誤差更小的實驗方案并寫出植物油密度的最后表達式。32.同學們在實驗室里測某種小礦石的密度,選用天平、量筒、小礦石、細線、燒杯和水,進行了如下的實驗操作:A.將小礦石用細線系好后慢慢地放入量筒中并記下總的體積.B.把游碼放在標尺的零刻度線處,調節橫梁上的螺母,使橫梁平衡. C.把天平放在水平桌面上.D.將小礦石放在左盤中,在右盤中增減砝碼并移動游碼直至橫梁平衡.E.在量筒中倒入適量的水并記下水的體積.⑴正確的實驗操作順序是 (只填字母序號). ⑵在調節天平時,發現指針位置如圖14甲所示,此時應將平衡螺母向 調(選填“左”或“右”). ⑶用調節好的天平稱小礦石的質量.天平平衡時,放在右盤中的砝碼和游碼的位置如圖14乙所示;量筒量出小礦石的體積如圖14丙所示,由此可知,小礦石的密度ρ= kg/m3.⑷實驗中,由于小英同學不小心把量筒打碎了,但實驗室里已沒有量筒了,老師就給她增加了一個溢水杯.現請你幫她想辦法測出小礦石的體積,寫出簡要的實驗步驟.四 計算題(33 34每題4分 35題5分,共13分)33.一節容積為50m3的運油車裝滿石油。從油罐內取樣30mL,稱得其質量為25.5 g,石油的密度是多少 g/cm3,該運油車共約裝石油多少t. 34. 一個空心銅球的 體積為30厘米3,質量是178克.(1)求此球中銅的體積。(2)如在其空心部分鑄滿鋁,問所需鋁的質量為多少?(ρ鋁=2.7×103 kg/m3;ρ銅=8.9×103 kg/m3) 35、下表為小名同學在“測定液體密度”的實驗中記錄的數據. 實驗次數 1234液體體積/cm35.87.916.735.1液體和容器的總質量/g10.712.821.640.0根據上表中數據求(1)液體密度是多少kg/m3?,(2)容器的質量為多少g?八年級物理答題紙一、選擇題(每小題2分,共32分.每小題給出的四個選項中只有一個選項正確)題號12345678910111213141516答案 二填空題(每空1分共29分)17. , , , 18. , , 19. 20. , 21. , 22. , 23. , 24. , 25. , 26. , 27. 28. 29. , , , 30. 三.實驗探究題(每空2分,共16分)31.(1). , 座位號(2)(3)32.(1). (2). (3). (4). 四 計算題(33 34每題4分 35題5分,共13分)33.34.35四 計算題33. 8.5 g/cm3 42.5t34. 20 cm3 27g35 1×103 g/cm3 4.9g (1).Which is the girl's pencil box? ( ) A. B. C. (2).What are they talking about? ( )A. B. C. (3).What did the girl do last Saturday? ( )A. B. C. (4).What did the woman choose?( )A. B. C. (5).What program does Lisa like best?( )A. Sports News. B. Animal World. C. Sports World.(6).What will Jenny do tomorrow?( )A. Go to the birthday party. B. Go to the hospital. C. Stay at home.(7).Who is the girl? ( )A. Mary's sister. B. Mary's cousin. C. Mary's friend.(8).Where was Linda when the accident happened? ( )A. In the bathroom. B. In the cinema. C. On the playground.(9).What is Sharon doing for vacation? ( )A. She is visiting her mother. B. She is visiting her grandmother.C. She is visiting her grandfather.(10).Where could the man put the books? ( )A. In the box. B. Under the bed. C. In the storeroom.聽對話和短文回答問題(計10分)你將聽到一段對話和兩篇短文,各聽兩遍。聽每段對話或短文前,你將有時間閱讀相關小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,每小題你仍有5秒鐘時間在屏幕上點擊你認為最合適的備選答案。聽一段對話,回答第11-12小題。答題完畢,請等待嘀的信號,進入第一篇短文。 (11).Where is Zhalong? ( )A. In Jiangsu Province. B. In Heilongjiang Province. C. In Liaoning Province. (12).Do all the birds stay in Zhalong all year round? ( )A. No. Some of them go there only for a short stay.B. Yes. It's an ideal home for cranes and many other endangered birds.C. No. It's not suitable for all birds staying all year round.聽第一篇短文,回答第13-15小題。請根據內容從A、B、C三個選項中選擇正確答案,完成信息記錄表。答題完畢,請等待滴的信號,進入下一篇短文。(13). ( )A. dancer B. thinker C. singer (14). ( )A. funny B. comfortable C. easy (15). ( )A. Cuba B. America C. Canada聽第二篇短文,回答第16-20小題。答題完畢,請等待嘀的信號,進入測試的第三部分。 (16).How long can Tom stay with his grandparents each time? ( )A. For several hours. B. For only one day. C. For three days. (17).What is Tom's father's job? ( )A. He is a doctor. B. He is a businessman. C. He works at home. (18).How often does Tom's mother go to work? ( )A. Once a week. B. Five days a week. C. Six days a week. (19).How do his grandparents come to the city? ( )A. By air. B. On foot. C. By bus. (20).How often does Tom call his grandparents? ( )A. Three or four times a week.B. Three or four times a month.C. Three or four times a year.二、單項選擇(每小題1分,共15分)( ) 21. We'll go shopping if it _____ fine tomorrow.A. is B. was C. will be D is going to be( ) 22. —Where is Mr Green now ? I haven’t seen him for a few days .—He _____ to Hong Kong .A. goes B. will go C. is going D. has gone ( ) 23. -Why not go to see the dolphin show with me?-Because I _______ it.A. saw B. will see C. see D. have seen ( ) 24. He _____ for twenty years.A. has joined B. has been in the army C. joined D. have served the army( ) 25. –His grandfather _____ for three years.A. died B. was dead C. has been dead D. has died( ) 26. Our teacher _____ to Beijing many times.A. went B. had gone C. has gone D. has been( ) 27. – Where is Tom? – He _____ for America He will stay there for a week.A. had left B. has left C.left D.will leave( ) 28. Everyone was ________ when they heard this ________ news. A. excited, excited B. exciting, exciting C. excited, exciting D. exciting, excited ( ) 29.-- Has your sister come back? --Yes, she has. She______ back two days ago.A. came B. has came C. has come D. has been ( ) 30. They didn't until they got a new house. A.marring B.be married C.get married D.marry to ( ) 31. He didn't live here. He moved the city ten months ago. A.out from B.out of from C.onto D.out of ( ) 32. The old man has lonely since his wife left. A.been B.got C.become D.turned ( ) 33.The pollution in big cities is _________ than______ in the countryside. A. much serious, it B. much more serious, it C. more serious, that D. much serious, that( ) 34. Tony _______ watch the film with us because he _______ it. A. doesn’t, will see B. won’t, see C. won’t, has seen D. won’t, saw( ) 35. Do you know how long English?A. has he begun to learn B. he has begun to learn C. has he learned D. he has learned三、完型填空 (每小題1分,共10分)England is a very beautiful country. There are many places of 36 , such as the Big Ben, the Tower Bridge, and so on. Many people like going to England to spend their holidays. When you are traveling in England, you must be very 37 in the streets because the traffic drives 38 the left side of the street in England. So, before you 39 a street, you must first look to the right and then to the left and wait till the traffic light changes to 40 .The streets are very busy 41 big cities, especially during the rush hours when people are going to or coming back from work. Traffic is the most 42 at that time. Then, when you want to 43 a bus, you will 44 wait at the 45 side of the street too, or you will go the wrong way.( )36.A.interests B.interesting C.interest D.interested( )37.A.careless B.care C.careful D.carefully( )38.A.in B.on C.to D.at( )39.A.cross B.across C.through D.go( )40.A.green B.red C.yellow D.white( )41.A.with B.at C.on D.in( )42.A.danger B.dangerous C.safe D.safely( )43.A.take B.taking C.ride D.riding( )44.A.have to B.must C.had to D.need( )45.A.either B.each C.left D.right四、閱讀理解(每小題2分,共30分)(A)A little knowledge can make a difference at a time of life or death. Do you know what to do if you find yourself in an earthquake?If you are inside,● Quickly move under a strong desk, a strong table or along a wall. You can also go into a small room like the bathroom. This will protect you from falling things. Do not get into a lift.● Don't stand near windows,large mirrors (鏡子),heavy furniture or fireplaces.If you're outside:● Move away from buildings and streetlights. These could fail on you.● Squat (蹲下) and protect your head until the shaking stops.After the earthquake:● Check, take care of injuries and help make sure people around you are all right.● Watch out for aftershocks.● Protect yourself by wearing long pants, a long-sleeved (長袖的)shirt and strong shoes.● Listen to the radio for the latest information.( )46. If you are in a tall building when an earthquake happens, you'd better ____.A. run into a lift B. not stay in the bathroom C. stand near large mirrors D. not stand near windows( )47. If you are outside during an earthquake, ____.A. you must move into a building B. you cannot squatC. you have to stop the shaking D. you must move away from streetlights( )48. After the earthquake, you should ____.A. look after injuries B. not help the others around youC. protect yourself without wearing shoes D. not listen to the radio for the latest information( )49. The underlined word "aftershocks" in the passage means “____ " in Chinese.A. 震感 B. 震源 C. 余震 D.防震( )50. The passage is mainly about ____.A. what to do before an earthquake takes place B. what to do if you are in an earthquakeC. how to escape from an earthquake when you're at homeD. how to predict an earthquake in the open air ( B) Every year thousands of young people in England finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to university. Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers (志愿者). Volunteers give their time to help people. For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they do something helpful for the environment. Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales. Next year she is going to university to study Chinese, but now she’s living in Belize. Pauline says, “I’m working with other people here to save the coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is very polluted, the coral will die. I’m helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. We need to do something about the problem before it’s too late.” “I’m staying with a family here and I help do some housework. I don’t get any money, butthat’s OK. I love my work here, and I’m learning a lot about the people of Belize—and myself!After I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three months. I want to travel aroundBelize and Central America.”( )51. Some young people from England _______ after they finish school. A. go to university abroad B. spend one year abroad as volunteers C. go to work for money D. start work in schools or hospitals( )52. Pauline Jones, an eighteen-year-old girl, is living in _______ now. A. England B. China C. Belize D. Cardiff( )53. Pauline Jones is _______ with other people. A. studying Chinese in a university B. working to save the coral reefs C. helping do some housework D. doing some research in Wales( )54. From the passage, we know that the coral reefs ______. A. will die because of the pollution B. are not as beautiful as before C. cannot live without fish in the sea D. will probably be sold for money( )55. Pauline Jones wants to after she finishes her work as a volunteer. A. stay there for another year B. go back home to start work C. learn about the people home D. travel around Central America (C)Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true. Communication(交流) is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it’s hard for you to communicate with your parents, don’t worry about it. Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (消除代溝). Don’t argue (爭辯) with your parents. Don’t get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won’t consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can’t express yourself well if you are angry. Go to someplace to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don’t think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter. Try to reach a compromise (和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael’s mother didn’t agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days. Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect (尊敬) to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong. Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life. A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try!( )56. The passage tells us _______ have a communication problem. A. parents and other people B. school kids and their parents C. teachers and their students D. parents and children of all ages( )57. Your parents probably won’t consider your ideas if you _______. A. don’t get to them often B. write a letter to them C. don’t speak to them politely D. express yourself well( )58. The underlined phrase “cool off” in the passage means “_______”. A. to make yourself happy B. to get you quiet and relaxed C. to have a good rest D. to hide yourself quickly( )59. If there’s really a generation gap between you and your parents, you’d better _______. A. have a talk with them often B. keep away from them C. agree with them all the time D. know about their values( )60. From the passage we learn that _______. A. parents and children should not have a generation gap B. parents should show love and respect to their children C. there are some good ways to bridge the generation gap D. there are so many serious problems in families today第II卷 非選擇題(共75分)五、根據中文提示填寫恰當的單詞。(每小題1分,共10分)61 Finally, he _________(意識到) that he failed in the exam.62The fans could not hide their ________(激動) when they saw their favourite singer.63There is an exhibition on the _________(發展) of China over the past 58years.64 The _______(妻子) of the policemen usually do most of the housework because their husbands are too busy.65. Do you know where the Oriental Pearl______(塔) is?66. Many people in Harbin like_______(滑雪) in winter.67. The fans _______(鼓掌)and screamed when the famous singer appeared on the stage.68. Overwork will do ______(傷害) to your health.69.Uncle Wang got __________ (結婚) to his classmate in the college last year.70. I’ve__________ (剛剛) known it. Sorry to hear that.六、選詞填空(每小題2分,共20分)live with used to change a lot on one’s own get married Bring...with a symbol of take photos look shiny be different from 71.Can he finish the work ?---I’m sure he can finish it by himself.72.She be happy. But now she always looks unhappy.73.He wants to________ everything________ him.74.The two young persons last year.Now they live a happy life.75.The view is so nice that I can’t stop __________.76.Our home town over the years.More and more tall buildings are built.77.The castle ___________ and beautiful under the fire works last night.78.The dog her for four years.79.Einstein _____________ the other boys when he was young.80.Mount Fuji is ___________________ Japan.七、按要求完成句子(每空1分,共20分)81.She’s finished homework already.(改為一般疑問句)_________ she __________ homework _________?82.I have lived here since I was born. (對劃線部分提問)__________ __________ __________ you __________ here?83.Can you tell me how I can get to the railway station.(同義句)Can you tell me how ________ _________ to the railway station.84. My parents got married ten years ago.(同義句)My parents ________ __________ ___________ ___________ ten years.85.自從我兩歲,我就和我的家人住在這.(根據漢語提示完成句子)I ___ ____ here with my family ____ I ____ two years old.86.快點,電影已經開始十分鐘了.(同上)Hurry up! The film________ __________ ___________for ten minutes.八、任務型閱讀(每小題1分,共5分)閱讀下面語言材料,完成“游客須知”中的相關內容。Welcome to England! The weather of England is very changeable. It can be rainy, sunny, cloudy, windy, warm, foggy or cold at any time of year. If it’s raining when you get up in the morning, it can be hot and dry by the afternoon. The west of England is wetter than the east, and the north is cooler than the south. Just be ready for any kind of weather. In England, shops are usually open from 9:00 in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon. On Sundays some shops are open from 10:00 to 4:00. But a lot of shops are closed. Banks, museums or other places are open from 10:00 to 5:00. You can go to the parks at any time. All the cities have buses, trains and taxis. People wait in line for buses and they are unhappy if you push in at the front. Don’t forget this, traffic goes on the left. Be careful! Notice(須知) to the Tourists87.Just be ready for any kind of 1______________. It’s changeable.88.Shops are usually open from 2_______________. On Sundays most of them are closed.89.At any time you can go to the 3________________.90.Please 4_____________ when you are at the bus stop.91.Make sure not to walk on the 5_____________ of the road, or it will be very dangerous.九、作文(20分)某英語雜志征稿,要求根據下列提示信息寫一篇80詞左右的旅游方面的文章,文章的標題及開頭已給出。大多數人都喜歡旅游,因為旅游是一種很好的戶外活動。你可以欣賞自然美景、呼吸新鮮空氣、廣交朋友,重要的是你可以忘記疲勞,保持身體健康。當然了,還有可能發生其他的事。你也可以寫寫你所遇到的有趣的事情。TravellingMost of the people like travelling because it is a very good outdoor activity. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________實驗中學2012—2013學年度第二學期階段性學業質量檢測(一)A.根據句意用所給單詞的適當形式填空。(每空1分,共5分)1. The girl looks beautiful in the ______(shine) red silk.2. Jay sang the song________(beautiful).3. The water in the river is_______(harm). You can drink it without cooking.4. Can you tell me the ______(mean) of this word?5. The Green family had a ______(delight) holiday last week.B.根據句意及所給漢語提示完成單詞。(每空1分,共5分)6.Mr. Liu is an ________(經驗) teacher. He has ways to make his class lively.7.The changes have brought many __________ (好處). 8.The old woman is crying__________ (悲傷). What happened to her?9. It's____________(必要的) for us to learn English well.10. Do you know how long it has been in (使用、服務)?C.根據句意及首字母提示完成單詞。(每空1分,共10分)11. The film is about the Long M_______? Have you ever seen it?12. I’m going to fly there. Would you buy two a_______ tickets for me?13. You must wait for your turn in l_________.14. I had an i__________ with Mr. Chen this morning. He told me a lot about his hometown.15 In the p__________, I got up late. Now I get up early.16 My parents will celebrate their fifteen years of m_____________this Saturday.17 It’s h_____________ for him to pass the exam, so he is very sad.18 I was so tired that I felt the road to my home was e______________.19 At last, they finished the work s_____________.20 It’s very p________ to go on a trip in such fine weather.八年級英語階段性測試一答 題 紙 八、任務型閱讀。(每空1分,共5分)87______weather_____________88_________9:00 in the morning_______89__________parks__________________90________wait in line____________91__________right__________________ 九、書面表達。(共15分) TravellingMost of the people like travelling because it is a very good outdoor activity. We may enjoy the nature when we go out for travelling, and we may enjoy the fresh air outside. The important thing is that we can forget that we are tired and the unhappy things. Travelling is good for our health. However, sometimes, we may run into troubles when going travelling. For example, we can’t change the weather. It may be rainy when we are travelling. So we should prepare things well before the trip. And I hope everyone could enjoy himself during the travel.附加題(每題1分,共20分)1.shiny 2.beautifully 3.harmfu 4.meaning 5.delightful6.experienced 7.advantages 8.sadly 9.necessary 10.service/use11.March 12.air 13.line 14.interview 15.past16.marriage 17.hopeless 18.endless 19sucessfully 20.pleasant一.聽對話回答問題(計10分)本部分共有10道小題,每道小題你將聽到一段對話,每段對話聽兩遍。在聽每段對話前,你將有5秒鐘的時間閱讀題目;聽完后,你將有5秒鐘的時間在屏幕上點擊你認為最合適的備選答案。在聽到嘀的信號后,進入下一小題。(1).音頻內容: M: What do you have in your pencil box? W: I have three orange pencils, four paper clips and one rubber.Which is the girl's pencil box? ( )A. B. C. 正確答案: A(2).音頻內容: M: What's that in the tree, Julie? W: Oh, it's a yellow cat. Cats like climbing trees.What are they talking about? ( )A. B. C. 正確答案: A(3).音頻內容: M: What did you do last Saturday? W: I got up early in the morning and I worked on the farm all day.What did the girl do last Saturday? ( )A. B. C. 正確答案: A(4).音頻內容: M: Which handbag did you choose? W: I chose the white one. ( )A. B. C. 正確答案: A(5).音頻內容: M: What program are you watching, Lisa? W: Sports News. That's my favorite.What program does Lisa like best? ( )A. Sports News.B. Animal World.C. Sports World.正確答案: A(6).音頻內容: M: Tomorrow is my birthday. Would you like to come, Jenny? W: I'd love to. But my mom is sick, and I have to look after her in the hospital.What will Jenny do tomorrow? ( )A. Go to the birthday party.B. Go to the hospital.C. Stay at home.正確答案: B(7).音頻內容: M: Who is that girl, Mary? Is she your twin sister? W: Oh, no, she is my cousin.Who is the girl? ( )A. Mary's sister.B. Mary's cousin.C. Mary's friend.正確答案: B(8).音頻內容: W: What was Linda doing when the accident happened? M: She was seeing a movie.Where was Linda when the accident happened? ( )A. In the bathroom.B. In the cinema.C. On the playground.正確答案: B(9).音頻內容: M: What are you doing for vacation, Sharon? W: I am visiting my grandmother.What is Sharon doing for vacation? ( )A. She is visiting her mother.B. She is visiting her grandmother.C. She is visiting her grandfather.正確答案: B(10).音頻內容: M: Where should I store my books? Can anyone tell me? W: Don't worry. You can put them in the box.Where could the man put the books? ( )A. In the box.B. Under the bed.C. In the storeroom.正確答案: A二.聽對話和短文回答問題(計10分)你將聽到一段對話和兩篇短文,各聽兩遍。聽每段對話或短文前,你將有時間閱讀相關小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,每小題你仍有5秒鐘時間在屏幕上點擊你認為最合適的備選答案。聽一段對話,回答第11-12小題。答題完畢,請等待嘀的信號,進入第一篇短文。音頻內容: Daniel: Zhalong is a nature reserve in Heilongjiang in north-east China. Why is it important to protect the wetlands in Zhalong? Lots of people can live in Zhalong if we build some houses there.Sandy: Zhalong is important for wildlife.Daniel: Do lots of birds go there? Sandy: Yes. Some of them go there for a short stay.Daniel: Do the other birds stay in Zhalong all year round?Sandy: Yes. Zhalong is an ideal home for cranes and many other endangered birds.(11).Where is Zhalong? ( )A. In Jiangsu Province.B. In Heilongjiang Province.C. In Liaoning Province.正確答案: B(12).Do all the birds stay in Zhalong all year round? ( )A. No. Some of them go there only for a short stay.B. Yes. It's an ideal home for cranes and many other endangered birds.C. No. It's not suitable for all birds staying all year round.正確答案: A聽第一篇短文,回答第13-15小題。請根據內容從A、B、C三個選項中選擇正確答案,完成信息記錄表。答題完畢,請等待滴的信號,進入下一篇短文。音頻內容: Dear Editor,I am really happy to tell you about my future plans. I like singing and I want to be a singer some day. It is quite great to sing for people. I'd like to make people feel happy and easy. My favourite singer is Celine Dion. She is born in Canada. I want to be as popular and famous as she is when I grow up. I hope to become a famous singer and travel around the world in the future.Yours SincerelySandy(13). ( )A. dancerB. thinkerC. singer正確答案: C(14). ( )A. funnyB. comfortableC. easy正確答案: C(15). ( )A. CubaB. AmericaC. Canada正確答案: C聽第二篇短文,回答第16-20小題。答題完畢,請等待嘀的信號,進入測試的第三部分。 音頻內容: Tom's grandparents live in the country far away from him. So he doesn't often see them. Sometimes his family goes to visit them, but they can only stay for one day. Because Tom's parents are very busy. His father works outside for business once a month. His mother is a nurse in the hospital. She goes to work six days a week. And Tom has to go to school five days a week. On weekends, he has to go to violin lessons. Sometimes Tom invites his grandparents to come to the city, but they don't like flying, and they don't like the city life, either. They think it's too noisy. Tom's mother tells him to talk to his grandparents on the phone three or four times a month. That makes Tom very happy.(16).How long can Tom stay with his grandparents each time? ( )A. For several hours.B. For only one day.C. For three days.正確答案: B(17).What is Tom's father's job? ( )A. He is a doctor.B. He is a businessman.C. He works at home.正確答案: B(18).How often does Tom's mother go to work? ( )A. Once a week.B. Five days a week.C. Six days a week.正確答案: C(19).How do his grandparents come to the city? ( )A. By air.B. On foot.C. By bus.正確答案: A(20).How often does Tom call his grandparents? ( )A. Three or four times a week.B. Three or four times a month.C. Three or four times a year.正確答案: B 一、積累運用(30分)1.給加點字注音或者根據拼音寫漢字(5分)暈( )圈 倦怠( ) qiú( )枝 旁騖( ) 拈( )輕怕重2.找出下列成語中的錯別字并修改。(4分)坦蕩如砥 爭顏斗艷 縱橫決蕩 察顏觀色以身徇職 精益求精 斷章取意 發憤忘食 3.古詩文默寫。(10分)(1)淮南秋雨夜, 。 (2) ,苦嫌鸚鵡語聲嬌。(3)翅濕沾微雨, 。 (4)低頭乍恐丹砂落, 。(5)知之者不如好之者, 。(6)《池鶴》一詩里表現詩人對仕宦生活的厭倦和無奈的兩句詩是: , 。(7)一個人能力有大小,但只要有這點精神,就是一個高尚的人, , , ,一個有益于人民的人。4.下面一段話中有兩處語病,請找出來,并作修改。(4分)①人工燈光有時可以傳到數十公里之外。鳥類在遷徙期最容易受人工光源的干擾。②它們原本是以星星定向的,城市的照明光卻常常被它們迷失方向。③有時候鳥類還誤把高樓的燈光當作星星,最后撞死在大樓上。④據美國鳥類學家統計,每年有近400多萬只鳥因撞上高樓上的廣告燈而死去。第 句,修改: 第 句,修改: 5.名著閱讀。(3分)(1)《魯提轄拳打鎮關西》選自《水滸傳》,這一章敘述了魯智深為救金蓮父女,打死鄭屠一事,請用簡潔的語言寫出有關魯智深的另外一件事:(1分)(2)你認為魯智深是個什么樣的人?(2分)6.語文實踐。(4分)(1)學校舉行“保護鳥 ”的語文綜合實踐活動,并向社會發出以“保護鳥類,爭做綠色使者,建設綠色家園”為主題的倡議書,你認為倡議中的“綠色”的含義是什么?(2 分)(2)請你就如何愛鳥、護鳥提三點建議。(2 分)二、理解感悟(60分)(一)閱讀下面的文言文,完成后面的問題。(23分)馬 說?? 世有伯樂,然后有千里馬。千里馬常有,而伯樂不常有。故雖有名馬,祗辱于奴隸人之手,駢死于槽櫪之間,不以千里稱也。?? 馬之千里者,一食或盡粟一石。食馬者不知其能千里而食也。是馬也,雖有千里之能,食不飽,力不足,才美不外見,且欲與常馬等不可得,安求其能千里也???? 策之不以其道,食之不能盡其材,鳴之而不能通其意,執策而臨之,曰:“天下無馬!”嗚呼!其真無馬邪?其真不知馬也。??????????????????????????????? 千金市骨??? 古之君王,有以千金求千里馬者,三年不能得。涓人① 言于君曰:“請求之。”君遣之,三月得千里馬。馬已死,買其首五百金②,反以報君。君大怒曰:“所求者生馬,安事③死馬而捐五百金!”涓人對曰:“死馬且市之五百金,況生馬乎”天下必以王為能市馬。馬今至矣!”??? 于是,不能期年④,千里之馬至者三。 注釋:①涓人:近侍之臣。 ②金:古代計算貨幣的單位。③安事:哪里用;怎么能夠。④期年:滿一年。不能期年,即不到周年。7.解釋下列句中的加點詞:(4分) ①執策而臨之(?? ?)?????????????? ②才美不外見(???? ?)③君遣之,三月得千里馬( ?????)?? ④安事死馬而捐五百金(? ?)8.下面句中“之”字的解釋與其它三句有明顯不同的一項是( )。(3分)A.祗辱于奴隸人之手 ?????????????? B.策之不以其道 C.涓人言于君曰:“請求之。” ????????? D.死馬且市之五百金9.將下面句子翻譯成現代漢語:(9分) ①其真無馬邪?其真不知馬也。 ②死馬且市之五百金,況生馬乎?③且欲與常馬等不可得,安求其能千里也?10.簡要回答下面問題:(6分)⑴細讀《馬說》第三段,簡要說說應該怎樣正確對待“千里馬”。(3分)?⑵你對涓人的“馬已死,買其首五百金”這個做法有什么看法?說說你的理由。(4分)(二)閱讀《紫藤蘿瀑布》選文,完成下列習題。(8分) 這里除了光彩,還有淡淡的芳香,香氣似乎也是淺紫色的,夢幻一般輕輕地籠罩著我。忽然記起十多年前家門外也曾有過一大株紫藤蘿,它依傍一株枯槐爬得很高,但花朵從來都稀落,東一穗西一串伶仃地掛在樹梢,好像在試探什么。后來索性連那稀零的花串也沒有了。園中別的紫藤花架也都拆掉,改種了果樹。那時的說法是,花和生活腐化有什么必然關系。我曾遺憾地想:這里再看不見藤蘿花了。過了這么多年,藤蘿又開花了,而且開得這樣盛,這樣密,紫色的瀑布遮住了粗壯的盤虬臥龍般的枝干,不斷地流著,流著,流向人的心底。花和人都會遇到各種各樣的不幸,但是生命的長河是無止境的。我撫摸了一下那小小的紫色的花艙,那里滿裝生命的酒釀,它張滿了帆,在這閃光的花的河流上航行。它是萬花中的一朵,也正是一朵一朵花,組成了萬花燦爛的流動的瀑布。在這淺紫色的光輝和淺紫色的芳香中,我不覺加快了腳步。11.賞析劃線句子(3分)12.紫藤蘿經歷了怎樣的變化?說明了什么?(2分)13.怎樣理解最后一段文字的含義?(3分) (三) 閱讀下列文段,完成后面題目。(11分)俗話說:“一勤天下無難事。”唐代文學家韓愈說:“業精于勤。”學業的精深造詣來源于勤。 勤,就是要珍惜時間,勤學習,勤思考,勤探索,勤實踐。古今凡有建樹者,無不成功于勤。 勤出成果。馬克思寫《資本論》,辛勤勞動四十年,閱讀了數量驚人的書籍,其中做過筆記的就有1500種以上。司馬遷著《史記》,從20歲起就開始周游,足跡遍及黃河、長江流域,匯集了大量的社會素材和歷史素材,為《史記》的創作奠定了基礎。歌德花了58年的時間,搜集了大量資料,寫出了對世界文學界和思想界產生很大影響的詩劇《浮士德》。我國當代數學家陳景潤,在攀登數學高峰的道路上,翻閱了國內外上千本有關資料,通宵達旦地看書學習,演算研究,取得了震驚世界的成就。上海一個女青年堅持自學,十年如一日,終于通過考試當上了高能物理研究生。 勤出智慧。傳說古希臘有一個叫德摩斯梯尼的演說家,因小時口吃,登臺演講時,聲音含混,發音不準,常常被雄辯的對手壓倒。可是他氣不餒,心不灰,為克服這個弱點,戰勝雄辯的對手,便每天口含石子,面對大海朗誦,不管春夏秋冬,堅持五十年如一日,連爬山、跑步也邊走邊做演說,終于成為全希臘一個最有名氣了演說家。宋代學者朱熹講過一個故事:福州有一個叫陳正之的人,反應相當遲鈍,讀書每次只讀50個字,一篇小文章也要讀一二百遍才能熟。他不懶不怠,勤學苦練,別人讀一遍,他就讀三遍四遍,天長日久,知識與日俱增,后來無書不讀,成了博學之士。 實踐證明,一個人知識的多寡,成就的大小,關鍵在于勤的程度。懶惰者永遠不會在事業有所建樹,永遠不會使自己聰明。惟有勤奮者才能在無限的知識海洋里獵取到真智實才,開拓知識領域,使自己聰明。高爾基說:“天才出于勤奮。”卡萊爾也說:“天才就是無止境刻苦勤奮的能力。”只要勤,就一定能在艱苦的勞動中贏得事業上的巨大成就。我想每一個渴望得到真知和成功的人,是一定能體會到勤的深刻含義的。14.文章的中心論點是什么?(2分)15.請在第三段和第四段段末的橫線上各補出一句總結性的話。(4分)①②16.最后一段運用了什么論證方法?其作用如何?(3分)17.最后一段畫線的句子起什么作用?(2分)(四)閱讀下文,完成下列各題。(18分)莫扎特的造訪 (趙麗宏) ①不是所有的音樂都可以把你引進天堂,音樂家也有煩躁不安的時候。但是,有一位音樂家例外,那便是莫扎特。 ②在我寫這篇文章的時候,我家的音響中正播放著莫扎特的《F大調第一鋼琴協奏曲》。妻子在讀一本畫報,兒子在做功課,音樂對我們全家都沒有妨礙,尤其是像莫扎特第一鋼琴協奏曲這樣的作品,我們三個人都可以在音樂的伴奏下各自做自己的事情。 ③我曾經告訴兒子,莫扎特寫這部作品的時候還不到1O歲。兒子睜天了眼睛,驚奇地問:“真的,他是天才?“是的,是天才,他是上帝派到人間傳播美妙音樂的天才。”我這樣回答兒子。 ④l0歲的莫扎特,心里沒有任何陰霾,沒有憂傷和恐懼,只有對未來的幻想和憧憬,一切都明麗而鮮亮。莫扎特把童年時代的夢幻都傾吐在他的音樂中了。我喜歡這樣的音樂在我周圍幽幽地回蕩。從鋼琴上蹦跳出的音符,輕盈而圓潤,猶如一滴滴晶瑩剔透的雨珠,從冥冥的天空中落下來,在寧靜的空氣中閃爍飄蕩。你看不見它們,接不住它們,卻真切而優美地感覺到它們的存在,感覺到它們在輕輕地撥動你的心弦。它們滴落在任何地方,都會反彈出清幽脆亮的回聲。美妙的旋律無所不至,仿佛是春天的微風從草地上拂過,沒有什幺能躲過那柔情的手指的撫弄。閉上眼睛,你就可以看見那些在微風中顫動的野花,還有在花瓣上滾動的露珠,小小的蝴蝶扇動著它們的彩色翅膀,從這片草葉上,飛到那片草葉上,終于在一朵金黃色的小花上停下來,微微喘息著,讓濕潤的風吹拂那對美麗的翅壁…… ⑤我問兒子,在莫扎特第一鋼琴協奏曲的旋律中看到了什么。兒子說:“我看見一個金頭發的孩子在彈琴。他坐在花園里,身邊有很大的噴泉,噴出銀色的水花,漫天飛舞。”妻子說:“我看見一條小溪在綠色的山坡上流淌,小溪里都是五彩的石頭。”兒子笑著總結:“有噴泉,也有小溪,還有春天下雨時在樹林里聽到的聲音。” ⑥說完話,我們仍然自己做自己的事情。除了音樂,家里沒有其他聲音,然而世界上一切美麗的音響都在我們小小的家中回蕩……有莫扎特的音樂陪伴著,家里是多么安靜多么美好,連陰郁的天氣我們也能感受到陽光燦爛的情調。 ⑦我告訴兒子莫扎特離開人世時,兩袖清風,一無所有,他甚至沒有為自己留下買一口棺材的錢。在風雪中,他被不認識的人埋葬在誰也不知道的地方。人們甚至無法在他的墓地上獻上一朵小花。 ⑧“他為什么那么窮?”兒子的目光里飽含著困惑和不平。 ⑨“因為那時音樂不值錢。”我的回答無奈而黯然。 ⑩這時,我們的耳邊充滿了莫扎特的音樂,是他的最后一部交響樂《第四十一交響曲》。那是藍色的海水,平靜地沖洗著沙灘;那是人心和天籟的融和,是超越時空的預言,是不死的是魂在呼吸。天地間回響著那永恒的潮汐,無窮無盡…… “錢算什么?”兒子突然喊道,“錢會爛掉,音樂活在人的心里!我和妻子相視一笑。 在音樂的流水聲中,我們狹小的屋子變得無比寬闊,所有的墻壁都消失了,可以看到最遙遠的風景。莫扎特像一個目光平和的天使,在我們的前方翩翩地飄行。我們幻想中所有美麗的地方,他都能引導我們抵達……莫扎特,謝謝你的造訪。 (選自《散文》,有刪改)18.請從修辭和表現手法的角度,對第④段中劃線的句子作簡要分析。(4分) 19.文章第⑩段中寫到,“我和妻子相視一笑”。說說你對這“一笑”的理解。(3分)20.文章結尾句“莫扎特,謝謝你的造訪”有什么作用?請聯系全文作簡要分析。(3分)21.結合全文,探究莫扎特音樂給聽者帶來了哪些人生感悟。(3分)22.閱讀全文,休覺得莫扎特的音樂有哪些特點?請根據這些特點,描寫你在他的音樂中可能“看到”的畫面(要求和文中描寫的畫面不重復)。(5分)三、表達交流23.閱讀下面的文字,根據要求作文。(60分) 從依稀記事到青蔥歲月,有許多留存生命印記中的“那一刻”,令我久久回味:那一刻,也許是在擺脫煩惱的困擾之后,也許是在收獲意外的驚喜之后,也許是在頓悟親情的溫暖之后,也許是在震撼于自然的偉力之后…… 請以“那一刻,我 ”為題,寫一篇文章。要求:①捕捉生活細節,寫出自己“那一刻”的內心變化; ②除詩歌外,文體不限;不少于600個字;③書寫要正確、規范、美觀。灌南縣實驗中學2012——2013學年度第二學期階段性學業質量檢測(一)八年級語文試題答題紙注意事項1.答題前,請考生先將自己的姓名、考試學號填寫清楚。2.在草稿紙、試題卷上答題無效;3.保持字體工整、筆跡清晰、卷面清潔。 三、表達·交流(60分)題目:那一刻,我 八年級語文試題參考答案 展開更多...... 收起↑ 資源列表 江蘇省連云港市灌南縣實驗中學2012-2013學年八年級下學期第一次階段性質量檢測地理試題.doc 江蘇省連云港市灌南縣實驗中學2012-2013學年八年級下學期第一次階段性質量檢測數學試題(無答案).doc 江蘇省連云港市灌南縣實驗中學2012-2013學年八年級下學期第一次階段性質量檢測物理試題.doc 江蘇省連云港市灌南縣實驗中學2012-2013學年八年級下學期第一次階段性質量檢測英語試題.doc 江蘇省連云港市灌南縣實驗中學2012-2013學年八年級下學期第一次階段性質量檢測語文試題.doc 縮略圖、資源來源于二一教育資源庫